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Calyx of Isis

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Everything posted by Calyx of Isis

  1. Welcome ckrono. You're right. Getting into an alliance right now may seem unlikely. However, it can be achieve if you get to know the people in the alliance you want to join. Hang out with them, edventure with them, duel with them in the dojo. Things happen fast here. You might be unnoticed one day and famous the next. It's in your hands. Take from one who knows and has been in game for less than 60 days.
  2. And yet another Happy birthday to Jonn, DiKira, and the others! ::Calyx starts looking through toy chests:: Darn... where did I put that paddle... ::more searching and flying toys:: Ah here it is! ::Takes a few practice swings:: Ok boys, over my knee now while I administer your birth spankings! Ok John... you first. Tell Calyx how old you are...
  3. Manu -- I hope one of the issues to be resolved is volume control -- It downs out all other sounds on my computer. Drowns out my music. On the other hand I love your eclectic taste. The range is wonderful. What is the lovely piece in the MB Sanctuary?
  4. LOL you may be right. I have to play mother sometimes. I can also be therapist. But don't expect it.
  5. Welcome to our world. I think it take most people a while to find the willness to face the vastness of any game's forums. This is one of the few forums where roleplaying and game playing cary over from the game. Enjoy.
  6. I cannot understand why everyone is putting so much effort into making up things for the AL when there is so much wonderful role playing and adventuring that is going unreported. The real events of MagicDuel are ignored while other stories are fabricated. This is just not right. It's time to revolt ... well, at least complain vigorously. Phrog making Fire is cool, but ...
  7. @DST -- LOL I remembered your words. It was one of the reasons I said this was a bit premature. @Udgard -- I agree with all of your ideas. Mechanisms are being put into place even as we write these posts. As I lay in bed last night I realized what you meant by officilization meaning tags. However the word choice disturbs me. Part of it is because of the different functions tags play. My tag was created not because I have an "official" role in game, but because it was the only way to create a different kind of alliance than previously existed. I believe it was also Mur's of demonstrating his support for what I was trying to create. I never took it to mean I have an "official" status. Mur also promised "dojo staff" tags to my staff, that others might recognize them. Until and unless I become an RPC I do not have an "official" role. The tag is recognition, as is the adventure log. I think this is the word you really want.
  8. Dojo locations, rules, announcements, and staff are all listed in the first four posts of this thread. Do read those posts. Just click on the little box for page 1. To answer your question directly, Marble Dale Park Gates of Marind's Bell Defensive Quarters
  9. @TreeHill The size 7 type was totally inappropriate. We are not blind. I may have to have a moderator remove your message. I will try to find and talk to Night Queen. For anyone but the staff leadership (myself and my apprentices) is not appropriate. We need to hear both sides of the story and evaluate them before names are posted. So far almost all problems have been successfully dealt with using diplomacy alone. It seems I am going to have to create and pin a list of forum rules. I don't doubt that something happened. However, I cannot play either of your attachments. If you want to present copies of PMs and the chat, we will take appropriate steps. These will include determining if Night Queen knew the rules about idle pays. The rule is: Idle players may be attacked only if they have left word they may be attacked. If in doubt, do not attack.
  10. And you missed Calyx of Isis belly dancing and doing Salomé's Dance of the Seven Veils and walking off naked. Did I mention her bump and grind! I knew there was a reason Isis stuck me in all those harems!
  11. Penny, I would agree completely with Khal, but maybe I know you better. I suspect you were feeling pity, compassion, or some other softhearted emotion when you drew this. As a consequence, he appears gentler than in reality. For example, haven't you noticed the blacker than night shadow that envelops him where ever he goes? I swear, he must have one of his creatures chase behind him with a fog machine.... uh.. did I say fog, I meant smog. And where are the blood and entrails, or is this the G-rated version of the portrait?? On the whole, I think you've got it. Makes Darth Vader and his Emperor looks like pansies.
  12. Udgard, I declined to vote as you do not include a vote only for tags. Mur and Shoeps give tags for many reasons. Sometimes it's role playing, sometimes it's to promote/support a new idea in the game, sometimes its... well I'm sure there are many other reasons. My title was reason #2. I like your suggestion, but the timing is off. I couldn't take the last option in the poll, the idea does not suck. I suspect Mur considers this experiment a big success and that future contests of this type will be held. Question: In English, PWR would be Player With Role, but What is PWD? I suspect it has meaning in some language other than English. Does anyone kno what is PWD?
  13. With extreme difficulty. In the past I think it was because Mur had certain things in mind. But many things in the AL were and are just reflections of people doing their own thing. I think mur asserted some control after the roles got started. As Udgard suggests, he plays dungeon master. The AL is run a different way now. I don't know how Ren and company choose what goes in. Some of it they make up. This disappoints me given all the wonderful things that take place every day. I think maybe the archivists need to be more watchful or let more player actions flow into the logs. I do think that if we all went and sent i entries to the archivists, the system would totally bog down. I have a few more ideas on this, but they are best kept to myself for the moment.
  14. Ah, but that was a long time ago Kadeshi. My including the text of my current pm was not to chide you, but to give you an example of the PM to send to offenders -- since you're now a member of the staff.
  15. @Dean Selco -- The Dr. Strangelove picture is so damn appropriate. You are wicked, even if I did guess the chumming part after the first two lines.
  16. I hate having to select PM reason. Almost always it's other, at least for me, even when PMing Mur. As a consequence I have chosen to to buy that feature. The cloud looks great, I long ago figure out how to use it, but I cannot remember what I'm using the icons for. Often I can't find the flying icon I want. I had to give up on it. I use different combinations of stars. These I can remember! (Ok so my head is wired funny.) I think the cloud can hold on to messages that might otherwise slip of the end of of the list. I have so many PMs in a day, that I've lost important messages in as little as two or three days because they fell off the nether end. A simple thing would solve that problem for me... the ability to check a box in the message, delete as I often need to reply and delete.
  17. You simply had to loose. None of my creatures are dead. I was wounded grievously and died. No doubt DST killed many, but it was not DST who killed me. I witnessed my death, but was not it's cause.
  18. Meiche has stepped down as my apprentice and second in command. Let it be known that the dojo would not be what it is had I not had her companionship, criticism, ideas, and assistance both before and during the creation of the dojo. Let archivists and historians record her important role in the founding of the dojo. Without her it would never have been. The dojo was a hazy idea in my head for over two weeks before it's creation. Meiche and I would talk about our frustrations. She would complain about not being able to do something and I would reply something like, "There you go, The Way of the Dojo, Lesson #4!" Many of my initial ideas were quite impractical. It was Meiche who popped each one of those idea balloons and focused me on practical ideas. Even the two initial dojo locations were her idea. She had talked me down from seven locations, to three, then to one. But where to put that one dojo, No Man's Land or Marind's Bell. I remember the moment when she suggested we take both sides of the gates. It was a brilliant idea that exploded in my mind like a flash bulb. It was the first time I knew the dojo could be real. Lastly, the first week of the dojo was absolutely grueling. Without Meiche, Tarquinus, Elias, Sol, Perrobotillo, and Envy standing by my side I would have given up as it was totally draining me. Meiche and I, I think we each put in the hours so as to not let down the other. I know I dragged my butt to the computer because I could not leave her there alone. Then these others joined us and we survived that first five days.
  19. We always need active, committed players for the dojo staff. We will be recruiting for some time to come. The purpose of dojo staff is to be a visible representative of the dojo. The primary duties of the staff are to explain the dojo and it's rules, handle complaints, PM offenders, and keep spoilers off the live chat. Staff are not expected to be teachers, but if you can teach and help in other ways, this is all to the good. Post here if you want to join us. You can also approach me or one of my apprentices.
  20. Though I've seen you around, you and I have not really met. It's time we got to know each other. I have no problem adding you to the dojo staff, and believe we will benefit from what you have to offer. As for the apprentice position, as I said, I need to get to know you. Look for me in game. I just pulled your profile. What's the status of the dojo offenders on your list. I assume you sent PMs to them all. What follows is the information message I send to first time offenders: We ask that you honor the rules of the Dojo. Marble Dale Park, Gates of Marind Bell, and Defensive Quaters are now a safe zones for the study and practice of rituals. You may fight here, but only by mutual consent as in a real world dojo. During heads contest, players with seven (7) or more heads may be attack without warning. Please see forum topic 2001, The Way of the Dojo. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=2001 The Dojo has Mur's backing. Thank you, Calyx of Isis, Mistress of the Dojo Of course, you would sign it, Kadeshi, Dojo staff.
  21. XinHun, you're not quite ready for the apprentice position. However, we did discuss adding you to to the list of dojo staff. This I will do immediately. However it will take a while to get you a title, as I should give Mur time to award the list of titles I submitted to him yesterday.
  22. My goal is to have some staff member present at dojo at all times, but then I am a dreamer. Please post names of offenders immediately in the chat in game. If there are persistent offenders, these should be PM'ed here or in game. The sooner we get names the faster we can respond. After 12 hours gets very hard to track players down as there is no longer a trace on the game page. The names of dojo staff can be found in the first post of this thread<{POST_SNAPBACK}>. Please note, there will always be a certain number of MP3 offenders as they are born into the dojo. There may be office changes to the rules of the game. To account for the dojo. Don't count on this, but it is something Ren suggested I look into.
  23. The dojo is growing daily and there is more work than I can handle. I am looking for one or two players dedicated to the dojo as their first and second priority. (Third, fourth, etc. are yours.) I am looking for real commitment. Those chosen will be my apprentices. Initially there will just be work that simply needs to be done. Eventually I will have one apprentice per dojo as it's manager. Obviously such a person would be a candidate to replace me when it comes time for me to step down. Things I look for in an apprentice: Commitment to the ideals and principles of the dojo. Wisdom Reliability Diplomacy Sound knowledge of the game basics and the ability to transmit them to others Helpful to all. Candidates will work with me for a trial period, typically about a week in duration. If interested, please post here (even if we have discussed it game).
  24. No. I submitted the list again yesterday when I emailed the adventure log entry. Now I am wondering if Mur received it. Thanks for the notice, crowns
  25. 100% dead, spot on! Just one complaint. The oldest known version was in Arabic by the Mad Arab, Abdul al Hazred, a name that has haunted me for 42 years. I find it so amusing that most readers and purveyors of the work of fiction do not know of it's origin or that it is a fake fake. On that note I will segue to Orson Welles' sparkling film, F for Fake, a genuine story of a fake fraud and so very credible! Then, too, there was Tom Lehrer's lyric from the '60's, "genuine copy of a fake Dior." 'Nuf said!
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