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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Is Md Too Exclusive To Entice A Larger Player Base Than Hard Cores?   
    Md' has a great playerbase as it is. We all have one thing in common; we do not want just answers but more questions. Or at least that is what I want out of md'. I look forward to logging into md' everyday becuase I know I will be able to do something interest, discover something new, or have a deep conversation with a mr. Beefy. Lol. When I log in the first thing I do is check the adventure page for updates. And then the update page. Sure I admit I don't do quests. Most of them are retarded. Like "get me ten adepts and five protectors and you can have my spell doc"

    Something does need to change with these quests. I had a quest that was completed by three people on my hate page. The quest was to write me an essay on the behavioural patterns of knators, or the social heirarchy of the knators. Perhaps this quest was to hard for most people or noone knew about it. I think that more people should have the ability to makes quests, not reward them, but to have a quest page. In order to get the quest activated the player needs to get the quest apprOved by an rpc. This will allow many more quests, and a way to control the quality that comes from them.
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Burns in OS Upgrade   
    Maintenance postponed for 6 july. Tomorow 1st july is Canada day (so i heard) and level2 tech support will be away for a week, so its better they won't do this today then dissapear for one week, if something happens is better they will be there to assist. Sorry for all the trouble.
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Burns in OS Upgrade   
    Site will be down for several hours while server is beeing upgraded to a 64bit operating system.
    Backups will be used to restore md and a lot of settings will be different. Expect errors and weird behaviour once it is back up. I will try to fix them as soon as possible and with minimum "damage".

    At first everything will be installed only on one HDD then if its allright it will be mirrored on the entire array. If something goes bad the downtime will be longer. If everything goes smooth site should be up in a few hours and will finaly take full advantage of the entire 8Gb ram and not just half of it.

    I will keep this post updated.
    Bookmark it.
  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to awiiya in Memorials   
    Another memorial, this time of one of the original artists. This one may be a bit questionable, because Valy was very long ago, and its a bit difficult to pin down exactly what he drew, but I believe this is all accurate. If it's wrong, please please correct me.

    Edit: Changed some things ( Thank you Liberty, Akasha), and removed another at the advice of someone.

    Edit 2: Massive overhaul.



    Although Valy is not the only artist to have contributed to MD, he is widely recognized as one of the most important, if not the most important. The reason for this is that he has contributed 80-90% of all of the images in the realm. Although he was never an influential member of the society in terms of speaking and creating and fighting as many of the others who we remember today, he is memorable at least for his ability to create a place in which many can come together.

    As Muratus del Mur has said before, Valy is the biggest contributing artist. He was able to produce far more pieces of artwork than other of the other artists that have worked for the realm, and on top of that he was the best at producing the kind of artwork that Mur desired. The less Mur told Valy about the details, the better Valy drew. Valy knows more than any other artist about the inner workings of the drawings, and how to produce more. As a result, from time to time Valy still works for the realm.

    Valy has been seen occasionally in realm, but he keeps to himself, and is locked away in a room somewhere, his imagination filling in the backgrounds.
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to awiiya in Memorials   
    It's been a while... I know. And I'm sorry. But the good news is that I'm still slugging away! And today I bring you...



    Another legendary figure in the early days of Magic Duel, Actraiser’s longest lasting signature on the realm is the beginning of research projects in the Archives. Although the actual group Archivists did not exist at the time when Actraiser was working on his projects, Actraiser was the first player to begin researching and writing for the realm. Working closely with such people as Shoeps, Actraiser had a group of researchers that worked with him. Actraiser was the writer and researcher of the first 4 months of the calendar, and left before completing the remaining 8 months. When he left, his research team fell apart and his projects remained unfinished (except for the Calendar project, which later became the responsibility of the Archivists).

    Although most famous for being the father of the Archives and the Archivists, Actraiser was known for a variety of other feats as well. He was an exceptional fighter, as most legendary players of the early period were. He was one of the first to gain a creature or learn the newest ritual technique. The summon-army spell also bore his name for a while, as he was the first player to ever use it. The spell was “Summon Actraiser’s Army,” which he would use when he wanted a particularly strong ritual.

    He and STF were also close friends and at other times rival protectors. Actraiser and STF were the first two mp6 protectors of the land, and people were forced to choose between the two.

    At this time there was also no limit on the maximum honor a player could have. As a result, some players gained massive amounts of honor. Actraiser was one of the most flagrant honor collector, at one point having as much as 24k honor. This later became his downfall when he was cursed with the win disease, and he could no longer attack others because of the massive amounts of negative honor he would have gained. While he stagnated, others such as Big C quickly caught up to his strength and then surpassed him.

    His death was more of a fading away. One day, he had wandered off, and was seen only once afterwards. He has not been seen for more than a year, and is thus declared dead.


    Comments? Corrections?
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to awiiya in Memorials   

    Omegaweapon was a secretive figure in the history of the realm, known most prominently for knowing the inner-workings of the realm, able to exploit secrets that few people knew of. Working with Big C, another knowledgeable warrior of the early realm, Omegaweapon was able to gain massive stats due to the fact that at that time there was no limit to the amount of heat one could accumulate. Due to this, Omegaweapon was able to achieve the highest stats and make others fear his brute strength rituals. Besides being a proficient warrior, he also helped the realm a considerable amount, finding exploits and reporting them to Muratus del Mur so that he could fix them, and make the game a more sound place.

    In the Golemus Wizard quest, Omegaweapon was sent by the Shades to kill the Big C, however the prayers of the players and Thanasia saved Big C, and as a result Omegaweapon thought it necessary to kill the Golemus Wizard in order to stay on their good side. He proceeded to kill the wizard, and as a result he allowed Wodin to be summoned into the world.

    He became known as a master assassin, able to kill silently and without remorse. He was to help defeat Wodin and prevent him from defeating the shades, however during the fight his personal demons overwhelmed him, and Omegaweapon succumbed to himself, disappearing most likely for good. No one has seen him since the Shade War, and he is assumed dead.


    Once again, please give me comments, fixes, etc.
  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to awiiya in Memorials   
    Here is the next memorial. Please do the same you did for Deetn's memorial for this one.

    If I have missed anything that should be added, please let me know and I will insert it.

    If you haven't noticed I'm going from oldest to youngest.



    Ugauga was one of the earliest greats of the MagicDuel Society, and what stands out most about him was his willingness to help. One of the first LHOs, Ugauga was constantly hanging around the newbie areas and giving people hints and tips to help ease their way into the early realm.

    Another way that Ugauga helped the MagicDuel Society was by being the head bug researcher, and for a while whenever there was a bug he investigated it and reported back to Muratus del Mur. In this way he helped the realm become more watertight to the threats of bugs, and improved the overall quality of the game.

    Although not specifically remembered for his combat ability, Ugauga could nevertheless hold his own in any battle, and spent a good deal of time training and fighting as most everyone did. He was known to prefer training silently, keeping quiet for the most part until someone asked a question.

    His whereabouts are unknown, and he has not been seen for a good long time. It is unlikely he will return, and he left no promise that he would ever return when he faded away. In the opinion of most, he is dead to the realm forever, but to be remembered.
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to awiiya in Memorials   
    Here is the first of the memorials. I have a [i]long[/i] list of people to do, and when I'm done I'll compile them all and put them in game. More information on that to follow.

    Please fact check, spell check, grammar check, or just tell me what you think.

    Thank you




    During the early periods of Magic Duel, when all the land fought each other and there were no training fights or dojos, one warrior struggled to become the strongest, the best, and for a time he succeeded.

    Deetn was this man, one of the first truly great warriors to master rituals and creatures. Whenever a new creature was discovered in the land, Deetn was always the first to train this creature to the next level, and the first to master its techniques. Dedicated and unfaltering, he trained until his mind was weathered and fit for battle, and became the first and only mp8. In this period when there were no restrictions on fighting, and anybody could attack anybody, many tried their strength against Deetn, attacking his defensive rituals over and over again. He was legendary for rarely ever loosing a battle, and when he did it was only later in his life when he fell from glory.

    The sword of all warriors grows dull, and in time Deetn too began to stop fighting and stare into space more and more, talking to nobody. Adding to this inactivity, Deetn suffered from the win-disease, which was where the strong warriors had far too many wins than losses, and as a result could not fight others without loosing honor, but also could not give away wins to others because it was not in their nature to give away fights. As a result, they stagnated, unable to attack anybody else. In time, Deetn faded, and one day disappeared altogether. There are various myths in circulation, but his current location and situation are unknown.
  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Parsifal in What are the creatures that fight for you?   
    I write this as a reply to this topic:
    want to hear the spooky explanation to the "pets" that are not actualy "pets" in magicduel? ...little kids cover your years ...
    The creatures you can recruit, are not real creatures, as you can notice, there is no part in the game where you are told you hold your creatures somwhere in your pocket or something. The story will bring you throu all kinds of adventures but there are no creatures following you allover the place ...they are not even in a spellbook or similar. Most of you wont even ask themselves about this because its normal in games to have creatures that fight for you. I want to give a short explanation about those creatures so that the whole thing gets a bit out of the 'standard' scenario of game creatures.
    The first time you recruit a creature, you see the character summon a creature , in the drawing the creature looks like taking shape out of the character itself ...well yes, this is what it does... the creatures are representations of the players will. Its dificult for me to explain it, as i am not so good with words , especialy in a forein language, but i will try.
    You might know the difference between hand-magic and mind-magic ..like ...one is when you use some device such as a wand and one is when you use only your mind .... of course , magic is a delicate subject so consider this just a theoretical example ... The creatures are like representations of how yourself are in certain moments or situations. The more skilled you are and the more deeper you understand the world you live in, in this case the magicduel world, the more types of creatures you are able to controll. Once you learn and controll one of the creatures, you will be able to upgrade it to a more advanced level, like it happens with a skill in realworld, the more you use it the better it gets.
    The creatures in magicduel are not spells, they are also not quite summoned creatures also, but there is no other representation that could be easy to understand.
    Some of you might understand what i am trying to say , some not. There are "combats" everytime in your life, from a real fight to speach fight on the phone ... in all thses situations you somehow take a different 'shape' (most dont realize it). There are moments when you feel like you are an eagle and fly, or when you feel tiger that is about to atack.... most people stick to one or two 'shapes' but depending on your knowledge about this you could theoreticaly take any of this virtual shapes, you just need to "learn" them .. or a better word that goes with the game, to recruit those creatures.
    The vital energy of the player is bound direclty to the creature power, remember that slider before the combat...als the user replenishes the creature life from its own, so i guess i made it obvious that the creatures ARE PART OF THE PLAYER itself.
    well... i will give up explaining, as i allready have the feeling my lack of language made all this too un-understandable for most ....Adi will kill me when he will see it and probably he will want to rephrase it...anyway...i tried.
  10. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Chewett in OS Upgrade   
    Site will be down for several hours while server is beeing upgraded to a 64bit operating system.
    Backups will be used to restore md and a lot of settings will be different. Expect errors and weird behaviour once it is back up. I will try to fix them as soon as possible and with minimum "damage".

    At first everything will be installed only on one HDD then if its allright it will be mirrored on the entire array. If something goes bad the downtime will be longer. If everything goes smooth site should be up in a few hours and will finaly take full advantage of the entire 8Gb ram and not just half of it.

    I will keep this post updated.
    Bookmark it.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Chewett in OS Upgrade   
    Maintenance postponed for 6 july. Tomorow 1st july is Canada day (so i heard) and level2 tech support will be away for a week, so its better they won't do this today then dissapear for one week, if something happens is better they will be there to assist. Sorry for all the trouble.
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