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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. not close enogh for me to bug mur with yet if we can get 5 people to yes they will join then I'll talk to him I better add this now but if anyone is spy on this alliance(even if its not one yet) or I'll kill you
  2. hi whoever you are,an warning there seems to alot of flirting going on lately, was it always like that or is this new
  3. so we 3 people who support the idea 2 who say they would join
  4. I'm happy you asked, the reason I'll tell mur is to, fight the shade and to protect the innocence who come to Marind's Bell for peace(this is what will make us more than a GG ripoff) and also if you try to get surpport for try to keep it quiet in pms or this forum I don't want to make a big deal out of it then have mur say no, also tell I have 5 people(not counting myself) say they will join before I ask mur about it
  5. sound like fun since I no longer have a homeland I'ld even head it, if no one else will I sure I could even coome up with a story for it if needed
  6. yeah it elitistic but its the good kind
  7. I want to know how ren got him out of my will o wisp barrrier I made that to protect agianstthe most powerful undead it even saved me form a god
  8. hey me and night shade are go to try and get him to winds if any can help please come to the gate of ages
  9. as I said just support loreroot and someone will sign you up at some point(I can't I'm just a supporter my self) look for one of the Guardians of the Root (the people with trees next to there names) they are the ones who can help you join, now have fun p.s. you will not become part of the Guardians when you join loreroot you'll become a supporter(don't confuse this with a game supporter) your homeland will change to loreroot
  10. if you support loreroot you'll get in at some point(there is a quest to get ito the land it's self but you'll learn about that later) you get some nice stat incease and you heal when faster in loreroot and don't worry I only speak english and I mess up a lot(I can't spell at all)
  11. hi, join loreroot(I shouldn't do that should I)
  12. 3 things 1. hi 2. what the hell 3.join loreroot
  13. I would help but I have no fire and I suck heat out of the air around me (call this a warning to anyone who plays with the souls of the dead)
  14. even thou there some problems and I'm quicker to point them then give thanks for what is done good(sorry about that) you really have done well, I really like the rpc contest(even if I not try it)
  15. hi little soulless necro I'll be sure to kill you a sometime and big deal I've made rivers of blood lakes of hellfire and done something so bad that I left my home plane I refuse to ever again use my real powers even if it kiils me
  16. stormrunner

    The Voices

    who are you talking to
  17. Glaistig I hate to tell you but thing here will not change in less some game comes along that does what MD does only better because as you said this community has a majory problm with elitism both as a game and with groups llike the rpc(lucky this is being fixed kindof) or older players
  18. stormrunner

    The Voices

    all my voices speak in random languages I don't understand, how insane does that make me
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