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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. Here's mine, Resta Con Me is also a favorite from Einaudi...but it wouldnt let me put a third vid :P. Mood wise for the room I'd go for Newman myself.




  2. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1300161957' post='80661']
    For instance, how do we know that the house of liquid dust cannot be entered?

    How do you know that it can be? You miss the point I was making, maybe due to the example I used as it isn’t a perfect one. Let me try another tack on what I was meaning. A building usually has an interior, either that or it is under construction. So it would make sense that a building would be capable of either being completed or being entered. If I stand outside a house waving my arms and saying look at me I’m inside the house wheee!...well...I’m not, no matter how many times I say I am. If I instead tried to find a way to enter maybe I would get in...if I tried to find a way to complete the construction then maybe the build would get finished. Has it been proved you can enter before? Maybe, maybe not, try to find out – and no, you don’t always have to ask a vet, there is more than enough information around to find out without asking anyone. Try the MD Archives for one.

    I’m not saying you can’t wave your arms and shout wheeee. Sometimes that might work. Mostly it doesn’t. Fun? Yes, definitely. Realistic and world changing? Probably not.

    [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1300161957' post='80661']
    He also mentioned tools and materials. I must admit that bringing this up makes me feel like a complete noob, but I don't understand how inventory items work. I know Grido keeps glass and cement (or something like that) for work on the lighthouse in GG. Where did he get them? How does he use them? In the sludge roleplay, the Onyx Shard was a physical item which I even had in my own possession at one point during a conversation with Darigan and Mya. Where did it come from? Does its existence make the roleplay legitimate?

    Ok so here is a good example of where some history could help. A long time ago a player called Renavoid wanted to get some rooms in the archive building completed. At the time a number of what are called ‘raw materials’ such as wood and clay etc had been randomly distributed across MD. He made a quest whereby the community got involved, collected materials and set about for weeks and weeks role-playing building the structure. What happened? We got some more rooms.

    No you don’t HAVE to have items, that wasn’t what I was saying. I was saying, make it realistic. If the items really exist then using them adds to the realism. If the items don’t exist or you cannot get hold of one then role-play making it and then use it.

    How do items come to exist? Either they randomly appear, they appear due to your actions, or you have a crafter create them for you by paying a wish point. Of course you can also trade items and sometimes they are given as prizes etc etc.

    [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1300161957' post='80661']
    The veterans have the sway to turn a snowball into an avalanche, so we must assume that their assumptions are correct based on their experience and ability to work the mechanics.

    It isn’t just the veterans who have the sway to do that. Anyone can do that. Veterans might find it easier, but that is only because they know more people who can help them. Some new players are capable of having much greater sway than a veteran.

    [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1300161957' post='80661']
    I started this thread specifically looking for solutions in addition to opinions. Z and other veterans insist that we need to dig deeper and ask the questions.

    Can I just make the point here that I don’t insist on anything. I suggest you do it, I certainly do not insist. I have no issue with you doing whatever you want to do so long as it doesn’t escalate to the point of everyone thinking an apple is a banana. If you want to think an apple is a banana, I will leave you to it – but if you ask me I will tell you it’s not and if you start creating a banana cult I will call the rescue crew and drag anyone I can kicking and screaming out of it – and you can kick and scream at me all you like, that’s fine. You will very rarely see me actively intervene and try to stop someone doing something. I may comment, but that’s what a forum (among other things) is for.

    As for the vet bashing going on, as a vet let me say that it’s not like I haven’t already spent years and years creating for this community and here stand the new folk, bashing me over the head with a stick for being a veteran and taking a step back. All veterans were new players once, we arn’t still here because we threw our rattles out of the pram, and we arn’t here because we gave Mur a ‘pat’. You arn’t being nasty you are being stupid. I quite happily talk and discuss with anyone who stops by Bob and wants to chat, if I was haughty I’d just ignore the lot of you and I definitely wouldn’t be writing in this thread.


  3. I don't actually know much on the sludge scenario, but on the over-all question about mechanics and RP here's my POV:

    There are carefully constructed connections and clues in-built into what in this thread are being called the 'mechanics' of the game. If you start to take these and use them in made-up stories that have no basis other than what is in your head then as Chewett says, you start to define what they are. If you start to do that, then you start to take away from those carefully constructed connections and clues, you lead people up the garden path. When a mathematician makes a wrong assumption in a calculation, the logic of their entire research from there on out is flawed.

    Here is an example: The quest run by Renavoid recently caused a rukus because some people doing it thought it to have something to do with something fundamental to learn from, and yet one of its own fundamentals (that Renavoid was in the house of liquid dust) can instantly be dismissed as he was not inside and we already know that if you can get into a place in MD...you can ACTUALLY get into it. (If you can't, how about an rp quest to try to get in? There are lots of options...)

    I'll add that you can't win either way here with the newer players - tell them not to do something and they get outraged that their creativity is quashed. Allow them to have their fun or even join in with it and then explain why it isn't part of the system of connections then or later on and they demand to know why they were allowed to waste their time and were not stopped.

    'Fluff' RP is, imo, RP that has no logical reasoning behind it's actions. When 'fluff' adds 'mechanics' we start to see 'fluff mechanics'. Now that doesn't even sound good.

    In terms of this: "Maebius builds a fence around Bob to protect him" would be dismissed as fluffy RP in the best case" - That is perfectly reasonable RP imo, except consider how long it takes to build a fence and what it requires to build one. Building a fence isn't as simple as just saying, ta da! a fence! We have tools and items and materials and time and words. There's one difference between 'fluff' and 'proper'right there.

    There are loads and loads and loads of ways to affect the game itself, but twisting things that you don't fully understand in order to accomodate your story is not it. Research them, debate, experiment, see what you can actually make happen using all the information and tools and history you can find. Look at how people have done it before for help, or ask the people who have done it before how it happened. Or alternatively, make something totally your own. If you want instant gratification then take the fluff way and enjoy yourself - without sticking your hands in the soup. Sometimes that fluff RP can actually become something real in it's own right anyway...if anyone bothered to pay attention they would know that. If you want to affect the game then start asking questions and digging deeper with what you do. Do you really need people to give you a list of questions to start on? Surely you already have the questions, start using them.


  4. Ok I just tested all my links again. Same thing has happened, but I can be more specific this time:

    It was the "Woobicha Web Design" link (don't know if it always is but in this case it was - can try again tomorrow and see if it is always this one) which came up as invalid link - and I made absolutely sure my page had fully loaded. However, despite having clicked it, got invalid link and all my links shuffled, the woobicha web design link then became clickable again on my free credits links page and when I clicked it the second time it loaded without incident.

    As a secondary thing, I also noticed there are two links with the same name "MMORPG Toplist". I'm guessing that as it is a generic name this isn't an issue, but just in case I thought I would mention it.


  5. Unfortunately I don't pay enough attention to be able to tell you the title of the link, but the page I get has the following in the header:


    and comes up with a blank white screen that just says: "invalid link, retry0"

    This has happened two days in a row, all the other links work fine for me. I will pay more attention next time and post the title if this doesnt get commented on/ resolved etc beforehand - and sorry in advance if this has already been looked at, I couldnt see a thread anywhere on it.


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