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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. [quote name='Deatznce0' post='32999' date='Jun 8 2009, 09:48 AM']How do you edit your own personal page?
    I've been to [spoiler]MDA[/spoiler] but I had no luck finding it, or perhaps I missed it?[/quote]

    You access it via the links on the left hand side of the page. So where you see the links for RPC list, Adventure log, Most popular, Webcam etc etc, you will find a link that says Personal Page.

    Fill that in and bada bing bada boom, you have yourself a cover up.

    Hope that helps.


  2. This is a discussion point for those doing this quest. Any others can join in, give their thoughts etc, but only the following people are eligible for the stated reward as these are the people who have responded to me (NB: At my sole discretion, others may receive a reward of some kind, also in the unlikely event that you messaged me and I’ve missed you, send me a PM):

    Eigger, Phantom Orchid, Shadowseeker, I am Bored, Kafuuka, Arturius Drachorn, Domonic

    The following is a summary of given theories and speculations as to what we need to do in the matter of restoring Bob’s branch. Please comment and elaborate on what you feel is good/bad etc. Adapt, construct and think about / post here the sequence of actions you feel we need to take.

    Feeds the elements as a catalyst. Can heal- as per its stated description. Use as a guide to show the way.

    Because all things take time. Use this to accelerate the process. Turn back time to the point of when Bob got injured. Use to keep things from going too fast and as a result fold in on themselves.

    Life force entering the ashes and creating a re-formation. A counter to the effects of entrophy that have occurred. Use fertiliser to aide in this.

    Life and death, the constant circle of life continues. Deals in opposites, and so could cause an opposite reaction if use with time being turned back. Living things are thought to have come from dust, then go back and reform again, this is cyclicity, so in this sense it is a major force of life and of this situation.

    Use to mould the branch into the original branch and not a random one. Will aide the principle of light.

    Bob is made of elements. Experiment with combining different elements and study well to see which works best.

    Identify and understand elemental sources and use them to regenerate Bob’s parts. Use to reverse the situation.

    1 mistake may be fatal so we need to work with balance to ensure things remain going the way we want them to go. Use this to first understand what happened, to understand the opposing effects.

    Cures- Cures works via an energetic fingerprint. As Priestess Aia for aide with principles of light and syntrophy, use amoran for the energy required as she is a dryad and as such has a connection to Trees. Tweak this energy to make the pattern resemble Bob’s. Apply the ashes as a paste and channel the energy of cures to it.

    *Make an salve from the ashes, apply the salve to the spot the branch was removed from. Salve will be made from various plants and herbs found in MD*

    Notes from Z:
    “Remember that light is not light itself it is the PRINCIPLE of light. This is not the same thing. A small notation that may be useful though: Modify or nullify balance for short periods, so help with protection, healing or even invincibility. Consider the use of a person with an appropriate aura in relation to the element principle. A note on Transposition: Total understanding of identity is to take into account all stages of time for that objects existence into one continuous thought is this of any use to us? Also bear in mind… Hard to use balance to your favour, more art of chance and presumption.”

    (NB: before anyone says it, there is loads and I mean loads an enemy can do on this quest if they think about it. For example - give a full analysis of the system of degradation of the branch. So it's open for all to participate in that sense, and the quest will become role play once it hits a point, enemies can then revolt in response and still gain recognition for it. Think outside the box :P )


  3. So when these two left i made them a little ode...they came back but basically if an enemy or Kith/Kin leaves the game (whether they come back later or not)...an Ode is due:

    Dst, Bob's greatest enemy
    you called him every name you could think of
    A great arch nemesis to me
    and all of those who guard Bob

    You said he should be termite ridden
    you said he should have died
    you had support from those well hidden
    and those who always lied

    To DST, the (wo!)man of the hour
    The one who made us fight
    Be well my greatest enemy
    we move on to our latest plight!


    Tzaroth was a man of respect
    and carried with him intellect
    that drove him to the places where
    of his talents we became aware

    Swiftly his reputation grew
    the divide inside not one of us knew
    and then it erupted for all to see
    but we stood fast and did not flee

    by Khalazdad's aide he felt complete
    and slumbering at the plains of deciet
    his aura there will always be
    I pay my dues respectfully.

  4. if you would be serving of tree and report everything that is being or has been buried in the ground around tree
    for archiving here
    and eventual persons mentioned items comes from like an
    ex. 1xarm/dst

    Cultist of tree Artelan

    Current list

    1x Two handed Flint sword invested with Tellan magic
    1x Elbow bone
    23x axes
    1x head/Ledah
    1x arm/ledah
    2x Legs/ledah


    left arm
    right arm
    left leg
    light leg

    All from ledah xD

    (actually the left arm was thrown aver the wall into Necro... Left Ledah (h)armelss...


  5. Dst


    Repo Man

    No One





    Shady Jester

    Last Soldier



    The Great War Mage

    Sable Nyx








  6. [quote name='Grim Angel' post='32943' date='Jun 7 2009, 08:45 PM']Boo Bob boo BURN Bob boo ^_^[/quote]

    I also expect Guardians to kill Ledah...LOL :D


    edit: yes my appologies DST, I also expect you to Kill Dst...or at the very least give Dst to verbal abuse like...Dst you are such a big meanie im gunna stomp on you so there ^_^

  7. [center]As is obvious anyone is capable of Guarding Bob, but that does not mean anyone is accepted as the group of family I call the Guardians. This group is split into various sections depending on your dedication and loyalty to your fellows, but i wont go into that here.

    Here is a basic outline of what I expect to see from fundamental dedicated Guardians - who know who they are. This post is mostly for everyone else...as Guards should already know this...[/center]
    - The Guardians of Bob are a family. We are tied by one common interest that stands above all others. We protect Bob. It doesn't matter your alliance, your personality nor your reputation so long as you display the right characteristics.[/color]

    [color="#C0C0C0"]- Because we protect Bob, we also protect each other. Damaging a Guardian of Bob is a damage to Bob himself as it leaves him less well protected.[/color]

    [color="#696969"]- Our duty is therefore to Bob, and to those who truely protect him. [/color]
    - I do not expect Guardians to be flamboyant about what they do.[/color]

    [color="#696969"]- I expect Guardians to have for want of a better word a "faith" in Bob, and in those who are their family. I expect Guardians to just "know" that Bob is a wonder, without a need for anything special. THAT is what makes US special. We recognise something about Bob....what it is, we each individually know, and when we speak and we listen to one another, we can see it, that each of us know what the other does, without actually having had to have said a word.[/color]

    [color="#C0C0C0"]- Guardians do not hand out secrets about Bob whatever they may be. Nor about one another.[/color]
    - If someone asks about Bob I expect a Guardian to answer in the appropriate way. [/color]

    [color="#C0C0C0"]- I do not expect Guardians to attack each other when they stand at Bob's side, because when you stand with Bob, you are "on duty" so to speak. Now you SHOULD be on duty all the time. Eyes and ears open, no attacking other Guardians unless you are training, but I know from most of you, that is too much to ask, so I don't bother to, however, the first part remains true. At Bob, we do not attack each other - but you can attack ANYONE who passes, and if they complain, they have both me and your entire family to deal with.[/color]
    - Finally....Bob is your priority, if you doubt that, if you can't cope with that, if you don't agree with that- then we need to have a talk, because you arn't a Guardian in my eyes for nothing.
    Something else that might be of interest to you...

    - If it turns out I made a bad decision about you, that you don't truely protect Bob, I WILL turn on you. Make no mistake. I will ensure this family knows every detail of why and how you betrayed us and I will not forgive you. You betray my trust but once.

  8. Here is what has already been said on the matter, I've already stated i was going to transfer everything so if anyone wants their words removed tell me ASAP

    Tree lead me to meet Z and more people and for that i protect tree

    i protect bob because i want to protect life itself or..where it came from :D
    nature!! and bob is the ultimate sign of that !!
    but that's not my main reason ^_^
    Bob is a friend and he listens to all that i say
    He leads me to the right way
    He protects me from the eyes of society
    With his divine grace and piety

    So now i'm on a quest to save his soul as he saved mine ^_^
    he was there when i needed him so i need to be there when he needs me ^_^
    to pay him back for all the things that he did ^_^

    I remember what it's like to feel lonely,
    I like protect those who need it,
    Bob makes me laugh,
    Bob attracts people I want to be friends with,
    His presence calms me,

    and also....

    Whenever I am sad, angry etc I always seem to end up going to sit by Bob and it makes me feel better!

    He is a Prince among trees!

    Black mailed into it...

    [b]Aurora Borealis:[/b]
    Bob is a constant, he is always there ... for a wandering soul, a constant is like coming home ... Homes need to be protected.

    [b]Prince Lewas:[/b]
    In my eye, Bob symbolizes the nature itself... The nature is the source of life and life must be protected. Without any reasonable reason, justifiable vengefulness and anything else nobody should require the death of an innocent one. Since Bob does harm to nobody.
    Anyway, the company of Bob is superb and odd. He always listens to me, cheers me up and radiates calmness what everybody needs - so do I, one of the archivists...
    I gladly help to protect him as I can... just name the ones who bear malice to you, Bob
    By the way, Bob, I wish you a long rainfall and a very nice day!!!

    To promote "Planet Green" campaign on MD World!

    In all things of nature, infinity lies
    Life breathing deep within it's heart
    Never an absence of light, out there---

    Here come we, the thinking ones
    Bringing definition to the meaningless
    As we mark and label all that we see.

    Without us Bob is a tree, without a name,
    One amongst many, altho alone is he
    Silent standing sentinel of loneliness

    Within our heart, within our mind,
    We have the desire to grow, and share
    The love and laughter along our way.

    Fate's left hand is black as night,
    And marks poor souls with terrible plight
    As loss and misfortune fill their path

    Upon burdened shoulders pain is heaped
    Full of woe and misery and sadness
    'Till nothing is left of their light---

    Twisted now, screaming now, raging now,
    They stalk thru the land with a sole goal
    To infect the world with their hate.

    With their flaming and embittered eyes
    They stare at Bob with dark intent
    And gleefully plan his utter demise

    But we, full of the beauty of the world,
    Stand righteous in front of the Tree
    To protect his life, and all that he stands for.

    A tough question to ask. I never intended to protect Bob or even cared. Z was a smart man to talk to and I enjoyed having long conversations and talkin philosophy with him. As Z became a close friend, I noticed Bob more and more. Now I protect Bob not only as Z's friend but also as his.

    I can't explain why I do what I do for Tree... or even why I address him as I do... but.. take a walk with me sometime, see Tree through my eyes... maybe you'll understand....

    He is the root of all even this world. He is giving me a place called home and a point to find inner freedom and meditation. His guardian is my friend, so shall he.

  9. Lifted from online:






    By Peace:




  10. Here is what has already been said and offered on the matter:

    By Z:


    Lifted from online:










  11. Here is what has already been given:

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9hPp_OHUHg"]Song for Bob[/url]
    Prince Lewas:[/b]
    [url="http://www.humyo.com/FKKxjYC/MD/Dawn%20Mist.mp3?a=pJLz2d34dHc"]Song: Dawn Mist[/url]
    Oh tree with a shriveled head..
    For you my blood will shed..
    Because you have cared for me everyday..
    And always listened to what i have to say..

    Lonely Tree, Lonely Tree,
    Are ye still alone as I sit by Thee?
    Watch those who pass along the road,
    Naught of thought of you or me.

    Ancient Tree both tall and broad,
    Full of leaf, flower and fruit,
    Cool shade and refreshing dew,
    What wisdom did you hold?
    Secrets of power ripe for plucking

    Withered now and twisted of limb
    Barren and blighted by power unknown,
    What will it take to renew your vigour?
    Daily we care for you begging and pleading

    Show leaf, show flower, show any sign at all
    That one day you’ll be green again
    Proud, and straight, and tall.

    Tree, tree of life,
    Loreroot’s avatar and sigil,
    Survivor of droughted strife,
    Standing such a lonely vigil.

    Guarded by these mortal men,
    Sleeping, smoking, telling stories,
    Of distant woodsmen, Kith and Kin,
    Harkening to faded glories.

    Sleep well, sapling of old mother,
    Slumber in peaceful contemplation,
    In this, the age of Sister and Brother,
    Safe from evil and isolation.
    Guarded by these mortal men,
    Harkening to faded glories.
    Kouros and Tzaroth747:[/b]
    Bob, noble Tree, lonely but not alone,
    You stand as a silent sentinel, and gather about you strange creatures of beauty,
    A mix, each on their own of a different make,
    But all sharing a similar love, a common purpose,
    You, most worthy, to you we devote our affection, our kindness, our protection,
    Water, and nuts, and hugs, and fertiliser,
    And other nice things, all of these we shower upon you,
    As we both walk along with busy plans,
    Or stop to stand and admire your quiet beauty,
    Friends, you have, friends enough to make the enemies keep their distance,
    Ever aware of our staunch vigilance,
    Fear not, great Tree,
    For your protectors are watching.
    Burn, Bob,burn!
    I really wanna watch Zlei yearn,
    As he realises tis all for naught,
    And you’re your ashes in an Urn.

    Purple, green or orange fire,
    I’ll make you into a Sacred Pyre!
    I really wanna burn you, Bob,
    Burn, burn, burn =D
    Bobby is my favorite Tree
    By his side I love to be
    and when he blooms excitedly
    I often faint with pure glee!

    Some thought that tree was surely dead
    From it's protectors they often fled
    Protectors shot them in the head
    Hide the bodies...garden shed...

    Oh Bob the Tree you are divine
    you have a new friend in Aqune
    who'll help us conquer Dst
    now wouldn't that be lov-el-y

  12. Well I could argue also there is a very good reason why you do not have a delete button option if that is your point of view on the matter. I could, if I were to play devils advocate on such a point of view, say that by having that delete button you are in effect removing the part of the purpose of the tokens among other arguments that could be made.

    As my point of view is not the same as yours, I just thought I would level the playing field a little on the topic, because obviously people will say yes to the suggestion if they follow that line of thought. Any additional feature that can only have a positive effect (such as the choice to delete a token or leave it) will obviously gain a positive response - but that doesn't mean it's the best course of action for an issue at hand.

    Bugs fixed? Excellent.


  13. I have to say I agree the random thing is a little silly. If it were random for any creature that it would beneficially effect- that would be alright, but like this it's just naff really. Especially when you consider that if you use an alt you can just put it on the creature you want it on anyway by cheating, so in a sense it promotes cheating. That in addition to the bugs and what lifeline has just pointed out AND the fact that in my opinion once you get multiple tokens on your creature the artwork is ruined with excessive splodges, well...lets just say i'm not feeling the love for the tokens right now.


  14. [quote name='SageWoman' post='32771' date='Jun 4 2009, 11:22 PM']That takes 30 minutes? So what...you disrobe and FOLD your clothes and speak slowly stretching out the words? I think this prayer/ritual needs more thought. :)[/quote]

    "Shh...they disrobe for 30 minutes...." ~: Zleiphneir :~

  15. If im not mistaken, that's basically a major part of the Archivist's job.....to Archive events. That's how it always should be, yet when I look at the archives it doesnt look like that is happening and the only archivist I see checking whats going on all about the place and asking questions is Awiiya. So; nice one for bringing it up Pample.


  16. You can find an example from the sandman online if you google the oldest game.

    I think it's about the imaginitive way in which you use whatever you have chosen. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but it would depend on how they had worded the desert and how you worded the water response...I think...

    So my examples would be:

    I am the desert, arid and dry, cracker of skins, heat propegating evaporator of fluids

    so just water wouldnt do here in my opinion....unless you use your imagination...so perhaps....if correctly worded...a Tsunami or a flood. In proportion you know? Or maybe an oasis, or something more abstract.... but i believe you have to start small and build it up as the point of the exercise.

    Im sure Than here can elaborate far better than I in any event, but i'm so up for this.


  17. [quote name='LunarGoddess' post='31278' date='May 16 2009, 11:59 PM']I agree, there is nothing to fight about. The damage has already been done.[/quote]

    My point was more there was no point in arguing the matter with him in the first place. It is his alliance to do with as he chooses, he has said categorically on many ocassions that he is Neutral no matter his land tag. I find it asinine anyone would be arguing with him over this.


  18. Bunny *laughs* on me and I *laughs* talk properly any*laughs*


    Would some*laughs* PLEASE cure *laughs* illness before I totally *laughs* his *laughs* in a *laughs* and *laughs* his *laughs* for sneezing on me?

    Z :P

  19. [b]God's Debris[/b]
    [i] ~A Thought Experiment~[/i]
    By: Douglas Adams
    Tuesdays with Morrie [/b]
    [i]~An old man a young man and life's greatest lesson~ [/i]
    By: Mitch Albom

    [b]Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse[/b]
    By: Robert Rankin
    (Actually all Rankin is good - Firsan reminds me of the characters from his Brentford Trilogy :P)

    [b]Radical Nature [/b]
    By: Christian De Quincy

    [b]The Tao of Pooh [/b]
    By: Benjamin Hoff

    [b]Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance[/b]
    By: Robert M Pirsig

    edit - nearly forgot: The Preacher comics, The Crow comic and Vampire Hunter D series of books.

  20. I really like Thanatopic's Group scattering.

    Here's a few of mine, but the one I would most like to enchant is cures.

    Guide my hand before the palpable.
    Take my breath to breathe by symbiote.
    I am not uniquely malleable,
    But by essence may you mould me.
    By the tapping of a rhythm,
    In each saddened hiss they whimper;
    I can seep into the porous cloth.
    Touch the ink;
    I can.


    I am everything within your vision,
    May my surroundings be your decision;
    That all you see,
    Of me is bare.
    You look right at me,
    There’s nothing there.


    Seep out
    Yes, become it visible
    Yes, become it tangeable
    Feed the attraction.
    Show your metal, and not by mine
    But by your actions, a divine sign
    I seem simple
    Without course
    Be struck swift by speeding force

    Asterdai's question
  21. [quote name='Metal Bunny' post='30580' date='May 8 2009, 12:17 PM']J Bird, a new mp3 player is adept of another player.
    That other player goes by the name of: [spoiler]FUCK YOU[/spoiler]
    This is naturally not very great... it's circumventing the profanity/annoyance rule in public area's.[/quote]

    I have the words [spoiler]DICK HEAD, SALUTE HIM![/spoiler] in my PL. That is also circumventing the profanity rule, but there it is.

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