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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. happy birthday and free drinks on me if you find the time :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:
  2. hi kingdakad and really listen to Glaistig read the forum then ask
  3. ok not that this is no longer off topic [quote]How do you know that that is the way it will remain that way? It seems strange that Manu would create a system where you can have multiple alliances per land and then just allow a single and lets face it rather dull (at least lately) alliance in Marind Bell. There is lots of alliance ideas I can think of just by reading Adi’s notes on MB. I can think of 2 alliance ideas right now that would be appropriate for Marind Bell: - An alliance focused on protecting it like the Guardians are for Loreroot or the Guerrillas are for GG (The Seekers from what I know are focused on contacting the Angiens and learning from them rather then really protecting Marind Bell) and it defiantly needs protecting[/quote] lets see my alliance protecting innocent no matter the cost marind's bell reason for being provide a safe haven for the kind hearted(from the talked about notes) yep it on the list and at this point the bell will be the homeland if it becomes a real alliance hell when I first started trying to make it I ask the seekers for some support they said no because they didn't like something about my alliance [quote]An alliance focused on actually saving Marind (an very important yet much neglected character outside of story mode) from Necrovion’s clutches and finding her murders. Such an alliance could be more aggressive in upsetting the Shade’s balance in Marind’s favour, Marind Bell from what I remember Manu saying was always supposed to be a more oblique land then Loreroot or even GG.[/quote] I knew there was a reason I worship you if mur would let it happen I even have a theory on how it could be done hell it be fun if marind become like wodin is now, though that means we have to kick ren out her room though actual that brings up a nice idea if marind can be bought back that means Daniel Raven, Heellena Wasspe, and Gabriel Wind can all come back to which may have some nice effects ranging from shades showing up again to even older more fouler things hey maybe even the Angiens will come out of hiding
  4. well I'm not granos I am a few others but not granos and why are there 6 granos that scares me alittle
  5. this is a nice idea just becareful what you write it be bad if a secret got out because of it and someone had to quiet things down :diablo:
  6. with the rustgold in the MD shop there is really no point in trying to keep drachorns rare because they simply aren't anymore it already to late
  7. that 2nd idea sounds a little better then the mass pming
  8. since you said I have too speak now number one since he's working with me I love it if dragonrider7 become a new drachorn master(a story of a drachorn war would be amusing more so if a new and old drachorm master who hate each other had too work together to fight braiton) on the mainpoint read the inner magic doc topics I would put a quote of the post I want you to read but I don't know how quotes work
  9. it nice very nice I'd drink to that in fact :drinks:
  10. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  11. ohh why not :rofl:
  12. well dst if you want us to fight you you have to help get us formed as a real alliance first
  13. ren you hang out in a dead girl's room I ended up keeping playing because after blowing though mp3 and 4 I ended in wind's alot started rping just about the same time wind started the first pub there(the one in loreroot now) broke just about every rule she has, still do in fact :diablo:
  14. nice I hope someone does take this up so my shadowguard alliance will have a clear enemy it be easier to get it formed if you can see who we're fighting
  15. (puts away his knife gets his claymore then stabs red sun)just because you said to put my knife away, and it not that bad if you now how to fight like I do
  16. why would you stab cry then I would have to do evil things to you and pay attention when you sac creature you may find something you will like
  17. and I thought I do alot
  18. true that helps
  19. your later bunny there are 4 spy groups already
  20. women always love the ears :rofl:
  21. nice Amoran (looks at the guy with pointed ears) remind me to make sure my next avatar has those
  22. my group would came in just before the war trying to stop it and if it happens anyway then keep it between the people in it
  23. I agree with Tarquinus on that one
  24. 5 groups are active and 3 atleast wish to become alliances
  25. after look at the cannon agian during the test I think I may have a theory about how it works but this isn't the topic for that and look at both of them they are enegry based weapons that much I'm sure of the totem reminds me of a muti directional beam weapon and the cannon looks to be a single high charge shot type of weapon
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