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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. A player/character. So...for example,as you see, DST has modelled her Shoe Family (aka Pumpkin) on herself, with a couture hat and some ribbons (like her avatar) and the letters DST carved in just in case we were in any doubt as to who it was :D

    And no there are no bonus points for cleverly concocted soup croutons...


  2. Well done all, I enjoyed your submissions.

    Winners are as follows:

    1) VonUngernSternberg
    2) Asterdai
    3) Faith and Mercy
    4) Esmeralda
    5) Sephirah caelum
    6) Dokutaesu
    7) The Great Pashweetie

    VonUngernSternberg please PM me your choice of prize. Once he has chosen I will PM Asterdai to make his choice, and so on and so forth.


  3. [b]
    You must make a pumpkin carving of an MD character.

    If 4 or less people enter - 1 wp for the winner
    If 5 or 6 people enter - 2 wps for the top 2 (1 each)
    If 7 or more people enter - 3 wps for the top 3 (1 each)

    [b]start:[/b] now
    [b]end:[/b] 23:59 on October 31st

    Place a photo of your pumpkin here. The photo needs to either have you in it or have the letters MD somewhere in it (not added to it after the photo is taken)
    The pumpkin must be lit in the photo, and the photo must be taken in the dark. Extra points for taking the picture in a graveyard.[/b]

    ready...set...get carving!


  4. I submitted all of October on the 29th of September. I know you want to edit/censor all our submissions yourself Aysun, only submit a week at a time, and wait for anyone else to volunteer...but its close enough to a month on now...and I could have sorted it all out for you on my own by now let alone anything else...

    Would it be helpful to you for people involved to do some more/ give you some back up? As I mentionned in a PM to you on the 29th, I can easily do another month and more. Personally, I think this is a better tack than letting it drag on for whatever the reason may be when it doesn't really need to.


  5. Granted Jester, but being obvious about not being so has never been a trait of Necrovion. However, that really isn't the point I was making - the point is that by comparison on this thread you have no stance any better than Rask in terms of motivations for the land for anyone reading. So far at least.


  6. @Tarq - De Facto ruler is a fine term to use, and demonstrates exactly why how she came in to power most certainly plays a part when one makes claims their actions contradict. Its a very hypocritical comment that was made is the point, hubris seems the perfect term considering. You might call it semantics, but seeing as you demonstrate quite well in that post how words are a tool, asking for a new topic to be opened is a very different kettle of fish to what was requested - which is for this one to be closed despite her King asking for opinions. This discussion is tangential to the question of Rask and his right to/wish to be King, which in order to discuss fully must bring into the discussion the validity of the current rulers. Of course it doesn't HAVE to in order to stand - but then it doesn't cover all bases and makes me wonder what is being hidden. I stand by what I said.


  7. Rask you are being very open about your intent which is good, but as Curiose says there is no real indication you are deserving of Kingship. Not upholding the Dynasty is the only real argument you have posed against Jester, but that isn't a good enough reason to overthrow him.

    Jester you arn't being open at all and state all this time you have been fixing what the dynasty broke but again arnt being open about how or why. You want opinions, but your chosen Queen wants the topic shut down.

    Pamplemousse here you are speaking about 'the people' and hubris when you are the one royal power (unofficial or not) who has had no public voting associated with you.

    Peace gave the crown to the next in line as voted by the people rather than a personal choice and seems almost berrated for that here.

    At this moment in time, for me, Rask doesn't make a great statement but then nor do the current royalty.


  8. Aim is simple, be creative.
    Write a poem about the fish fountain, play a song about Jonn, make a video of 'a walk through Loreroot', write a mathematical formula and explain it, draw a picture of how you see a character, build The Aramoury out of matchsticks, make an oragami dst etc etc. What you do and how you do it is entirely up to you, you're welcome to use my examples.

    Must be Magic Duel related but can be so in an abstract way (if so please give an explaination with). I am banning any submissions about Bob or Goats :( . You can enter as many times as you like and can win more than one prize set, but each entry must be in a different category (so one person can't enter 2 poems for example). [b]Post your submissions here on this thread.[/b]

    Submissions will be judged by me on: Humour, Depth, Skill, Logic and Effort. Its likely I will get second opinions pending what you guys do. Rewards go out based on the preference of the first winner and then the preference of the second and so on and so forth.

    Rewards (general ages as of day 286):

    1) 1 x Imperial Aramour(70s) + 1 x Angien(60s)
    2) 1 x Imperial Aramour(70s) + 1 x Angien(60s)
    3) 1 x Pimped Grassan(70s) + 1 x Angien(60s)
    4) 1 x Pimped Grassan(70s) + 1 x Angien(60s)
    5) 1 x Coloured Joker(70s) + 1 x Angien(60s)
    6) 1 x Bloodpact Heretic Archer(70s) + 1 x Angien(60s)
    7) 1 x Marksman (70s) + 1 x Angien (60s)

    Start: Now.
    End: Oct 25th

    Clause: If only 7 people or less than 7 people participate, you all automatically win and rewards are given out as mentionned earlier.


  9. Its pretty clear to me Redneck you have screwed Dmik over. Even if you give his Drach back, it will have lost (i think) 40% + 40% of its age AND you will have broken the original trade agreement AND you will have broken the subsequent agreement to pay 1 silver for each late day of payment. So you will basically have taken a Drach on a non-agreed loan until you got paid and then given it back with no additional value - this is theft really.

    That being said, even though you have stated you are giving his Drach back, here and on your own public log - he still doesn't have it.


  10. At the end of the day this was inevitable. Making certain locations require 100ap and lowering non alliance players ap to 90 max would mean that more people would use the free credits, but it would also mean more people would literally only use it to boost ap and not vote as was intended. I don't know how it records it but I would click 10 different links, keep the tabs open and only vote after I had entered a location - I'm sure other people just couldnt be bothered to go back and do the voting bit.

    Can any of us think of some smart solutions?
    Its a bit hard not knowing how it works...but here's one from me anyway - make it so the thing that logs whether people voted or not activates the creds/ap/etc not the clicking of the link. (although if there is no log and it is just recognising number of clicks in game vs number of votes on the website then obviously this isnt going to work lol)


  11. I still don't understand what you are saying here Rhaegar. By this: "[i]since you busted my motives to live in an equal-chanced society[/i]" are you suggesting we turn MD into a communist society? I mean what is it you are suggesting here?

    Everyone in MD DOES have an equal chance to achieve anything they want to if they work for it. These set authority powers you talk about didn't enter the game like that, they all worked hard and were rewarded for efforts they made, and more often than not have been supported by the community when they achieved reward - and as I said before, Kings were voted in they didnt just get handed the poition on a plate, everyone had the right to stand. Will people who do things that turn the game in a way the game maker doesn't want get rewarded - unlikely. Should that be a surprise? - no.

    I'd also appreciate if when you talk about Tengri, you say Tengri, because T and Z are two totally independent characters - and there are already enough rumours and mess about me going around without adding to that (yes, Im looking at you guys, you know who you are). I get that you refer to me the player, but please, if you could.
    Tengri is a different situation to kings or LHO, totally different. Seeing as I never mentionned who I was and you never knew T existed - it gave me no mental authority over anyone. It is also one of those situations where the game maker wanted to implement something and used a player based on his views of people in game and what they have done - so again not just handed on a plate to any old person without them having to have done things to be given such a position. Any authority anyone gives to me now, that they wouldnt have given to me before, is either sheer paranoia that I can do things I in fact can't, or it's because of things I may know - and anyone in game can be given that authority if they do their research etc.

    I mean, I have to agree with dst. It does seem like this is another attack of jealousy. Maybe I'm just not understanding, or maybe you arn't putting it across well enough. Either way, I still don't see how any of the points being made are valid.


  12. Just to clear it up, I have no special abilities other than acousticremains - and that isnt an admin spell. Send to GoE is debateable whether it is an admin spell or not - I would say not personally. I have no jail spell or such things.

    People being creative always get support for what they do - take the seeds as a good example. Show initiative, consistancy and determination and support comes - just by your creativity.

    Kings/queens were all voted in, so I don't understand the point there?

    Your sociological argument about freedom is fine on a thesis level, but in reality the ideal you describe exists nowhere - just as ideals don't. Mur granting powers is just the same as a creative person requesting powers as Blackthorn (I use the example because you have) did. His creativity is great, but fundamentally it is Mur's game, and he decides what is good for it, like it or not.

    There is a reason you can't just do whatever, maybe looking for that reason and working with it would achieve more.


  13. I want to buy a piece of wood for example: willow log, jamon plank, etc etc NOT a woodcutters branch or anything like that.

    I am also looking for a raw gem or metal: Onyx, marble, iron, etc etc

    I only want one of each, and I am buying them specifically with a view to making an item with a WP.

    Please PM me either in game or on forum if you would be willing to make any sort of trade with me.


  14. Mine are still happily growing and I'm still updating my album every couple of weeks. When you say "most of us" I assume you just mean yourself because to the best of my knowledge nobody else doing this quest has submitted their vegetable of beauty yet (or a dead plant...one or the other...) - and there is at the very least me and Asterdai other than yourself.


  15. I'd like to sign up and give you a hand Aysun. I helped a bit with the old one here and there.

    I'll start with week OCT 24 - 31 if that's ok? Otherwise just pick any of them for me, I'll send you a forum PM done as you've stated when I'm done and if it's ok then you can assign me a new week?


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