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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. If you read the very first post wasn't directed at the quest itself and picking it apart, but I did have to write it in a certain way to cover all the previous objections raised in the original thread. Unfortunately by the second post it was taken that way and then off it went for certain individuals. Some of us are still [i]trying[/i] to stay on topic though. Nobody has said the quest wasn't fun, nobody has said the quest shouldn't have happened - so don't tell me because we want to discuss an issue surrounding it that affected and affects everyone in the game, that that means we think it was a crap idea.

    Some people don't like discussion and debate because they don't like conflict. I am sitting here, attempting, to help you avoid future conflicts of a certain kind. A substantial number of people have been offended by the lack of consideration given via the process of killing via an item that is currently mechanically possible - that much should now be obvious. The response, on the whole from the other side has been "I don't care, it's possible, it's allowed, so I'll do it."

    Now unless the reason that point is being ignored is because of some obvious chess move I won't comment on, there is no reason for anyone to be puffing up their feathers and throwing their rattles out of the pram saying we are trying to do something we arn't. The discussion has demonstrated a 50/50 split in opinion that appears to be irresolvable, which means repercussions in the future. There isn't really anything else to be said now that I can see.


  2. @Darigan
    (Well...this is pretty off the main topic or reason I made this....but then others made it directly about the quest instantly so I guess it isn't so offtopic in the grand scheme of things) Basically, I don't like spreading the butter on the bread for someone sitting right next to me with a knife of their own. In otherwords, I didn't say anything directly, but I did allude to things- and I eventually told you the Bob thing because I had waited so long hoping someone would have actually tried something but nobody did - and remember its a legend, it might not even be true, but is it worth a try to save Mya? I'd say damn straight it is. I appreciate Sage was working on it, but it took me really laying it on thick to someone I know very well to get anyone to take any real action (except Mojomuppet - kudos to you). Will I ever tell you something outright and make you not have to work it out? Highly unlikely.

    There are so many ways to go about attempting revival and it would be trial and error, use the principles, inner magic, use your ghost abilities (I liked awi doing the whole talk with mya thing for example, so much more could have been attempted with that), use various ideologies you know of, pray, grind herbs, make potions, do a rain dance...ok maybe a rain dance wouldn't work but...you see what I'm saying? Don't be scared to try just because you might fail, because if you keep trying things, you might also succeed - and how fantastic would that be? What you do affects the game, never ever forget it.

    (you may now mod slap me)

  3. @DST/Shar
    Well to be honest, one of the repercussions I was talking about is already underway. The punishment will be on the shoulders of the land leaders and the community. I don't think there is much point trying to put a proper punishment on someone for not getting consent etc as that is all far too dubious no? I think sharpwind makes a fair point on it though.

    The people had lots of other ways of going about reviving Mya - but none of them could be bothered, thats the fact of it. Is that because they knew about torch and so were lazy? Is it because people are scared of trying different things to see if they work in case they look silly when some fail? Is it because they just really didnt care because it wasnt them that was dead? I don't know, only they could answer that.

    Firs's only choice, without pample's consent not to move, was to jail her (guards etc are irrelivant, who has enough movelock spells for a whole night?). As far as I know kings have some pretty heavy handcuffs on in terms of what they can do and how, and this would come under the no go category. Other than that the only course of action is to start a war or start political talks with Jester. Most land leaders want to avoid war, and as far as I know firs is taking some actions as he has mentionned in several posts - what they are, well I guess its wait and see time.

    This whole thing looks kinda fishy to me now the more i think about it...


  4. My referrence to farce wasn't just about the captivity, but consider nobody even tried to revive said person for one thing. Yet the point of this really wasn't about the specific event and its specific organisers or chastising anyone, it's about ensuring that issues don't occur in the future. Blaming mechanics existing is a poor excuse at best, you can use it sure, but it doesn't excuse it. It's not necessarily that people 'will' go about killing anyone, but it's the fact that the system as it is has allowed it and that via this event someone was just killed out of the blue and some people seem to just be accepting or even praising that, so if someone were to kill many for nothing the precident now would say that that is fine. Comparing to spells and drachorns is irrelivant, totally different issue which i have totally different opinions and thoughts about - none of which worry me the way this does (and that includes a kill spell if one were to exist)

    I understand the item was scripted and given to someone responsible this time, but the fact is anyone can get that scripting ability and do what they like. Add to that, that even with it being given to someone responsible it was still used in such a way as to remove someone's free will so to speak...the free will to accept the item, or the free will to run, or even just to know what was happening at all. How it was done wasn't even obvious enough for the victim to have any idea what was going on or take any action. The system currently says according to many posts here: anyone who buys the ability can script an item and as scripting an item is mechanics, whatever they do with it and however they do it is fine.

    Personally, I would suggest a system where you have to accept said item for it's effects to occur. Or perhaps some sort of "struggle" game play, but if people are saying it's fine as it is and it's fine how it was used, then I guess that's that and we will see the repercussions as they happen.


    Edit: Someone has just told me it isn't possible for a normal player to "script" an item like this. So as long as that is accurate that alleviates at least part of my concern - thanks for that.

  5. @Tarq
    My post isn't to personally criticise you, let me underline that as it seems...almost...like you took it that way. My talk of realism etc is only to discuss the objections that were raised originally. [i]"I was--and remain--far, far less worried about pleasing people who are fundamentally opposed to roleplay, or people who will roleplay anything whatsoever when they are bored"[/i] This covers 100% of MD players, including yourself, so I don't really get your point there? From your last statement it seems to be that you won't bow to a particular group suggesting something isn't right? well ok sure but I don't think a discussion is bowing to anyone but more a willingness to see different points. Scope wise...I've had to get consent from a lot of people for story things before, it's really not difficult. What I'm saying is, the story set a precident, a precident that could have very bad consequences that a number of people appear to be blind to or just really couldn't give a damn about so long as they get their way. Maybe its boredom, I don't know.

    To suggest we cannot question the validity of the mechanics of the game is to fail to grasp the months and years you have spent playing it. You know as well as I do everything is up for debate and discussion - and even change. Falling back on well the game allows it so its ok really doesn't cut it. The reason I bring this up isn't about role play etiquette, it's about conflict management. Casting a spell you have is one thing, even casting a kill spell you have would be totally different to this situation. Sorry if this sounds curt - but I assume I don't have to explain why.

    Let me make what I said cleaner cut:

    The situation set a precident for item scripting, I don't think the precident is ok for the following reasons: Firstly, it means anyone can kill anyone without warning for any reason (or lack of) they like. Secondly, the victim has 0 control over that.

    If you cannot see how that is going to cause trouble then you will silence me with ease, as I will be lost for words.


  6. Now that the Mya story is over and all has played out, I want to comment on something that came up early on but which was swept under the carpet for one reason or another. There was some debate over how the killing of the character was done, most of which involved people fervently disagreeing with the person who brought the issue up. I totally understand refusing to discuss the issue unless the person involved complains themselves, therefore, I'm making this on a general level.

    1) A person was killed using a scripted item and nothing else.
    - You don't have to accept an item, it automatically arrives with you
    - No RP was done to go with this

    The first issue being that the individual has absolutely no forewarning or acceptance of events. Now, you can argue that this is what happens in real life or that this brings an essence of surprise, but in any situation where someone is going to be killed, unless you sniper rifle them or poison them, there is sneaking about, maybe a struggle etc etc but certainly some form of fore-warning. The item was a knife, not a rifle or poison and if we really want to make it real the killer should be doing jail time along with anyone involved. It isn't "coddling" as one of you put it, to assume that you wont just randomly die out of the blue when you log into a game you play not having consented to it and with no forewarning or
    action to dictate why. I'm glad Mya seemingly took it all in good spirit, but if it had been me and someone had killed Zleiphneir with no thought to me for the benefit of running a story which I also had absolutely no knowledge about and which there was no visible set up for...I would have gone mad.

    2) Game mechanics

    Many of you argued the point that the reason it is ok and the reason it is a real story is because it used game mechanics. There is an unequivical fact that someone was dead due to a particular item sent by a particular person and that nobody had to witness it to confirm that. Although blue text wise all you would have to do is post the chat log...I do agree if you can use the game mechanics then fantastic, but i would expect both not one or the other, isnt that what everyone is always harping on about? and in fact, isn't that how a certain group were "held captive" because they could have left whenever they wanted mechanics wise, so was their captivity any less valid? I would have expected some actual story to go with it as it is pretty meaningless the way it was done, just as meaningless as how the person was returned. Whilst I appreciate it was fun and gave people something to do, those two things coupled for me just made the story a bit of a farce in honesty - which was pointed out quite nicely half way through by someone laying claim to responsibility just because they could. The way it was done also leaves open the possibility of just doing it for the hell of it, to make this point I could script a number of items and just randomly go about giving them to people I want dead - which frankly seems ridiculous, or is it just me?

    I wish also to just say that the idea was a briliant one, and people obviously had a lot of fun - even I joined in a little, and hence why I have waited until now to comment so as not to ruin it. However the repercussions of how it was done worry me for the aforementioned reasons, and I think it does need to be discussed.



    Quotations from the main thread for evidence:

    Dst, Post 9
    Using an item called Stone Dagger.

    Tarq, Post 15

    Third, to all others: If this quest seems like a dumb idea, I'm sorry. I've been waiting for something like it for a long time. I refuse to write a

    quest about "made-up stuff" - the murder of Mya Celestia by another Player Character (Ivorak) using game-mechanical means (the stone dagger) really

    happened in MD, and is not an event that is contingent upon observers to agree that it happened (as dst helpfully pointed out). :ph34r: No asterisks were

    involved in Mya's death, and there is nothing meta-gamed about her corpse. You don't have to post here if you don't like it, though your opinions

    are welcome if you absolutely must share.

    Sharazhad, Post 22

    With all due respect, I think the way it was handled was poor form. Mya had no idea what was coming and something like that goes against gaming


    Pip, Post 23

    So, Shara, basically you think that people shouldn't involve other people in anything negative, or undesired, without permission? ... I'm not saying

    that pre-planning things is bad, but overdoing it just makes it...well, it takes half of the fun out.

    Awiiya, Post 24

    No murderer asks their victim before killing them... that would be very counter-intuitive...Mya isn't supposed to be happy about being killed. She's

    been thrown into a position, and it's up to her to play it how she likes.

    The reason people dislike the "bad RP" is that it is based on imagination and astericks. This is a concrete activity with real repercussions. I'm

    sorry if she doesn't like that reality.

    Aysun, Post 25

    Forgive me, but I think what you're describing is called 'coddling'...Someone possessed a tool that was created with the ability to actually slay a

    player, and they used it. This item was not built in with a 'ask your victim first if it's ok' safety lock...Now, the 'good' can either fight back

    with some real force of their own or take it.

    Tarq, Post 30

    I didn't want to spoil the surprise or the shock.

    Tarq, Post 36

    The point of this "quest" is that it is an organic story in which players can interact with each other in a semi-structured way.

    Assira, Post 67

    We are the cause of Mya's death and the chaos it has caused

    Mya Celestia, Post 81

    Mya's body was regenerated by Loreroot and the Magic Duel realm.[/Spoiler]

  7. [quote name='King Bull' date='13 June 2010 - 11:25 PM' timestamp='1276467920' post='61834']
    I say put a cap on age for mp3 and mp4 level no matter what the XP.At this point it works the same as XP cap. no mopre stats , no more XP and add this No more age for creaturs. And make it so if they are in a Allaince they may stay what every mp level they wanna be if they drop the allaince Badge they move to next mp level or even jump 2 levels according to the age cap. Exsample: if mp3 has the age and drops allaince for any reason they jump to the mp level as mp age caps, so a mp3 may have to miss mp4 and jump to mp5 losing princples from the story. After all, traning is not only to make you stronger and a better fighter it is also to perpare you to move to next mp level.

    Have we totally lost sight of the entire point and significance of the MP levels? There is a reason you don't auto-upgrade.


  8. [spoiler]
    Load Yoshi creatures
    Load Zleiphneir creatures
    Yoshi's Creature Tokens [antifreeze, stardust, kellethafire, firedrop, blooddrop2, darkshield]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [antifreeze] breakes freeze.
    [stardust] breakes freeze.
    [kellethafire] breakes freeze.
    [kellethafire] Angien gets +50% vitality due to missin Light and/or Element Principle.
    [firedrop] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop2] breakes freeze.

    [blooddrop2] gets 0 initiative (10 percent)
    [darkshield] breakes freeze.
    Yoshi's Creature Tokens [claw1, antifreeze, emeraldglare]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [claw1] breakes freeze.
    [claw1] Angien gets 85 power based on Princiles.
    [antifreeze] breakes freeze.
    [emeraldglare] breakes freeze.
    [emeraldglare] Angien gets 0 regeneration and 1 defence based on enemy creature skills

    Yoshi's Creature Tokens [claw2, purpurfog, osirisbelt, blooddrop3]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [claw2] breakes freeze.
    [claw2] Majestic Winderwild gets 11 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles.
    [purpurfog] breakes freeze.
    [osirisbelt] breakes freeze.
    [osirisbelt] Majestic Winderwild gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 60.
    [blooddrop3] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop3] Majestic Winderwild gets 22 attack (20 percent) and 0 initiative (20 percent).

    Yoshi's Creature Tokens [goldtear, blackdiamonds, blooddrop2]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [goldtear] breakes freeze.
    [blackdiamonds] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop2] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop2] gets 1 initiative (10 percent)
    Yoshi's Creature Tokens [claw1, purpurfog, blooddrop2]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity

    [claw1] breakes freeze.
    [claw1] Rustgold Madhorn gets 85 power based on Princiles.
    [purpurfog] breakes freeze.
    [purpurfog] Rustgold Madhorn gets 0 vitality. All other friendly creatures lose that much vitality cumulated.
    [blooddrop2] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop2] gets 1 initiative (10 percent)
    Yoshi's Creature Tokens [claw1, osirisbelt, blackdiamonds]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [claw1] breakes freeze.

    [claw1] Tamed Reindrach gets 85 power based on Princiles.
    [osirisbelt] breakes freeze.
    [osirisbelt] Tamed Reindrach gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 3000.
    [blackdiamonds] breakes freeze.
    Zleiphneir's Creature Tokens [sunshine, emeraldglare, claw2, blooddrop2, darkshield]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [sunshine] breakes freeze.
    [sunshine] Archibald the First gets +20% defence due to missing Light and/or Syntropy Principle.
    [emeraldglare] breakes freeze.

    [emeraldglare] Archibald the First gets 0 regeneration and 120 defence based on enemy creature skills
    [claw2] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop2] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop2] gets 1 initiative (10 percent)
    [darkshield] breakes freeze.
    Zleiphneir's Creature Tokens [emeraldglare, antifreeze, blackdiamonds, onyxfangs, purpurfog, blooddrop3]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [emeraldglare] breakes freeze.
    [emeraldglare] Derek gets 0 regeneration and 120 defence based on enemy creature skills

    [antifreeze] breakes freeze.
    [blackdiamonds] breakes freeze.
    [onyxfangs] breakes freeze.
    [onyxfangs] Derek gets 2 attack (2 percent).
    [purpurfog] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop3] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop3] Derek gets 24 attack (20 percent) and 0 initiative (20 percent).
    Zleiphneir's Creature Tokens [blackdiamonds, kellethafire, firedrop, onyxfangs, sunshine, claw3, claw1, stardust, goldbelt, claw2]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity

    [blackdiamonds] breakes freeze.
    [kellethafire] breakes freeze.
    [kellethafire] Rain maker gets +50% vitality due to missin Light and/or Element Principle.
    [firedrop] breakes freeze.
    [onyxfangs] breakes freeze.
    [onyxfangs] Rain maker gets 3 attack (2 percent).
    [sunshine] breakes freeze.
    [sunshine] Rain maker gets +20% defence due to missing Light and/or Syntropy Principle.
    [claw3] breakes freeze.
    [claw3] Rain maker gets 3 attack, power and initiative based on Principles.

    [claw1] breakes freeze.
    [claw1] Rain maker gets 242 power based on Princiles.
    [stardust] breakes freeze.
    [goldbelt] breakes freeze.
    [goldbelt] Rain maker gets 300 defence based on won battles.
    [claw2] breakes freeze.
    Zleiphneir's Creature Tokens [claw1, purpurmoon, jewelshards, stardust, darkshield, blooddrop3, emeraldglare, firedrop, blackdiamonds, claw2]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [claw1] breakes freeze.

    [claw1] Chaos Archer gets 242 power based on Princiles.
    [purpurmoon] breakes freeze.
    [purpurmoon] Chaos Archer gets 1 attack (1 percent).
    [jewelshards] breakes freeze.
    [jewelshards] Chaos Archer gets Max Vitality capacity doubled.
    [stardust] breakes freeze.
    [darkshield] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop3] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop3] Chaos Archer gets 28 attack (20 percent) and 1 initiative (20 percent).
    [emeraldglare] breakes freeze.

    [emeraldglare] Chaos Archer gets 0 regeneration and 1 defence based on enemy creature skills
    [firedrop] breakes freeze.
    [blackdiamonds] breakes freeze.
    [claw2] breakes freeze.
    Zleiphneir's Creature Tokens [darksky, goldbelt, stardust, blooddrop2, blooddrop1, claw2, claw1]
    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [b][darksky] breakes freeze.
    [darksky] Gnat gets 0 attack and loses 0 defence due to missing Darkness Principle.[/b]
    [goldbelt] breakes freeze.

    [goldbelt] Gnat gets 300 defence based on won battles.
    [stardust] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop2] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop2] gets 1 initiative (10 percent)
    [blooddrop1] breakes freeze.
    [claw2] breakes freeze.
    [claw1] breakes freeze.
    [claw1] Gnat gets 242 power based on Princiles.
    Zleiphneir's Creature Tokens [goldtear, onyxfangs, claw1, antifreeze, blooddrop1, stardust, jewelshards]

    Principles based tokens are at 100% capacity
    [goldtear] breakes freeze.
    [goldtear] Elemental V gets 74 power, 0 regeneration. All other friendly creatures lose that much stats cumulated.
    [onyxfangs] breakes freeze.
    [onyxfangs] Elemental V gets 0 attack (2 percent).
    [claw1] breakes freeze.
    [claw1] Elemental V gets 242 power based on Princiles.
    [antifreeze] breakes freeze.
    [blooddrop1] breakes freeze.
    [stardust] breakes freeze.

    [jewelshards] breakes freeze.
    [jewelshards] Elemental V gets Max Vitality capacity doubled.
    Influences for Yoshi: poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze, antifreeze, creatureboost, antifreeze, freeze, levelscare, creatureboost, tripleantifreeze, freeze, levelscare ######
    Influences for Zleiphneir: creatureboost, antifreeze, freeze, levelscare, creatureboost ######
    Applying 0% of Yoshi's energetic influence
    Applying 60% of Zleiphneir's energetic influence
    Yoshi's Madhorn does damage to all creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:

    - Archibald the First receives 2892 damage and remains with 8188 vitality
    - Derek receives 3009 damage and remains with 4821 vitality
    - Rain maker receives 2682 damage and remains with 8398 vitality
    - Chaos Archer receives 2970 damage
    and remains with 10110 vitality
    - Gnat receives 2652 damage and remains with 5428 vitality
    - Elemental V receives 2952 damage and remains with 7128 vitality
    Zleiphneir's Chaos Archer remains frozen, skipping turn

    Zleiphneir's Archibald the First does weaken to all creature(s) of Yoshi and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653 and remains with 1500 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653
    and remains with 1500 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -393
    - weakens Majestic Winderwild for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -393 and remains with 260 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653 and remains with 5000 vitality

    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Rustgold Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653 and remains with 5000 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Tamed Reindrach for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653 and remains with 10000 vitality
    Zleiphneir's Rain maker remains frozen, skipping turn

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )
    Yoshi's Rustgold Madhorn remains frozen, skipping turn
    Zleiphneir's Gnat does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Yoshi and:
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )

    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 300 vitality from Angien and gives it to Derek and remains with 1200 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 1000 vitality from Rustgold Madhorn and gives it to Gnat and remains with 4000 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 2000 vitality from Tamed Reindrach and gives it to Derek and remains with 8000 vitality
    Zleiphneir's Elemental V does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Yoshi and:

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 240 vitality from Angien and gives it to Elemental V and remains with 960 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 1000 vitality from Madhorn and gives it to Elemental V
    and remains with 4000 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 1600 vitality from Tamed Reindrach and gives it to Rain maker and remains with 6400 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)

    Yoshi's Tamed Reindrach does weaken to all creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Archibald the First for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 8188 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Derek for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 7121 vitality

    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Rain maker for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 9998 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Chaos Archer for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 10110 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -600

    - weakens Gnat for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 6428 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Elemental V for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 8368 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )

    Yoshi's Angien does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Trying to do energy burn with vitality under max causes serious damage to self and drops vitality to 74.
    - Not enough vitality for energy burn. and remains with 7121 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)

    Yoshi's Angien does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Trying to do energy burn with vitality under max causes serious damage to self and drops vitality to 74.
    - Not enough vitality for energy burn. and remains with 7121 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    Zleiphneir's Derek does weaken to all creature(s) of Yoshi and:
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Weaken defence effect: -124
    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -124 and remains with 75 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 :

    - Weaken defence effect: -124
    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -124 and remains with 75 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-393 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -61
    - weakens Majestic Winderwild for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -61 and remains with 260 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Weaken defence effect: -199
    - weakens Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -199 and remains with 4000 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -199

    - weakens Rustgold Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -199 and remains with 4000 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 :
    - Weaken defence effect: -199
    - weakens Tamed Reindrach for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -199 and remains with 6400 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-61 )

    Yoshi's Majestic Winderwild does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -133
    - weakens Archibald the First for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -133 and remains with 8188 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 :

    - Weaken defence effect: -133
    - weakens Derek for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -133 and remains with 7121 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -133
    - weakens Chaos Archer for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -133 (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 10110 vitality

    ###### START ROUND 1 ######
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-199 )
    Yoshi's Madhorn does damage to all creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-133 )
    - Archibald the First receives 3625 damage and remains with 4563 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-133 )
    - Derek receives 3742 damage and remains with 3379 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 3 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Rain maker receives 3282 damage and remains with 6716 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-133 )
    - Chaos Archer receives 3703 damage and remains with 6407 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 5 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Gnat receives 3252 damage and remains with 3176 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Elemental V receives 3552 damage and remains with 4816 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Zleiphneir's Chaos Archer remains frozen, skipping turn

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Zleiphneir's Archibald the First does weaken to all creature(s) of Yoshi and:
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-124 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -578
    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -578
    and remains with 75 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-124 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -578
    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -578 and remains with 75 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)

    - Weaken defence effect: -393
    - weakens Majestic Winderwild for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -393 and remains with 260 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653 and remains with 4000 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-199 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Rustgold Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653 and remains with 4000 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-199 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Tamed Reindrach for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653
    and remains with 6400 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 3 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Zleiphneir's Rain maker remains frozen, skipping turn
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )

    Yoshi's Rustgold Madhorn remains frozen, skipping turn
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 5 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Zleiphneir's Gnat does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Yoshi and:
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-578 )
    - Steallife power: 20%

    - steals 15 vitality from Angien and gives it to Chaos Archer and remains with 60 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-393 )
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 52 vitality from Majestic Winderwild and gives it to Elemental V and remains with 208 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )

    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 800 vitality from Madhorn and gives it to Rain maker and remains with 3200 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Zleiphneir's Elemental V does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Yoshi and:

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 12 vitality from Angien and gives it to Archibald the First and remains with 48 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 800 vitality from Rustgold Madhorn and gives it to Chaos Archer
    and remains with 3200 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 1280 vitality from Tamed Reindrach and gives it to Archibald the First and remains with 5120 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)

    Yoshi's Tamed Reindrach does weaken to all creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Archibald the First for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 5855 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)

    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Derek for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 3379 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 3 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Rain maker for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 7516 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Chaos Archer for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 7222 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 5 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -600

    - weakens Gnat for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 3176 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Elemental V for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 4868 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    Yoshi's Angien does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Not enough vitality for energy burn. and remains with 3379 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-578 )
    Yoshi's Angien does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Not enough vitality for energy burn. and remains with 3379 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    Zleiphneir's Derek does weaken to all creature(s) of Yoshi and:
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 :
    - Weaken defence effect: -151
    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -151 and remains with 48 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)

    - Weaken defence effect: -124
    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -124 and remains with 75 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Weaken defence effect: -9
    - weakens Majestic Winderwild for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -9 and remains with 208 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Weaken defence effect: -199
    - weakens Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -199 and remains with 3200 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -199

    - weakens Rustgold Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -199 and remains with 3200 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -199
    - weakens Tamed Reindrach for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -199 and remains with 5120 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-9 )
    Yoshi's Majestic Winderwild does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -133
    - weakens Archibald the First for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -133 and remains with 5855 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -133
    - weakens Elemental V for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -133 and remains with 4868 vitality
    ###### START ROUND 2 ######
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-199 )

    Yoshi's Madhorn does damage to all creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-133 )
    - Archibald the First receives 4358 damage and remains with 1497 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 2 :
    - Derek receives 4342 damage creature DIES!

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 3 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Rain maker receives 3882 damage and remains with 3634 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Chaos Archer receives 4303 damage and remains with 2919 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 5 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Gnat receives 3852 damage creature DIES!
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-133 )
    - Elemental V receives 4285 damage and remains with 583 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Zleiphneir's Chaos Archer remains frozen, skipping turn
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Zleiphneir's Archibald the First does weaken to all creature(s) of Yoshi and:

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-151 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -605
    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -605 and remains with 48 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-124 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -578

    - weakens Angien for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -578 and remains with 75 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Weaken defence effect: -445
    - weakens Majestic Winderwild for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -445 and remains with 208 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)

    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653 and remains with 3200 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-199 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Rustgold Madhorn for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653 and remains with 3200 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-199 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -653
    - weakens Tamed Reindrach for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -653 and remains with 5120 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 3 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)

    Zleiphneir's Rain maker remains frozen, skipping turn
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )
    Yoshi's Rustgold Madhorn remains frozen, skipping turn
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)

    Zleiphneir's Elemental V does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Yoshi and:
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-605 )
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 10 vitality from Angien and gives it to Chaos Archer and remains with 38 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-445 )

    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 42 vitality from Majestic Winderwild and gives it to Chaos Archer and remains with 166 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 1024 vitality from Tamed Reindrach and gives it to Chaos Archer and remains with 4096 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Yoshi's Tamed Reindrach does weaken to all creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Archibald the First for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 1497 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 3 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -600
    - weakens Rain maker for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 3634 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -600

    - weakens Chaos Archer for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 3995 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -17
    - weakens Elemental V for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -17 and remains with 583 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Yoshi's Angien does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-17 )
    - Not enough vitality for energy burn. and remains with 583 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-578 )
    Yoshi's Angien does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    - Not enough vitality for energy burn. and remains with 583 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Yoshi's Majestic Winderwild does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -133
    - weakens Archibald the First for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -133 and remains with 1497 vitality

    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 3 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Weaken defence effect: -133
    - weakens Rain maker for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -133 and remains with 3634 vitality
    ###### START ROUND 3 ######
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-653 )

    Yoshi's Madhorn does damage to all creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 1 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-133 )
    - Archibald the First receives 5091 damage creature DIES!
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 3 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-133 )
    - Rain maker receives 4615 damage
    creature DIES!
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )
    - Chaos Archer receives 1867 damage (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 2128 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 6 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Elemental V receives 4302 damage
    creature DIES!
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Zleiphneir's Chaos Archer remains frozen, skipping turn
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)

    Yoshi's Rustgold Madhorn remains frozen, skipping turn
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    Yoshi's Tamed Reindrach does weaken to all creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Weaken defence effect: -600

    - weakens Chaos Archer for next 2 rounds and lowers its defence by -600 and remains with 2128 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 1 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    Yoshi's Angien does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-600 )

    - Not enough vitality for energy burn. and remains with 2128 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 2 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Yoshi's Angien does energyburn to weak creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)

    - Not enough vitality for energy burn. and remains with 2128 vitality
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 3 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    Yoshi's Majestic Winderwild cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    ###### START ROUND 4 ######

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 4 : , weaken (round:2 weaken: persisting)
    Yoshi's Madhorn does damage to all creature(s) of Zleiphneir and:
    Applying temporary effects for Zleiphneir, slot 4 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    - Chaos Archer receives 5503 damage creature DIES!

    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 5 : , weaken (round:1 weaken: persisting) effect ended)
    Yoshi's Rustgold Madhorn remains frozen, skipping turn
    Applying temporary effects for Yoshi, slot 6 :
    Yoshi's Tamed Reindrach cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn

    ... Yoshi WINS!

    Creature Experience reward for Yoshi -
    Winning player
    Angien gaines 10205 Xp and a won battle
    Angien gaines 10205 Xp and a won battle
    Majestic Winderwild gaines 10205 Xp and a won battle
    Madhorn gaines 10205 Xp and a won battle
    Rustgold Madhorn gaines 10205 Xp and a won battle
    Tamed Reindrach gaines 10205 Xp and a won battle

    Creature Experience reward for Zleiphneir - Losing player
    No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward

    Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
    Looser does not get a lost fight point.[/spoiler]

    Looks like you have a point to me Pip, but I'm no expert so you can analyse the log :D also...is it just me...or do nearly all those tokens cause a break freeze when they theoretically shouldn't?


  9. I have been asked to write a tutorial for GIMP, its a bit different to Shadow's, so here we go:

    - Download GIMP (the picture editor, not the desktop buddy...)
    - file>new
    - Set the size width 100, height 160, click ok
    - drag and drop your image from your desktop (or file) into the main (middle) GIMP window
    - on the right menu, there are two items - your image and the background. Make sure the image is the highlighted "layer" it will have a blue band (this will turn grey when you click the main window).
    - Right click over the image in the main window, layer>scale layer
    - 100 width, click the chain so it unlinks, 160 height, click scale
    - Go to the right menu bar and right click the image, choose add alpha layer
    - Still in the right menu bar, highlight the background layer
    - Still in the right menu bar, right click the background layer and choose add alpha layer
    - In the main window at the top, click colours>colour to alpha>ok
    - Highlight the image in the right menu bar
    - In the main window right click>select>by colour
    - Click the background colour you want to make transparent
    - Right click>edit>cut
    - File>save as> myfilename.gif
    - Click ok on any following requests and you should be done.
    [spoiler](- cover in leather and put a ball gag in its mouth to finish-)[/spoiler]


  10. To be fair, the DJ analogy is quite good...

    A DJ doesn't pay for the use of the music he remixes IF the music has been created to go on an album belonging to the original artist and is not to be used elsewhere. In this case, lets say Mur is the original and Blackwood is the DJ - Blackwood is creating free remix tracks for Mur's album which Mur can choose to bin or be allowed on the album at no cost to either party and which all parties know will never be used elsewhere.

    In this sense, it's more a matter of if and when Mur doesn't like it, he can step in and say so and have it removed from his "album".

    Ride with the big dog...(thats for the brits...i doubt anyone else will know what this is ref to lol)


  11. These arn't necessarily people I like, or people I love, but they are 5 people who for the reasons mentionned below I do admire. Mur and Akasha go without saying as far as I'm concerned.

    1 - Amoran -
    For always standing for what she believes in (no matter how I may think of it) and always getting back on the horse.

    2 - Khalazdad -
    For somehow totally manipulating 90% of the MD populous and royally screwing them time and time again yet making them love him for it.

    3 - Cutler -
    A diamond in the rough, and only in the rough because he chooses to stay in the sand.

    4 - Windy and Sage (yea im gunna couple you, kinky ay? :P) -
    For always, always, managing to be chirpy...even when having a tantrum, which to me just seems utterly impossible!

    5 - TOOTH -
    For getting it, 100%. You know who you are - and yes I know it's cheating :P


  12. I am also against the GGG, as I was against the "Dojo". I may not be MP5, but ever since I started playing I have never used any of those training grounds and point blank refuse to do any form of "training" with anyone for the most part.

    Pip your cyclical theory about MP5 is right, but the issue is there arn't enough players around for that to happen right now, and I think part of the reason for that is that there is no social interaction - partically because of things like the GGG. Phantasm, you are right people do complain once it gets public as once it becomes a public thing it starts going wrong, it means people flock to that one spot. When something like that is a secret group it doesn't have the debilitating effect it has once it grows so to speak, don't know if you follow. I'm not saying it's right, i'm just saying that it "is". The difference with the GGG and the dojo was people could also play and chat there, the GGG is much stricter and much much more about grinding - and you can see the difference in the game environment itself when the different training grounds have existed. (someone should do a little historical blurb on it...could be useful here...I don't have time right at this second)

    Originally people would wander the lands trying to ask questions, find victims, and fleeing to sanctuaries where they would sit chatting or call each other outside for a duel. It was the era of the pubs and such and its why the sanctuaries are dead and the pubs don't exist any longer. Nobody needs to search around anymore which is another reason most of the place is dead.

    Not perfectly worded, it's too early, but there we go - I'm with No One.


  13. contestant 14 ( does this count :P )

    contestant 15

    contestant 16

    contestant 17

    12 - Clearly Pip, if you replace burger with fries :D


  14. Your dragon is from this tutorial I believe:

    [url="http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/2343/1/1/how-to-make-a-dragon.htm"]How to draw a dragon[/url]

    On the fence on this one, on the one hand its a tutorial, on the other hand that's a training tool and what if all of us submitted the same avatar due to handing in direct tutorial based work rather than adapting it to our own versions.

    On the other stuff, Venus is so akin to its original it looks traced, and should copies of famous artworks be avatars? Remember the Freddie and Jason debarcle? Copying positioning, of course, there are millions of images with the same lines and positioning - that really shouldn't be in question, but these images are 90% the same as their originals it seems, inc the ninja. Kamil already said he is influenced by comics, old marvel comics have black and white versions of the absorbing man just like that one, but proving that's a copy without the exact comic in question is nigh on impossible, there is no doubt in my mind however that it looks taken from one.

    If these are freehand drawings then they are great as a way of learning, but being submitted as avatars seems wrong to me, and eventually if we keep getting stuff like this I assume players will no longer be allowed to submit avys, which would be rubbish.


  15. This is amazing. Really great to read other people's views of the stories I know so well from their perspectives. The personal quote from me included was a very nice touch whoever did that. So wonderful to see Bob's stories etched in people's minds like the stories I remember and all who were involved in them are in mine :P

    Thank you for the dedication Blackwood, it's incredibly touching.


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