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Everything posted by LunarGoddess

  1. The same thing happens with my sorting cloud. I try not to use it, because there are so many bugs.
  2. *smiles and waves* Hello.

  3. *smiles and waves* Hello.
  4. Sometimes that happens with me too. When that does happen to me, I travel around a little bit and let my luck raise my VP, after I do that, I get the VE and VP for voting.
  5. *comes up from behind and squeezes tightly then runs away smiling*

  6. *smiles and waves* Hello.

  7. *pushes his cheeks together until he looks like a fish* funny *smiles*

  8. *smiles and waves* Hello

  9. *smiles and waves* Hello.

  10. *runs in and tackles* hi *smiles*

  11. LunarGoddess

    Click Me!

    *smiles* I like the idea of the tick boxes, it would make things alot easier.
  12. *smiles and waves* Hello!
  13. *smiles* Hello! Welcome to MagicDuel. Have question? Just ask. Plenty of friendly people willing to answer.
  14. I am lion! RAWR! *smiles*

  15. I don't really mind the 20 minute cool down too much, but I kind of don't like only being able to have one page open at a time. Maybe instead of only being able to have one page open all the time, how about once the server reaches it's player limit, then the one page only thing comes into effect. And then once the player count goes down a little bit, we are then able to open more then one page again. Is this at all possible?
  16. *smiles and pokes back*

  17. *smiles and waves* Hello!

  18. *runs in and pokes* Hi *smiles then run back out*

  19. *runs in and gives a big hug* Hello! *smiles then runs back out*

  20. *smiles* I really like these ideas
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