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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. hi, if you get bored go to one the pub and get a drink on me
  2. does any one else see a little white bunny with a stick run across the screen when they get bored
  3. many people believe in the supernatural, some say anyone who talks about it is dumb or crazy but there is some science behind it tell me what you think about and if you know something about the scince share it with us I know a little but not enough to really talk about it to much
  4. ok I have said my point I'll shut up but if you want to know more look up norseman while your at it check the rest of my bloodline, p.s.franch, greman, italian, american indian
  5. look around and read about the past war and religion have always gone to together philosophies that lead to war are mostly form religion p.s. I am pretty good at history
  6. another one
  7. philosophy=peace=good religion=wars=bad
  8. no but you are the best one and know as the cleaner
  9. well I'm part of loreroot now so whoever takes my place good luck and dst leave this alone in case some does decide to try again
  10. they will make good food for the evil kitten I gave sage
  11. I never really talked to you so hi and if you get bored, go to one of the pubs and get a drink on me
  12. hmm thats odd I well know by the owners of both, which one and who did it
  13. ok when your done with that go to one of the pubs and tell them I am buying you a drink
  14. hi and you know what I have to say
  15. happy birthday but which one is the birthday of, or does it count of them
  16. no I plan on getting too many wins but instead I'll end up with too many loss again :lol:
  17. people but innocence is a innocent(laughs)
  18. wasn't really here
  19. hi don't harm a innocent or I'll eat your soul
  20. bit much maybe, but a very good idea
  21. hi if you need help feel to ask me
  22. it a joke ailith dst's drachorn name is left hand
  23. man you took a long time for this
  24. I support the idea but seeing as I'm working on getting into loreroot I can't say I'll join
  25. (laughs) yes weapons are great way of communicating across long distances your likely looking at the targeting system you need to aim a weapon after all, sorry but I'm not innocent enough to see a weapon as anything but a weapon
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