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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. There were 4 of you who I kept an eye on as you got the idea pretty well, but getting the idea is different to realising you got it - Sephirah, you were one of them. Some of you failed instantly by asking me things out in the open, some of you by asking everyone if they were my employee -which I warned would cost you. Only 3 people remembered to ask me for my bibliography at the correct time. Shout out to CrazyMike for PMing me in the begining - that was a cool idea you had, not right, but clever.

    The quest itself was built around a number of things, to name a few: Philosophy of mind, memes, deception, encryption, intuition, protection and importantly persistence. The employees wrote their descriptions themselves, and the reason for this and why I could not give any hints is in order for you not to be influenced by the wrong vibration on the web of connections being created.

    In order to complete this quest you would need to be a very persistent and confident person, because you would need to have the bottle to send me a message explaining a lot of things even though I never clearly stated exactly what I wanted you to do, but left you to work that out alone based on various informations.

    I sent my employees to give the footstones a hand in gathering their information. They will have come up to you when you were in game and told you they had some information for you and to come with them. So many of you ignored them.

    It would take me a terribly long time to write a full explaination of this quest and show you how you could have worked things out and what all the clues meant etc. There were about 13 different clues which included videos, puzzles and symbols. So, I am open to discussing it with anyone who was involved who would like to discuss it, but you will need to contact me on a messenger service to do so as it will be a very long discussion, just PM me if you would like further info.

    There were 5 employees, not 3. Mourn did especially well and is highly recommended as a hired hand.

    There is only one winner, and he is the only one who had the persistence and confidence required. Kafuuka. Well done.

    To the relevant employees, you are now owed payment, you will need to find me in game or idle next to me and wait for me to wake up. If I see you I will pass you your payment.


  2. We are now at the final portion of the quest. For those that haven't given up, please do the following:

    [u][b]The Reckoning[/b][/u]

    PM me in Game (I am at winds crossing) and tell me:

    1a) What your title was (eg: footstone 1)
    1b) All the bits of information you have collected, how you got each one, and how you deciphered each one/what each one means
    2) Who were my employees?
    3) What all of your information means as a unified whole and what action you took as a result of your findings.
    4) Why the actions you took worked, or didn’t.
    5) Who your focus was on.
    6) Tell me how the first forum post works and why the things I have said will put you at a disadvantage are disadvantageous and if you chose to do them, why you did and how you overcame those difficulties or how you used them to your advantage instead if you managed to.

    If you worked in a group please only the head of the group send me the information along with a list of participants and their individual actions.

    I would like all your information [u]in by 3pm Saturday[/u] - if you need an extension for some reason please let me know, or if you have been on holiday and come back to see this ...you get the idea, let me know if you have extenuating circumstances.


  3. To get spells you need to buy them with wish points.

    On the whole, although there are sometimes other ways, to get wish points you need to complete quests which reward wish points. There is the broken pattern gazeebo in the Archive lands which gives a wish point as a reward if you complete it, and also at the top of the page you should see a link called quests, click that and see which ones give you wish point rewards and try to complete them to win.

    No idea if that helps, but hope so. Other than that, find a mentor in game who can help you and answer your questions or ask live help operators (people like this: *name*). If you see me in game you can message me and I will happily answer you, and on the whole most other people around the place will too.


  4. Regardless of Bob’s cult and the CoE’s worship of the moon, the Savelites are the only officially recognised organised religion in all of Magic Duel. Getting that implemented was quite the feat all things taken into consideration. I think it is prudent to remember this, and that due to this, binning it will be quite the statement.

    Also, considering that point, isn’t it interesting that it is indeed this alliance that causes the most controversy and conflict.


  5. It doesn't seem fair at all to me. The knock on effect of doing that is massive. For one thing you have just made most items worthless - if you can't hold onto it and it just disappears for anyone to get then why would anyone pay for it? If it has no 'real' action other than existing then it can't be actually used anyway in which case what is the point of having it at all now?

    When you say for free, I assume you mean that the items didnt come from a wp, but many people have personalised items that came for free. Look at Asterdai's pirate chest example - once that gets onto a pirate account it could be wholely tied up with the individual and their role. Look at things like the staff of syndria which is wholely tied up with an individual character and which came free.

    It's also completely unrealistic - not that that matters so much at all, but living in a world where everything I pick up and pocket disappears after a while seems pretty stupid to me even in a fantasy world.


  6. Seeing as people pay WPs to have custom items created and such, I really don't see an automated timer on all items as an option. In fact that seems abhorrent to me.

    [i]"An other option is to gift them to people based on their role, that will place the items back in game but there is no warranty those that get them wont give them away to end up in the hands of hoarders."[/i]

    I like this, always have, and frankly if they sell their items off to a collector and then complain then I have no sympathy. This in addition to some random distribution here and there. I say have an anonymous item creator/distributor that doesnt come up in the logs.

    [i]If you wanted to use the items in conjuction with the item creators in game you could have the material burn up and be sent to a shop of sort with limited stock for player to buy the materials from with silver/coins[/i] - Really like that for standard raw materials - although might be problematic for the gathering guilds. If raw materials are only to come from guilds now then that makes this idea mostly defunct as the 'shop' already exists so to speak.

    On the grander scheme; A limit on the number of items an account can hold may help, but as crafters etc ask you for other items (with your wp) to make a singular item this means often you have to carry/collect a bunch of items you don't want or need in order to make this one item which makes things a bit of a pain(to make an item I have in mind atm for example I will need at least 3 other items with a wp and I will have to carry these until I can get the item made). Then you have to also consider "non-entity" items like medals and certificates. So, perhaps 4 sections to your items list: a limit of 5 in the collecting to make other items section, a money section, a medals and certificates section and a limited normal items section.


  7. I'm not in favour of option two, simply because I'm not in favour of any option which will further limit people's starting level for MP5 - which many already feel under-prepared for with things as they already are.

    I quite like option one as it allows for community action even if it would be a shady version of it, planning a VE take down in order to [i]persuade[/i] someone to move MP would be quite difficult for just one person to achieve I think. It might not be liked but it would certainly be interesting. However if a player is already capped what happens? Will everyone attacking me for example lose 10% everytime if they give me xp?

    Option three would be good, but not as it is. I would have it to only be a VE or stat % decrease, and depending on the number you have to cap to hit that I might increase it to 50% on both.


  8. The great failing of Western Philosophy is its analytics, the great failing of Eastern Philosophy is its lack of it. They are also their greatest strengths and what makes them what they are.

    The distance between my ideal me in my head and how well I am capable of seeing the real me that exists and how close that real me is to my ideal me tends to be what controls my feeling of being lost. This ideal version of self is difficult to describe as it isn't a "perfect" you or something like that, it is more like a simple list of points that all need to be checked, the rest not being main affecting factors. If you consider what people do when they are having a mid-life crisis etc you will see a sort of example of what I mean. Arguably however this gives you a pointer to how to not feel lost and therefore cannot truely be "lost", but I'm not about to write an essay here lol.

    Its not a nice feeling I know, keep your head up man.


  9. The reason people are in this situation is because many don't want to go to MP5, so maybe what actually needs to be fixed is MP5 mode to make it more balanced and accessible both in terms of mechanics and the general attitude around it rather than scape goating the others based on one situation. Its all very well the MP5s saying there is nothing wrong with MP5, but clearly there are enough people not wanting to move there to show otherwise.

    Burns - I think to give just one example; Blackwood has shown it isn't that surprisingly easy to beat MP5s.

    From my perspective we have a situation where you go MP5, get absolutely pummeled by vets who all give you loses (wouldnt matter so much if they didnt) which means unless you play a major game of hide and seek you end up in stat loss and nobody wants that. I thought stat loss was supposed to stop major gains from unbalance not penalise new MP5s? Then in addition to that a highly visible proportion of said Mp5s opinion seems to be that because they can attack they will and that is that unless you come out and ask them. Now I don't think we should be in a situation where you have to ask players not to attack you, I'm sure it feels pretty demeaning to the new Mp5s to know they either have to hide or beg.

    I'm just giving a different perpective as on the whole people commenting about Mp3 and MP4 are Mp5s themselves - and just as you say some can't comment because they don't live MP5, the same can be said of you in terms of the lower levels.


  10. From dishonorable acts again
    That tawdry taste
    Just tell me when
    I saw the back light fade
    Quite forbade time and again

    Electric touch across my skin
    3D delight not pixelated
    Replace the static from plug in
    I felt the half thats whole
    Such saddened soul, yet still elated

    Notation left on yellow pad
    Out and about today
    When homeward bound shows up the lad
    What will the mistress say?
    To play with fires leather clad


  11. As I would like to forget
    Those moments
    I'll put all remnants away in a box
    Attic bound and dust collecting
    Touched by eight legged feet

    As I would like to remember for sanity
    I'll burn this message into my skin
    An inky hidden
    Depth squid ridden
    Anchor wedged can show to me

    As each letter hits the screen
    I'm reminded of flashback scenes obscene
    This courtesy, not where it should be
    Ethane soaked depravity
    A friend to me

    As the echoes yell and scream
    As the tellings in the spite
    As dictated by your height
    You won't see where I've been


  12. [quote name='Thanatopic' timestamp='1283012664' post='67229']
    What do you mean by this? Which direction would that be? And how would this do that?I'm curious, not attacking.

    Creating a system where MP levels are forced on people is endorsing and hailing a mechanical grinding mentality of arcade play. By not automating it but instead having a human decision factor, it doesnt remove that, it just becomes more susceptible (as dst mentionned) to abuse either by allowing people to stay lower or forcing people higher.

    Thats the quickest and dirtiest way to explain it.


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