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I am Bored

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Posts posted by I am Bored

  1. Well, I feel like doing this the wrong way, so here be more than 3 pictures of my 425 square ft. (25 ft by 17 ft) castle of epicness, my basement. I've even got a flag mounted on an analog TV antenna (which is currently disconnected). It has a total of 4 TV's, 4 desktop towers, 2 laptops, 1 server, 5 monitors, 3 couches, an entire bookshelf of Star Trek, Murphy's Computer Law, and The Land of Make Believe.

  2. Q3:


    Drachorns are called dragons, it just depends entirely where you look. Although the currently accepted term is Drachorn, you can find many places where they are referred to as Dragons, including the Adventure Log. Throughout the entirety of SmartAlekRJ's journey, they are referred to as Dragons. Some modern references to them as Dragons still exist, including in their mutated form.

  3. Well, with less than a day before the start of the birthday, let's announce one more quest. It will run until Sunday the 19th at 18:00 ST (as I need time to tally up the results).


    This is a tournament of The Oldest Game. The winner is the person who manages to win the most matches. A match must be acknowledged, observed, and reported by, one of the day hosts, Chewett, BFH, Mur, or one of my many eyes (I am Bored, Orvid, or one of the multiple, very obvious alts of I am Bored that will be roaming the realm during the birthday). These people may still participate in the tournament, but the match must be acknowledged, observed, and reported by someone else on the list who is not participating in that particular match. I do intend to compete, so be ready. Results of matches are to be posted on this topic by the observer. 


    Rewards are to be announced at a future date.




    I will update this with more details on what "The Oldest Game" is after the heat war.


    Due to my own personal insanity, this is now canceled. If someone else wishes to take over management of it, feel free.

  4. Currently, the avatars for the tiny men and empty aramors that roam GG do not show up. I believe this is caused by the fact they are showing the un-hidden url ("../art/npc_avatar/10137.jpg" is what one of the aramors tries to use, which is a hidden image). I noticed this back around announcement 3394 and for some reason didn't actually post the bug. It could have come about as part of the change, but the change described in that announcement is unlikely to be the cause.

  5. After much consideration, and asking the opinion of a secondary judge, the results are as follows:


    1. Aeoshattr - 3gc and 4 bricks

    2. Assira the Black - 3 bricks

    3. Sasha Lilias - 2 bricks

    4. Chewett - 1 brick



    Although Assira's backstory was distinctly ahead of the rest, as the contest was primarily about the drawing, Aeoshattr took first place for his distinct yet beautiful imagery. As both Assira's backstory and drawing were ahead of Sasha, Assira has placed second. Due to re-submitting an entry to a past contest, and failing to provide a backstory Chewett has placed last. Which leaves Sasha at third place.


    Congratulations to all winners, find either me (I am Bored) or Orvid at the Gazebo of Equilibrium to claim your reward!

  6. Casting the spell yourself builds knowledge and experience, but, if simply writing about it, the details would fade. Perhaps have the total regenerable casts increase with continued use (up to a point at least), and decrease with continued use for spell stones? This would mean there is a way to counter the decrease from imprinting the thoughts on stones.

  7. Let's start this off simple, and tiny. Very tiny. What you see is the navigation icon carved in long-ago dried clay. To put the size into perspective, that is my thumb next to it, and I have small hands. I originally attempted to do a bit of highlighting of the back arrows, which worked well, but my attempt to highlight the foreground arrows didn't go quite so well.

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