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Everything posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. Take clock apart. Put any small nails or screws to one side. Carve wood into a rectangular block and drill one rectangular slot all the way through the middle, and four small holes halfway through a bit away from the larger one. Take metal rods out of the middle of the clock's cog sets. If you run out of metal rods at any point use the clock's hands, fused shorter rods or melt any spare metal parts and form rods. Put one rod in each of the small holes. Ensure these are of equal height. File down if necessary or vary the drill depth of the small holes. Take four cogs of equal size (as far as possible) and attach to the rods so they spin freely - do this with metal wire, bent paperclips or such. Take another cog and machine the central hole into a square, file down a metal rod into a rectangle and feed it through the hole. Fuse the middle of two rods of equal size, one onto each end of the squared rod and attach either end of these to the edges the four free-spinning cogs. You will end up with an H shaped frame with cogs at each end and one in the middle of the H. Feed the clock's pendulum through the large hole in the block and attach it to the middle cog. When you swing the pendulum, the four spinning cogs should spin back and fourth in a controlled way. Take all the small cogs, gears and bearings from the clock and glue them into 7 parts of a horse - a head, four legs (made of two parts), a body and a tail. Attach the body to the block so that it seemingly floats above the middle cog. This can be achieved either by rodding it into place, or alternatively it can be hung from the ceiling or other surface above to hover there. Attach the two parts of the legs together with small nails so they have movement. Attach the head, tail and legs onto the body with small nails or screws. They must all allow each item to maintain movement. Finally, attach rods to the edges of the cogs and to the bottom of each leg. A cord to the back of the head and one of the back cog's sides. When you swing the pendulum, your horse should appear to nod it's head and trot. Z
  2. Build a battery: Create cardboard from Tree bark Cut cardboard into squares Create bushy wine Soak card in wine Take tinfoil hat and cut into tinfoil squares Layer coin, soaked card and tinfoil squares Continue until sufficient charge applies. Create Magnets: Process rare metals until magnets are found Attach magnets to battery. Dip battery in resin, leave two oak splinters at each end. Leave to set. Remove splinters. Create metal rod: Remove glass from pince naise shades and bend Create propeller: Carve branch into correct shape Attach propeller to wire Carve driftwood into T shape. Glue battery to long end. Create multiples of these. When ready attach long cord to front of T-shape. Then attach wire propeller to battery. Propeller will spin. Put many of these in the water and allow to move forward to barrel. Use rope to guide and then pull to turn T-shape to opposite side of barrel. Wait for T-Shapes to bring barrel to you. Z
  3. In addition to the skateboard which doesn't work, the candy bars do not appear to be expiring after a week Z
  4. I got that too. If I try to log in via the forum link, it still happens. However, if I search for the game in google and get in via the mainpage it doesn't happen. It appears to be to do with the https:// at the beginning. Z
  5. Shop items, permanent boosters: Ancient Bottle of Learning (same issue with the gold bottle of learning also) A bottle filled with a dense green substance. The recepy for creating such a substance is unknown and some say that its apearing by itself in closed spaces that hold a powerfull memory for a long time. Inspecting this bottle will bring you great knowledge and will incresse all your skill points by 2. Should be: A bottle filled with a dense green substance. The recipe for creating such a substance is unknown and some say that it appears by itself in closed spaces that hold a powerful memory for a long time. Inspecting this bottle will bring you great knowledge and will increase all your skill points by 2. Toxic Endurance Potion: An almost deadly potion. Ancient shamans often used toxic concoction to increase endurance of body and mind. Maximum vitality permanent increased by min 200 points or 2% of your current Max Ve. Defence increased by min 1 or 2% of your current, whatever is greater. This potion is toxic, all current vitality will be lost when you will use this potion! Should be: An almost deadly potion. Ancient shamans often used toxic concoctions to increase endurance of body and mind. Maximum vitality permanently increased by min 200 points or 2% of your current Max Ve. Defense increased by min 1 or 2% of your current, whatever is greater. This potion is toxic, all current vitality will be lost when you will use this potion!
  6. Nope, used up that one, got a new one and the new one doesn't work. Has 3 uses and the same problem as before. ID123220 Z
  7. Yup all working now. Thanks for fixing, and thanks for the tip Assira. Z
  8. It is more complicated than you think. You'll note that your entire player-base is finding your question difficult to answer. Per week for me varies hugely due to depletion issues which is dependent on a number of factors itself. It's very difficult for me to give you an average without tracking my numbers for a month and then handing it to you as I have no historical record of what I have managed to collect per week to date. Best I can do is something like this (and it's a total estimate): Water - 0 - 20 Herbs - 0 - 30 Ore - 0 - 5 Mineral water - 0 - 3 Everything else - 0 Z
  9. So you swear at me, and then tell me a public quest isn't made for everyone? A drawing quest isn't made for a player who draws? I didn't say your quest was bad. It's a great quest. I said you management is urine-poor. Which it is. Your reaction is even worse, as is your inability to take responsibility for your decision. Z
  10. Nobody should have to PM you for the details, the details should be public if someone wants to know. It is a public quest and you're changing the prizes after it ends with no prior details that this would happen. Where did you state there was a minimum number of entrants required or else the prizes would shift? This is yet another example of urine-poor quest management by you which leads to people's valuable time and effort being treated like it isn't worthy. I'm annoyed, and I didn't event take part. Z
  11. Looking to buy or trade for the following: 1 x White Marble 1 x Snuggle Bunny 1 x Cardboard Box White piano keys Post what you have & what you want in exchange, or PM me here or in game. Z
  12. Common item: Drum A crude design that involves branches and what looks to be skin. It it too hard and it may fall to pieces. should be: Drum A crude design that involves branches and what looks to be skin. It is too hard and it may fall to pieces. Common item: Moldy cheese An exquisite treat for the ones appreciating the finesss of this product. should be: Moldy cheese An exquisite treat for the ones appreciating the finesse of this product. or Moldy cheese An exquisite treat for the ones appreciating the finess of this product.
  13. Just noticed that Yang's Fortune cookie #1 doesn't stack like the other common items. It is listing twice separately in my item list. Not sure if this is an actual bug or some other sort of error. Z --- apologies, ignore this. In the list it looks like two items but when you open them up one of them is #10.
  14. Not being a mod doesn't mean someone shouldn't moderate if it is relevant to do so. I have a couple of questions: [26/04/16 05:46] Muratus del Mur:and with the mention that if you tap into the treasures of necrovion, you will do so just for research purposes, not for contraband.selling, not even personal collection. [26/04/16 05:46] Muratus del Mur:but you can make a list of things you find and wish to keep, in the end if you do good i might leve you to keep them [26/04/16 05:46] Aethon:Of course [26/04/16 05:46] Muratus del Mur:just dont take big stocks Taking anything should be only for research. Aethon could keep a list of things he would like to keep. Aethon should not take big stocks of anything. Were the things taken, taken for the purposes of research only? Were any big stocks taken? Your own horseman you can do with as you please, certainly, but given you had a replacement - if Mur allowed you to keep the creature this would warrant deception. You can argue Mur should have paid attention to trades before deciding to allow you to keep or not, but to me, this would be a breaking of trust, the reasonable man shouldn't be expected to watch your every move and to argue to opposite is the thinking of a con artist. However, you can hide behind the fact that that situation never got to exist. I do not see the exploration as an issue, but I think you miss-understand the gain you get from it. It does affect everyone, whether you know it or not. However, I don't know if there was a conversation about not abusing your ap to see special locations. It doesn't appear so anyway. Mur could have meant locations as treasure also, but this would be easy for someone to miss-understand. Z
  15. There is no nomad affiliation, it would mean fusioneers would have to become a flag alliance to do that. Alternatively you would have to establish it as a housing - and I have no idea if that is even possible given it was already affiliated with a land. Z
  16. I think the point is, we edge closer and closer to that reality all the time. In the UK for example, we now have advertising boards that scan the crowd in front of them and then deliver an advert that targets the largest population group in the crowd. ID cards and chips are constantly on the cards and under debate. Now it is a rolling rock argument certainly, but the question comes to bear - who stops the rock from rolling? You seem to have absolute faith that humanity as a whole could never go the whole hog, the people who are scared lack that faith. It's sort of ironic you talk about a religious ideal when it is only faith that separates the two viewpoints. If one took a purest view considering humanity's history, the rock is more likely to roll than not. Z
  17. In an unprecedented turn of events, Loki has decided to allow both participants. The quest is awarded to Nimrodel AND MRF. This decision has by its very nature changed the parameters of the quest. Well done with all of your pot banging and behind the scenes wrangling, you've obviously made an impact. Thank you to all those who got involved and voted. You will each be contacted when you least expect it. No sooner. No later. When the time comes, whether you choose to participate now that you have been nominated is entirely up to you. Loki is not time constrained and is bound to no common rules of form. Anyone still wishing to join the planning team can contact me via PM in game - you may remain anonymous to all but myself if you so choose. This thread can now be closed. Thank you again. Z
  18. @Blackwood & anyone else using EH and PoL as examples. You cannot link these two. EH is a virtual land, it is OUTSIDE the standard system whilst still being INSIDE it. DoB being disbanded has nothing to do with PoL and everything to do with EH. Our alliance defends Bob but also an idea and a system that it maintains because it forced it to exist. It isn't equivalent. Now Ive cleared that up... I'm in favour of the wasteland option - but to do so, the design of the land would have to change, degrade, so in my mind this is also a technical change. That leaves only the close the land option as a choice. On another note: What does everyone think an alliance is and represents? Maybe that is for another thread but I feel like all this talk about how the land can exist without an alliance is ignoring something. So as a prompt from my thought pattern: No Man's land is the only land where alliances are for all intent and purpose banned. To have DoB, EH was forged. That maintains the NML ruling, technically. That facet clearly points to other lands 'having' alliances, else they are potentiality, or black. I dunno, just how I'm thinking on it. Z
  19. The tally on leaders is: MRF - 10 (not including Rophs) Nim - 8 I'll leave you a little more time to drum up votes for yourselves if you want to. Z
  20. Deadline for voting is not fixed and simply depends on when the posts die down. Z
  21. when is the deadline for? Blackwood I've added you to the planning list. I'll be in touch. Z
  22. Nominating yourself won't count as a vote - but will show others that you want to be voted for. Nominating someone else will count as a nomination and a vote in one. Z
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