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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. Personally, to a degree and in the majority of cases, I think the scenes only seem static until you do something to give extra growth to them. Force of the masses or of high intellect, as has been proved on many occassions but which seems to get frequently forgotten at speed. Time therefore does have some sort of relevance indeed, as does imagination to a huge degree...but having said that I do love this concept of static memories as a thought experiement, and would hope someone will go into the aesthetic significance of what they define as a snapshot, just because I would enjoy reading.

    Incidentally, glass being a liquid is an urban myth unfortunately propegated by far too many sources but quite obvious if you try pouring your window over any given period, or by doing some research if you want to get more specific. Maybe a better example would be a plant, its growing and moving, just at a different percepive level to us. At it's own level it appears quite animalistic as anyone who has seen the program "life" could testify to.


  2. I use FF, IE and Opera depending where I am. As Burns says, Opera is a bit...temperamental, the other two are fine except for one issue I have on FF with Flash version 10 on one of my computers - it wont let me move scene without refreshing every single time multiple times.


  3. For me...this is how it is:

    MP3 is a level for learning
    MP4 is an RP level
    MP5 is a fighting level...the ultimate fighting level actually as defined

    So...forcing MP levels seems like a total change to the system as a whole for me. A change that makes the system more automated and functionally processed which, if thats where it is going, is a good idea, but from the perspective of a role player isn't such a great idea. I suppose it really depends how you view the game. For me, as most are aware, its a no simply because I don't like the enormous cocky attitude and arrogance that resonates within the fighting system ruining the RP for me, and (sorry if i misinterpret here but...) not having enough people to batter doesn't seem like a good enough reason to me. However, if the game is indeed to become a more automated system then RP has little to do with that factor and as such this idea is a viable one.


  4. [b]Best Back Story[/b]

    [b]Best Debater[/b]

    [b]Best Fighter[/b]

    [b]Best LHO[/b]
    Master B / Burns

    [b]Best Personal Papers[/b]
    Akasha / Shadowseeker

    [b]Best PL Entry[/b]
    Sagewoman (recently on Mur)

    [b]Best Protector[/b]

    [b]Best Quest (Please specify quest....)[/b]
    Cutler (Astral Plane)

    [b]Best Quester[/b]

    [b]Best Role Player[/b]
    Thomas the Titan

    [b]Best Spell Caster[/b]

    [b]Best Techie[/b]
    Rendril Revant

    [b]Best Villain[/b]

    [b]Most Addicted[/b]

    [b]Most Influential[/b]

    [b]Outstanding Service to MagicDuel[/b]
    Lazarus (or chad or whatever his name is now :)))

    [b]Rookie of the Year (between 20 and 100 AD at time of nomination and awarding)[/b]
    Rhah de la Rey

    [b]Veteran of the Year (must be on active vets list, only winnable once)[/b]

  5. Going through my work e-mails, I found the following from a company called Aarca...for some reason...I have no idea why *cough* it made me laugh rather a lot...

    [i]"This year we won't be sending you a Christmas card.
    Instead we have spent our Christmas card money on a Goat for struggling people in the third world.
    But it doesn't stop there, we are paying for the goat to have an animal shelter built, food and vet/medical care so that the local people truly get the best out of it.
    Goats provide loads of benefits – they give a family milk to drink, fertiliser for their crops, and kids (baby goats!) to add to the herd or to sell at market.
    We hope you do approve – the cards would be binned in January – the goats will give people a sustainable income for a very long time!"[/i]


  6. I really liked the interactivity of this quest, I'm annoyed I didnt get to exorcise the spirit in the well but I'll have to work on my ghost busting abilities at a later date :P

    The only major downside I feel regarding this quest is that it is massively spoilery (is that a word?), there are lots of ways this could be avoided (starting point being in necro, astral plane being an accessible area etc etc) and if it's done again personally I feel strongly that it should be avoided. That being said, on the whole, aside from some very nice little logic puzzles from Bootes, this has to be my favorite quest I've ever done.



  7. You know what? Some of your reactions to this situation are really making me consider if I've just entered the twilight zone. Mike, your friends really have no concept of their own rights and freedoms if that was their reaction, nor the value of the use of their own language. I wonder if you are aware of how freedom and equality is gained by minorities? I'll tell you a secret...it isn't because people "left them to it". I gotta tell you, I've asked my gay mates too and frankly you should have heard what they said because I can't repeat it on this forum without getting banned. If my friends were on here they would have an absolute field day wipping the floor with you people - and when I say wipping the floor with you I mean you would have so many facts, figures, websites and historical referrences coming out of your ears that you'd be willing to burn them off just to get rid of it all.

    Sort out the PL issue like DST says and stop trying to justify or belittle the original action. I'll set up a new thread where we can vote on the suggested options, which will hopefully resolve this farce of a conversation. And before anyone else makes any smart remarks about my temperament, yes, i'm at the end of my fuse on this one, so tread carefully or tread on a landmine.


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