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Everything posted by Junior

  1. [center]Junior[/center] Magician, Chemist, Smart, Advocate, Good with words, Mentally Agile, Strong, and Brave :aka: will do anything no matter the danger.
  2. Location: Underway Crosspaths How it Works: - Each alliance will face each other in a round robin tournoment, in which alliance matchings will be done at random. Every Round is an Elimination Round Until the Final 2 remain. - Every Alliance is to Submit 8 Members that they wish to represent the alliance. - Yes, this tournoment is open to all LHOs and RPCs, the only MP4 and higher. Also if the fighter has spells then he may cast them on himself only. Combat Rules: -The Battle Log Should be Sent to me and I will Mark the Winner - All Rituals will be in Defense - NO Ghost Rituals, - NO Single Creature Rituals, - NO Ritual with 2 or more of the same creatures - Rituals Must have atleast 2 creatures - Spell Casting on oneself only - Rituals at 0% VE All Alliances That Wish To Participate Contact Me .Junior. with a full list of 8 Alliances Members You Will Take Into Combat, This List may Only be Submited By The Alliance Leader. (or the next in command) I Need the List as soon as possible the Alliance Battle Royale Shall Take Place February 13-14. Stay Tune For Match Ups.....
  3. Further Updates Shall Be Posted When The Time Is Right.... We Knew some Leap Holes and other things would be open Thus we Posted it with time to see the reaction of People and to get their point of view. Now there is No Battle Day Yet as we have to still fix a few things and all the information we get here we will take and attempt to accomedate everyone. As for the who will be declared winner and such things once again Further Updates will be posted. So Keep Suggesting of any possible leap holes or anything that you see incorrect. P.S. Further Updates Will Be Done By this Saturday
  4. Well yes I can Work on Geometry, Chemistry, and Physics. Just that with my recent injury its hard for me to write and even type but if you could hold on of those three subjects I could finish. -Junior Actually I have decided to Write on Chemistry as I can't draw the Mathematical Examples So I will Type about Chemistry I am good at Chemistry so I can Type a lot but is their Anything Specific you Wish for me to write about? -Junior [Posts Merged]
  5. Well Ren you know the Mission I am on Well I wish to write about that especially since its an ongoing process but also there can be some great spoilers so If you could contact me and tell me if its possible. -Junior
  6. .Junior.
  7. hmmm well I like the idea Khalazdad very good seeing that you change your ways somewhat
  8. Lol ty :} :clapping:
  9. Salutations <----- Officially coin it as my greeting :} I decide to do a topic on Hi seeing as how MD is down and everybody is doing it so i figured i wouldnt cirumlocute and become a conformist :} And i know i might not get any replys :} (never do) or if i do then they are "smart" ones - Salutations - Junior
  10. Idk if this has been posted but when you wanna go out with friends and your parents wont let you, and you say "plz i will you a wishpoint for permission" ah somewhat lame but *shrugs* all good ones are taken :}
  11. I have IE and its not working. I tried logging in at around 10:00 - 12:00 server time not sure thought but it was 7 pm for me well i hope it gets fixed
  12. To get excluded from the illusion test wether cause you are bored or just regret helping all you have to do is leave Golemus and PM shoeps saying that you wish to be excluded from the testing but you may not help anyone from the in game
  13. Are those all the suggestions?
  14. Its ok i know i am not much of a Forum type of guy just wanted to help :}} so come on and give suggestions this is you chance to make an illusion for yourself
  15. Post here your sugestions on the illusions. Acceptable sugestions: "Title" series, example: name: Bunny Adept possible titles: the Pink, Bunnytorios, Longear .... 10+ please Descriptions example: something of 250 char length that will describe a general role that can be played by more people at the same time Creature reinforcements + ritual combinations rituals of strategic creatures, example: archer plus life stealer, give exact creature levels Role ideeas, combined tag, playername change, description, avatar, creatures to fit a role. Role must make sence if layed by multiple players at once. Location changes, or other one time events for selecting an illusion are also possible. Other illusions other things you might think of, but only if they are realy something interesting . in general please try to fit in the above examples NO SPELLS spell sugestions may be added to the roles but the role should not count on them. Spells will be given by Mur from the available spells. [Sorry Junior i had to edit this post ]
  16. also one more thing not sure if part of illusions bt I cant access my Daily progress Circle i click on it and i can only see the CANCEL button at the veryy center top of page when before even if i didnt gain stats i had who i was adept to and who i worshipped
  17. Yes Ninjunny happened to me aswell once but i got back in :}
  18. hmm take back what i said in other part of forum i have come by some bugs 1: My name doesnt change back i went from Junior the Strong to Junior the Brave to Junior the strong in chat but i have not returned to Junior. 2: I dont get the proper stats increase sometimes 3: Once an illusion is done i dont get illusions point increase
  19. Well for me the illusions are working nicely also i havent entoured any erroes bugs of falws so far has any one else found anything? Dont forget to post here
  20. True yes you are Good DST :clapping: but we are getting side tracked lol come on GO ILLUSIONS
  21. for now the only ppl being tested are shoeps and dst :{{ man dst always gets to test lol jk
  22. well i am ready to start the testing so lets GO!!! :good:
  23. Muratus del Mur any idea as to when the actual testing will begin? Not sure if i should post here but we had a MAJOR game malfunction happened about 00:27:00 into the servertime major lag all ppl idle where logged off i lost all my heat lost some exp and my crts died
  24. I am willing to try Muratus
  25. .Junior. ID: 43448
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