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Everything posted by Gchick

  1. Gchick

    Forum PM bug

    I didn't change anything in the forum settings.
  2. Gchick

    Forum PM bug

    I had the same problem. I wanted to reply and it told me that the "user doesn't exist".
  3. No, as far as I can tell you aren't doing anything wrong. It does sound strange.
  4. Well it doesn't necessarily have to be a safe place like a sanctuary, but maybe just an agreement among players to go there if you want healing rituals, and just abide by it. Kine of like people not attacking each other in Wodins area.
  5. Cleared cache and everything. No colours.
  6. I can't see the lights. I can see that things are being "shot off" like rockets, but I don't see colours or lights or anything. And it's not FF3, because I can't see it in IE ether.
  7. Exactly, that was my point. But what you proposed doesn't change that. That just reminds me of something. Apparently wins that are "gray" don't count for the balance? That's also something that makes it really difficult to stay balanced.
  8. But why all of a sudden? Never had it before.
  9. Because of the following: 1. Most people are imbalanced because of a higher amount of losses than wins, not vice versa (I still have yet to see someone complain about having too many wins) 2. By promoting attacking people with such a high imbalance (and such a high amount of losses) and beating them (because that's ultimately why we attack, or not? otherwise no honor gain) you support said imbalance. The reason for gaining negative honour was to help them recover, by discouraging people from attacking them. Now if people gain honour because they are imbalanced, then they never have a chance to recover. 3. aannd... I forgot my third point. I'll edit this when I remember.
  10. Popups? Er... no I never have any problem. That one pop is the only thing I get, and that only since 3 days ago or so. Never had an issue before. Tempted to close and reopen to post a screenshot. Can we post screenshots? I don't even know. I have it ready in case anyone is curious..
  11. After actually reading the thread (yes I am bad..), I second the motion for a template or some sort. Trying to find MP4's is impossible, and just spamming one ritual also doesn't make sense, especially when you are trying to upgrade creatures, which then automatically ruins the ritual (as the creature that you bound it to technically doesn't exist anymore)
  12. That reminds me of this window that appears everytime I start Magic Duel in FF. Not sure if it has to do with FF but anyway.. It's a window with some code error, I never really read it, but it blockes the whole screen and has appeared every time the past few days.
  13. Im' thinking maybe something like a losing limit per day. I mean, from being attacked. If you attack and lose, well, tough luck. But let's say for example you log out in front of the shop, and several people attack you causing you to gain 30 losses rapidly, one it hits 30, you can't be attacked for that day. You can only attack. But then again, I guess it would be an unfair advantage as well. Mmh..
  14. Wait, if they gain honor fighting someone that is imbalanced, that is players having more losses than wins, wouldn't it just promote having more losses? Because in the end, you fight to win, causing players that are already imbalanced to only become more imbalanced. How is that fixing anything?
  15. I was wondering, what about if we designated an area for healing rituals? It would make it easier to find people that also need them, instead of running around everywhere trying to find anyone. (Especially difficult for MP4, which seem to be a very rare breed)
  16. OK die email adresse ist ----------------- Sag mir bescheid wenn du sie hast, damit ich sie loeschen kann. Zu viel junk mail..
  17. I can't respond to your PM for some reason. It keeps insisting that you (as a member) don't exist. And that although all I do is hit "reply". Anyway, my message: Ja, Ehrfahrung habe ich schon, aber meistens eher vom Deutschen aufs Englische oder Englisch - Spanisch.
  18. From what I have read so far he doesn't really use overly complicated vocabulary. Most of his mistakes are spelling or basic grammar mistakes, those are easily caught.
  19. It could seriously be done while writing the original: write it in word, set the language to English, have the program correct grammar and spelling for you and just copy and paste it in the text.
  20. I could help with the German translation.
  21. Maybe it's just me being a grammar Nazi right now, but I have noticed quite a few spelling mistakes here and there, especially in the Storyline posts. (If there is a topic that already talks about this, please refer me. I have done a search but came up with nothing.) Maybe it would be nice if someone read over and checked the different parts of the story, to edit end improve (only grammar and spelling) before actually posting it?
  22. To say to just deal with how the game works kind of defeats the purpose of asking for and proposing changes, isn't it? I am also for changing how the MP3 fights/xp count works. It's my first time playing this game, and I ended up reaching max XP at 80/86 or something along those lines. It's not only frustrating to realize your wins don't count for your creatures anymore, but also hindering later on in the game. Now that I am MP4, lots of my creatures only need more battles won to be upgraded, but given that I never managed to upgrade a lot of them in the first place, because of the lack of being able to get those wins in MP3, I have a fairly weak army, and so far have yet to win a single fight in MP4. It's not only a matter of wanting to build a powerful army, it's also just playing the game. For me it is practically impossible right now to find an MP4 that doesn't have tons of strong creatures, high stats and great items and on top of that *doesn't* give me 650 negative honor if I do manage to beat him.
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