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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. [b]SoulWeaver:[/b] 658064 - 5GC 5SC - Duxie
    Age: 542
    Heat: 178906
    Tokens: 6

    [b]Rustgold Drachorn: [/b]576548 - 6 GC Duxie
    Age: 602
    Heat: 270504
    Tokens: 8

    [b]Reindrach:[/b] 604487 - SOLD
    Age: 646
    Heat: 698382
    Tokens: 11

    Will sell for coins/notes or items (not resources) - or if you want to offer a combo or something else I will consider it, just send me a PM.

    Bid here or PM me. If you want to remain anonymous let me know, otherwise you wont be.


  2. A few examples recently I thought I would bring up in regards to in/out in/out shake it all about reactions to things. Why? because people just will not stop complaining that role-play is dead and that MD is nothing but grinding and is boring and that the forum is more busy that the game etc etc. Well you make it that way if it is like that for you as far as I can see it.

    1) What Shadowseeker said about the recent wedding has been slagged and negged and all sorts - but he is right. What if you had actually reacted as your character in it's world rather than started complaining, how great and fun could that have been? Ok so the ranking thing was a bit harsh, but that was his opinions and it brought the point home with examples no? Im not saying nobody did but a lot of people just complained about the situation (and are still complaining about it...) rather than immersing themselves. Yes people use their mechanical tools in annoying ways sometimes, and fine yes complain, but you can use that to have a lot of in game fun if you want to as well.

    2) Neno in prison...ok so you have been in jail longer than your minimum sentance, people agree it is unfair, that's great....so do somethng? You arn't banned, you are in a part of the game, a physical part called a jail. It isnt as if you have been banned in such a sense that you arn't allowed in game and so should be handled by game managers as such. Picking at Grido for not using his 'admin' tool is ridiculous. LHO master was never supposed to be all shine and light, the first one (the amazing Jonn) was a recognised torturer. No kidding. How about considering Grido like one of those orc jailers instead? Im not saying he is but think what you/the group who support you, could actually do with this. Anyone tried to dig Neno out? protested in game? tried threatening Grido with setting fire to the PC? bribing him? anything? anyone? The jail is a perfect rp scenario, it's a shunned gift really.

    3) Cheers to Tarquinnus. Here you are flying the flag for real in game reaction to real in game events, despite the fact that in your case a coupling with some out of game recation due to alts or what-not would be quite justified - I certainly wouldn't chastise you for that, but I will definitely cheers to what you [i]are[/i] doing.

    Anyway, there, I've said it. Not everything I say will make sense, it is me after all....but surely you get what I am getting at here? Come on people! or...wait...what did Phan say? ...Rise brothers!?


  3. I agree with the decision not to use the tablet, but not because it isnt capable of creating similar types of images to what is already in game. My issue is more that physically using a pencil and drawing something has a part of you in it that drawing direct digitally could never ever replicate. That bit of you that goes into the material drawing then gets transcribed as a version into MD too.


  4. I agree with Tal on what they are saying about land laws.

    The examples given against so far I don't see how they negate what Tal is saying?
    - Citizen specific rules can be worded in citizen specific ways
    - If someone from a country you are at war with is in your land then...yea they should go to jail...whats the problem there? Its a war.
    - Financial gain for land entry could be proposed, would be up to the citizens (and the rest of the community I would imagine in this instance) to argue if its right or not - but what about other things? Fees for dealing with resources? See that would make sense to me.

    Of course this may all be irrelivant because currently there are no monarchs...will/do land laws even still apply?

    The point is that if the land laws only apply to the land citizens then any of the laws regarding the land itself and how it gets used/abused become irrelivant as 75% of the quad-land related population can totally ignore them (let alone all the other folk), so there is little point in having them at all, and then those laws are not there to protect the land but only to handcuff it's own citizens.


  5. The last alms received were as follows:

    princess katt on behalf of Tal (silver), falronn (silver & Candy), jolla (silver), peace (tea, silver), dst (locate stone), Marvolo (invis stone), ledah (silver), Ailith (silver), dragul mongarth (rainbow candy), sasha's presence (silver), shemhazaj (silver), ? (heat jar), keida (candy & silver), jadendew (candy)

    I have alms of 44 silver remaining. I can either donate this as a wad of silver somewhere or continue to give it out until Im back to my base. Will do the latter if I get no feedback.


  6. I used to play a game called Kingdom of Loathing where they had their own radio, players were the DJs on a rotational basis. It was awesome. They played all sorts and did prize draws, there was a community chat on there too. Don't know how they deal with any of the issues brought up here, but they definitely have one and play well known (and not so well known) music.


  7. Thanks to Shadowseeker, Duxie (creatures), Passant the Weak (spell stone), Muratus del Mur (creatures) and someone who gave me a spell stone who I don't know who it is!

    I have 45silver, 1gold (my base gold is 4 so I have 5 right now), flowers & candy/box after today's rounds.


  8. Thanks to Jolla (heat jar & silver), Shadowseeker (tea), Dst (flowers), Falronn (box of rainbow candies), Tipu (tea), Falen Angel, Ailith (silver & gold), Zentao and Sasha's Prescence (Gold) for the alms from yesterday and today!

    I have a gold, the box, the flowers and 43 silver after today's rounds.


  9. That's really cool to hear CoTS :D - I do let them know its from the people of MD not from me if they say thanks.

    Thanks to Ailith, Falronn (Rainbow candies), Peace (Tea & silver) and Shemhazaj for yesterday's alms!

    Thought I'd try a different time slot. I have 46 silver, some candy & the Gold after this morning's rounds.

    ([size=2]Remember if you have no items I cannot see if you have money or not so I will assume you don't, if I'm wrong then please pass it on to someone / let me know - I don't discriminate on the basis of age, some players who are very old have nothing. I'm also not an alt checker, so same goes. Ta[/size])


  10. Thanks to Keith Moon (1Gold & some silver), Ailith, Kamisha, Child of the Soul, Phantasm, Sunfire (sawdust), Sharazhad and Shemhazaj for today's alms!
    (&Seig for future alms )

    I have 46 silver after today's rounds, & the gold.


  11. Whilst you might find it fair for people who have won not to win again, I find that hugely unfair, on everyone. If it were me, I'd be annoyed that someone had assumed I could not beat the person who won last year, and wasnt even given the chance to compete against them. That situation would be a farce.

    You bring my name into something, use me as an example and state that I caused people to be 'overlooked' just by the fact that I exist and can be voted for. I don't know about anyone else, but if I were one of the people you are talking about being 'overlooked' I would find that incredibly insulting.


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