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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. They are all evil. all of them. Look at the sugar faeries. Constantly spitting in my sugar pot just so that the sugar all clumps together. Or what about the money faeries, they SAY they bring you good luck, when in fact they wash all the ink off your receipts so you get no refunds or warranty.

    Its quite the threat Firsan gives...Faeries are not to be trifled with.


  2. [b]I'm going to be devils advocate here a second:[/b]

    Surely the true strongest or cleverest is determined by those who can still beat people with extras by the standard means. What does this accomplish exactly?

    Im assuming its the want of a level playing field, but that cant be done if you consider HC rewards, dream mutation jokers etc etc. So if I do consider that it just seems like its a way to (for some reason or other...) punish those who pump money into the game and reward those who don't, because the only thing you could judge in the end would be things bought from the shop and things not bought from the shop, and if that be the case im not sure its wise on many different levels.


  3. That is the sort of question that perhaps one should ask the characters in game who are enemies of Bob...Ledah has said he is too pointy...and Dst has a vendetta....this is all I am willing to say on the matter here.


  4. Here I will list and welcome any new guards who do not wish to remain anonymous, you can also ask to be part of Bob's guardianship etc etc

    So first off a warm welcome to Addy...who today helped us fend off an acid wielding Burns and Lazarus with some of the other Guardians. 4.8.09


  5. In chat this morning:

    : Lazarus tried to kill Bob.


    On another unrelated note, I have now had about the 5th person in succession walk up to bob and "chop him down" or "carve their name on him" and then walk off. Now im all for negative RP and feuds and all that but seriously, if you are going to do it, do it properly. Do you know how long it takes to carve something into a Tree? Let alone the fact that there's a 6foot bloke standing there who doesnt want you to do it?

    If you just type some statement, you should know by now, I will negate it or ignore you. Im just putting it here in writing so you know the score, because i really cant be bothered to put efort in when no effort has been put in from the other side. If you need help with you RP or you need help "being evil" or anything like that, I will be MORE than
    happy to help you, but other than that, what I said stands.


  6. [quote name='Metal Bunny' date='27 July 2009 - 08:39 PM' timestamp='1248723580' post='38056']
    I object to this monstrosity out of a big fat reason.
    How do you come close to roleplaying a villain otherwise?
    Sure there are other ways, but if it fits the role and it makes you hated, then by all means. Let it be.
    Ban and especially permanent bans should only be for things that threaten everything or seriously cross the rules of the realm. Such as theft of any kind, spamming, continues advertising, exploiting bugs, hacking, etc etc.

    So, hell no.

    Totally agree.

  7. Sir Noobalot. Apparently chopped Bob down, just like that, out of nowhere, with a magical axe that apparently came out of thin air....with people standing right in front of him...who obviously wouldnt stop him...obviously. So miraculously Bob was healed...just like that....funny thing that.


  8. I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Dojo is a choice. This? This isnt a community enforced anything, this is banning someone. Big difference there.

    We all know the Dojo is not some sort of "rule" in the game, so how is banning someone for not going along with it in any way reasonable? For one thing, attacking in the Dojo seems like a reasonable thing to do if you dont agree with it. You guys have lots of other functions you can use to achieve what you want without resorting to what I consider ridiculous levels like this, and which would benefit the game's RP too.

    Incidentally, I never see the Dojo actually being a Dojo. I see no training being done, I see no lessons, but i see lots and lots of people just sitting there knowing that if they get attacked the person will get yelled at. Frankly I think you need people like BloodPrince to remind you that what you have created is a privelidge to be fought for, not a right for which people who disagree get banned. Or are we "fighting for the rights of the dojo" now?


  9. Ok...I am closing this quest. Im not running the secondary part due to lack of response/ involvement/ dedication etc. The second part was only to come if the first part reached its full potential, which in my opinion it never has - and ive given it a lot of time to do so.

    Those who responded with the PMs at the start will get the stated reward for the thought put in, unless I am unable to give it as they already have such a reward from me too recently.


  10. [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='07 July 2009 - 12:45 AM' timestamp='1246923917' post='36399']
    When you talk about the choices depending on stats do you mean max stats or current stats? Should I be bursting before certain choices? Taking bursts so I'm valuable enough?

    some are max stats and some are current, it depends on which story you are on at the time.


  11. [quote name='Death Bell' date='06 July 2009 - 05:11 AM' timestamp='1246853514' post='36251']
    i got a spell document ut you say rewards are different.. so what did the others get?

    Yes rewards differ from person to person depending on how you respond at the end. The quest does not have a set reward due to the nature of it.

    What others got is not my place to tell you. If they choose to tell you, that is up to them. The reward you get for this quest is given on an individual basis.


  12. lol a table of contents?? a short version?? well it will kind of miss the point but I'll try to break it down for you:

    Subjective success wasnt the original question.
    Success as abstract has no levels.
    Shadow's spherical action theory could be manipulated to allow ANY possibility, not only those in what may be perceived at first to be your sphere.
    Hitting a goal is a feeling of achievement, not success, and certainly not abstract success.
    Fulfilment of a purpose may have something to do with success
    Success may not have an abstract version, or if it does, maybe existing or not existing in and of itself is enough to be successful.

    I vow never to be MP5! .. so you're safe :) (or maybe im safe ^^ lol)


  13. [quote name='No one' post='34845' date='Jun 25 2009, 05:18 PM']:) is that complex enough for you ?

    Then lets put it simple: success = 1, failed = 0, all is binary and there is nothing in between

    LOL Z, shut up, or at least after you finish the the writing ... cut the first and last line, delete the rest and complete the post :) it is too darn long :)[/quote]

    My my arnt we grumpy today...

    The purpose of discussion...is to discuss and analyse one anothers points....if I were to shut up, it would add little value to the point of the thread. If you don't like to read what I write, then I am not forcing you to. Do I really need to point that out?

    And no. It isn't anywhere near complex enough for me. Obviously. It would be nice if you elaborated your points instead of having a tantrum. Or would you prefer nobody ever questions your points instead? I can accomodate that too if necessity dictates.


  14. [quote name='dst' post='34801' date='Jun 25 2009, 03:41 PM']Yes! Bingo![/quote]

    Wrong website Dst....you can collect your game card at foxybingo .com, oh and don't bring your stamping markers, if you stamp the screen it won't work like it does in the halls... :)

    So wait...Mur ate the giant sandwich...and he's the tomato god...and the center of the universe...AND death??? Is Mur...the red river?


  15. *points at Mur's forum avatar* Look the background is even red!

    ...wait...why am I charley brown? Are you suggesting im balding and short with poor fashion sense?...or are you in cahoots...and you will paint my scalp red so i look like a tomato and then ... *panics and runs for it*


  16. Oh. My. God....I mean...Mur...I mean....Im so confused!!!!

    How could anyone do such a terrible thing as to eat the great sandwich!!...and now...we revolve around a tomato eating monster...so red is he that even in print he remains so....so gravitational that even in words he pulls other words towards him....

    Fenrir, you ask him how it feels, well I ask you, who would do such a terrible thing as to eat the great and magnificent sandwich!?! :cray:

    He may be claimed a God...but I demand he give us our tomatoes back! I feel so cheated!!!


    (Ps - The Truth is Out There)

  17. [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='34778' date='Jun 25 2009, 12:27 PM']Oh my holy [fill in][/quote]

    This explains EVERYTHING.

    They refer to Mur as god because he is the center of the greatest sandwich in the universe, and red because obviously he has magnificent tomatoeyness.

    Case Closed.


  18. IF success is the achievement of a goal, then at minimum following must be considered:

    What is a goal? Do we know of the goal? and who made the goal?

    Talos suggested this comes in various segments, so a goal can be many things defined by various sources including yourself. Talos posits 3 types of goal: Societal, "quality of Life" based and finally personal.

    To be the abstract, extracted fundamental of success and not just the concept of it would remove the necesity for consideration of levels. For if levels of such a thing were to exist it would remove the imbued "cellular" core that it would be. So for now I will ignore levels for those who understand that idea. As an abstract concept, this would to me mean success is simply an indicated point of finality. There is none better or worse in abstract terms, only are or are nots.

    Moving on from this, I have to wonder, is a goal truely 3 separate (or more) concepts? or only one? What is important for me here is the word who, and when I say who i could be meaning the universe or an individual or any influencing force...yet...perhaps even the who is an irrelivant concept. Consider breeding. Some people believe that one of the basic things about existing is to continue to exist as a species, not just on an individualised basis as leaving a mark, but also on a fuller universal basis for the sake of what is and is not or can and can't be. Now...if I were to breed, on this theory, I would be an overall success, and yet, one could say this were only success in the eyes of the universe, but it is I who performed the action. I don't want to get too elongated here so hopefully that is enough, but my point is simple, success is not anymore than one thing, and im not even sure goals have anything to do with it....and potentially lets look at Shadow's analysis for a possible solution....

    IF success is the ability to specialise within your given circle of (im going to call it movement but it can be called whatever you like) "movement" then at minimum the following must be considered:

    How is this circle defined, who defined it, does it expand and of so when and how

    So here we have one individual with their circle of movement. Any action performed therein towards one specific goal is success on this basis if I am following correctly. So again this is a goal based theory, and extracting previous commentry perhaps we have the circle and the arrow as visual indicators of it. On a conceptual basis, as a non abstract, perhaps I would agree both with Talos and with Shadow....however...that wasn't the original question. Originally we wanted to find the fundamental core of success, so I am not going to speak of subjective goals, nor of arrows, indicators or circles....

    Let us consider a man who cannot walk. On a spherical realm of action theory he is quite restricted, yet, I believe he can step outside of his boundary, because in effect...im not sure there really is one. Not for success in this term. Consider a bulb, it sits at the edge of a piece of tracing paper, where is the light? and then after that...where is the light?

    Lets not look at humans, let's take an eraser. Lets assume both erasors were created with the purpose of erasing pencil marks. Does an erasor that rubs things out well signify a successful erasor and one that does not signify an unsuccessful one? If the answer is yes then success would be the fulfillment of purpose, and the better it was at erasing, the more successful it would be, but once again we hit the trap of non abstraction. if the answer is no, then what makes the erasor successful? I might attempt to suggest the following: No matter it's movement inside, outside or around abouts it's sphere if there even is one, the erasors are completely equal in terms of success (remember the levels earlier?) if this is the case, then their being able to erase or not to is irrelivant, what is relevant is their being at all.

    So then...if anyone even vaguely followed that mess up there (you have to make a lot of jumps to my thought process without me scribing forever, which i appologise for) I think I would say this:

    On a subjective level, the fulfilment of a purpose may be the key to success, the fufillment of a goal is the key to the sensation of success but not necessarily success itself.

    On an abstracted level, perhaps there is not such a thing as abstracted success, or perhaps it is simply the fact that something exists or doesnt exist at all.


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