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  1. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Hello there!   

    Welcome to MD
  2. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I continued my walk towards Loreroot.....and when I reached Raven's peace...I saw a big creature moving between the trees...I went near to it...hmm it was big and as big as a max grassan...boom!! he jumped towards me...but stopped in sudden seeing my dragon.. I didnt try to attack him, instead I made him believe that I am a friend...he told me that he came after getting an invitation from his brother Mr. Grassan...hmm so this guy is a brother of grassan??...hmm anyways..he is good looking than grassan ....


    PS:If anybody needs any of my above pics as avy..please let me know, and also let me know..how do you want it to look like in the final form
  3. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    [quote name='Dormouse' timestamp='1297387939' post='78740']
    Hey Dragonrider, anytime you come across a sweet little Dormouse, curled up in a ball and fast asleep by the lake or on a tree branch in Loreroot - you just let me know hey!

    Couldnt find a sleeping rat...but found an eating little rat.


  4. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I was watching the crude face at the Gates of Necrovion....muttering " why dont you open for me??"........suddenly he jumped from nowwhere a living corp...skeleton warrior...he took a fighting stance at me but...he turned around and ran as if he was chasing something....who is he...does anybody know??


  5. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Path of the dragonrider never ends, I was walking dejected, looking up in the skies..."where are you my Wind Dachron??"........I suddenly saw someone near Berzeker's way.....a Swami......I sat near by him....amazingly he told everything about me with his divine powers, I asked him whether I will get a Wind Dachron...he said I will and soon, he promised me that he will conduct a small ritual to satisfy the Gods for me a thousand thanks to him....here is he

  6. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Espartano in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Ah does that ritual had some effects??, ah don't know........I looked up...ah!.....no sign of Wind Dachron....its just the deep blue skies....I turned around...I can still hear some mantras and bell rings by the Swami....I turned and walked towards Fenths press......saw people shredding their bonding with their crts...I gave an easy look at them...shaked my head and walked to loreroot...I walked a lot...suddenly I saw something jumping...Uh!! whats it.....ah might be a Knator...!! I started walking...this time I saw it...yeah it has face of a dragon...is?? is it?? ....th.e W...i..nd?......it came out...no it wasn't Wind it was something else....a Dragon?? a Wolf??...a knator?? dont know.........he had shining eyes.......without even considering me...he walked near by me.....SHHHH!!....he jumped of into the forest....
    I looked at it....disappearing.........."[b]you betrayed me drago-wolf-knator[/b]"


  7. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    He was on long tour, duelling- beating all those who came on his way. Now when he returned, he was shocked.....where are his brothers.....the strong heart ran around in search for them and finally found them, they were in the Aramory (Constipated, Leaking, Exfoliating and Farting Grasans). He was happy to see them, finally they got themselves a job. The Smoking Yo Yo Grasan jumped joy and met his brothers and he wrote a letter..

    "[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i] Yo Mur,[/i][/b][/font]

    [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]Thanks for saving my bumpy bros....keep-em always happy or else my clubs will talk to yu.[/i][/b][/font]

    [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]Yours Rockfully[/i][/b][/font]
    [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]-The Smoking Yo Yo Grasan[/i][/b][/font]
    [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]"Sssss-a-MoKiiiiiiiiiNGGGGG"[/i][/b][/font]


    - rider
  8. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]I still remember, it was during the battle against the dark killers...I saw him, from nowhere he jumped in, fired magical arrows destroyed
    the dark magicians. His arrows are faster, even the strongest magicians can't predict it. Finally I realized, he!! he was the great
    evolution of the Chaos Archer, hmm no wonder he is ferocious, legend says he never misses his target. Here he is....[/font]


  9. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    This day...I was sitting near the Winds Sanctuary......looking at its beauty...suddenly...I saw something moving around it....Ah!!! God......its a giant snake....it started wrapping the sanctuary....what to do!!?.......I felt so tired and hardly able to move.....oh!! my it is going to destroy....the sanctuary...Nooo!!! i screamed........Woooooooooshhh!!! Yeah I heard it.....the beats for my Mutendra....he landed on the wall just infront of the snake...no-one can stand his intimidation...it slowly crawled back.....Oh!! Mut my saviour...I looked at him....but Oh!!! no the sanct can handle his weight...it s gonna fall.....I jumped up with full power.....and I saw...the beautiful sanct standing intact like a king......oh!! God......a Day-mare. and I took me sometime to reduce my heart beat to normal.....here is what i saw in my dreams....
  10. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]I still remember, it was during the battle against the dark killers...I saw him, from nowhere he jumped in, fired magical arrows destroyed
    the dark magicians. His arrows are faster, even the strongest magicians can't predict it. Finally I realized, he!! he was the great
    evolution of the Chaos Archer, hmm no wonder he is ferocious, legend says he never misses his target. Here he is....[/font]


  11. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Seigheart in Unaccepted GC Gathering Requests   
    [quote] most likely [/quote]
  12. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Muratus del Mur in Coin gathering season   
    I intend to use all needed methods to exchange the notes of those that want them in cash. I mention this again ...coins will not be cloned. Consider it my fixation, but i want this issue solved from a MD point of view not from a technical point of view.

    For this, first step is of course to use my own coins, and second step is to put up for sale several things that are not usualy for sale. I like to view this as an opportunity for traders and not as "MD is for sale" type of things. First of all, these things are not for sale for money, but for coins. Coins you can acquire through trade, rewards, gifts and free credits not only through actual payments. In fact some of the richest players in the realm never paid for those coins. So don't even think to start with comments in that direction because i thought of this well before going this way

    Several things will be put up for auction, the tk will continue the creature auctions and i will do something unprecedented. I accept coin/notes "offers" for various things that are usualy not for sale. You name your price, i will decide if that thing you ask for is for sale or not, and i will post it public if i think it could be 'sold' for anyone to see and anyone to bid more. [b]I am accepting both coins and notes![/b] but only of one sort. This means that if the sale starts with silver, your bid must be in silver.

    any questions write here. I will post the "unusual bids" in separate threads.
    One example of what i mean for such a thing is "ownership of a location in md" , or "a usable item that can define a role" ..things like that, things that are not for sale, exactly because this is a very unusual situation and it should be an opportunity of some sort, like any unusual situation.
  13. Upvote
    dragonrider7 reacted to Junior in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest Results   
    If any of the winners would like to sell their Morphs contact me, we can work out something on the price.
  14. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from No one in Taking Shared Tools   
    [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1321318890' post='95843']
    i made an option to my fellow MB citizens that if they can not use water tools [size=2](e.g. no time to dowse for their own Water)[/size], i asked them to grab few for me and on behalf of them, i dowse water resources and distribute to any MB citizen available.

    [b]"These items are meant to be used by as many people as possible so if you don't plan on using them let them there for others to try."[/b]

    i had several tools in my inventory, but i did not collect such tools and log out til the next day and repeat. i hold responsibilities for most of the Marind Bell citizens's water stocks in their respective inventories, i sell them to the public, even with cheaper competitors

    Shadowseeker is right, i used to have 10+ buckets, and i gather water mostly inside their land (GG). i heard no complaints from any GG citizens about my dowsing activity inside the land premises, and when i see others gathering for water, especially GG's own citizens, i always give way for them. but who came inside that land and brought his bullying attitude? everybody's [b]bounty hero[/b]

    tools get recalled after a week. most of the [size=2]water[/size] sources in [size=2]easy[/size] accessible main lands are depleted

    i have a common sense of using my collected tools in other [size=2]remote[/size] lands, and never thought of just sitting inside the sanctuary and show off with those numerous tools

    my bad. i was too hard-working to do others's responsibilities of dowsing for their own supply of water resource, too hard-working to be the only Water Dowsers' member in action

    I support Nad in this cause, due to my work pressure I am unable to spend much time in the game and so I had to help Nad by giving him my tools, so that he can use the tools to gather water and [b]we always kept a counter of water resources to prevent it from depletion[/b] but someone else not doing that.

  15. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Jubaris in Pen tablets   
    I am more comfortable with pencil drawing rather than tablet. Pencil drawing gives more realistic pictures with detailing and shading, it can also be well achieved with pen also but u need to have the full understanding of how to use the tools like PS/ GIMP etc.

    One of the problem which i saw with pencil drawing was that, when i try to convert it to alpha mode with MD avvy color...its hard to remove the dirt, the select tool wont properly select areas intelligently...while if you are tracing the image, you will get a smart pic...but again less detailing
    Here is a small comparison..........but i still say both should be allowed...as long as the pics satisfies the rules....
    [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Human.jpg[/img] [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/mang.jpg[/img]

    [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Skelst.jpg[/img] [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/skelt.jpg[/img]

    This....is some of my tries.....

  16. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Pen tablets   
    I am more comfortable with pencil drawing rather than tablet. Pencil drawing gives more realistic pictures with detailing and shading, it can also be well achieved with pen also but u need to have the full understanding of how to use the tools like PS/ GIMP etc.

    One of the problem which i saw with pencil drawing was that, when i try to convert it to alpha mode with MD avvy color...its hard to remove the dirt, the select tool wont properly select areas intelligently...while if you are tracing the image, you will get a smart pic...but again less detailing
    Here is a small comparison..........but i still say both should be allowed...as long as the pics satisfies the rules....
    [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Human.jpg[/img] [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/mang.jpg[/img]

    [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Skelst.jpg[/img] [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/skelt.jpg[/img]

    This....is some of my tries.....

  17. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Soothing Sands in Pen tablets   
    I am more comfortable with pencil drawing rather than tablet. Pencil drawing gives more realistic pictures with detailing and shading, it can also be well achieved with pen also but u need to have the full understanding of how to use the tools like PS/ GIMP etc.

    One of the problem which i saw with pencil drawing was that, when i try to convert it to alpha mode with MD avvy color...its hard to remove the dirt, the select tool wont properly select areas intelligently...while if you are tracing the image, you will get a smart pic...but again less detailing
    Here is a small comparison..........but i still say both should be allowed...as long as the pics satisfies the rules....
    [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Human.jpg[/img] [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/mang.jpg[/img]

    [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Skelst.jpg[/img] [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/skelt.jpg[/img]

    This....is some of my tries.....

  18. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I continued my walk towards Loreroot.....and when I reached Raven's peace...I saw a big creature moving between the trees...I went near to it...hmm it was big and as big as a max grassan...boom!! he jumped towards me...but stopped in sudden seeing my dragon.. I didnt try to attack him, instead I made him believe that I am a friend...he told me that he came after getting an invitation from his brother Mr. Grassan...hmm so this guy is a brother of grassan??...hmm anyways..he is good looking than grassan ....


    PS:If anybody needs any of my above pics as avy..please let me know, and also let me know..how do you want it to look like in the final form
  19. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Soothing Sands in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I was watching the crude face at the Gates of Necrovion....muttering " why dont you open for me??"........suddenly he jumped from nowwhere a living corp...skeleton warrior...he took a fighting stance at me but...he turned around and ran as if he was chasing something....who is he...does anybody know??


  20. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Ahh!!.....Day of peace!!!....the day on which people talks instead of fight..its wonderful.....I sat down near the steps of GOE and looked up....watching my dragons soar up in the sky...for them hunger overrides peace *[i]smiles[/i]*, what a wonderful creature they are, they can fly up in the skies....penetrate the smoky clouds..spitting fire and diving on top of their prey like a [b]Kingfisher[/b]......the myth about lightning and thunder is that true?? * [i]the fight between lighting and thunder dragons[/i]* ah dont know..........what makes them outstanding?? maybe its their great wings....what if they dont have wings??...their battle ground reaches to the end with the end of a mountain....or at the bank of a river, they cant fly over it...does such a dragon exists without wings??........ Suddenly I saw a shadow moving just a few miles away from me, what is that......is that a knator?? no...its a drago-wolf-knator?? no......[size=2]wh[/size].[size=3].wha[/size]....[size=4]what[/size]...[size=5]what[/size]...[size=6]WHAT[/size]...........it was a dragon...and a WINGLESS one.......it slowly moved into the grass......I saw the grass moving towards me...ahah...he also dont believe in peace I guess....before I could do anything...it pounced upon me.......AHHHHHH!!......my head pained like anything.....I jumped up.......and looked around.....nothing was around.....wha what happened??....I saw a bunch of apricot lying near by me....OHO!! now I figured it out....it was all a dream.....the pain was because of some bird dropped the apricots on my head......ha ha a beautiful morning dream.....a dream with special effects......anyways..I still couldnt forget my wingless dragon so I immortalized it in my book...here he is
  21. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Ah does that ritual had some effects??, ah don't know........I looked up...ah!.....no sign of Wind Dachron....its just the deep blue skies....I turned around...I can still hear some mantras and bell rings by the Swami....I turned and walked towards Fenths press......saw people shredding their bonding with their crts...I gave an easy look at them...shaked my head and walked to loreroot...I walked a lot...suddenly I saw something jumping...Uh!! whats it.....ah might be a Knator...!! I started walking...this time I saw it...yeah it has face of a dragon...is?? is it?? ....th.e W...i..nd?......it came out...no it wasn't Wind it was something else....a Dragon?? a Wolf??...a knator?? dont know.........he had shining eyes.......without even considering me...he walked near by me.....SHHHH!!....he jumped of into the forest....
    I looked at it....disappearing.........."[b]you betrayed me drago-wolf-knator[/b]"


  22. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Soothing Sands in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    Ahh!!.....Day of peace!!!....the day on which people talks instead of fight..its wonderful.....I sat down near the steps of GOE and looked up....watching my dragons soar up in the sky...for them hunger overrides peace *[i]smiles[/i]*, what a wonderful creature they are, they can fly up in the skies....penetrate the smoky clouds..spitting fire and diving on top of their prey like a [b]Kingfisher[/b]......the myth about lightning and thunder is that true?? * [i]the fight between lighting and thunder dragons[/i]* ah dont know..........what makes them outstanding?? maybe its their great wings....what if they dont have wings??...their battle ground reaches to the end with the end of a mountain....or at the bank of a river, they cant fly over it...does such a dragon exists without wings??........ Suddenly I saw a shadow moving just a few miles away from me, what is that......is that a knator?? no...its a drago-wolf-knator?? no......[size=2]wh[/size].[size=3].wha[/size]....[size=4]what[/size]...[size=5]what[/size]...[size=6]WHAT[/size]...........it was a dragon...and a WINGLESS one.......it slowly moved into the grass......I saw the grass moving towards me...ahah...he also dont believe in peace I guess....before I could do anything...it pounced upon me.......AHHHHHH!!......my head pained like anything.....I jumped up.......and looked around.....nothing was around.....wha what happened??....I saw a bunch of apricot lying near by me....OHO!! now I figured it out....it was all a dream.....the pain was because of some bird dropped the apricots on my head......ha ha a beautiful morning dream.....a dream with special effects......anyways..I still couldnt forget my wingless dragon so I immortalized it in my book...here he is
  23. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Jubaris in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    This day...I was sitting near the Winds Sanctuary......looking at its beauty...suddenly...I saw something moving around it....Ah!!! God......its a giant snake....it started wrapping the sanctuary....what to do!!?.......I felt so tired and hardly able to move.....oh!! my it is going to destroy....the sanctuary...Nooo!!! i screamed........Woooooooooshhh!!! Yeah I heard it.....the beats for my Mutendra....he landed on the wall just infront of the snake...no-one can stand his intimidation...it slowly crawled back.....Oh!! Mut my saviour...I looked at him....but Oh!!! no the sanct can handle his weight...it s gonna fall.....I jumped up with full power.....and I saw...the beautiful sanct standing intact like a king......oh!! God......a Day-mare. and I took me sometime to reduce my heart beat to normal.....here is what i saw in my dreams....
  24. Downvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from Watcher in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    He was on long tour, duelling- beating all those who came on his way. Now when he returned, he was shocked.....where are his brothers.....the strong heart ran around in search for them and finally found them, they were in the Aramory (Constipated, Leaking, Exfoliating and Farting Grasans). He was happy to see them, finally they got themselves a job. The Smoking Yo Yo Grasan jumped joy and met his brothers and he wrote a letter..

    "[font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i] Yo Mur,[/i][/b][/font]

    [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]Thanks for saving my bumpy bros....keep-em always happy or else my clubs will talk to yu.[/i][/b][/font]

    [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]Yours Rockfully[/i][/b][/font]
    [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]-The Smoking Yo Yo Grasan[/i][/b][/font]
    [font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b][i]"Sssss-a-MoKiiiiiiiiiNGGGGG"[/i][/b][/font]


    - rider
  25. Upvote
    dragonrider7 got a reaction from ignnus in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    [quote name='Dormouse' timestamp='1297387939' post='78740']
    Hey Dragonrider, anytime you come across a sweet little Dormouse, curled up in a ball and fast asleep by the lake or on a tree branch in Loreroot - you just let me know hey!

    Couldnt find a sleeping rat...but found an eating little rat.


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