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Everything posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. The Pub - Admitting there is something wrong. First, gather a close friend. The sort of friend you can be truthful with. The sort who will judge you, but who you accept that from. Then take them to the pub and get extremely drunk. Drunk to the point of forgetting what you're saying, when girls start crying and boys start punching each other. That sort of drunk. As the night rolls on, and before you both pass out on the table in front of you, you will no doubt have a very frank discussion. It is in that discussion that you will find the bits that might have gone awry. Whether that be it just comes out of you, or they let you know. In a dream - Subconsciously putting the pieces together As you sleep, the sandman will guide your thoughts around the discussion you just had. Hopefully that will help you to identify the aspects that shouldn't be there. Walk of Shame - Painful considerations On your long walk back from the pub, you will have time to consider what has just been revealed to you, or what you revealed to yourself, and you will have a choice to admit something is wrong or carry on pretending. The nagging pain in your head should help to remind you that you need to fix things, and will guide you to want to be better than you are. Gazeebo of Equlibrium - Watch the system Sit yourself on the gazeebo steps and watch the masses. When someone's actions aggravate you, try to pinpoint if this aspect of them is part of the thing you found out about yourself. Also consider the things about them you enjoy, and think on whether those things are associated or not. You will need to sift through the people around you, to work out which bit of this taintedness was actually positive, and which bit is truly tainted and needs to be removed. Consider every aspect. Seek the Timeline Speak to people who knew you before the event or series of events that cause this thing in you. Try to re-connect with the you that didn't have it, whilst keeping in mind the areas of you that allowed it to enter. Similarly, create a version of your future self in your mind, one that is free from this taint, which remembers it, but is no longer afflicted by its negative aspects. Walk yourself from the house of tainted times out in to no man's land. Shift the Timeline Thank your friend for the drunken night, thank yourself for your honesty and thank the people you used to know for their memories. Cement what you have done so far in to your very essence. Now run. Run as fast as you can. Consider yourself beyond light, no longer human, no longer thinking, no longer anything but movement. Run to an edge and leap out into water. Emerge Return from the depths, and if you are lucky, you afford yourself a shift in consciousness to cut a section of the timeline and keep only what is needed. Solidify Re-run the tainted event in your mind over and over. You need to recall it. You must not allow it to release completely or it will happen again. Re-run it, cold. Then carry out an action that makes you feel proud of who you are. Z
  2. HOPE // This is where I put my world design for something I am creating. When I look at it, I am reminded that I could still do something useful and worthwhile yet. It's the only thing holding me together most of the time. THANKFULNESS // At one point, I had to give up having a car, as I couldn't afford it. When I got my new job, public transport was not an option as it doesn't go there. My Mum and step dad went out to find a super cheap car that wouldn't die on me, and here I am with this. FEAR // When I was a kid, I built a snowman. I imbued it with character. Before the thaw came, I asked my Dad if I should knock it down, or let it melt. He said I should do as I pleased. I knocked it down. Then cried for an hour. If only I had learned my lesson with a snowman. I worry that I won't be able to stop destroying things I love before the thaw comes. PRIDE // Quite a while ago now, I took a 50% pay cut to go into a job, ANY job. I couldn't afford my bills even then, and I hated the job. I didn't give up though. It gave me anxiety and panic attacks, I spent my nights wondering what the point in life was, I got yelled at all day and pressured to death... but I didn't give up. Now, I am nearly back to where I was, not quite, but almost, and I'm in a nice job and can afford my bills.
    1. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      That is humorous. Though pet rock may become lost like everything else that I have. You would not believe how often I lose things

    2. Mallos


      Can we race them?

    3. Muratus del Mur
  3. On the basic points being judged, the two submissions score equal points in different areas. [spoiler] Sir Blut Detail - yes colour/texture - texture, no colour similarity to actual Aramour armor - iffy sharpness - yes fit - good Miq Detail - yes colour/texture - both similarity to actual Aramour armor - shoulder shaped, flaps sharpness - no fit - loose [/spoiler] Myself and Blackrider had differing opinions on the winner. I therefore asked a third who agreed with my own reasoning for the winner - Miq's is closer to an actual aramour and has added detail and originality. 1st: Miq 2nd: Sir Blut Z
  4. Final comments: We feel darkraptor should get his dues, he came up with something on the fly and it takes effort to get something impromptu going. It could never look the same as someone who had time to plan. However, even with that consideration taken into account, we feel eagle eye's was detailed, well delivered, containing flair and character which could have been equaled but was not. He also really made an effort to make comments to keep the audience engaged. Therefore: 1st: EE 2nd: DR Thanks for taking part Z
  5. Nobody complains when everything is going well, and you're right, it isn't clean, but I'd rather that than nothing, and so what if it isn't clean? That's just an added bonus as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't have even commented, if it wasn't for the fact that you said it was plain horrible having to ask for revival like this...I know how certain statements can put a stopper on things I actually enjoy when they get taken badly in some silent room somewhere, it's happened more times than I can count, so I'm making my statement, for what it's worth, to whoever has the relevant ears. Z
  6. Irrelevant of who, why or whether it was or wasn't an accident, its fairly naff you didn't take to the game to resolve it and instead complained about it when actually its something to do in a world where I hear 'there's nothing to do its dead around here' all the time. If it was my storm, forum begging would annoy me and I'd probably just send a whole host of plagues in response, or it would just demotivate me from doing anything else. Are we so used to sitting on our butts that this is what it's come to? Z
  7. Final question: from a character. How come when you say something you shouldn't have said, sometimes not even acoustic remains can pick it up? - Mr A Corn
  8. Rophs have all of your wiiya rewards gone out yet? any participant still waiting can you please contact Rophs. Z
  9. EE carried out the specified challenge, DR carried out the hidden challenge to revive. Who gets which place is currently being discussed. Z
  10. I'm awaiting confirmation on judging on this. By my tally, both participants score the same so Ive made my call based on the submissions. However, as there are only 2 of you, if you agree who wants what prize between the WP and the GG, I'll simply send it as you choose. But if you are both after the same thing, then we need to wait for the 2nd op. Z
  11. I was going to attempt this, and for whatever reason, I didn't. For that, I'm sorry. It sucks when you come up with a quest and get no submissions. If it's any consolation, I know at least one other person half-started a submission. Z
  12. Question 5: Submitted from a character. How many bottles of shampoo does the Wookie need to clean it's fur? - Mr A Corn
  13. I made the statement. You didn't answer it - which suggest assent. Now you say its invalid. Totally unreasonable. Myself and Aeo are being disqualified despite asking the question and getting no answer. It's totally unacceptable. We spent a long time on our work and put our hearts into it for your quest, and because of your oversight we get disqualified? was the quest about drawing or about putting your hand into a photo? You have also still failed to justify why placements have been given. Z
  14. Assira's submission: http://storenow.net/my/?f=fc8a944c5f7e0449f65f12f789a938ce Placement as follows: 1st Miq 2nd Assira 3rd Bored Worst Den> Bored [spoiler] Miq Flag - yes Fits person - yes Details - Lots of details, rugs, treasure, a gate. Large design. Overturned furniture for manufacture. Assira Flag - yes Fits person - yes Details - Made with stacked backpacks? and a sheet. Only just fits a person, Assira looks like she stole a midget's den! Guard dog drawing from another quest. Fine rug carpeting. Bored Flag - yes Fits person - yes Details - Cannot confirm the glowing stars as no image of them. Real guard dog. Used sheet on existing space. Small. [/spoiler] Z
  15. Your quest isn't the issue. Your judging of the quest is the issue. I made a statement on my submission that you didn't answer. Had you answered, I would have put my hand in the picture if it was so important. If the hand was for authenticity are you saying you think Mine and Aeo's drawings are stolen? If you're being pedantic and demanding the hand because it was stated in the rules, then you should have answered the comment i made. You haven't justified why any of the places were given to who they were given to. You haven't given any justification for the lack of answer to the statement in my submission, nor why this hasn't been taken into consideration when judging - and it affects my drawing and any drawings without hands in them after it. Z
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