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Muratus del Mur's post in What is a bestiary? was marked as the answer
A bestiary is an item in your inventory that can be used to store the memory of one or creatures. Once a creature is stored in such a book, it can not be used as an actual creature anymore, instead if becomes just like a collectors card. These creature that you store in a bestiary, can be converted into NFT on polygon blockchain and taken out of the game, traded, sold, exchanged. Converting NFTs back into creatures might be possible at a later time, but currently they are just collectibles.
One place you could get a bestiary item, is from the wish shop, look for Compendium of Beasts item.
Muratus del Mur's post in How can I become an A25 member? was marked as the answer
A25 Members = Game Masters (simplistically put)
while in other games there is no way to become one, in here you have a chance.
You may want to become one, but before you ask to become one, you should consider what puts you apart from the other 99% that may dream of becoming one. If you are a long time member and present your intention of becoming a A25 member, you might be selected. From time to time, an additional member is selected for a limited time to control these tools and participate in A25 related activities. The main criteria for such a selection is the way you handled "power" on other occasions. For this, obviously, you first need to be confronted with such situations of "power", be it that you are elected leader of a land, or you are constant quest maker that constantly has to decide rewards for others, or you constantly helped in public events and where delegated tasks that involve such access to power.
Endurance to public demand, and ability to see a good opportunity despite personal grudges is also a very important feat of character that is required. As a A25 member, you will be faced with situations where friends will ask of things that are in your power to give or change, and you need to be able to decide cold blooded what is best to do, and have the courage and attitude to stand to your judgement, even when the entire community will hate you for it.
A25 members have access to tools that shape the realm, build it, or destroy it, and are also indirectly responsible of the sense of 'value' within the realm. Creating the wrong clickable that gives too much or too less of something, affects the entire MD economy and value of things.
MD has certain unique concepts, that are many times just tangent, but not identical, to other games. You need to be that kind of person that understands this, without being repeatedly told.
Once you receive access to such tools, you will be trusted to use them, and what you will do with them and how you are as a person will echo throughout the realm, taking everything one direction or an other. Also, you will not be given instructions ..well..at least not too many. A member that needs to be told what to do and what NOT to do, is not a good member at all.
Everything on your path to A25 will discourage you to get there, but still, several managed to get there.
In addition to all this, the majority of the existing A25 members must agree with you becoming one of them, and none must explicitly ask against you don't become one. We can not afford to have tension in a team that shares god-powers in the realm, or the consequences will affect everyone else.
If you are good A25 material, and you are selected against all odds to be one, then you will be given the tools for a test period that needs to fade away naturally. What i mean by this, is that the test period never ends, but slowly, nobody will 'check' what you do anymore and your activity will become more valued than doublechecked.
A25 access once received, and an intitial period passes (period that allows you to show you know how to push its buttons), you receive a medal. This medal entitles you to get the tools back on later occasions, with priority over others, because it means you know what to do with them already.
Unlike everyting else in MD, the tools are yours to borrow not posses, they will not become your property, and they will be taken away as you become more inactive, to avoid you using them the wrong way. Everything else and more that you might obtain while having them, and i am talking about your popularity, personal wealth, reputation, experience, etc, are yours forever.
Once you do have the tools, MD will never be the same again for you. Imagine you will have access to all locations, all creatures, know secrets, know inside workings of stuff, etc. Using the tools is a whole other kind of experience, so before you wish you had them, think twice if you really wish this sort of change or you are better off enjoying MD as a regular member of the community.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I interpret a combat log easier? was marked as the answer
Look over the combat log tabs, see what major influences did happen, for example freeze is a very powerful one.
By just looking at the outcome of a battle you can tell what sort of ritual effects you might be facing.
Ctrl+F the ID or name of a creature and see what happened to it and when or why it died.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I make people participate in my quests? was marked as the answer
Think of this, why would someone want to participate in your quest in the first place?
main reasons the way I see it, are:
1) Rewards
2) Enjoyment
If you give them good reasons, then the only thing left is advertise your quest, we get to that.
1) Rewards
First your quest needs to be easy to understand. If its intended to be a difficult quest, then at least how to start it and what to do needs to be crystal clear. Clear things are always short, or super well structured.
If its an easy quest, it must have something exciting about it, otherwise its boring (=less enjoyment). If you have a brilliant quest ideea and managed to set it up with your own available powers and efforts, and the quest gets noticed, the rewards part might be covered 'officially'.
You can give really small rewards at first and build up a reputation, so people know your quests are fun and participate more in them, and eventually you will get sponsorship, or you will have better rewards to give.
Creatures, items, anything that you can trade or share is a reward.
2) Enjoyment
This is the secret for it all. If your quests have the right balance of difficulty and challenge, then they will be pleasant to play, then thats a reward in itself, plus it will attract rewards, and also establish you as a questmaker. Challenge and difficulty are not the same thing. One thing can be difficult as in boring or plain complicated to do but present no challenge. Other things can be super easy, and maybe boring too. Also, the other way around, something can be a good challenge but be too easy and then too the experience is too short, or too difficult and then becomes frustrating.
I let you think about that more, its not something you can always 'design' but its something you can always adjust.
Then there is advertising.
You should advertise your quest through all available methods...but avoid spamming or annoying people.
The forum is where you should post the details and announce participants, rules and rewards, etc. Place it in the right category for this please.
You have the moodpanel, where you can place a link to your quest.
You can also invite participants by sending them pms, but announcing previous participants is safer than just spamming random people with your quest. Remember there is a limited number of potential participants , and if you scare them or annoy them with spam messages, you will lose this opportunity forever and will also affect your public image.
Also there is the chat, again, careful about spamming too much.
Be sure you give enough time for your quest. If it ends too soon then not many will find out about it. If its too long, then people will forget about it or your quest will stay too long without you being able to announce winners, and then it will not be so exciting anymore.
I would say a week is a good timeframe to start with, depends on quest of course.
Inside Tips:
Tip1: If you design a quest that can be implemented with A25 tools and can be run automatically, repeatedly, this qualifies for a perpetual quest. A25 features are announced, and if you try harder the docs are even sort of public. A perpetual quest will ensure you unlimited reward supply and more, obviously.
Tip2: I personally love quests that involve the participants to create things themselves, be it out of paper or clay, or whatever. I will probably sponsor such quests, provided they have enough participants.
See the create your drachorn quest for a combination of these tips
Tip3: Put passion into your quests, each quest you do is representative of you as a quest maker. Keep a portfolio of past quests, so you have what to advertise yourself with and put it on your personal pages, not many will want to waste their time with a new questmaker, but might give it a try to a quest created by someone that is not doing it first time.
Muratus del Mur's post in What are all the stats? was marked as the answer
stats change based on what you do, and influence all sort of aspects of the gameplay.
Some stats are designed to matter up to a point, after that your are free from their influence by design. For example, its important if you have high enough attack at first, but in time when you will have 'enough', it will be obsolete because you will do your winning or losing in a fight by selecting the right ritual for it.
Most of the important stats have such a "limit" that you eventually reach. Winertia for example, its important at first, but as you grow older, your need for value points becomes less and less so your "income" will cover your needs anytime.
Some stats grow super slow, and these ..usually do so because i was hoping nobody will reach too high numbers, because in case they do, things might behave totally different for them
Some other stats might be very rare, not everyone has the same stats btw. Tools could give you stats others don't have.
Spells and boosters can alter your stats, then you see these in color on the profile page.
It would be really nice to see someone put here a detailed list of stats and what they are good for.
Muratus del Mur's post in What can I spend my credits on? was marked as the answer
for spending a lot of credits in the shop (200+) you get a top spender token, and thats what you can use in special auctions, not the credits directly.
Otherwise credits can be spend in the shop or if you get credit codes, you can use them for rewarding other players or paying them for services (such as drawings, avatars, etc)
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I learn more about the history of MD and changes it went through? was marked as the answer
The forum is a sort of log of the entire activity, at least in the last 10-13 years or so.
There are multiple ways of seeing MD history, depending what interests you.
The adventure kind of story is the adventure log, that stopped at some point and only presents a select and adjusted scenario.
The announcements is a 5000 pages long summary of what happend and when
md-archives is a nicely put, but seldom updated archive of things you can find in MD
In so many years of activity that spreads on parallel threads and topics, its impossible to have one single and simple line of history.
It is like the history of the world, it depends on what exactly you are looking for to know. You can look at the history of global relations, or the history of a country, or the history of a single person, or the history and evolution of the tectonic plates.
Asking older players can help you find more about a specific thing, but many times very old players become fossils and they only know what happened in their age, unaware of further developments.
Myself, as creator and developer of this world, i can't tell such a story, i can just remember random events sometimes.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I determine a player's fighting prowess? was marked as the answer
Being a good fighter is not just being able to win, but also learning how and when to lose.
High stats and balanced profile (won fights=lost fights) could be an indicator of this.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I change my war status/rpc group? was marked as the answer
rpc is legacy, but its still a very functional mechanism and sometimes i use it on different accounts as needed.
war status, was designed for land wars, but its also the mechanism behind being dead or alive. If you are dead, it changes this status, if you are revived it also checks this status.
Either way, you can not custom or directly change or these.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I customize my creature was marked as the answer
Two of the ways you could customize a creature is when you upgrade it, you can sometimes give it a custom name, and if you have creature shards of that species, you can get additional abilities on that creature.
Other ways to enhance a creature are tokens, but since they are not selectable as exact options on a specific creature, i don't consider these as customizing, but just enhancing.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I make my role public? was marked as the answer
Imagine you are on a remote island isolated from the rest of the world, and there are a bunch of other people around too. Unlike in real life, on this island you can not be harmed for real, and you have nothing to lose. You do have things to gain though if you interact with the others, but nothing is really mandatory to do.
You role is 'public' from day one, and first impression about who you might be is your playername and the way you talk. Before you make your role known, your role will be noticed by the other participants of this fantasy. Participate in all things you can participate, let people notice you and see your skills and abilities, but most of all your character. Be it that you are an uprising villain or a sensitive lady, this is not really something you get to decide, but the others get to notice.
You have personal papers you can write on your profile (you can find them in the Archives on mainland , or on icons on your detail view when you click your playername in chat). These help a lot to tell the general public in what direction you are moving and what you attempt to be.
One terrible mistake one can do is being undecided about who they are, but this is a paradox, because you can not know who you are until you know who you are. Don't worry, if you are active , you will become public naturally. Its more important how you will be known by others, not when. I hope this place will help you find who your character is and in turn, to find out, how much of this character you are.
Oh oh, and i nearly forgot one of the most important aspects of this community. Respect other players, and they will show you respect in return. This, plus being active and involved, are the foundation of anything you wish to build with your role.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I instigate a rebellion? was marked as the answer
Rebellions are indeed a possibility, you should gather more people to support such an event before starting it.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I create a conversation group on the forum? was marked as the answer
You can not do group discussions with the in-game inbox at this time (maybe at some point in the future i will code such a feature).
You can start however a private message on the forum, and add multiple participants to it. Like this you can open a discussion with the group of people you desire (and only them).
Muratus del Mur's post in I tried to trade a creature but it gave an error... was marked as the answer
some creatures (morph crits), can not be traded after they are evolved. You do get a chance to "devolve" them once a year, when morphs melt, and then you can trade snowballs, but not fully grown snowmans.
Obviously, a snowman can not be moved, but a snowball can
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I create a poll on forum? was marked as the answer
First of all you need a forum account, then when you create a post, you have this option. (obviously)
Muratus del Mur's post in What is a snowman? was marked as the answer
They are morph creatures. A creature that has one form when it is traded, and a variaty of possible evolution brances when it is upgraded.
(please try not to post duplicate questions)
Muratus del Mur's post in What are bounties? was marked as the answer
Bounties are give out on certain dates and time period. Sadly i will not disclose the exact algorithm , but you may try to notice their behavior and discover when it happens (reverse engineer the formula)
You can activate bounties in the background, without knowing, but they will show just one at a time, till you collect all. This means that you may be obtaining 100 bounties today because its md birthday, but they will show in your interface 100 days from now, if you collect just one per day.
You may disable this feature from your settings.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I get weather-related spells? was marked as the answer
Weather is set, unset, or changed, by using spells. you can get these from the wishshop in exchange for wishpoints. Wishpoints you can get only as reward for solving quests or during events. You can NOT buy wishpoints or trade them (in fact trading or facilitating obtaining wishpoints other than deserving them is forbidden and penalized).
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I say something on the Mood Panel? was marked as the answer
You can write a short paragraph of text on the mood panel, that will stay there until other entries push it down, or you change it. You can have only one entry at a time, the moodpanel is not a dialogue.
You can see how long you have to wait till you can edit your entry again, when you try to edit it.
Muratus del Mur's post in I had a snowman but for some reason it is a snowball again? was marked as the answer
Once a year on a set date in summer, ALL the snowmans melt. The date was picked to be the birthday of the person that made the drawings for this creature *Akasha*.
A melted snowman returns to snowball state... i know it should become water, but since its still a snowman, it must retain some information of what it once was.
A snowball gives you the chance to trade and evolve the snowman into a different branch/version.
Muratus del Mur's post in What is the erolin device? was marked as the answer
The Erolin Device is nowdays the swarm of heat orbs on the left of the interface. It used to be a good looking device one day, in the top right corner of the interface, but now it got a more permissive shape.
The heat orbs can store the heat you generate when walking or fighting or doing other things. This heat can be reactivated by clicking a glowing orb, and it becomes again active heat that drops one point per second and can be used to cast spells (for example).
You can get more heat slots in the shop or on christmas tree, or other rewards.
One heat slot can store only a fixed amount of heat, not more not less. If you don't have enough heat to load it, it will not load.
To store your heat in the Erolin Device, click the small "store" bubble on the left. it will make a mechanical sound
Muratus del Mur's post in How is the date and time recorded in MagicDuel? was marked as the answer
The first day does not start in some day in april, it starts on 1st january each year.
On 14 April , its the game's birthday, and the year the game celebrates that year, defines the year
This might be a bit confusing, but for now thats how it always was. For example today is day 128 (counting 128 from the beginning of the year), and year 16, counting how many times it passed the date of 14 April (years).
ST means server time.
Because everyone is on different timezone, its not relevant what day is for each one, so we use server time to define time of events and such.
Puuuuureeellyy by coincidence does it happen that server time is Romania, GMT+2 , same like mine, just a coincidence, yeah...:))
Muratus del Mur's post in I lost all my resources when making something! I had a lot more than needed! was marked as the answer
Resources are stored in stacks. When you use resources you can only use an entire stack at a time. You can split stacks with options found in the shop, but the ideal way to deal with this is to collect just what you need at one time, then spend it when you need. Hoarding resources is not discouraged, its just sabotaged. You will still find things to do with piles of resources bigger than what you could possibly need, but best you could do is try to split them, or not hoard so much in the first place.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I find out the special names that certain creatures bear? was marked as the answer
I heard the Grasan can be named certain ways and depending on that it will produce different things. (sorry this does not answer your question directly as it would be too much of a spoiler, but just confirms its so)
Ps: Pls dont post the names, just tell where to find them.
Muratus del Mur's post in How do I distinguish between a veteran and a new player? was marked as the answer
A veteran will always have a lot more perks, bells and whistles on his account. Maybe medals, or part of an ally, or gold avatar, or best of all, a custom tag. Active days is certainly an indicator, but after the initial 100 days, the difference is not just days, unless we talk about really old players with thousands of days.