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Everything posted by Junior

  1. question is this a normal shade?
  2. I would like to Buy either a Rein or Wind Drach. What i can give atm the moment is 3 Gold and/or a Rusty... Contact me if you are willing to Sell/Trade.
  3. 10 SC
  4. Junior

    Md Meeting

    Sorry for my intrusion and ignorance but what is this meeting about and who may attend...
  5. i withdraw my offer
  6. 33sc for sw
  7. I appreciate the fact that you came to your senses and like i've said i believe the recycling of avatars is "wrong" but none of us"resold" them in the shop, and i understand why Mur would do it. The matter is that there is a sentimental value behind every avy and especially those from people who are of great importance. I also understand that greed is a strong force and if people wish to profit of someone's history then so be, "I" simply consider this morally wrong. Again i thank you for reconsidering.
  8. imo its just that those are RPC Avatar or even if they werent those people made a history with their avatars and personally i see it as an injustice...
  9. 5 gold for SW
  10. bump
  11. Looking for a GG between the ID Range Of 157XXX and 27XXXX Also I would Like to Trade a Fully Tokened (All 23) Rusty for a Rein The Drachorns (Yours) Dont need tokens just age, but no biggy if they are tokened Post here or contact me by any means possible for more info or an for an offer
  12. 20sc for colorless joker
  13. the anouncement doesnt specify so i assume all MP levels unless Mur changes it.
  14. A new competition is about to get official. Before that,Mur is looking for a group of 10 to 20 champions that are willing to test drive this new kind of head contest. The test will start very soon. If you are interested to Join This new Contest simply post here your name and ID Mur shall decide who he picks to run the test. Junior ID: 43448 P.S. The Test fee is 1 Silver and comes with its risks so be careful before applying, because once chosen there is no turning back.
  15. close topic plz
  16. yes.... Deal Made Close Topic wait not Marley didnt have one keep topic open
  17. so that it fits into my collection of crts.
  18. i offer 5 gold 59 sc (134)
  19. closest? or close this?
  20. Looking for an Aramor no tokens or age, i just care about the ID, The Range is ID:Greater than ID:293711 but les than ID:393246 Post if you have one here P.S. Also thought i'd post here instead of new thread selling 2 pimps 1 has a drksky 1 has a darksheild tokens post offers here aswell...
  21. I have a similar issu so i dont know if i should post here but apperently Atlas has had possesion of a copy of My Avatar...[code] (i dont know how to upload the scren of the convo so here) Manda: yesterday i c ur avatar in Atlas Junior: WHAT!!! Atlas: I had your avatar yesterday Junior: WHY! Manda: () Atlas: I was clicking the replace avatar button for the price of 1 cred and it gave me yours at one point Caru: i have a avatar for sale Atlas: You really love your avy dont you Junior Fyrd Argentus: Junior, did you not release yours? It was up for sale in the shop for a day or two after Atlas ditched it. Junior: no i didnt Fyrd Argentus: Very weird Junior: other wise i wouldnt have it Fyrd Argentus: Well, you could have bought it back from the shop, so I asked. Atlas: it was just randomly giving me avy's I think
  22. i believe you might be looking for Clock Master an LHO
  23. then i will withdraw my offer back to 1 sc
  24. 3 gold 50 SC
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