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Everything posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. Awesome. Z
  2. House Cup and House Lobster need new hosts if anyone is up for it. Z
  3. Whoa if you missed it, Lashtal was epic. He gave us some real insights. I might post the log...if you're very lucky... Thursday the 29th of September at 22:00 server time we have another speaker! Let's welcome ***Aethon***, who will be talking about his journey through MD so far. I for one know Aethon has been through quite the number of experiences, so if you don't know his story, this is definitely one you don't want to miss! For new players, his is the story of the boy who lived! No wait...that's Harry Potter isn't it...ok well....his is the story of someone who got out there and really immersed himself from day one. Aethon will take the talk where he wants it to go, and I'm sure he'll answer your questions and offer tips if you ask nicely. Location: Underground...at the place with the stairs... Date: 29th September (Thursday) Time: 22:00 server time Be there or be square Z
  4. Okay people, it's time for a speaker! Monday the 19th of September at 23:00 server time hails the arrival of *****Lashtal*****, who will be talking about his experiences as Molquert and will be open to questions. This is the perfect time to learn about playing official character, what that involves and why. You'll be able to find out about the difficulties he experienced, how he kept his identity and his favorite moments, among other things. Lashtal has been given free reign on where he takes things so the discussion could go in any direction! I know I'm looking forward to it. Location: At the Howling Gates Date: 19th September (Monday) Time: 23:00s server time Be there or be square Z
  5. 21:00ST, Howling Gates Z
  6. Something that came up in today's soundscape was that Chewett needs organisers - both official ones and ones who just go for it without having to ask permission. Sunfire said one of the issues is coming up with ideas. I've heard this before so I thought I'd make this thread. Have you got an idea that DOESNT NEED CODING and which you'd love to do if you had time, but don't have time to do? Or something similar? Why not stick your idea here, and maybe someone will pick it up and make it happen for you. Scared of making a big public statement? Send me or Mallos a PM (you can send a PM to Assira or Nimrodel too- but please explain why you're doing it as they weren't at today's meeting so might not know what it's about!) Z
  7. Thanks to Mallos for starting this and to all who managed to get their butts to this, it was a really cool meeting where lots of people gave opinions good and bad. Thanks also to Chewett for coming by and giving his views and requests. Sorry if you couldn't make it - if you have something to say, have a look at the log below and make a thread if it takes your fancy. There will be more meetings though, don't worry - and if you feel like holding a meeting, just do it! The log is raw, the discussion went on for some time, gradually more people joining. Summary: Things that are frustrating people: Low playerbase, lack of payment for coders (read not enough coders), lack of general appreciation for things and nit picking instead, potential favoritism when considered unwarranted, inactive/passive LHO, alts causing helpful players to become paranoid and no longer want to help. Things we could do to improve things: work as a group, show more active energy, be innovative and put your innovation out there (shout out to Ungod and Aeo, I personally think you're doing this), log low MP alts in to let new players fight against. One coding idea (ungod apparently): Allow players to move between MP levels they have already been at. Z
  8. Impromptu soundscape at Bob right now, discussing what MD has too much or too little of, and ideas of what we can do to help MD. Come chat. Z
  9. Happy Bifday wonderful, hope it's suitably excellent. Z
  10. I'll host for you Aeo. Z
  11. Location: Various Frequency: Various Host: Mallos (or one of the Helpers if he is unavailable) This is designed to help support you and anyone new. As described. Which event it is as well as the date will be announced on this thread. On a newbie focus day, we would ask that anyone who wants to help spend as much time as you can in the paper cabin, helping LHOs and buddying up with newbies - trying to give them fun things, introducing them to characters and such. For the necessity day, you can request we offer our help to you on this thread, and we will set a date where we will support you by being your army (not for war...for building, revivals, and things of that ilk) again we would ask that the rest of you get involved here, so we all club together to bring things to life!
  12. Location: Various Frequency: Various Host: Zleiphneir (or one of the Helpers if he is unavailable) This is a place for people to talk. The way it runs will vary each time. We'll invite guests to give speeches, hold debates, allow you to rant about things that annoy you, talk about things youd like to see, and so on. Dates and times etc will be announced on this thread.
  13. Location: Various Frequency: Random Host: Aethon (or one of the helper team if he is unavailable) This is a creative event. The host will decide on the concept of the day, drawing, writing, building. Something creative. The House Lobster will then be held by the winner until the next one. Activities will be live, as in time dependent and on the day. A land will hold the house Lobster until the next event, and we will keep a record of who/which land has held the Lobster. Dates etc will be announced on this thread.
  14. Location: Where the TTC is that day. This event will only be when the location is easy to access for all. Frequency: Approx once every 3 weeks Host: Assire the Black (or one of the helper team if she is unavailable) This is a fighting event, where a land will gain all the glory. During 'Champion' events, you should chose a champion from your land, they will be the only fighter from your land. For a 'Challenger' event, anyone and as many as you like from your land can compete. A land will hold the house cup until the next event, and we will keep a record of who/which land has held the cup. Rules will vary and will be announced each time, along with the date and time, on this thread.
  15. Thanks guys. Ok as a start could you come see me at Bob. Anyone else who wants to join in is welcome obviously Z
  16. Hey MDers I'm looking for some people to help me in activities to help rejuvenate the realm's sleepiness and also gain/encourage new players. I'm looking for people who can continue, despite obstacles, to actively carry out hosting, helping and activity tasks. You will become responsible for your area and I'll be responsible for trying to keep you motivated. If you think you can help let me know here on this thread. Thanks Z
  17. There is a clear difference between the cases you want to compare. In one, there are rules and expectations, in the other, there aren't. Read what Mallos said. Your constant linking of them does not change that and each time you try to explain it, what you do is explain why it is justified to bring any matter to a tribunal. You're right, it is. It is also the tribunal's right to throw something out. That's a judgement in it's own right. You've had one. You just don't like it. Clearly people took issue with this when the announcement went up, as they have said they spoke with higher bodies. They got responses, and did not go public. It is now 5 months later, and because you have a personal experience you don't like, you are now making it a matter of public interest. Seems a little off to me. Again, you are totally within your right to do it. The why you keep going on about is obvious if you just take an objective position on it, they shouldn't have to explain it to you - and I'm not about to. Z
  18. You've linked to the exact post where Mur states depletion is not officially punishable. There is also an announcement regarding land rules. This shows a clear difference between that situation and this one - but those things aren't 'real' enough for you? I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at here? Z
  19. I don't see the situations as the same at all. I also fail to see how this current situation is an abuse, whether in inverted commas or not? Z
  20. Happy Birthday! Z
  21. It is true Dst has commented on the situation - but that is her right as a player. Whilst I realise she causes people's tempers to fray in her demeanor and outspoken nature, she has always to date shown an unbiased and systematic view in taking decisions in her official position as a Judge to date. I do have an opinion on this, but I reserve comment until a decision is made or we are asked for opinions. Z
  22. Tbf the whole thing needs a re-work, but this would be a good plaster if it's fairly quick and easy. Z
  23. Thanks for the feedback. I'll go for the wp please. Z
  24. Wire-frame build with tin-foil bulking and 'mummified' wrap to finish. This was a lot harder to make than I thought it would be XD ...and it's the size of a small dog...oops... Z
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