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Posts posted by (Zl-eye-f)-nea

  1. Whilst the whole feedback thing is a great idea, it also comes across like being at work and being assessed. Do I want to spend my time making a quest so I can get marked by players? No, not really. Frankly it puts me off.


    Would an achievement help motivate me? Maybe a little bit, but not a lot. I'd be more encouraged to do it if there was a system in place with tiers.



  2. Yes they are hand-drawn, I did say this to you. They then get manipulated digitally off the original, not in place of the original.


    In case of doubt, I said you could always talk to people who do MD artwork on a regular basis in colour, if they say otherwise, that's something else. I've said more than once it has to be hand-drawn.



  3. First, satisfy your senses, go to the location where taint is a strong ideology to you. This is individual in choice. Once there, sit a while. Let the environment rekindle that aspect of your mind until it is strong and vibrant as an idea in you. Bring others you feel bolster the concept should you choose.


    Now collect some materials. Gather some ashes from the fire of burning books, some water from the caves of torment and a sharp tool. This can be anything from a knife to a sharp stone. Mix the ashes and water in a bowl into a pulp, then walk the realm and place a small knick in every tree you can find, followed by wiping some of the pulp in to the cut. As you do this, state 'one moment defines all others that spring from it', then stab the ground near the tree with your tool and rip it back from the ground leaving the hole as it is.


    Once you have done this with all trees, move on to people. Subtly knick them with the tool when they are nearby and not paying attention. Apologise and smile, while basking in the minor shock they experience and possibly angry retaliation. Do this to 12 people.


    At the Necrovian gates, carve a deep line in to your shin, then walk through. State 'so I enter and walk on legs I grew', then take some dirt from the ground and rub it in to the wound.


    Use this tool ever more for all tasks that would need a sharp tool, and use your scar to recall the foundation you created.



  4. The Pub - Admitting there is something wrong.

    First, gather a close friend. The sort of friend you can be truthful with. The sort who will judge you, but who you accept that from. Then take them to the pub and get extremely drunk. Drunk to the point of forgetting what you're saying, when girls start crying and boys start punching each other. That sort of drunk. As the night rolls on, and before you both pass out on the table in front of you, you will no doubt have a very frank discussion. It is in that discussion that you will find the bits that might have gone awry. Whether that be it just comes out of you, or they let you know.


    In a dream - Subconsciously putting the pieces together

    As you sleep, the sandman will guide your thoughts around the discussion you just had. Hopefully that will help you to identify the aspects that shouldn't be there.


    Walk of Shame - Painful considerations

    On your long walk back from the pub, you will have time to consider what has just been revealed to you, or what you revealed to yourself, and you will have a choice to admit something is wrong or carry on pretending. The nagging pain in your head should help to remind you that you need to fix things, and will guide you to want to be better than you are.


    Gazeebo of Equlibrium - Watch the system

    Sit yourself on the gazeebo steps and watch the masses. When someone's actions aggravate you, try to pinpoint if this aspect of them is part of the thing you found out about yourself. Also consider the things about them you enjoy, and think on whether those things are associated or not. You will need to sift through the people around you, to work out which bit of this taintedness was actually positive, and which bit is truly tainted and needs to be removed. Consider every aspect.


    Seek the Timeline

    Speak to people who knew you before the event or series of events that cause this thing in you. Try to re-connect with the you that didn't have it, whilst keeping in mind the areas of you that allowed it to enter. Similarly, create a version of your future self in your mind, one that is free from this taint, which remembers it, but is no longer afflicted by its negative aspects. Walk yourself from the house of tainted times out in to no man's land.


    Shift the Timeline

    Thank your friend for the drunken night, thank yourself for your honesty and thank the people you used to know for their memories. Cement what you have done so far in to your very essence. Now run. Run as fast as you can. Consider yourself beyond light, no longer human, no longer thinking, no longer anything but movement. Run to an edge and leap out into water.



    Return from the depths, and if you are lucky, you afford yourself a shift in consciousness to cut a section of the timeline and keep only what is needed.



    Re-run the tainted event in your mind over and over. You need to recall it. You must not allow it to release completely or it will happen again. Re-run it, cold. Then carry out an action that makes you feel proud of who you are.



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