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Everything posted by cryxus

  1. [center]oh no, my joke got scrambled Welcome back Je, missed you mate[/center]
  2. I trust you will best as you can, as i hope everyone does. Love thy land, but more importantly love thy people, and treat them with respect.
  3. I agree, we shall see how things turn out, but i think people should be weary of those they choose to lead, i speak even to those who call me their captain... I think it unwise for any to follow without questioning, with that being said i abstain my vote, Loreroot is not a concern of mine, and their word is not my law, despite the respect i have for them. Be good to those you lead, and they will be good to you, there is no higher honor than this, and it would do well for any leader to remember this. Raven if you do become Archon I trust you will do a fine job. I hope you prove me right. ~Cryxus X'hal~
  4. i asked the if's through examples and they can't be answered as such except through time, i.e. what happens if you leave for a while and come back? will your word be final in Loreroot? will there be more limitations because of this? will people accept this new rule? what of those who don't? These are the same concerns i have regarding yrth and khal also...
  5. I was speaking theoreticly on the Neyla thing and so far only Golemus, and Necro have their king as far as i understand... but again, i was merely giving people things to look at... the future, not the present. Like I said i think you are a fine leader, but there are many "what ifs" that go along with it...
  6. I'm just gonna throw this out there, i don't really like the trend of people asking for to be king, or ruler of a land. I think it is all good and well if it they are recognized as such, but why do they have to chase the title? What if something happens? do they still feel entitled to be ruler? is their rule suddenly final? does this present new problems? these are things i think people should be looking at... look at it like this, what if Neyla had become ruler of LR and were to suddenly come back, theoreticly since she was ruler would she feel entitled to continue her role? again this is theoretical, and i think of Raven as the presiding member of the council, but what next? is every land going to have a king or queen? do we get 5 people who decides what goes on within their borders? do we put more limitations on people? that is how it is begining to sound to me. Raven I respect the hell out of you mate, and think you are a fine leader... I'm merely presenting the other-side ~Cryxus X'hal, future king of the seas~ :lol: (sorry, couldn't resisit)
  7. Ahoy mate good to see yah on the forums
  8. I have faith that you will start a wonderful marketplace ^_^

  9. all i gotta say is if i get an item that isnt directly character related i shall dedicate it to this project, as you have my full support in this endeavor...
  10. [center]Fine by me To be honest I didn't think this topic would stay active as long as it has[/center]
  11. Dear Firs, I have dearly missed seeing my ship, Crimson. I was wondering if you could somehow arrange a way for me to see it? It is located at Storm Port in Golemus. I am sure it's inhabitor spirit is rather, errr... peeved at me by now, but i have been having a mate look after her for me. Ever since illusions have appeared in Golemus I have only been able to visit her once, and I am rather desperate to see her after all this time. Thanks, ~Cryxus
  12. [center]I did come to a weak alliance, your own expelled everyone out, and i didn't presume anything, i knew there were people who occupied it, i left them in there for a reason... i mean i even talked to you while i was there, i could have expelled whomever i wished over the next couple of hours... So don't assume to know what i thought, and you shouldn't speak for your alliance, hell i don't even see you in the list, that is unless you're an alt... anyhow I'm a man of my word, and there is someone i must speak to before i make any rash moves. ...perhaps you should stop talking for your alliance before you undo measures that have been put in place... and trust me, no one will be happy, and maybe then you'll realise the place to be saying these things isn't the forums... ~Cryxus X'hal "Pirate Lord"~ p.s. next time you speak for an alliance it may be a good precedance to be in it, or know their feelings on the matter.[/center]
  13. [center] [/center]
  14. [center]eliminated? last i checked i'm still around, and if you want to keep the tepid (at best) treaty I went along with to continue (because I had no desire to mess with the Savelites, especially after your own kicked everyone out), well then i think it may be in your best interest to keep your mouth sewn shut, before i set you back to the days when you'd ask other people to take you in. Keep your silly alliance, there are a few worthy individuals in it, but don't come taunting me to take it back from you, because next time i won't be so cuddly. ~Cryxus X'hal "Pirate Lord"~[/center]
  15. although i no longer have a desire to be an archivist, i felt it would be worthwhile to post on this none the less: 1.Who is your: a. closest friend - My father, my mentor, the man who taught me what i know b. lover - Ailith c. bitter enemy - Any man who takes without giving / myself as it gives me a desire to be a better man 2. “Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice” Tell me…of these two options, how would you like your world to end and why? Fire - it is cleansing, pure, destructive, and sterile. Ice merely masks, buries the problem. 3. Where is your favorite place in this Realm and why? Storm Docks - It symbolises who I am in this realm. My ship is a part of me, and my crew, and it resides at these docks...
  16. i think so, but i'm not entirely sure perhaps you should go check her out sometime
  17. [center]Eggs cracked? sorry je, bad joke, much love and respect for you mate, i'll drop a line in a few if you aren't around by then[/center]
  18. Currently I came across a nice young lass by the name of Krisnah Arcanu. She told me her desire to create a Market Fair in MD, a place for people to buy and trade items, and to give the the Silver Coins that many of us have some value. As it stands she is buying items, and looking for investors to help her in this. I gave the lass a couple of silver coins, and joined the ranks of Khalazdad, Jonn, Peace and Marvolo as investors... She is looking for those willing to trade/give items, and coins, to help get this off the ground, so if you all want to be part of something revolutionary, i suggest you better come check this lass out. ~Cryxus~
  19. haha, no worries i don't mind, really. It was quite the show, i wish you coulda seen it, but unfortunately it's not like i can send out a statement beforehand. I hope you at least understand now that i rely on my crew. Also feel free to question whenever, but expect me to be a bit vague until i get an official alliance.
  20. First off, that heist would have never been able to happen if it weren't for my crew, i rely on them, do you think the Savelites would have just invited me? no. I had an inside person on it, in fact i may have had more than 1, but it's not something i'm gonna discuss at length, because that ruins one of the elements of my crew, just because i put myself out there doesnt mean i dont have people aiding me, it's just in MD you can't just come in and say "look at me! I'm a pirate give me your loot!" it won't work, you need an element of disguise, and anonimity... I am sorry you don't think my crew is doing anything to be active, but to be honest they are being much more helpful the way they are, since there is no "steal" option that one can execute without formulating a plan, and knowing a few people. Piracy in MD as it currently is is something that requires a bit of finesse to pull off, especially if you have announced yourself publicly as a pirate... Also my crew is multi-faceted in their own right, and as individuals i do not require them to run around going "yarr" and "we be scurvy's give us your loot" i find it a bit ridiculous to not allow one to adapt as they wish, all i ask is that they have a desire to help the crew, and have a desire to improve themselves, and the alliance as a result, as i do, and will continue to.
  21. Happy Birthday *draws her a picture and hands it to her* YAY!
  22. [center]thank you [/center]
  23. [center]99 more coins, or my personal alliance, of course, and you keep taunting i may get my chance but for now i'm happy with what i accomplished[/center]
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