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Everything posted by Junior

  1. Junior

    MD Player Map

    ummm >> thats why i just made a opic for the state and general location because i know people worry about me showing up with a knife in my hand.
  2. Thats why i also put the regions Katt to be able to choose i more generic location COTS no whooing for anyone except the Midwest Region and Illinois
  3. Yes I excluded a State because no one deserves to Live there and still Play MD . Now If you arent from the BEST AND BEAUTIFUL NATION OF AMERICA then dont vote!!!! Edit: None of the Above now an Option
  4. I have alts and I do use them to benefit my main.
  5. ohhh a USA MEET UP!!! I say you all come to my house so i dont have to go anywhere I live in IlliNOISE and am willing to travel to the surrounding 46 states or so... if works allows it.
  6. why didnt it change with the other 3 or 4 other mates you've had? anyways as me I demand that the name doesnt get changed. You can do that to the Pub.
  7. I offer a Wind Drachorn, BP and a 5GC note
  8. 101) Several reflections exist in MD you just cant see them.
  9. The Ex-Kings still have their tools and are capable of continued use. The idea behind royal items was that there was no rush into giving the tools for the Kings/ Queens therefore there is no rush to take them away. On top of that the tools are capable to remain in the hands of the ex kings because after they still have valid public role points. aswell as imho these tools were given to highly respected players who wouldnt use the tools as a toy and only as "they" seem right for their views of their land.
  10. Its COLLECTOR. Dst. Just saying. But he is right and is it really hoarding when mur has challenged us to collect 12 of them? As for the OP hope you took screenshots cause there's no way you'll be able to keep the original gift.
  11. nut 4 santa 3
  12. Junior

    WTS Wind

    Hello MDers as some of you may know I am trying to remove all notes and or cupons off the Market. Seeing as i have quickly run out of coins i will be auctioning off a personal creature of mine, in the attempt to remove many more notes and cupons. I just recently Mutated a GG into a Horrible Wind which is now for auction. I will primarily be taking notes and cupons along with coins. Now what I mean primarily is that lets say MDer A offers a 20 Gold Coin Note and MDer B offers 20 Gold Coins I'll take MDer's A offer. (of course 20gcs is too low for me to sale but its just an example ) Anyways Bid away, the auction shall end when i feel am getting a nice chunk of change to keep removing more notes. P.S. If anyone has been keeping track of my sales, knows there's more to come...
  13. *edited to update the quantities on hand.
  14. Over My MD Life I've come to Obtain Plenty of Coins... Seeing the recent "issues" people have against the TK and other forms of cashing convenience I'll do everybody a favor and help you out. What I am able to "Cash" Out At the Moment [s]1, 10 Gold Note[/s] [s]2, 5 Gold Notes[/s] [s]15, 15 Silver Notes[/s] I now have 175 Silver coins which means if you want sc and have note/cupons i will be more than glad to exchange them for an equivalent amount. if you have any other forms of notes or gcs you wish to trade for silver coins just let me know i'll take care you Your Friendly MD Banker, Junior All i have now is Silver coins to exchange for any silver cupons that are out there.
  15. Junior

    MD Xmas Fest!

    may i play santa BFH?
  16. 3gc for santa 2gc nutty 1gc rein
  17. what about Murmas?
  18. 4gc tutorial shade
  19. first one 5sc
  20. 7gcs (come on if your going to bid, bid like you care)
  21. 5gcs
  22. 20gcs
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