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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from dragonrider7 in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    mp3 = introductory, teasing stage
    mp4 = trasition stage
    mp5 = where the madness starts and end
    mp6 = maybe to visit one day for a week or so
    mp7 = its an illusion!
    mp8 =
    mp2 = was an illusion ..stage
    mp1 = access denied

    have fun
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to xrieg in A sad message...   
    *bows in silence*
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    people....no...there won't be any overpowered mp3, stop it.
    if you want me to spoil this , fine , here it is.

    creatures that require a certain level of upgrade will be usable only on that level, otherwise they will automatically receive freeze during combat. Exception makes mp6 requirement that will still allow mp5 to use creatures that needed mp6 to upgrade. The mp6 stage will be a temporary stage throught the way it will be adjusted, but thats later.

    The mp3 creatures change is due to be done [u]today[/u].
  4. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I was reading this topic and some of the energic reactions over this change...and i have to say there is a big difference between the vets that learned to trust me and the noobs that run in panic on each thing that shakes them a bit.

    you will find out more about this on the announcements, the situation of the existing mp3 high level creatures is still a change to be made later today, like the mp6, etc..
    there are still some issues you din.t yet realize, hopefully i will fix those before you go berserk on those too...

    afterall i aim to destroy the game , or your fun, or what was that?

    obviously not in my best mood today, but you get my point
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Seigheart in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    Good bye over powered alts/newbs.

    Have some faith in the system.

    Things are about to change, deal with the changes. If you can't stand them, the logout button is always an option.
  6. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    people....no...there won't be any overpowered mp3, stop it.
    if you want me to spoil this , fine , here it is.

    creatures that require a certain level of upgrade will be usable only on that level, otherwise they will automatically receive freeze during combat. Exception makes mp6 requirement that will still allow mp5 to use creatures that needed mp6 to upgrade. The mp6 stage will be a temporary stage throught the way it will be adjusted, but thats later.

    The mp3 creatures change is due to be done [u]today[/u].
  7. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    mp3 = introductory, teasing stage
    mp4 = trasition stage
    mp5 = where the madness starts and end
    mp6 = maybe to visit one day for a week or so
    mp7 = its an illusion!
    mp8 =
    mp2 = was an illusion ..stage
    mp1 = access denied

    have fun
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    I was reading this topic and some of the energic reactions over this change...and i have to say there is a big difference between the vets that learned to trust me and the noobs that run in panic on each thing that shakes them a bit.

    you will find out more about this on the announcements, the situation of the existing mp3 high level creatures is still a change to be made later today, like the mp6, etc..
    there are still some issues you din.t yet realize, hopefully i will fix those before you go berserk on those too...

    afterall i aim to destroy the game , or your fun, or what was that?

    obviously not in my best mood today, but you get my point
  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Seigheart in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    mp3 = introductory, teasing stage
    mp4 = trasition stage
    mp5 = where the madness starts and end
    mp6 = maybe to visit one day for a week or so
    mp7 = its an illusion!
    mp8 =
    mp2 = was an illusion ..stage
    mp1 = access denied

    have fun
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from MRAlyon in "Creatures require MP level to advance!"   
    mp3 = introductory, teasing stage
    mp4 = trasition stage
    mp5 = where the madness starts and end
    mp6 = maybe to visit one day for a week or so
    mp7 = its an illusion!
    mp8 =
    mp2 = was an illusion ..stage
    mp1 = access denied

    have fun
  11. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in ABout Creatures no longer losing XP on transfer   
    on short term you might see it as allowing abuse, because for a while anyone will be able to reset xp, and that was hard before. My intention is to change gameplay and constant xp lowering will be part of the new gameplay. Its a shift of values so to speak.
    Creature upgrade requirements are ok as they are. I will announce an other update regarding mp levels but overall the new changes are not unbalanced they are aimed to shift gameplay in an other direction entirely.

    Most of all, as the vets already know, no accounts are reset or "fixed" in case an official change leads to abnormal powers , it is something you can abuse if you think its abusable but i dare to say the abuse is part of the way things will be in a month from now.

    I am hoping this change will add more dynamic to the play and have people go to the altar more often not just on rare occasions. If i am wrong we shall see, anyway, even if wrong, you should be used by now to survive and enjoy any feature or bug or any update that is uncertain if its good or bad..you know what i mean, its how MD was in the past years
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Darigan in ABout Creatures no longer losing XP on transfer   
    on short term you might see it as allowing abuse, because for a while anyone will be able to reset xp, and that was hard before. My intention is to change gameplay and constant xp lowering will be part of the new gameplay. Its a shift of values so to speak.
    Creature upgrade requirements are ok as they are. I will announce an other update regarding mp levels but overall the new changes are not unbalanced they are aimed to shift gameplay in an other direction entirely.

    Most of all, as the vets already know, no accounts are reset or "fixed" in case an official change leads to abnormal powers , it is something you can abuse if you think its abusable but i dare to say the abuse is part of the way things will be in a month from now.

    I am hoping this change will add more dynamic to the play and have people go to the altar more often not just on rare occasions. If i am wrong we shall see, anyway, even if wrong, you should be used by now to survive and enjoy any feature or bug or any update that is uncertain if its good or bad..you know what i mean, its how MD was in the past years
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Udgard in Computer DIED!   
    Ridiculous how people would neg rep the first post..
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to phantasm in Computer DIED!   
    well I have been tryig to keep it alive for around a month now. The vid card caused the mother board to crash a while back. Put in a new vid card and it worked for a while. It has officially lost its last leg and is now dead as a doornail. Luckily the vid card is still under 30 day so i can take it back. However for the next bit I won't have a computer so will be abent from MD until I can get a new one. Hopefully it is before the birthday bash becuase I in no way want to miss out on that.
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Why the sun?   
    please point them out darigan, i took you half of your brain for seeing a cube already.....lol
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in Why the sun?   
    please point them out darigan, i took you half of your brain for seeing a cube already.....lol
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from apophys in Torch Competions must stop.   
    PM from TTL:
    [quote]Since i said i will not reply to my topic again i will not do so. Though i wish to ask you one question and you may reply publicly about it:
    People staying inside the lands after the TC is over is also intentional? What about the idea of automatic transportation after TC has ended? (I tryed answered it myself but since i am not fully understanding the anyway hidden logic behind the TC spoilers i would really apreciate it if you made your views public about these two as well)
    TTL [/quote]

    Actually, no, my intention was that people would be transported to thei capitals when torch ends and transported to gazebo of chaos when they die. Remaining in the land will defenetly change eventually. Its true the bugs of the tc alter its purpose badly. but anyway, it has a certain boost of curiosity that spoils things but also makes noobs realise there is so much to spoin so to say. Maybe i explain this better the following way:

    I played a game once, long ago, might have been neverwinter nights, but i am not sure anymore, maybe not, doesn't matter anymore. What matters is the following thing. At some point i discovered a bug. One of the quest rewards became repeatable. I only had to go back to the character giving the reward (a shop keeper) and do the same boring dialogue again and i got the reward again, and again, and again. Because i was kind of bored with the game, i said fine, lets abuse it and see what happenes eventually. From where i was used to buy armor in the 10 to 1000 gold range and own not more than 3-4k gold maximum, i stood one day and one night like a maniac and i abused that bug. After my eyes were glued to the screen and my hand fixed on the same repetitve series of clicks at 5am after abusing the same bug for 12 hours, i ended up having several many millions gold.
    My surprise was that the game was ready for that too. I discovered armor in that price range, the characters became more strong also , to fit with my purchased enhancements, everything adapted so to say. It was a pleasant shock. I realised then that what i thought to be a bug to destroy the game or "rule" it, was in fact nothing, but still the same fun.

    You get my point? You think TC spoils things for you? maybe it makes you change objective once you realise your goal in md is not to enter Loreroot, then after you get bored of visiting everything due to TC, you realise hey, there are double that much locations still hidden..how do you realise that? simple, when you reach a goal you start observin other goals that appeal to you. the spoilers never realy end. MD is deep enough for any of you, on any level, game or not game. What it is not, its not organized in such way to take you from one thing to an other...thats really hurting its popularity. The planned spoiling will keep a new player several more days in md, making him think he abused something or discovered a secret, when in fact , those few extra days will integrate him better into md environement.

    Like many other things i started but never ended, this tc is doing only a part of its role and therefore it might indeed be damaging as it is. An other thing missing from tc are the attractors. Whats that? Sorry but i won't give you such trade secrets Lets just say the tc points are useless and thats not good at all.
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Shemhazaj in MD Birthday Party preparations   
    in case you didnt realised it , my fun in this stage of the competition (since i cant participate) is observing how the teams form out of a total chaos ...

    (observations so far : "wooaaaaaaa" )
  19. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in Teaser   


    [i]The opposite of the center[/i]


    Balance. What means balance? First of all it is a word with many meanings. The word itself could even refer to accounting, or to justice, or stability or sound or other things. When trying to communicate something to someone, first you need to be sure the words you use have the same meaning for the one you try to communicate them too. Excuse me if i assume that you think about the balance i refer to as a good-bad, full-empty, male-female sort of thing. Well, its not that far from what i mean by balance, but it is two complexity levels less than what i will eventually reveal in this book.

    A very interesting and accurate meaning of balance is this one:

    Balance = desirable point between two or more opposite forces (source Wikipedia)

    In general, this is close to the meaning of balance i will need you to understand in order to fully understand the things i will try to describe. I will use on different occasions different wording for balance because it will put more focus on one or the other meaning.

    When I was little, my father asked me one day what I think about each thing having its counter, something to balance it, something opposed to it. He talked about things like fire and water, good and bad, but with a certain feeling that there is more to it than just opposing things. He obviously was talking alone and just needed someone to pretend to listen to him and I was the perfect subject for rhetoric talking. I guess he never imagined I will take his question so seriously that 20 years later I would elaborate an entire structure model on how things balance and even do wild experiments with this.

    If you are already familiar with my previous book “Mastering the Void” you already know I will not limit this to a simple metaphysical talk about general mysteries of life and universe and such useless talks. Anyone can ask general questions and pretend to be smart talking hard to understand shit to people that want to believe anything. No, the things i share here are secrets, discoveries of my own, applied things, things that you might consider theories but for me they are based on reality, not just potential truth but actual facts about things i did and managed to understand only much later. Of course i will keep certain things for myself because they are beyond what i can explain in words, or too dangerous in the wrong minds, or simply because i want to enjoy abusing them before sharing them eventually.

    The deep secrets I won’t openly share will be written in this book in concealed form, but the concealing is not visual, but logical, structural. I will give you the right seeds to grow in your mind and discover the secrets on your own. In this way only some will manage to do that, but they will feel the things they understand after this are so natural and obvious.

    [size="5"]Stages of balance[/size]

    A stability point between points can be found between any number of points. Take for example a group of people each with opposing views on a given subject. Eventually they could reach a middle point where all could agree on or give up an equal part of their original view in order to agree with each other. Its no doubt about that. In the same way two opposing forces will find a middle point where they will be canceled or made equal, same way this will happen with regardless how many points involved. Nature however gives as a clue. This balance makes sense as long as they are more than one forces. One, be it point of view, or force, is balanced in itself, unity...and you shall see soon that nothing is one.

    Or better said Nothing IS one... that is if nothing could be anything at all, but “nothing” isn’t and therefore it “is” all the impossible things that are unreachable by the things that “are”.

    Confused? You should be. Our brain can’t normally handle concepts such as NOTHING or INFINITY but it can assume what they are or what they mean and as long as you understand you can’t understand fully certain concepts you will actually understand them much better than those that assume they know. Its a paradox, i know. For example a child could consider “one billion billlions” as equal to infinity, but an adult would have a more respectful appreciation to what infinity is and wouldn’t give it an actual value regardless how big that value is. In the same way, ignorant people could consider “void” as a space with no air and no particles, sinply because a space without even the space wouldn’t make a sense. Now try to respect the fact that none of us can understand “nothing” for what it is and stop considering it as an empty space.


    Hey that's enough reading!
    ... a teaser page from what i am working on now, hope you enjoyed it. It more like a note and might end up different in the final version. It will be signed Mur i think, not Manu, mainly because i lost my fucking mind in the process...nono, i mean, beacause i will use a slightly styled way of putting things, something that only my Mur side of me could do, and actualy its responsable for the discoveries so ... i owe "him" that

    I am still having a hard time deciding if i should totally separate symbols analysis from the 8fold balance subject. I could combine them nice, but it would limit the symbols subject pretty much. I am thinking to write something extensive about symbols, both graphical and logical symbols (not sure how to name symbols that have no drawing). I realised nobody ever wrote the things i have to say on the subject, but i am lazy, i cant even move on with the "Eight" subject.. i shall see...
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from adiomino in Teaser   


    [i]The opposite of the center[/i]


    Balance. What means balance? First of all it is a word with many meanings. The word itself could even refer to accounting, or to justice, or stability or sound or other things. When trying to communicate something to someone, first you need to be sure the words you use have the same meaning for the one you try to communicate them too. Excuse me if i assume that you think about the balance i refer to as a good-bad, full-empty, male-female sort of thing. Well, its not that far from what i mean by balance, but it is two complexity levels less than what i will eventually reveal in this book.

    A very interesting and accurate meaning of balance is this one:

    Balance = desirable point between two or more opposite forces (source Wikipedia)

    In general, this is close to the meaning of balance i will need you to understand in order to fully understand the things i will try to describe. I will use on different occasions different wording for balance because it will put more focus on one or the other meaning.

    When I was little, my father asked me one day what I think about each thing having its counter, something to balance it, something opposed to it. He talked about things like fire and water, good and bad, but with a certain feeling that there is more to it than just opposing things. He obviously was talking alone and just needed someone to pretend to listen to him and I was the perfect subject for rhetoric talking. I guess he never imagined I will take his question so seriously that 20 years later I would elaborate an entire structure model on how things balance and even do wild experiments with this.

    If you are already familiar with my previous book “Mastering the Void” you already know I will not limit this to a simple metaphysical talk about general mysteries of life and universe and such useless talks. Anyone can ask general questions and pretend to be smart talking hard to understand shit to people that want to believe anything. No, the things i share here are secrets, discoveries of my own, applied things, things that you might consider theories but for me they are based on reality, not just potential truth but actual facts about things i did and managed to understand only much later. Of course i will keep certain things for myself because they are beyond what i can explain in words, or too dangerous in the wrong minds, or simply because i want to enjoy abusing them before sharing them eventually.

    The deep secrets I won’t openly share will be written in this book in concealed form, but the concealing is not visual, but logical, structural. I will give you the right seeds to grow in your mind and discover the secrets on your own. In this way only some will manage to do that, but they will feel the things they understand after this are so natural and obvious.

    [size="5"]Stages of balance[/size]

    A stability point between points can be found between any number of points. Take for example a group of people each with opposing views on a given subject. Eventually they could reach a middle point where all could agree on or give up an equal part of their original view in order to agree with each other. Its no doubt about that. In the same way two opposing forces will find a middle point where they will be canceled or made equal, same way this will happen with regardless how many points involved. Nature however gives as a clue. This balance makes sense as long as they are more than one forces. One, be it point of view, or force, is balanced in itself, unity...and you shall see soon that nothing is one.

    Or better said Nothing IS one... that is if nothing could be anything at all, but “nothing” isn’t and therefore it “is” all the impossible things that are unreachable by the things that “are”.

    Confused? You should be. Our brain can’t normally handle concepts such as NOTHING or INFINITY but it can assume what they are or what they mean and as long as you understand you can’t understand fully certain concepts you will actually understand them much better than those that assume they know. Its a paradox, i know. For example a child could consider “one billion billlions” as equal to infinity, but an adult would have a more respectful appreciation to what infinity is and wouldn’t give it an actual value regardless how big that value is. In the same way, ignorant people could consider “void” as a space with no air and no particles, sinply because a space without even the space wouldn’t make a sense. Now try to respect the fact that none of us can understand “nothing” for what it is and stop considering it as an empty space.


    Hey that's enough reading!
    ... a teaser page from what i am working on now, hope you enjoyed it. It more like a note and might end up different in the final version. It will be signed Mur i think, not Manu, mainly because i lost my fucking mind in the process...nono, i mean, beacause i will use a slightly styled way of putting things, something that only my Mur side of me could do, and actualy its responsable for the discoveries so ... i owe "him" that

    I am still having a hard time deciding if i should totally separate symbols analysis from the 8fold balance subject. I could combine them nice, but it would limit the symbols subject pretty much. I am thinking to write something extensive about symbols, both graphical and logical symbols (not sure how to name symbols that have no drawing). I realised nobody ever wrote the things i have to say on the subject, but i am lazy, i cant even move on with the "Eight" subject.. i shall see...
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Atrumist in MD Birthday Party preparations   
    oh and...the birthday festivities will take place on a ...*cough*...new map...did i mentioned that?
    don't worry there are plenty other things you still have to find out about this event hehe
  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in MD Birthday Party preparations   
    oh and...the birthday festivities will take place on a ...*cough*...new map...did i mentioned that?
    don't worry there are plenty other things you still have to find out about this event hehe
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in MD Birthday Party preparations   
    oh and...the birthday festivities will take place on a ...*cough*...new map...did i mentioned that?
    don't worry there are plenty other things you still have to find out about this event hehe
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kamisha in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    warning long post ahead.

    alright, its more clear for me now that i have a very unusual concept of how md should be .. because most of the things described as issues are planned to be so.

    I know how a game should be, the cursive flow of solvable quests that keep you active, spiced with optional increased difficulty stages. The character classes with selectable sets of abilities ordered nicely in branches and such. etc etc ...etc

    I am trying for 5 years to fight all that. MD is supposed to reach you indirectly and bring certain things in some to life, not to drag you step by step through a series of setups. Otherwise if i would have made md like that, and use the 'techniques' used in md, i would be a rich fat guy and MD would have zillions of users

    I am not trying to make it more commercial. I am trying however not to scare away those that until now were attracted by md and used to stay.

    I could explain each situation you describe as hindering to noobs, they are mainly the filters those that are around long enough heard of. I am not very sure i want to do that however. Its true they are not staded as such and they appear as a indirect result of how md is 'badly made' or 'unfinished'. Other things are really unfinished and will be eventually, like the full use of principles. Yet their MAIN use is the one to put players mind in motion and make him intrigued about them, wanting to digg more, and if he diggs he will find about them more than just a game means. In that aspect they act as great character attractors quite well. Obviously i cant say that in the help files.

    One unexpected thing ..better said something with uncalculated effects... are the player quests. A rating could help quite a lot and its a planned feature since i implemented wishpoints. WP rating is related to quest quality, questi winner gets a wp and he can rate back depending on how valuable the quest seemed to him AFTER he solved it (to avoid frustrated people). One day will get done i hope. I can not guarantee over what players create as quests, and a new player might consider them as the game itself. I also don't plan on adding more integrated quests, md is not a series of quests, its not a series of anything..in fact everything should go in parallel not in series if you get my point.

    And about /me vs ** thing.. in my opinion, which sadly is the only opinion that matters when it is about conceptual things in md, /me makes the speaker differentiate too much between in-character and out-of-character. I want a more natural behaviour of players not a theatrical one. when i started md i had no idea what role-play is (yeah)..my concept of role-play was that players will just be themselves but will obviously "fail" or better said "succeed" to be fully themselves , so the played character will be eventually different than they are in reality. By that, certain aspects of their true self will come forth and could be enhanced, trained, or changed, repaired. Interesting how rp looked for me back then when i didn't knew this thing had a name assigned to it.
    So /me won;t be added to the list of rp triggers because is suited in an environement where slash is used for various other commands, not in one where i can use whatever else i consider appropriate. Keeping standards is obviously not my concern. MD defies standards in itself.

    Will it do a major difference if before registration a clear message will be shown to the future player, stating very clear that MD is not a game where you have to do things in order so you get to its end, but a WORLD where you enter by doing those things but in the end you are on your own to experience it as you can.[/b]

    this message could also have a 10sec delay so you cant click next just to skip it, dictatorship style, so they get used to things around here

    Most..sorry, all... of the people that managed to understand what md is are those that somehow developed their so called "role" in ways that have nothing to do with a predefined quest/adventure game. Its also them that managed to stick around most because from their point of view the things achieved are out of md's range...and its just so..md is just the ground that facilitates some things, but what things...it just up to you.
    I am talking about people that changed their life with things learned here, changed themselves, and most interesting for me, managed to change others. I consider the active days to be of amazing accuracy of that, since you can't stay in a place that you fail to survive. They even have the needed 'error' in them, its called Venger ..i need one day to meet that guy and figure out how is it possible to play without playing, lol. (inside joke for those that look at active vet list)

    I realised only recently what the effects of a 8-fold balance systems are,..not sure if you will understand this but ... "it reaches outside its reality".

    Back on topic, your comments are VERY useful, those of the noobs that replied to this topic and had under 10 posts at the time they did contact me for a little thank you/welcome gift. (pray you dont have old alts or you will die in pain, lol). i didnt counted how many you are but to make things a bit more chalanging, this is valid only for the first 4 people to contact me.

    spoiler so you see how things work.
    as each character should do in md, i am adding to my requirements the things that i consider valuable in someone. that is very personal and only valid for certain cases, i do realise that, but its a personal role i play here and not how md is entirely.
    The real reward stated above is actually for the noobs that were involved enough to check back if it was a reply to their post and also had the patience to read all this long post i wrote here, which in itself is sort of a personality filter too. Same like the 24h waiting.

    My secret Ary will be following this too i hope or i will lock her in the dungeon with some zombies .. oh, we dont have a dungeon, hmmm...and no zombies...i wonder why..lol
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    warning long post ahead.

    alright, its more clear for me now that i have a very unusual concept of how md should be .. because most of the things described as issues are planned to be so.

    I know how a game should be, the cursive flow of solvable quests that keep you active, spiced with optional increased difficulty stages. The character classes with selectable sets of abilities ordered nicely in branches and such. etc etc ...etc

    I am trying for 5 years to fight all that. MD is supposed to reach you indirectly and bring certain things in some to life, not to drag you step by step through a series of setups. Otherwise if i would have made md like that, and use the 'techniques' used in md, i would be a rich fat guy and MD would have zillions of users

    I am not trying to make it more commercial. I am trying however not to scare away those that until now were attracted by md and used to stay.

    I could explain each situation you describe as hindering to noobs, they are mainly the filters those that are around long enough heard of. I am not very sure i want to do that however. Its true they are not staded as such and they appear as a indirect result of how md is 'badly made' or 'unfinished'. Other things are really unfinished and will be eventually, like the full use of principles. Yet their MAIN use is the one to put players mind in motion and make him intrigued about them, wanting to digg more, and if he diggs he will find about them more than just a game means. In that aspect they act as great character attractors quite well. Obviously i cant say that in the help files.

    One unexpected thing ..better said something with uncalculated effects... are the player quests. A rating could help quite a lot and its a planned feature since i implemented wishpoints. WP rating is related to quest quality, questi winner gets a wp and he can rate back depending on how valuable the quest seemed to him AFTER he solved it (to avoid frustrated people). One day will get done i hope. I can not guarantee over what players create as quests, and a new player might consider them as the game itself. I also don't plan on adding more integrated quests, md is not a series of quests, its not a series of anything..in fact everything should go in parallel not in series if you get my point.

    And about /me vs ** thing.. in my opinion, which sadly is the only opinion that matters when it is about conceptual things in md, /me makes the speaker differentiate too much between in-character and out-of-character. I want a more natural behaviour of players not a theatrical one. when i started md i had no idea what role-play is (yeah)..my concept of role-play was that players will just be themselves but will obviously "fail" or better said "succeed" to be fully themselves , so the played character will be eventually different than they are in reality. By that, certain aspects of their true self will come forth and could be enhanced, trained, or changed, repaired. Interesting how rp looked for me back then when i didn't knew this thing had a name assigned to it.
    So /me won;t be added to the list of rp triggers because is suited in an environement where slash is used for various other commands, not in one where i can use whatever else i consider appropriate. Keeping standards is obviously not my concern. MD defies standards in itself.

    Will it do a major difference if before registration a clear message will be shown to the future player, stating very clear that MD is not a game where you have to do things in order so you get to its end, but a WORLD where you enter by doing those things but in the end you are on your own to experience it as you can.[/b]

    this message could also have a 10sec delay so you cant click next just to skip it, dictatorship style, so they get used to things around here

    Most..sorry, all... of the people that managed to understand what md is are those that somehow developed their so called "role" in ways that have nothing to do with a predefined quest/adventure game. Its also them that managed to stick around most because from their point of view the things achieved are out of md's range...and its just so..md is just the ground that facilitates some things, but what things...it just up to you.
    I am talking about people that changed their life with things learned here, changed themselves, and most interesting for me, managed to change others. I consider the active days to be of amazing accuracy of that, since you can't stay in a place that you fail to survive. They even have the needed 'error' in them, its called Venger ..i need one day to meet that guy and figure out how is it possible to play without playing, lol. (inside joke for those that look at active vet list)

    I realised only recently what the effects of a 8-fold balance systems are,..not sure if you will understand this but ... "it reaches outside its reality".

    Back on topic, your comments are VERY useful, those of the noobs that replied to this topic and had under 10 posts at the time they did contact me for a little thank you/welcome gift. (pray you dont have old alts or you will die in pain, lol). i didnt counted how many you are but to make things a bit more chalanging, this is valid only for the first 4 people to contact me.

    spoiler so you see how things work.
    as each character should do in md, i am adding to my requirements the things that i consider valuable in someone. that is very personal and only valid for certain cases, i do realise that, but its a personal role i play here and not how md is entirely.
    The real reward stated above is actually for the noobs that were involved enough to check back if it was a reply to their post and also had the patience to read all this long post i wrote here, which in itself is sort of a personality filter too. Same like the 24h waiting.

    My secret Ary will be following this too i hope or i will lock her in the dungeon with some zombies .. oh, we dont have a dungeon, hmmm...and no zombies...i wonder why..lol
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