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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. ok then have to tell wind not to move the pub, and shades power doesn't reach loreroot I think it only Marind's Bell and the No Man's Lands - and possibly the Archives though I don't trust what the shades say anyway so I don't know and as far as I know only shades use that light, damn I just had I very bad ithought what if they want to use her to make a new the black she is of the light if that is subverted she would become even more powerful than the black was with nature fury behind her it would not be good for anyone
  2. I said sorry and that I'm an (...)of my self what more do you want
  3. it bothers me as well and if she change to a flock of birds there's no guarantee she can change tansformtion is very unstable out out a few races(ex.fox demons)
  4. try to make everyone happy and you end up tired and no one is really happy and just a idea this is a roleplaying game your playing and you don't want to roleplay , do I even have to say it, it explains it's self
  5. no they'ld figure out you just sucking up and still get mad or at least till you to go away
  6. don't do that they get mad
  7. I agree with Udgard an hour is tiring a whole day would be too much, :lol: and all the points are good as well
  8. in that case if you need my help(and I'm sane at the time) feel free to ask
  9. thats not good or it could be really good, depend what happens next and who's side your on
  10. happy birthday
  11. you will get it,come to wind's sanctuary and I'll treat you to an ale, just don't touch wind or I will kill you(not the wind the Sanctuary is named after) lol
  12. I didn't have a big part like some but I was there beat a few people was got my but hand to me by the black(x2) then got be the time I was healed it was over khalazdad had died and came back as had sagewomen
  13. the dachorn lair is near there as is the cannon but your right mt. is on the other side but yeah he could talking about something though that portal
  14. well, we now know one of us as it close to right
  15. is the gem I shattered that was bugging wind, the red gem your talking about
  16. if rj does help it going to be really hard, so how can talk him into helping
  17. drachorn are what almost saved him last time right before they left so I belive you are right tremir there are some people other then rj who have drachorns maybe we can get them to help, I have a baby Drachorn it likly wouldn't be any help by its self
  18. if you need help in getting into loreroot or need a jail break(joking kind of) p.s. I'll asuming you made a "ah" pitstop in the pub or I talked to you just out side it
  19. this is starting to hurt my head, so it ether khalazdad, MRD, or, SmartAlekRJ.
  20. true, maybe I'll ask him next time I see him
  21. I rember you about something me being a women hater which is not true I just like to tease them ask wind, sage women, kandice, and I'm sure I missed someone just I'm sorry the redeemed by love is one of oldest and sweetest story I know
  22. if I ask who "he" is you ether going to not give an answer or one that I will have to figure out aren't you, who is he if you don't say it here please pm me
  23. thats a good idea, I can help with Elements and Syntropy
  24. it was good timing indeed, the fight was a pain, and khalazdad the grey is way easier to deal with hell he seems to be a nice guy and can some till me why all the women around Khalazdad hate me I'm I really all that bad
  25. sorry I made an (...) of myself not a uncommon thing and no I was not not, was trying(somewhere in there)some are deeper then others p.s. the smiley face open a few emoticons and once again sorry
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