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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. that is not for nomal player like us you have to be a rpc or really lucky( I have seen 1 or 2 non-rpc) to be on the advanture log
  2. thats all very nice but has one problm the shades what war more then anyone else and did anyone think they are lying about reflecting our actions (when has info been that easy to get in MD)most of the army formed after necro's did and necro is by far the biggest and most powerful this is not copy our actions, its ploting on there own
  3. yeah but phrog that make them do as they say and you should know how that goes
  4. I agree this is a very good idea
  5. hey dst maybe your the one who's insane for not liking anime/manga this much but then agian I know I am not sane
  6. you want better ok I pm you a better one if you not I'll tell yu now it will be ecchi
  7. if you can't find a girl in a manga cute follow my way if she was real would you
  8. Glaistig how is she not cute tell me how
  9. and wow sacosphilz you were right but I don't have any to pay for your gas sorry and thank for saying the same thing I did I was being to think I really was insane
  10. are you talking about Inuyasha(the one with the big sword thats a guy) the girl is in school uniform. and he's half dog demon
  11. no look at this http://www.onemanga.com/Inuyasha/55/11/ it's the big one note the girl is cute the oni is not
  12. whats the dif between them, oni at lest look mean and not dumb(they have slack jaws that looks really dumb) and sol you really need to read more manga fma is fine but there are a lot better ones if you want a list I can pm one to you
  13. It may be charming(in a odd way) but it's not cute You think oni are cute to, right
  14. same thing x2 doesn't count
  15. ok I am ether insane or the only sane one here you figure it out
  16. there has to be more than one choice
  17. one of your will have start that topic for some reason every time I try after 2 sec the screen gets really wide and can't type I would say something about in the bug section but I can't start a topic and sorry about driving this topic even more offtopic
  18. you are right there many truths as far lenses I long ago stop caring about that you may like to take a look thou the dark looking glass and see you others self
  19. right, in my expernce the one who claim not hate the loudest are the one who hate the most, their just repressed, plus people with good intent don't keep blood on them so the real question is it me your or you who has lost their truth
  20. good job faraday, I guess he found the book in a way
  21. early, ridiculous, where have you been, the hour is getting pretty late, a war is coming and someone will fall. metal bunny we're not early your late
  22. because out of ones who voted only the ones said bob care( I said It's a Frigan Tree... who cares!!)lol
  23. wow, 3 diffent alliances try to form in no man's land(may need to change the name) well if anyone will take me I will galdly help
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