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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. hey is odd that I happen run arcoss this while wranderindering around loreroot when no one been a round .Muratus del Mur.: storm .Muratus del Mur.: you are loreroot faction now .Muratus del Mur.: let me know how things evolve, and be carefull in fights agianst other lands it a diffent storm right I know there like there 3 other ones, it creeps me out
  2. I'm still stuck on the odd time people chose to ask that, I'm nomally trying to or planning kill someone when the ask p.s. affability doesn't apply to me In fact I had to look it up (you can laugh)
  3. it being tested for meaning the likely hood of war have increased and that it will happen in some form and I'm in a good mood please don't kill it
  4. I told you all p.s. sorry about the told you
  5. short but good
  6. what do people ask that at the oddest times and I have a dumb question cuting someones arms, legs and skin off then pulling there guts out and eating them only means that you want them to die a painful death only right? and if there trying to do things its a clue to stop right?
  7. ingoring the impossables in yours, mine still is better it allow him to the greatest joy then fall into the deepest, darkest part of hell and in the event I get killed later he is still be drowning in darkness kukukukukukuhahaha (mine is evil laugh better and newer)
  8. you didn't know, he said a few time that he needs to rest his souls(losing an agurement is tiring for him) and is alway talking about feeding on the living (even the vampress i talk doesn't say much about that) p.s.Deon Selco don't be so lame let him fall in love, start a family, then kill his family leaving him alive, so he can feel pain and darkness that khalazdad and the shade can only wish they could infict on someone
  9. collect souls and keeping them for power and after checking I belive i found his alignment itis ether Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil which explians the listening to shade(whom I don't trust anway) but odd behiver that seems to me to indicate evil p.s. here the link to the test http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20001222b and one for the Alignments only http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_(Du..._&_Dragons) p.p.s.I took the test came out Neutral Good
  10. you can at lest change robe and dip your self in a lake. I can why would do some things none of reasons mark him as one of the goodly folk(nothing to do with light, dark, law or chaos, just good and evil) I'll even amit I am not the most lawful of people but I am a good one (I took the test)
  11. I could say I saw him killing puppys and you'ld try and find a reason for to be just wouldn't you he still needs to bathe and wash his clothes p.s.I don't count people who lick dust(or any thing else that isn't food) as sane ether they should just eat better food
  12. others yes, yourself no and sane people bathe and wash there clothes Khalazdad is still caked with blood from weeks ago and they also don't lick they swords after kill spy that fail(the only nomal thing I've listed this is still not the action of a goodly person) while laughing you really should pay more attention to your boss, lets not forget trying to sever your own light and do I have to mention the talk me and him had about humans
  13. It firgured she may want to know what may have to deal with and glaistig simple I may end up beheading her or khalazdad, may he is insane(If you hate every thing yourself most of all your insane) and I take back the traitor comment and say sorry Glaistig(I read the loreroot forum) but khalazdad is still insane I'ld watch my neck if I was you Glaistig.
  14. today the mmorpg100 did the same thing with me
  15. she will not have to worry about beheadings or insane leaders and oh yeah lets not not forget the traitors
  16. hi and first advice don't join necro
  17. stop doing that(cuts off Deon Selco's arm)
  18. what the hell did he just say
  19. Glaistig you have lost your mind oh well welcome to the club here is your kitten and handbook
  20. thats even more jumbled then the last post, as a gift here some advice don't get Morgana Le Fey mad she's scary when she's mad
  21. hi and was that suppose that be scary, if you what to scary people you need to do a lot more than that
  22. don't worry glaistig I'll loan you my army of demonic kittens
  23. metal bunny watch the new harold and kumar moive and you will understand are greatness or be very offended I don't care ether way and oh yeah hi yami no sakura when's the next story p.s. meet my bunny (holds up a undead bunny) a cute little needle sniffer isn't it
  24. I agree with ren as well
  25. how do we know that they are really independent sure your all heard the term black ops if you mean the legend that was told yesterday I was there as well that only seems to make the fact the say one thing and then do some else even clearer then again maybe the "independent shades" are the ones seeking balance and peace(what the necro shades say they want) and the necro shades seek war(what they act like they want to do) and lying to keep us from finding out or this is just the ranting of a madman you figure it out
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