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Everything posted by Junior

  1. Send me a pm with the details I might be able to help.
  2. rein 13
  3. really grido? 4gc
  4. 40 then
  5. does the highest bid remain at 35?
  6. Steve and I would like to withdraw from the bidding
  7. 23gcs! Beat that steve 23,1 haha junior I got just as much money as you do
  8. 8gcs reins
  9. Haha chewett people will always find loopholes now on topic I outbid myself 21gcs
  10. This should be fun i'll start with 20gcs
  11. Junior

    WTS BP

    3sc bp
  12. Yes the same thing happened to me wheni tried to get the the darkling i had bought. a like bfh yet said dark and i got a wind
  13. Vote and have your voice be heard, Influence the way MD will evolve.

  14. The power of change is within those who are ruled [i][b][u]Not[/u][/b][/i] by the ruler. Here is a unique chance to help or influence the new path which MD will be following. So dont ask what MD can do for you, ask what you can do for MD. You may vote for several of the options however you may only vote once so if there are things here that are appealing to you then by all means vote but if you have other ideas that dont fit within any category listed, I encourage you to contact me via PM, In-game, or YIM. After that if i feel they are worthy and see the same general ideas demanded I will add to the poll and you may then vote for those ides. In my opinion to get a proper idea of what the people want this poll shall remain open for two weeks exactly. So that by doing this we get the most possible votes as well as the majority of the MD population. Therefore Mods this is to be closed no sooner than by June 7, 2011 or by my command or that of a higher power. Remember we all have a voice, we all have a vote, the question is will you use it and make yourself noticed. -Junior
  15. oh Duxie bidding hard Thats good 21GCs for tainted
  16. 18gcs tainted edit for better bid
  17. [quote]unless ofc you manage to terminate my horrible dictatorship till i ruin some more things. [/quote] Under law: humanitarian rights paragraph 4; Section 2; Line 5 This is a clear violation of the overseeing power against those under his/her rule. That my friends is all the proof i need.
  18. 242sc for tainted
  19. 10gc for each gg 15gc for tainted
  20. you imply i wont win my bet
  21. place 3gcs on Lifeline
  22. Junior


    10 sc ele
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