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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. If you pay one dollar for one credit for one silver coin, which comes sort of as a freebie to something you buy in the shop....and then...you can re-upload that silver for a credit (which is worth one dollar) to buy something in the shop...It seems counter intuitive to me - and it's for this reason I belive that the value of the silver coin actually does have an impact here- as Kragel says.

    I don't like the idea, not just for the reason of money spent, value, and all that, but in the main also because this is going to make people want to "cash in" their silver coins rather than use them as an in game currency for in game things. It becomes more like a way to give out free credits to people than a way for people to use an in game currency for in game items etc.


  2. This is a really common problem with MD papers so don't panic because it is fixable (although incredibly annoying I know).

    It tends to come either from trying to do some complex HTML and forgetting to end the script, or, one of the headings in the blog style editor has a tendancy to push your frame out of sync and make it really wide (in this case try highlighting some text and pushing your mouse to the right to scroll sideways and find your buttons to edit and fix the issue).

    Might not be your issue, but those tend to be the reasons in my experience. If you need a hand, you know where to find me. :)


  3. [quote name='dst' post='30329' date='May 5 2009, 08:48 PM']C'mon Jester! Pull yourself together and make a jesterific Jesterfest! I bet there will be others that will help you. You just need to ask :P[/quote]

    The lady is right, I will also happily help you in this endeavour should you request it.


  4. [quote name='Burns' post='30318' date='May 5 2009, 06:45 PM']well, guys, don't log out =P

    if you want to switch the acc you are using, [spoiler]idle and clear chache, that works, too, and avoids the cooldown ^^[/spoiler][/quote]

    You missunderstand...

    I logged in, after i just woke up in the morning and it instantly refreshed and told me I had to have a logout cool down...nothing to do with logging out or idling. I hadn't even been in game...but...it's only happened once so I hope it stays that way...


  5. [quote name='Dark Ruler' post='30307' date='May 5 2009, 04:52 PM'][color="#00BFFF"]*sigh*[/color]

    Now I'm getting really depressed. Since today, every time I try to log on to my account it brings me right back to the login screen and when I try to log on again it says:

    [color="#FF0000"]LOGOUT COOLDOWN
    You can login on this account in 13min and 50sec[/color]

    Please could someone check into this.

    Dark Ruler (ID:94993)[/quote]

    You're not alone. I've had that happen to me before too. Depressed I was not...throwing my computer across the room and forcing myself to take a walk?...maybe.... :lol:


  6. @Lib - I help people learn how to RolePlay if they ask me. I also have an entire section in my papers dedicated to learning how to role play. In addition to that I help people with their backstories. It just requires someone to ask, otherwise I don't know you want help. If I see someone stuggling who obviously wants to do something, I will often also take the time to go and find them, interact with them and then see if they need a helping hand. I take hours of time personally helping people with these things...so you might not see it, but at least one person does help with this stuff :D


  7. [quote name='Nex' post='30153' date='May 4 2009, 05:07 AM']@ zlei: have you tried a rit of creatures with various tokens but without the [kellethafire] or other VE influencing tokens? just to be sure if those are the only tokens that are causing problems or if others do as well.[/quote]

    Hey Nex

    Here's a log without VE influencing tokens with me on Def...appears to be working ok ^^ all creatures were dead at the end when none could be found to target and also it lasted a number of rounds. I haven't gone through with a fine toothed comb...but it does seem to be ok. Various other tokens in effect as you can see.

    Also, just another thing I noticed - when on Def, you don't see any of the Token artwork - not that i mind that at all, just a note.

    Fight without VE Tokens
  8. Here's some more for reference...

    fight log 2.1

    Fight Log 2.2

    fight log 2.3

    Just tell me when to stop....because until this is fixed all my defensive fights end up like this.

  9. Fight Log 2

    Here is the issue again. This time our creatures had still between 2K and 4K VE when the battle was ended due to apparently not being able to find any creatures.


    Reason for edit:

    Im just going to keep adding them...

    here's another...

    Fight log 3
  10. Fight Log

    Ok so I had a fight, see above, the log does not say any creatures died, and yet at the end my creatures can find no creatures to target and so the fight ends (and I have a creature that deals single creature blows so it isnt a haotic stike incident). According to my information the other player still had health on all their creatures when this happened- which seems to be confirmed with the end image when i replay the log. It ends with nobody dead and just stops on all creatures getting weaken Def done to them- see below:

    end of fight picture

    This seems very strange to me...all my creatures have tokens so I can only assume it is a token issue, if it's an issue and not me being thick? ;)
  11. Just a few personal responses for the queries:

    [i]RPC = ROLE PLAYING Character.[/i]

    I agree that the name RPC is deceptive to how this game actually categorieses RPCs. However, all members on that list are fully capable of role play and do do it. Some more than others, but, Akasha is correct, there are responsibilities that take precident in order for you to better enjoy this game. All the same....I may be an RPC now, but I have always found if you take the time to interact, you are interacted with - and i think thats an important thing to take note of.

    [i]RPC Activity[/i]

    It isn't just the RPCs that have hours of play. I can often be found awake at times when few others are, and when I say few others I mean players in general. The hours of play are in fact a blanket with few playing in the other hours. Many of us have jobs etc, we have to have them to afford the internet to be here, therefore we cannot be awake all the time. Even so...I find even if I am awake for 12 hours of the day- I am taunted for 5 minutes of idleness, and in fact this sort of relates to the first question too, role play is not the only thing that rpcs are there for.


    To me, every single player who makes an effort is a PWR :P so my list would be exhaustive. I know thats not the answer you want, but it's the one im giving you.


    I don't really know what to say to that...but...what i could say is...maybe the "bad rpers" and "god modders" did something else you arn't aware of that didn't involve RP but affected the game in a great and positive way that most wont be able to see to credit them for.

    [i]"On the subject of juvenile, maybe the RPCs should look at some of their bickering on the forums and in game. They are not working as a team and not setting very good examples for other people"[/i]

    I suppose it does depend on what you mean by bickering, your version of bickering could be my version of a publically heated debate necessary for something. Team wise, Im not sure you could comment unless you are actually in the team seeing how it operates, I dunno.

  12. Although many may not visibly understand this, for those that do I am placing this note - I feel I have helped Grido in whatever way was possible with this now, and have done my duty by Bob, I am going to leave the rest in Grido's capable hands.

    I wish you all the best Grido and Savelites, whoever you may be :P

  13. [quote name='Grido' post='29160' date='Apr 21 2009, 07:41 PM']what about a change password thing? or rather reset password, sends e-mail to you, click on link to change pass?[/quote]

    Totally agree with that. Currently if anyone gets your pass you are...erm...can I say "screwed" on the forum? :P

  14. I respect your opinion Watcher, and I can see how you see your points, valid or not.

    Firstly: Do not speak for what Mur would or wouldn't do. He can speak for himself, using his name so flippantly as a power tool against Grido, for me, is unacceptable - Unless you are Mur himself or have an actual quote from him saying he will do something, you cannot say what he would or wouldn't do.

    Secondly: For one thing, as far as im concerned war is war, unjust occupation? I think not. For another, those that were in the alliance allowed it to end up like this - the blame can be laid on no other I'm afraid, im sorry Savelites...but it can't be any other way, decisions you guys made let this happen as far as I can see. It was already the subject of mockery well before Grido. I, for one, don't want to see it go to rack and ruin, as such, Im trying to help to fix it and help them manage things more efficiently and with better security, which it's obvious they could do with a hand with.

    Lastly: Please don't call tankfans and Rhaegar foolish and pathetic. Flinging insults isnt going to help anyone and will only enrage matters further - is that in fact your aim? Whether I agree or not, by your own statement, they have every right to be upset - people act out when they are upset - If you choose to set foot on this thread and state your opinion, blatantly flaming Grido with use of deliberately emotive phrasiology - then I would suggest you deal with their emotional state. One which you claim to understand.

  15. Alright I was waiting for Grido to answer this but as he is not here I will say something in the interim until he can speak.

    Grido had this alliance by the short and curleys. He could have destroyed it with a single click. He did not. You should be thanking him as far as that goes don't you think? Yes you have issues with his taking it, but it would seem, to me at least, that if he was able to take it with such low loyalty then the alliance wasn't very united and well structured anyway.

    Taking the above into consideration it NEEDS outsiders to fix it as far as i am concerned. You need an objective point of view on the matter after all the mess. If you can't trust and talk to Grido, speak to me- even though Grido is deserving of at least some of your respect for not ending this alliance in the first place, even during a war, putting his reputation with Golemus on the choppig block potentially. Can you not see that?

    Rhaegar and tankfans, you are both savelites yes? just without the badge. As far as I am concerned this should mean you care more about the alliance as a whole than throwing accusations around and making demands and statements on Forums. Have you both stopped to think perhaps this isnt war? That perhaps if you actually took the time to contact us and work with us you might find a pair of ears willing to listen, mouths willing to discuss, heads willing to think as long as you are similar in kind? Perhaps you would rather fight over the matter...I don't know...are you even aware that Grido has already spoken to Morquor?

    @Lib - it has been 3 days. We are building our loyalty so that we can start inviting people in and discussing the matter. I have already set a structure in place to help the members stop their alliance being taken again so long as they have a viable leader. Then it will be down to who cares about the alliance, and who in fact only cares about themselves and just wants to be back in an alliance- and no, I will not lay it out word for word on this forum. It is a matter for the savelites to speak with me and Grido about, whoever they may be.

    and Ud is right....making assumptions just makes an...im sure you know the expression.

    I said it at the start in so many words and I will say it again. We will not cow tow to any demands and whinging. Come to us and speak to us or PM us with reason and logic, ready to have a discussion without losing your rag, we want you to succeed.

  16. Rhaegar....

    I suggest you go and look at the forum topic on this in the alliances section. I am trusting Grido, perhaps I am wrong to but I don't think I am or I wouldn't do it, I am putting my reputation on the line for him to work with him so that you all can see he isn't just a Golemus man come to steal your alliance, and he is well aware of that fact - because I believe he does want what I want- to have a true, functional and united Savelite Church in Loreroot.

  17. [center]I am the leader of the savelites now for any who are unaware. Grido is my co-leader and should he become leader once again then I will be happy for that also. Whoever caused him to drop below me I do not thank them. It was underhanded- and as any who know me will tell you, I am a very fair man.

    I am aware that this alliance has changed hands more times than you need to change a babies diapers...but hear me out, or at least attempt to.

    I/we have one goal, one purpose. To rebuild the legend that this alliance stands for. The Great Ghost lives in my heart and mind, and has always done, and he will live in yours again - and if he never did, prepare to open your heart to him. His words, are our words.

    Everything I do, I do for Bob and this is no different, whether you are aware of that or not. So think not I leave my sworn duties behind, for it is far from it - I will not explain further than that i'm afraid so there is little point in asking me to.

    Loreroot needs leaders who stand on their own two feet and do not cower to threats and insults apparently. Well my friends and enemies alike, you have found two such men heading this church - which for the moment, will not be an easy job, so it's just as well.

    If you, people of loreroot, do not trust us, I could understand that....but you now have little choice but to trust us for the moment, and those who know me and who I am, should know better.

    Those that were once in this alliance, I'm afraid since all the mess we are left with little choice but to start from the very base. New rules. New boundaries - these have already been laid out. I am sorry if you feel slighted, but some things must be done for the good of the land, the church and it's ideals. Anyone who turned coat on the alliance or was pivital in causing the mess for it will not return. Period.


    See my alliance papers for further details, or of course ask away.[/center]

  18. Yea its a weird one Bored

    Dst- thanks :( I don't really use them much because I forget which icon I used for which thing lol, but I use them a little bit for odds and ends and just noticed it doing that, didn't do it before, very strange...but then arn't all little creepy crawlies :)

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