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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. At least Fang is letting people know why he is delaying stuff.

    We can all sit on the side lines and say this and that about how he should and shouldnt do things, but really the last time I saw people do that all that's happened is now quests get much crapper rewards. Yay. "The Community" seemed to be all about that though so guess I'm a minority viewpoint on it. Keep chiseling away by all means...


  2. I can vouch for Ackshan.

    Fang there is a thread about that somewhere, dont have time to look right now, I think you send Chewett a forum PM with the list & access reqs. Hes away though so dont know how fast it will be actionned


  3. The clicking the scroll thing annoyed me too when I was new, at the very least it could autoload when you are supposed to look at it and maybe have the direction arrow you have to click next flash or something.

    The LHOs having to run about writing loads of instructions in chat I also think is bad, the tutorial should be good enough that they dont have to do that.

    I like the shade walk though.


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