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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. really which ones and is it bad when manga is what is keeping you half sane
  2. (hands Grido a bottle of rum)it be ok and if you feel you sanity sliping away start reading manga in fact heres my fav manga site [url="http://www.onemanga.com"]http://www.onemanga.com[/url] it'll warn you if you find anything that may scare and/or offend you
  3. (laughs then pats both of them on the head)don't worry mur is still looking out for us now for my sanity back to manga
  4. ok mur these people need help actual (looks at all the manga he has read in the past two days) I do too
  5. (starts to drink a blue ale but stop and hands it to eggs and get one for Intrigue and hnds it to her)I think you two need them more then I do
  6. controlled breathing is one of the oldest and most common forms meditation and is not hard if you want to try some thing fun try control your heartbeat without changing your breathing or try controling your blood pressure all can be done without any training and if you pay attention you can use these to increase your physical abilities to a small degree
  7. balance what that, that actually can be done I haven't been balanced since mur made everyone balanced and I was balance for all of two days then
  8. not again I've read over 250 manga Chapters in two days waiting for MD to come back and now it's gone again oh well (picks up a 558 Chapter manga) this should hold me for a while
  9. hi and there is a topic to talk about MD withdraw if you need it
  10. great I payed for something I never knew was coming oh well sounds like fun as long as no brainwashing takes place oh wait I'm too crazy for tthat I left my sanity at the press and I can't log in yet :cray: :cray: :cray:
  11. awww it ok Intrigue(pats her on the head)I started this topic so what does that say about me
  12. ok, after seeing 12 hours 24 will be the end of the world
  13. hi junior and what was your first clue sandra(passes out bottles of bue ale then drinks one himself)
  14. to answer my own question symptoms 1. start a topic on MD withdraw 2.the fruit cake start to look good to eat 3.start running around not sure why how do I deal with it I don't know how can you help me and am I going insane or worst I'm becoming like I am bored
  15. you know you've play to much when trying to hold off MD withdraw play another game you miss the chat lag also if you start having MD withdraw if you go 12 hours without playing
  16. hi and I forgot to buy you a free drink too didn't I
  17. hi if I haven't bought you free ale make mortis do it :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:
  18. (cough)he is back(cough)
  19. really good job gargant now I say we need drinks :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:
  20. you'll get used to it or you'll go insane
  21. hi and if you get bored get a free ale on me :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:
  22. don't push your actions off on me your choices define how everyone see you, you choice to do things that cause people to see you as a villian if you want to not be seen as such stop being one your action decide how people see you if you don't like how they see you change if you don't want to then stop whining your not some sad misunderstand hero stop trying to talk us into believe you are I know irony well, let me guess because DS is a newer alliance compared to some please it older then I am, dst get out the past it called the past for a reason,it over with and done oh and if everyone wants there own alliance why do I have 6 people who want to help me why does cry have around 18 dst heres some irony for you read before you post look up what your talking about then speak and dst let me tell you something I told Glaistig the time of the old vets is passing you have two choices realize it no longer your game and move on pass the Torch to the next group or you can fight the changes around you a ruin the game for everyone but there is a third choice instead of being a whiny punk you can change with the game and grow dst you can do a lot of good for the game if you get over you need for everything to be the same please do grow to the future if you don't like the rping stay in the shop and fight all day no body will force you to do anything else you can just look for bugs all day long now to other people metal bunny thats what I'm doing at the moment and I will keep doing it tell it becomes a real alliance cry is also doing the same and now he and the rest have tags so that and the MRs prove that it can be done hopeful one day I can add my alliance to the list
  23. nice backhand(laughs)yes I'm pick on you dst your the GM assistant and one of oldest players in the game your voice carrys alot of weight and so far it always against new alliance so basical your the biggest threat so I'm trying to get you to ether step back and think or simply not talk and see what happens and again hypocrite says one thing does something else you say you think no alliance should form without a good rp reason yet your your self have said that your in the Dimensional Shifters for the skills what does that say and note never once have I said dst your a hypocrite, you did that says your thinking about it your self and on my alliance yes I was not clear enough I will make it clear when I go to make it officail tell then I'm waiting for 1. the player who asked to write the backstory to finish 2. maybe a few more people I will most like;y not try tell mur's next learning phase or maybe even later
  24. ok I keep hearing that new alliances have no reason for being yet everytime I've checked except maybe bored's, have a reason to be though depend on who you are it may not seem like much the reason, that most of them don't have so long winded and more or less useless back story is because they are truly new their story is just begining not in the middle and I was in loreroot so if I was just after skills or leadership I would have just stayed there dst and others has proved you can take over a alliance and not all the current alliance have reasons to still begin after all GG was made to fight the shades and their more or lesss gone for the time being hell the seekers are not doing muh in fact their only really 3 of them the other half is just alts so you can't even say their gathering support for the cause and don't get me started on the Dimensional Shifters oh dst you say my allliance as no reason to be excpt I want skills that you, not me but lets play word of the day hypocrite(hyp·o·crite) Pronunciation: \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritēs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai Date: 13th century 1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings — hypocrite adjective now dst never confuse your reasons with other again oh and just to give you guys a point yes my alliance does have to do with the role I want it is too big for me to do with out help but if you can find fault in that you'd have to find fault with khalazdad, MRD, simplyzero, lets see I can think of any one else right now and I'm done being a (...) and ranting but this really is starting to bug me people are trying to make something and are coming up with good ideas and all you guys can do is shoot them down and basical mock them and it pretty sad thats all you can do maybe instead you can just wait and see what they can do before judging
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