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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. (laughs)not talking about you bored and dst you find me out trying to get wind some more business(and it'll help them get into rping quicker)
  2. you can and if you get bored go to one of the pubs and get a drink on me
  3. the guilds control the lands and ALMOST is a key word [spoiler]there are ways to get to the path keeper I may know 2 of them[/spoiler]
  4. MRD you may make me getting a avatar happen much sooner good idea
  5. happy birthday, your quest is still the only one I have beaten
  6. most higher mp's cannot do anything excpt tell the dojo staff, we can not "deal with" or (evil smile)atleast in the way I would like to , believe me I would if I could
  7. yeah I am listening lets hear it this is why I started this topic
  8. they are and that could be very bad or very good I'll let you decide
  9. House of Tainted Times dark hall is where they were last a talked to bored
  10. hi if you get bored get a drink form one of the pubs on me and I know some of the dojo staff so I make sure sage doesn't kill you(evil laugh)
  11. we really do and he really does, I love when he has them set because then I get a few easy wins
  12. bored is safe because of Rajadharma - Duty of Kings: The King is the most conscientious servant of the people. no one I don't know him but I'll help on the MRD/GG transporter route
  13. dst is right you will just have to set more then one rit form now on
  14. what said Tarquinus said is right no worrys there excpt during the head hunt
  15. I think bootes is right new creature would be better
  16. being one of those with little or no free money I can not help but say this is a good idea plus it really is a good idea
  17. hi and good, if you get bored go to one of the pubs and get a drink on me
  18. your wind's mp 6 protecter so I do like you and I hate all rpc quests excpt bootes that one I could do :lol:
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