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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. that easy, Wodin Ullr the summoned warrior the shades and there lackeys hate his guts
  2. that is also fine with me
  3. ask phrog he's at the Gazebo of Equilibrium
  4. it ok I'm insane so I care don't even if I lose
  5. we can fight for the right to claim no man's land
  6. dark power corrupts more then light doas, I know it doas
  7. look the bright side at lest some of the ashs may have been blowen into the floating pyramids, I hope something odd doasn't happen (like his ashs turning into paper) p.s. sorry it didn't work out
  8. be careful I said that(in a more hostile way) and get yelled at
  9. your explaintion was good and I'm a bit of a sucker for female character like that and blonds and red heads and girls with long leg, o.k. I'm a sucker for cute females
  10. your right it was, and I know nothing about anyone you just mentioned and I prefer manga myself, and don't watch much anime that I don't read the manga. that poll would be fun and we could settle if grasans are cute or not p.s. whats tsundere, and really do your homework it was a pain getting out of high school with out doing homework
  11. on good and evil: in simple term good is selflessness and evil is selfishness the reason that dark energy many times turns people evil is because it the qiuck way to power but you must pay for it must of time you give your ability to see what right or you become insane the main exception to this is an avenger who instead of paying the nomal things they give a lot of they selfs to fight the darkness inside while they use the power of it to fight other darknesses
  12. it likely a spoiler so I say anything just watch the battle it will tell you
  13. dst is a real powerful ritual can make people think agian about attak, in the last head hunt I was able to get 4th (I think, I logged off A few hours before It ended) because ritual was powerful even when me and my creatures were at death door and I got a victory off him even though he was in good shape,
  14. yeah, it was just on another tab, how miu about here http://www.onemanga.com/Historys_Strongest...e_Kenichi/1/07/ or if your in goth http://www.onemanga.com/Immortal_Regis/1/08/ I would put more but some my other manga are not so nice this are cute, grasan is just able to get you attention their not in fact cute but they are powerful weapons, which I do like p.s. I really do like em their just not cute p.p.s. My taste are fine your are not, for lack of better word, nomal
  15. I have a fairly good Idea of what is cute and grasan is just cuter then sin by a hair
  16. firstly good idea this should help a lot of newbies and some other players next I am tired of people whining about rpc attacks so if anyone want to learn how to defend themselfs, I will tell them for free, if they can find me, for now I'm in story mode so if anyone wants to know pm in the forum til I get out, lastly what will the dojo do during head hunts, it be bad if some players use it to horde heads
  17. dst how you you get 3 cent I can't find my 2 cents barracuda I have to agree with dst it would become a pain to mp 4s who don't how to defeat people more powerful then them
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