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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. LOL cheap tat should win every round.

    Check my post again, I edited it as soon as i posted it as you guys were going so fast you'd posted loads more by the time it went up! lol


    ed: yes! go for it Master B

  2. As I like the thought experiment I thought I'd throw something into the pot in the hope of this not dying.

    MD has a creator, it isn’t a world where we must come up with theories as to how it came to be like ours. In the world of MD there is indeed a creator. As such, it would seem definitive that the images therein are in effect a thought or a memory we enter into, or even just a representation of such things. At the very least it could be on a parallel to an original firm piece of matter and thereby is worth due consideration. Of course this is a dual thing depending on where you sit on the question itself. Yet even as characters, perhaps strangely, Mur is recognised as the creator.

    A thought or a memory ( as has been said here) doesn’t appear to be a static thing, its more like a video clip including your own personal perceptions. This doesn’t however necessitate that a static image cannot be a thought or a memory as a moving image whether perceived by the biological eye, or a mechanical one, is nothing but a series of static snapshots. One snapshot thereby being a part of the whole. As it could be argued that everything is part of a whole this isn’t very interesting on it’s own until you realise that this means all things are a leading indicator to an evolving whole. In any event it could be argued we never see the whole anyway in whatever we see, so a single snapshot is just as good as a clip.

    In addition to the above there is a layering. There is the original which it could be argued we never see, then there is my perception of it, then yours, my dogs etc etc. Every time a new receiver enters, a new layer is added, and so each time a new receiver enters, the original changes in some way in terms of it’s entire being. You could say the fundamental never changes, but to me that seems a misunderstanding of an entity’s whole.

    If it were possible for someone to walk through your memories, which in a way we allow when we even speak about them, then it is also possible for your memory to change. In a sense I could say that with each step we take and each phrase we utter, we are in effect a sculptur of everything we touch.

    That’s my jumbled blurb for now.


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