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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. There is no structure as to what is and isn't acceptable for what, nor what is and isn't available to be requested as far as I can tell.


    Some people may be too nervous to ask for a rare creature for example, yet it may be totally appropriate for them to. Some things might need too much work to implement, but how can a non-coder know that. Some things might be considered totally overblown in your eyes and not in the eyes of the designer. Some people might think you can't ask/its rude to ask for big things, so never will.



  2. Quest: Castle of Epicness


    Task: Build a fort that a person can fit in.


    • Must be able to hold a person
    • Can be built out of any material
    • Can be built in any location
    • Can have as many oddities as you like, for example a moat, or an ensuite bathroom...
    • Must have a flag on it that says Happy MD 10th Birthday


    Judges: Z & Blackshade Rider


    Judged on: Scale, Uniqueness of design, ridiculousness, location, small details


    Rewards: 1 sandcastle for every submission. 1 x anni aramour for worst submission


    1st : WP or Wind Drach (their choice)

    2nd: WP or Wind Drach ( which ever is left)

    3rd: 1g


    Submissions: 3 photos from different angles of your fort, one must have a person inside and visible, sent to myself and Blackshade Rider via forum PM.


    Great reveal to be carried out on the final day of MD Birthday sometime after 15:00st, location the aramoury, where winners will be announced.


  3. Might be to put a fire under people's butts, right now the calendar and the forum is not exactly an apparent hive of activity despite the event being 10 days from starting?


    I'm also finding personally that getting the rewards isn't simple. No guidelines have been laid out for requests and the day hosts don't seem to have been given any either. I'm sometimes having to wait for people to come back to me, and I'm finding with some people, this is taking a very long time, and sometimes involves a three-way back and forth discussion.


    I don't quite know what's wrong, but the organisation isn't making things easy.



  4. Quest: En Guard!


    Task: Build a wearable Aramour armor, including helm... out of cardboard.


    • Must be made of cardboard as a base.
    • Embellishment is encouraged (eg: tin foil for metal)
    • Should be as close to an Aramour armor as possible
    • Must be wearable
    • Can be modeled by yourself or by someone else.
    • You can colour it in, draw on it, add fabric, etc.
    • The closer it is to being a realistic copy of the armor your design is based on, the better


    Judges: Z & Blackshade Rider


    Judged on: Detail, colour/texture, similarity to actual Aramour armor, sharpness, fit


    Rewards: All participants will receive a little something yet to be defined.


    1st : WP or GG Drach (their choice)

    2nd: WP or GG Drach (which ever is left)

    3rd: 1g



    Submissions: 3 photos from different angles of you or your model wearing the armor sent to myself and Blackshade Rider via forum PM.


    Great reveal to be carried out on the final day (April 23rd) of MD Birthday at GoE at some time after 15:00st where winners will be announced.

  5. If they aren't moderators of some form, then why do they (as a group) vocally enforce rules and have tools at their disposal with which to do so?


    If we are going to grow then I disagree, in a small world you can afford to have this sort of mish mash half and half authority figure, in a big game, you can't - it has to been defined.


    To me, the more everyone talks about this, the more it comes across to me that the vest majority think of and want an official buddy system, and nothing more than that. In which case, sure a vague idea of rules is important, but knowing them well wouldn't be as you'd come under the same scrutiny as any other player helping another player. Only difference being you agreed to do it officially.


    Its not how I see LHOs, I clearly give them way too much credit, but I have no argument if that's how they are supposed to be other than that it needs to be a lot clearer.



  6. If you dont consider LHO a particularly powerful position, then I'd agree with you BFH. If I considered an LHO just some random player who could get wings and give advice just like any other player can, then I would say the same. But I don't. if I did, I'd be an LHO. I basically am an LHO. I'm at the point all newbies come to and get stuck at, and I have constantly given a lot of LHO style support over the years....but i don't consider myself an LHO because I see them as more than that. Your valuable time is worth nothing if the duty you stand for allows a player to make a move so bad you both get banned for it. As for no discussion, there is a forum and you have hands to type and petition your case. It is a job, you have to apply for it, lack of payment is irrelevant, charity workers still get fired.


    That being said, I do think the rewards LHOs get are possibly underrated now. Once upon a time the authority and spells were a massive thing. What they represent now has not been topped up to match the current world and should be perhaps. After all, you should be able to scare the hell out of anyone, you're the law to some degree.


    However, if LHOs are to be considered nothing more than helper bees, sure, keep the rule as it stands, and frankly if that's all they are then I should be one automatically, and should have been for years.



  7. If you create a guide, then you need someone to keep that guide up to date. If Grido doesn't have time, then you need an assigned person to do this. I would suggest this person then create a post with what they suggest for the guide as designing it is a task in and of itself which I wouldn't expect the playerbase to just come up with.



  8. I believe an LHO should be an authority on game rules and functions, with a demeanor that encourages mystery whilst remaining supportive.


    They should be visible, which right now I don't really think they are unless you already know or get told how to look for them. The little orange flashing button is not particularly attractive, it looks more like an advert and I'm sure some people won't want to click it. Either this should be improved, or something should be set into the MP3 characters to make it obvious. A big question mark on the left scroller would work better, or a little sos flashing icon or a small support buddy (like the word paperclip) or something else.


    Better still would be that when 'on duty' their name changes to 'Live Help' with a fitting description, and they could log in and out of that status.



  9. Thank you for clarifying Chew. Appreciated, and alleviates the concern I had.


    I agree with Aeo, the laby map was a poor choice especially to get Dst to do it, and I totally understand why DD is annoyed. However, similarly, its arguably the most obvious one.


    Ive already stated my view on spoilers elsewhere. That being said, I appreciate the philosophy behind the concept being put forward here. No One I don't see it as the Dark Ages, but then I'm not a cattle herder so I wouldn't. IE: I've never been big on amassing people, I like amassing very specific things and I'm quite happy in a small clan or even as a hermit. That makes me great for keeping the heart of something true, but rubbish for making something hugely popular in a particular sense.


    Have any of you ever played an old game called Myst? It has, imo, a similar feel to MD, and whilst it doesn't have a community, it does have very complicated puzzles and a hidden subset of information overlaying it. I loved Myst, but some parts required extra effort that I couldn't be bothered with. Yes, sheer laziness on my part, but at the same time, getting the next step and then carrying on meant I kept playing it whilst otherwise I probably would have stopped. At the same time, if Myst had a community I do think it would have been better that you could ask people and get support but that the spoilers did not get released, as that would force me to develop.



  10. I cordially request when looking at this that whatever has already happened be left alone in terms of the specific situation, because frankly its a mess. My only concern is the consequence of what has happened for future situations, To be clear: I'm entirely disinterested in lynching anyone.


    The recent discussion about spoilers aside, my concern here is that the rule itself, no matter how you step around it, in my eyes was broken. Had the same thing been done with the buying accounts rule the person would have been lynched, but because spoilers to some people are less detrimental, instead it sparked a discussion.


    The part that concerns me is that what appears to have happened is a fall back on to future events for justification of the action.


    That is to say, the spoiler rule and how spoilers are to be considered in future will not be as it is now - and therefore, the rule has not been broken as such and there is no reason to look in to it or act on it.


    This is not acceptable to me. How can we justify allowing a breach of rules due to an action that hasn't been taken yet or even mentioned? I may be totally wrong, but that's how it has come across and I'd like some clarity.





  11. In the rules thread, I brought this up:



    If LHO's (people with * around their names) say not to do something, it is generally advisable not to do it. If an LHO says something is allowed yet it is rule-breaking, both the LHO and the criminal will get punished; it is no excuse to go unpunished.


    Note: These rules are not full but they give an example of what is permitted or not. Ask Live Help operators and others if you are unsure.


    To me, the reason for the rule appears to be not to allow someone who knows they are doing wrong, to get away with doing so just because they asked an LHO who gave incorrect advice. Basically to avoid LHOs being scapegoats. Let me know if I'm wrong there or what you think.


    However, to me that isn't a good enough justification for how the rule is laid out, and it is circular. I've said this before but I can't find the old thread anymore.


    To me, an LHO is supposed to be an authority on information about MD, and if they don't know something well enough they should say so. The role shouldn't be taken as frivolous, anyone can help players but an LHO has a special place (or maybe I just give LHOs way too much credit?). If they are giving wrong advice, why should the player who received that advice be punished automatically? It makes more sense to me to be the other way around.





  12. Currently the links reset to be useable every 24 hours from the last time you used them. This is detrimental to the concept of getting everyone to vote daily - They may not always be online at the same time, and even if you kept a regimented watch, eventually a day will get missed.


    My suggestion is that the links reset at 00:00 ST each day so that people can vote everyday without fail should they choose to.



  13. On day 1 I shall be unveiling the mighty Questopolis! *angels sing*


    This is a quest that will test your wits, your collaboration, your investigative skills and most of all...your patience.


    You don't sign up, you don't compete, and most of all, you don't leave a bro or broette behind.


    We don't compete??? but Z! what do we do!? We have to be treading on each others' heads for it to be a quest!!! How can we win!!






    All will be revealed in due time. Until then...I need two volunteers. The quest will run in the following time sections of the day:


    14:00 - 15:30pm ST
    17:00 - 19:30pm ST 
    22:00 - 23:00pm ST


    I need two volunteers who will be available on the blue times on 14/4/15.


    You can still take part, but not in that section of the quest. You need to be comfortable with roleplaying - and ideally you need to be good at it. You also need to have no liaison with the eel of sanity what-so-ever. I need to be able to discuss things with you about this quest so if you're never around when I am it's not the best plan to volunteer, but I won't hold it against you, we can try.


    Please post if you can help. Thanks.




    Ps: For reference: -Sasha will cast the MD Birthday achievement on you as a helper or player.

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