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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. I definitely didn't refresh the page and I don't even know how I'd click an item that wasn't there. I can only assume it's a double click as my mouse seems to have that effect on MD clicking things, happens with locations I get that pop up about not being in the scene I'm clicking on, but it seems odd as it only happened every so often.



  2. I will swap surplus cards for these cards below. I may also swap some of my other items for them depending on what it is you want and whether it is reserved or not. I have no interest in buying the cards for gold, silver or credits and I won't currently sell my surplus for anything either, only swaps.


    Currently looking for:









    Jack of black diamonds

    King of black hearts




  3. I'm unsure on some of these as to whether they are access or skill so left them blank. Also, some are variable and some aren't, not sure which ones - presume king, lho and forum is an indicator of both current and past rather than removable?. po doesn't come up on the short codes list so don't know what language that represents & I thought Chinese had been done?


    Aeo - nearly all of these are only given at special events or by whim, maybe there should be a short general paragraph about how these medals get awarded instead?






    a25.gif – Worked on Autumn 2050 development
    artworks.gif – Contributed to artworks in the realm
    award2008.gif – Winner of a category in the 2008 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    award2009.gif – Winner of a category in the2009 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    award2010.gif – Winner of a category in the 2010 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    award2011.gif – Winner of a category in the 2011 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    award2012.gif – Winner of a category in the 2012 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    award2013.gif – Winner of a category in the 2013 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised,  voted for & awarded by the players.
    award2014.gif – Winner of a category in the 2014 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    award2015.gif – Winner of a category in the 2015 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    bosshc.gif – Winner of the Boss Heads Contest
    forum.gif – Has been, or is, a forum moderator
    fossil.gif – Demonstrates an old enough player to warrant fossilisation
    goldartworks.gif – Superior contribution to realm artworks, must pass tests to achieve this. Can access certain realm-art altering tools & this medal can be downgraded.
    goldaward2008.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2008 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    goldaward2009.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2009 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    goldaward2010.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2010 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    goldaward2011.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2011 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    goldaward2012.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2012 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    goldaward2013.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2013 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    goldaward2014.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2014 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    goldaward2015.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2015 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players.
    goldbosshc.gif – Won the boss heads contest more than once
    goldforum.gif – Has been, or is, a veteran forum moderator
    goldfossil.gif – This player is so engrained in the realm by age that they may as well be a diamond
    goldheads.gif – Won first place in the heads contest
    goldlho.gif – Has been, or is, a veteran Live Help Operator
    goldmech.gif – Superior understanding of Magic Duel mechanics, put to use.
    goldpuzzle.gif – Solved more than one complex puzzle
    goldveteran.gif – Over 730 days activity in the realm and highly respected or popular
    heads.gif – Came second, third or fourth in the heads contest
    king.gif – Has been, or is, a King or Queen of one of the Magic Duel lands
    kingslayer.gif – Killed a King or Queen
    lang_de.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to German
    lang_en.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to English
    lang_es.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Spanish
    lang_fr.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to French
    lang_it.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Italian
    lang_nl.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Dutch
    lang_pl.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Polish
    lang_po.gif – ???
    lang_pt.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Portuguese
    lang_ro.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Romanian
    lang_sv.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Swedish
    lho.gif – Has been, or is, a Live Help Operator
    lucky.gif – Managed to achieve something difficult through pure luck
    mechstar.gif – Has demonstrated good understanding of Magic Duel mechanics, put to use.
    music.gif – Contributor to musical talent in the realm
    public.gif -
    puzzle.gif – Solved a complex puzzle
    script.gif -
    server.gif -
    spacer.gif -
    spender.gif – High level financial contributions to Magic Duel
    subscriber_bronze.gif – Financially contributes the third highest monthly amount to Magic Duel
    subscriber.gif – Financially contributes a Monthly amount to Magic Duel
    subscriber_gold.gif – Financially contributes the highest monthly amount to Magic Duel
    subscriber_silver.gif – Financially contributes the second highest monthly amount to Magic Duel
    veteran.gif – Played Magic Duel for more than 365 days and earned a reputation
    writer.gif –  Dedicated and quality archive or adventure log contributions

  4. ID: 77300


    Beard comb – for the well groomed gentleman.

    Moustache wax – for the gentleman who likes to look like a musketeer.

    Hair bobble – used for tying long hair back out of your face.  

    Detachable collar – at a posh venue? Forgot your shirt? No problem! Attach this to your top.

    Fungal mass – fell out from between someone’s toes.

    Petrified starfish – died long ago, frozen in time thanks to underground pressure.

    Preserved bruise – someone put some skin with a bruise on it in a jar for preservation.

    Bit of an ear – guess there was a fight and someone lost this.

    Woven belt – rope woven together to keep your trousers up.

    Glass display box – you can put things in this to protect them whilst putting them on display.

    Grass crown – kids made this to play royal families.

    Pick up sticks game – drop them in a pile and try to pick one up without moving the others.

    Insoles – to make your shoes more comfortable

    Cut off tights – used to conceal your face so you can rob a bank

    Floppy noodle – cold, wet, floppy, disgusting.

    Rigid noodle – not straight, must have been out in the sun and dried up.

    Fossilised woodlouse – bit of rock with the remains of an old woodlouse embedded.

    Flat cap – usually worn by sheep herders and such

    Jam smudge – bit of napkin with a stain of jam smeared on it

    Flimsy fabric – bit of poorly woven fabric, a small gust of wind could send it anywhere

    Frank 8 ball – a toy with a pre-defined set of answers to yes/no questions in it.

    Splintered drum stick – guess the drummer got new ones, this one looks battered,

    Festering blob – bubbling and hissing, no idea what it used to be.

    Pestulent arachnid – a spider that someone squished with their boot for being annoying.

    Drachorn Lanyard – a band of fabric you wear around your neck to hold an ID pass. Has pictures of drachorns on it.

    Joker Lanyard -  a band of fabric you wear around your neck to hold an ID pass. Has pictures of Jokers on it.

    Pulled plastic bag – a plastic bag that someone pulled really hard at both ends, so now its a very long stretched out bit of flimsyness.

    Short cardboard tube – probably from a used toilet roll.

    Long cardboard tube – probably from a used roll of wrapping paper.

    Faulty bowl – a bowl that is missing its entire bottom.

    Tealight – small white candle, held in a weak bit of metal.

    Lobe weight – used for making your ears lobes bigger

    Dandruff – flakes from someone’s scalp

    Nail grime – dirt picked from under someone’s nails

    Sweat butter – often mistaken for sweet butter, but this is made from grassan sweat.

    Practise coin – a large round wooden disk, used to practise rolling a coin between your fingers

    Stirrups – used for putting your feet in when riding animals

    Spats – some white fabric you attach to your shoes to look smarter

    Generic bridle – used for attaching to an animal’s head so you can ride it

    Saddle – put this on an animal’s back so you can sit on it and ride the animal

    Bit of stuffing – fell out of someone’s teddy bear

    Pocket protector – keep it in your short pocket to stop leaking pens damaging your shirt

    Pocket flap – add another pocket to your pocket

    Luggage tag – useful for putting your name on your luggage

    Carrot top – the top of a chopped up carrot, still has the green stem on it

    Plastic ball socket – could replace a knee joint on a figurine

    Pack of toy soldiers – 5 all green small plastic soldier toys in different poses

    Extended slinky – a slinky that has been pulled out of all proportions

    Wire hanger – a coat hanger made from wire, useful for breaking in to places...or hanging your clothes up

    Ironing weight – holds clothes down so you can iron them.

    Apple hammock – for your apple to sleep in.

    Portable solace bringer – a spinning top that makes a calming sound when used

    Hair beads – cap off the ends of competed braids with these. Colourful.

    Quake memorial – a card that says “in the event of an earthquake, please write my name on the back and stick this card somewhere public”

    Fake drink – looks like a drink, but really there’s just liquid held in between two outside layers of the cup.

    Bottle of Mist – collected from a foggy day, quite dense

    Bottle in a message – someone clearly thought it was ironic to draw a bottle on a piece of paper out of a poem they wrote regarding a trip to Golemus.

    Case of oddities – a suitcase which holds a set of quirky bits and bobs collected from here and there. Broken pen lids and such.

    Fish tail – the bit someone didn’t want to eat

    Do not disturb sign – hang this on your door handle so people know to leave you alone

    Yummy glob – not edible but if you stick your tongue on it, it tastes kinda nice

    Broken record – scratched up vinyl. Doesn’t even have the label on it anymore.

    Un-reeled tape – a cassette tape where the spool has been completely pulled out, even if you did attempt to roll it back in, I doubt it would play now.

    Permanent frown – a device you attach to your forehead that makes your muscles contort. Keeps you looking fearsome...or grumpy...depends on your point of view.

    Forced smile - a device you attach to your jaw that makes your muscles contort. Keeps you looking pleasant...or demented...depends on your point of view.

    Chest hair pelt – feeling too smooth? Fear not! You can look super manly, and from the 70s, with this.

    Yellow snow – do NOT eat this.

    Lapsed contract – an old contract agreeing to let the keeper build a house, now out of date. No signature.

    Sugared newt – a live newt that got lost in a sugar bowl

    Lichen stone – a small granite stone covered in lichen

    Orange peel – smells nice, no orange with it though, pretty impressive they got the skin off in one piece!

    Apple core - discarded middle of an apple someone ate. They appear to have also eaten the seeds.

    Troll fodder – a bag of mucky looking stuff, people used to throw it under bridges before they crossed in case a troll was there, according to a story, it should let you cross.

    Chin clefter – used to put a cleft in someone’s chin, this looks like it hurts

    Forkless – a fork...without any prongs

    Spoonless – a spoon...without any bowl indent

    Knifeless – a knife...with no sharp edges

    Up sign – a big hand held sign that has an arrow pointing upwards

    Down sign – a big hand held sign that has an arrow pointing downwards

    Left sign – a big hand held sign that has an arrow pointing left

    Right sign – a big hand held sign that has an arrow pointing right

    Black dot – a bit of paper cut into a circle and coloured black

    Red triangle -  a bit of paper cut into a triangle and coloured red.

    Green square - a bit of paper cut into a circle and coloured green

    Blue hexagon - a bit of paper cut into a hexagon and coloured blue

    Purple octagon - a bit of paper cut into an octagon and coloured purple

    Orange dodecahedron - a bit of paper cut into a dodecahedron and coloured orange

    E-String – for re-stringing a guitar

    G-String – for re-stringing a guitar

    B-String – for re-stringing a guitar

    D-String – for re-stringing a guitar

    F-String – for re-stringing a guitar

    Jack of red spades - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Queen of red spades – Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    King of red spades - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Ace of red spades - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Jack of black hearts - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Queen of black hearts - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    King of black hearts - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Ace of black hearts - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Jack of red clubs - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Queen of red clubs - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    King of red clubs - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Ace of red clubs - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Queen of black diamonds - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    King of black diamonds - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Ace of red diamonds - Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Striped Easter hunt egg – painted fake egg, used in easter egg hunts.

    Spotted Easter hunt egg – painted fake egg, used in easter egg hunts.

    Checkered Easter hunt egg – painted fake egg, used in easter egg hunts.

    Battered clock face – an old battered clock face. The numbers are all gone and the hands are lost. Someone drew a smiley face on it instead.

    Hands of emit – a set of small severed hands that point in random directions when cast, seemingly unrelated to anything.

    Yoga mat – lay it on the ground to do yoga on it and keep yourself dust free

    Fly wing – either a fly lost it or someone pulled it off....either way, now it’s yours.

    Potential raisin – could be a raisin, could be a dead fly.

    Collar points – metal points you attach to your collar to keep the points sharp, ornately engraved.

    Floral bandages – used for wrapping wounds, these have pictures of various flowers all over them.

    Splash Cymbal – small cymbal from a drum kit. Makes a loud high pitch if you hit it.

    Drip tip – part of a smoking device

    Oyster shell – no oyster, no pearl, just part of a shell.

    Dental floss – keep your mouth free of gum disease and funky fresh

    Measuring tape roll – find out dimensions with this

    Weather rock – Is it wet? It’s raining. Is there a shadow under it? It’s sunny. Is there snow on it? It’s snowing. Did it just fly into your head? That’s probably a hurricane or an earthquake.  If it’s melting, you’ve got yourself a volcano eruption.

    Morning alarm – small box that makes a horrifyingly loud noise at 6am every day for 5 minutes. There doesn’t seem to be any way to shut it off either.

    Tooth jewellery – small sticky waterproof stickers in lots of colours for your teeth.

    Sleep deprivation glasses – device that wraps around your head and holds your eyelids open.

    Quiet bud – closed rose bud clipping.

    Hug emulator – for the more lonesome among us, this is a toy with long arms that attempts to make us feel a bit less lonesome.

    Deceptive window – four pieces of wood nailed together with no glass pane, but from a distance, some might think it to be a window if put in the right place.

    Tweezers – good for plucking stray hairs.

    Never forget bracelet – piece of red string to tie around your wrist when you put something down so that if you forget where it is, you might look at the string and recall where you were when you tied it.

    Wad of peach fuzz – someone shaved a peach and collected the fuzz.

    Christmas wreath – made from holly, ivy and twigs. Round arrangement to hang on your door at Christmas.

    Present bow – glossy pink ribbon, tied in a bow and good for putting on gifts.

    Tin of gravel – used as a musical rhythm keeper, or to scare off stray animals.

    Corporate cuffs – a pair of bracelets, one for each wrist. Used by a company to remind you of who you belong to.

    Moth eaten blindfold – given the holes, I’m not sure this is much use for its original purpose any longer.

    Moo on a stick – ball of cheese on a stick.

    Dunce hat – a cone shaped hat made of cardboard, to be worn whilst facing a corner, when someone’s been bad.

    Chimney sweeper – brush used for sweeping soot from chimneys

    Ecdysis snake form – a snake shed its skin and left an intact old skin version of itself

    Yard glass – used for drinking a yard of ale

    Russian roulette jelly beans – who knows what flavour will come next? Blueberry or Snot?

    Wolf eye contacts – contact lenses that make your eyes look yellow

    Vampire contacts – contact lenses that makes your eyes look red

    Zombie contacts – contact lenses that make your eyes look black

    Ghost contacts – contact lenses that make your eyes look white

    Adult tiger onesie – a one piece orange striped cotton outfit with a tail and ears

    Adult dragon onesie – a one piece green cotton outfit with scales up the back, a tail and ears. A set of small wings are sewn onto the shoulder blade area.

    Adult bat onesie – a one piece grey cotton outfit with wings attached to the arms

    Adult dog onesie – a one piece yellow cotton outfit with floppy brown ears and a tail. Comes with a red collar.

    Elf ears – for dressing up, pointy ears to wear over your own ears

    Nuts and bolts – useful for connecting things together solidly

    Streamer – reel of ribbon that unreels when thrown

    Tongue scraper – keep bacteria off your tongue, or just get rid of a nasty taste

    Boxing gloves keyring – piece of string with two tiny soft boxing glove replicas on it

    Thigh holster – a small pouch on a strap you can tie onto your thigh

    Back scratcher –long plastic stick with a sculpted tiny hand on one end

    Nightstand glasses display – a fake nose plinth you can put your glasses on when you aren’t wearing them

    Chalk fragments – little pieces of chipped off chalk

    Heretic archer pin badge – pin badge with a picture of a heretic archer on it

    Winderwild pin badge – pin badge with a picture of a winderwild on it

    Bob the tree pin badge – pin badge with a picture of Bob the tree on it

    Champagne flutes – a set of two tall glasses with long stems

    Beard ribbon – a black ribbon used for controlling long beards

    Snuggle bunny – a pink fluffy bunny rabbit plushie

    Micro Mask – a tiny mask, maybe for an ant, white, round, has eye holes but no mouth

    Cliff diving instructional – a note that reads “Leap to your death! Try not to die!”

    Fake fruit bowl – display bowl of fake plastic fruit

    Lime scaled piping – metal pipe coated in a thick layer of limescale

    Miss you note – a note that reads “Remember, I’m always with you”

    Toasting stick – pointy stick, half burned at one end. Used for toasting things on fires.

    Grease ball – ball of fatty stuff covered in lint and hair

    Polite notice – note that reads “Remember to say please and thank you. Manners cost nothing.”

    Cutlery Amnesty – notice that reads “Due to people consistently stealing cutlery, or removing their functionality, we now have no forks, therefore we ask that people bring their own cutlery from now on until the culprit comes forwards.”

    Bee antennae – either a bee was in an accident, or someone ripped it off...either way, now its yours

    Engraved Harmonica  - pocket mouth instrument made from metal

    Spamming aide – stuffed glove on a stick, used for slapping your own forehead when no other action will do for your feelings about the stupidity of a situation

    Ricicle –sculpture of an icicle made out of rice

    Balding juice – bottle of purple liquid, the label says it makes people’s hair fall out

    Leaf cloak – coloured like autumn, the leaves have been coated so they don’t degrade

    Ear spoon – used for cleaning your ears

    Bicep bandana – paisley blue bandana, used for tying around a muscular arm

    Elegant gown – good for high brow event attire, sleek and highlights your best attributes

    Tap plates – metal plates that can be attached to any shoe to allow you to tap dance with ease

    Bendy plastic nail – guess it must be some sort of training aide, you couldn’t nail anything with it

    Orthodontic hat – made of metal wire, bits hang off and should be placed in your mouth to re-align wonky teeth

    Googly eye glasses – glasses with fake eyes on springs

    Ninja boots – cloth shin-high boots, the tips are split into two round bits

    Realm image sticker book – Colourful book with stickers of all the realm locations. House of tainted times seems to be missing

    House of tainted times sticker – a sticker with the image of the house of tainted times on it

    Customised dart flight – to be stuck on the end of playing darts to keep them flying sure and true. These ones have the initials SB on them.

    Customised dart weights – little tubes to add to your playing darts, increases the weight to whatever your desired level is

    Nun chuck grips – spool of black gripping tape, sticky on one side

    I’m #1 badge – when you want to display your awesomeness, wear this. Some may call you arrogant, but it’s not arrogance when it’s true right?

    First Rosette – Orange rosette with the number 1 in gold pen on it

    Second Rosette – Yellow rosette with the number 2 in gold pen on it

    Third Rosette – pink rosette with the number 3 in gold pen on it

    Pince naise shades – pair of sunglasses without arms, they stay put via a device which puts pressure on your nose

    Imaginary lighter – yea...it’s a small block of wood.

    Big red button – not connected to anything, doesn’t seem to do anything when you push it...or does it...dun dun duuuun

    Clam shell letter holder – little table ornament for holding your letters

    Drachorn book ends – keep your books on the shelf rather than on the floor, and have them guarded by sculpted drachorn head replicas!

    Watch strap – leather strap, no watch

    Comb over notice – note that reads “do not take that long bit of hair and comb it over bald areas. It’s not cool and everyone knows you’re doing it.”

    Candied bacon – thin strips of pork dipped in maple syrup

    High King Shogi piece – one piece from a shogi set.

    Low King Shogi piece – one piece from a shogi set.

    Rook Shogi piece – one piece from a shogi set.

    Bishop Shogi piece – one piece from a shogi set.

    Gold General Shogi piece – one piece from a shogi set.

    Silver General Shogi piece – one piece from a shogi set.

    Knight Shogi piece – one piece from a shogi set.

    Pawn Shogi piece – one piece from a shogi set.

    Shogi Board – 9x 9 checkered board for playing the game of shogi

    Evil bean – a dried baked bean with a seemingly angry face on it

    Good bean – a dried baked bean with a seemingly happy face on it

    Dog board game playing piece – a little metal west highland terrier figurine

    Hat board game playing piece – a little metal top hat figurine

    Boat board game playing piece – a little metal battle ship figurine

    Boot board game playing piece – a little metal round toed boot figurine

    Iron board game playing piece – a little metal Iron figurine

    Car board game playing piece – a little metal sports car figurine

    Rocking horse board game playing piece – a little metal rocking horse figurine

    Locomotive board game playing piece – a little metal steam powered train figurine

    Thimble board game playing piece – a little metal thimble figurine

    Barrow board game playing piece – a little metal wheelbarrow figurine

    Cannon board game playing piece – a little metal cannon figurine

    Lantern board game playing piece – a little metal lantern figurine

    Cat board game playing piece – a little metal moggie figurine

    Horse board game playing piece – a little metal man on horseback figurine

    Purse board game playing piece – a little metal purse figurine

    Bag board game playing piece – a little metal sack of money figurine

    Yang's Fortune cookie #1 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “You will eat something horrible at some point in the future, but it’s always good to try new things.”

    Yang's Fortune cookie #2 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “Fortune favours the brave, but so does death and torture. Be careful out there.”

    Yang's Fortune cookie #3 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “will you marry me?”

    Yang's Fortune cookie #4 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “Curiosity killed the cat, but nobody mentions all the trouble the dog gets in to staying at home. Any decision is a good one today.”

    Yang's Fortune cookie #5 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “Sometimes you’ll wonder why you even bother, but don’t worry, everyone else is wondering the same thing.”

    Yang's Fortune cookie #6 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “There’s a great adventure waiting for you just beyond your perception, go get it cowboy!”

    Yang's Fortune cookie #7 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “You lost something in the couch, don’t ask me what it is, but I know it’s there.”

    Yang's Fortune cookie #8 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “Can you ask my maker to try a tastier mix? I’m getting a lot of complaints about cardboard.”

    Yang's Fortune cookie #9 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, the note inside reads “Grave misfortune is bound to your path.”

    Yang's Fortune cookie #10 – tastes like sugar and cardboard, unfortunately the baker seems to have forgotten to put a note in this one. What a rip off.




    i had a hard time deciding what should be removed and what should be reserved (blue)

  5. @No One – my comment wasn’t directed at you, I didn’t even notice the typo lol.


    Your point about free payment – the item doesn’t need you to pay money, it just needs you to present gold. Could be a gold item as far as I’m aware (?). With the coins, you don’t have to pay the money, just someone has to pay the money. Look at shadowseeker if you want an example. MD needs more funds, this seems like a good way to get it more funds, whilst ensuring people can still play with the skills those funds use...but without having to pay. They’d have to pay in some other way, with activity. Wins both sides in my eyes.


    Plus, not all ways to kill involve items. As below:



    Kill Contracts - A public way to order someone's death
    A killer can offer for whatever reason he wants to (sell, trade, award, etc), a blank kill contract. The receiver of this contract can use it to name someone that he wants dead. Killer needs to attack and win against the victim with fightcause set to "kill". In the last few minutes of the fightcause trigger, the contract can be activated and used to confirm the kill on the target. If ANYONE attacks and wins against the killer with fightcause set to "interceptkill", the kill order is sabotaged and the contract can't be used till the fightcause triggers expire. Ability to issue kill contracts will be given only to roles that fit, both in power and character history. The first character to receive this ability (and the one it was designed


     Ann. 2205 - [2012-02-17 22:13:36 - Stage 11] - Permalink - Posted By Muratus del Mur
    In response to what i considered to be a larger and better organized movement than the kill reason(s) itself, the follwoing characters were revived by me: Princess Katt, Maebius, Guillak, Seigheart. This action was done based on personal reasons same way the kill spell can be used , and was used, on personal reasons if you have it. It happens i have the revive spell so i used it  This action does not imply any judgement regarding the reasons of their killing or if they should stay dead or not.



    In terms of losing something you own, you haven’t actually lost anything. You still have the power, the item itself.


    The game doesn’t connect to mythology directly, but it connects to the same thing mythology connects to.


    @Rhaegar – much of md, my favourite bits, are not laid out for you to read. They point, and you can either follow or not. Whether on purpose or not, the arrow goes somewhere interesting. If you remember an old post about answers and questions this should be relevant to you:- don’t sit on the bench.






    System wise, I agree the system itself could do with tweaking, however, the fact its now easier for groups to enact their will rather than individuals, that’s an interesting system change imo. You can have all the gold in the world and not be able to kill, you can have all the items in the world and not be able to kill. It becomes more collaborative.


    The only concern that really comes to mind is the original gifting of this. There is a difference between having an item that can kill, and having a kill ability. Some of these items were gained from caves and competitions, some were granted as rewards and some were granted following a special request. If there is someone here who originally asked to have or was granted the ability to kill, not to have a kill item, then I would think it fitting that this person should now get a bag of gold coins, or should get an altered version of the kill item that maintains the original functionality, or something else. I’d add...if they asked for an item, but meant to ask for a skill...that’s really not relevant. You can’t ask a leprechaun for money and get annoyed when you’re sitting in a pile of gold and loads of people come steal it, that’s your own fault for not being specific enough.


    Then there’s the fact that a gold note now doesn’t have the same value as a gold coin...but then that’s a reflection of rl so I don’t have any issue with it.



  6. Ed: - ID: 77300


    Tartan paint – A tin of paint used to trick people. Does not do what it says on the tin.

    Feather headdress – A hat made out of feathers for playing cowboys and Indians.

    Cowboy hat – A hat used to keep the sun off necks and faces.

    Dead fish – smelly goldfish someone discarded on the ground.

    Wooden Tooth – Looks fangy, maybe someone made it for an animal.

    Braces  - good for keeping your trousers from falling down.

    Blonde hair – single strand of hair that shines in the sunlight. May have come from a fair maiden or handsome prince.

    Makeup bag – glossy pink and waterproof, could carry your makeup, or maybe something else.

    Haletosis rag – Owned by someone with really bad breath, smells incredibly bad.

    Finger nail – someone clearly doesn’t know how to clean up after themselves.

    Bit of rotten skin – what are there zombies around here or something? Ew!


    Sunglasses – everyone looks cool wearing these right? Right?

    Lost Kiss – you cant tell if this is real or just in your head, it feels real, warm, kind, but somehow it isn’t there.

    Floating Coin Magic trick – you can make everyone think you can make a coin float! Cool!

    Jack of Black Diamonds – Lost card from a full deck of strange cards, has an odd seal as art on the back.

    Pungent sock – wow that smells bad, dear lord.

    Mercury Filling – someone must be walking around with a really sore tooth right now.

    Eyelash curlers – for the discerning lady whose eyelashes are just too straight.

    Nose plug – useful when something smelly is about.

    Steel spike – looks like part of a machine...a very dangerous machine. Too short for anything else useful.

    Wishbone – part of a chicken, wrap your picky around one end and have your friend do the same, pull and whoever gets the bigger part gets to make a wish.

    Feather boa – a snake covered in feathers. No, really. Watch your hands, he bites.

    Sloop goop – globby mass of goopy stuff, sticks to surfaces, bounces, absorbs things.

    Rock’n’roll pigeon – a toy that dances when it hears clapping.

    Broken tile – useless item left over from building a bathroom.

    Angien cufflinks – used for keeping the ends of sleeves on shirts together, has images of the angien shrine on them.

    Lost person notice – a flyer asking if you’ve seen the person pictured on it.

    Fly lure – handcrafted from bits and bobs, top class fishing gear.

    Jar of snow – collected at Christmas, never melts if you keep the lid on

    Paper fragment – has a few letters left, mostly soot and holes.

    Piercing kit – used for body jewellery and increasing pain threshold.

    Christmas Jumper – shows an image of all the Christmas release creatures

    Glass eye – Anyone poke you in the eye lately? This might be useful if it ended badly. Has the name ‘Jon’ etched in the back.

    Toothpick – Dental health is imperative, make sure you get those niggly bits out before bed.

    Angry ants – small pack of very angry little beasties.

    Chattering teeth – wind them up and watch them go, they are not real dentures, at least I don’t think so.

    Spider thread – part of a spiders web

    Leaking envelope – not sure what someone was trying to send but that liquid is a funny colour

    Fake scar – great for Halloween costumes

    Plastic bicycle – you cant ride it, you cant sell it, its cumbersome...why would someone make this?

    Petrified plant – it go so scared it died and froze in time forever

    Antique tiara – very old, but still sparkles in the sunlight

    Wooden bird – taken from an old clock

    Wind ornament – designed to spin in the wind, constructed from metal

    Bottle top – came from a bottle of tequila

    Spider leg – some poor creature either lost it in battle, or a nasty person yanked it off, either way, now its yours.

    Preserved scalp – someones weird momento or a very realistic wig

    Taxidermy squirrel – looks very realistic, like it might come back to life at any moment.

    Knitted tree jacket – keep your tree warm this winter.

    Wormy driftwood -  I suppose its a habitat, so you could call them pets. I guess.

     Rug tassel – somewhere theres a rug without this vital body part. Looks like its been abused and used for dusting to date.

    One side of a coin – the other side has been sheered off. Has three dots on it.

    Brick plushie – square piece of foam someone painted browny red.

    Fractured vase – ornamental piece with fractures running all through it.

    Crisp chimbles – someone left the residual contents of their packet of crisps in a pile on the ground for you.

    Green plastic computer chip – has been dipped....as in, all the gold has been nicked. Could use it as a coaster.

    Bag in a bag – no matter how many times you open it, you can’t get to the bottom. nice one

    Dried sauce – inedible mass of old foodstuff.

    Fenth keyring – handcrafted keyring in the design of a fenth.

    Froth – blown off someone’s coffee

    Crochet welcome sign – the crochet says welcome in pink thread.

    Lance Shogi piece – one piece from a shogi set.

    Checkers board – used for playing games of checkers or chess.

    Wheel spoke reflector – so you can be seen in the dark when riding your bike.

    Scrap of flaked paint – fell off an old neglected wall

    Ball bearing – could be from a pen or a toy or any number of things.

    Kids IQ puzzle – figure it out to prove youre smarter than everyone else.

    Jazzy Bowtie – for special events, super colourful.

    White piano key – I wonder which note it played?

    Music score – Has a few notes dotted about here and there.

    Ball of tape – sticky ball of used gaffer tape.

    Mud pie – you can’t eat it, but you can always throw it at someone.

    Tiny pillow – you’d have to be a tiny person to sleep with this. Says technomage on the label.

    Broken buckle – guess someone’s shoes look a bit less interesting since they lost this.

    Square ball – every time you look at this it makes less and less sense.

    Musk Incense – A triangle of incense that emits a potent deep smell when burned.

    Opium Incense – A triangle of incense that emits a heady aroma when burned.

    Rose Incense – A triangle of incense that emits a floral aroma when burned.

    Frankincense – A triangle of incense that emits the smell of corpses when burned.

    Anchor – heavy, covered in molluscs, usually used for keeping boats in one place.

    Drachorn pin badge – A small round badge with a picture of a drachorn on it.

    Grassan pin badge – A small round badge with a picture of a gassan on it.

    Root warrior pin badge – A small round badge with a picture of a root warrior on it.

    Embers – useful for starting fires if you have some dry grass

    Door shard – fragment from a smashed up door.




    good solid list, some are the edge of usability

  7. I was considering that when I thought of the dream swap thing - but protection is in its essence against a threat. That's either mental or physical. With a lot of the mental stuff, that's down to the protector to open their mouth. Other than that I can only think of dreams or spells. Maybe resources and alliance related stuff? I like the statement idea, got any others?



  8. Ability to divide all personal skills and stats equally among worshipers in the same location as you are. Yours go the opposite. Amount of time it lasts depends on the protectors max VE stat. Knock on effect of delayed regen across all areas over 24 hour period for the protector.


    Worshipers cannot be attacked whilst in location of protector, but protector has negative stats and can be attacked - long lasting spell, enough time to get somewhere safe.


    Swap your life for your dead worshiper, applicable within ** minutes of death, and under the same location restraints as kill items.


    Use heat to reverse spell effects back on the caster. Cost of spell deflection assigned to individual spells based on severity. Cannot be used for life/death or LHO specific spells. Causes stat damage if heat hits 0 at any point. Limited casts based on number of worshipers.


    Ability to protect one named worshiper from any and all attacks, which are received directly by the protector instead. Spell also causes death if attacked by more than ** people within a ** minute period, or more than ** attacks within ** minutes.


    AP boost, protector sent to random labyrinth location


    Drop worshipers creature VE to 0, protectors VE also goes to 0


    Ability to tamper with dream skill used on worshipers, swapping themselves with the caster and the caster with the subject



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