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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. From what I can tell, that's just going around the houses whilst not actually breaking any rules.


    There are 2 identical X in the scenario, so X with ID 1 and X with ID2. B could give his to A1 and A2 could give his to B, that's a straight line of the system you've described? What's the problem? MD still gets 2 credits, there are still 2 items.


    Its not swapping out that's the issue, it's passing items from one to the other in a way that detriments MD financially due to creating multiple characters to increase your own collection probability. I can't see that your scenario causes that. You scenario only indicates that by having alts, everyone's probability levels go up - which is unavoidable.


    Maybe I'm not understanding?



  2. I dont open them all at once either. Top100arena.com is also giving me an issue, it wont load the gateway in firefox, but it will in chrome.


    Anyhow, the invalid thing happened three days in a row, but not today, so guess its just me and its sorted for the moment.


    Thanks all



  3. There is a difference between getting stuck, and getting lost. The description you pose for lost, is actually stuck. They aren't mutually exclusive, you might be lost and stuck at the same time, but it is worth noting that there is a difference. You can be lost, without being stuck, you can be stuck without being lost, and you can be both at the same time. Although, I'd argue that if you are stuck, it is more likely that you got lost, and now you are stuck, rather than being both stuck and lost. If you are stuck, you probably know your area quite well by now, so you're now only lost in the sense that you are in a new 'area' and you want to be in your other 'area', you're only lost by virtue of reference, you aren't lost by virtue of no longer knowing where you are, because you know your 'stuck in area' all too well by now.

    If you don't realise you are stuck, and instead still think you are lost, that's more dangerous, but there is no frustration of dead ends now, only the terror/joy of having no clue where you are.

    So I pose you a question - what does it mean to be lost?

    Only once you define what lost is, can you ask whether someone could truly choose to be lost just for the sake of being lost in and of itself, and whether or not you still think this person mad based on that.

    Is it worth knowing what you shouldn't?..this is circular. If you shouldn't know it, then no, you shouldn't know what you shouldn't know. The more pertinent question being, why shouldn't you know that piece of information?, and can you know you shouldn't know it before you do know it? and once you do know it, will you know you shouldn't?

    Lets theorise that you shouldn't know it, because it would be bad for you. Then you have to ask, what does it mean for something to be bad for you?

    It seems like in this case the bad thing about getting lost is a form of social cutting. You no longer match the rest of the blocks. Aka, you are defined as mad. You haven't prodded about whether the person themselves thinks they are mad or not. Arguably you can't be mad and think you are mad, so really this is about everyone else, not the person themselves?

    If a construct is built of parts, there are homogenous parts and in-homogenous parts, there is also the ability to recognise these two...or not to recognise them. To incorporate them into the construct, or not. Arguably, all things being fractal, some parts are part of a greater or lesser construct and it isn't a matter of choice to incorporate them, they force themselves into the construct as soon as you come into contact with them. They were always there, its just, now you know about them - and it is these things that would come into should we or shouldn't we know them, based on if we consider them good or bad, because they inherently have more power than our own theoretical meaning of choice. Which is, I think, what this comes down to...do you actually have any free will? Not freedom, that is something different and often confused with it.

    Your body is just as to blame as your mind, given it harvests what builds part of the construct. You like chocolate because it tastes nice, or because other people do, or because it looks nice, which is mostly to do with your experience of chocolate, and nothing to do with just picking it. So your construct traps you into a system based on a set of factors you feel like you chose, but which actually you didn't. You had the freedom to choose chocolate, but you definitely didn't have the free will to choose it.

    My opinion is that getting 'lost' for the sake of it, in my definition of the term...which I'm aware I haven't defined yet here for you...is an act of free will, and that in having free will, the general populance think you mad.

    What you should or shouldn't know is defined for you by the construct, and is defined by that as a version of what you should or shouldn't be, in order for it to have more power than you do.



  4. item prices per below, or 5 items for 1 gold.


    *italicised items are temporal.


    Building - 3sc


    Mud Brick

    Granite Stone

    Ball Bearing

    Iron chain link

    Wooden Door Knob

    Glass Shard


    Edible - 3sc


    Bee antennae

    Sweat Butter

    Potential Raisin

    Mummified Bat Wing

    Pestulent Arachnid



    General - 4sc



    Bronze Lighter

    Toasting Stick

    Torn Lottery Ticket

    Incense Burner

    Lightbender Crystal

    Toy Sheep

    Shrunken Bed

    Toy Box


    Body Parts - 4sc


    Wax Skull

    Preserved Scalp



    Writing - 4sc


    Exquisite Book Mark


    Wearable - 4sc


    Root warrior pin badge

    Blood stained veil

    Pince naise shades



    Cards - 5sc


    Ace of red clubs

    Queen of Black Diamonds

    Scout Card

    Queen of red clubs

  5. If you reverse engineered a system, based on a different concept of time than our own, then to that person, these 'stages' would mark obvious and clear development points. That's how I see the stages, and the end point, may well shift and morph, but it is still there. It would also be part of the reason people constantly feel like things aren't 'complete - which imo has nothing to do with actual things, but is more to do with systems (not talking computer systems here).



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