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Everything posted by cryxus

  1. is it implemented yet or just being worked on?
  2. aww man... i've got so many good jokes that'd get me banned from anything but the shadiest of dives... err.... let's see if i got a clean one off the top of my head... so a pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel hanging out of his zipper and walks up to the bar. The bar tender gives the pirate a funny look, and say "Hey mate, what's up with the steering wheel?". And the pirate say "Argh! this thing? It's drivin' me nuts!"
  3. no dst, you have it wrong... the cake is the lie and welcome lass about as sweet as my tooth gets is a coke and rum... mmm delicious *drinks some plum sake*
  4. factions is my single most anticipated thing right now ... well that and inheritance money o_o... hehe >
  5. cryxus

    Happy B-Day!

    happy birthday, congrats mate
  6. man... i thought my poem was good too ... oh well a day late and a dollar short, eh? seems to be the M.O.
  7. i think i answered most of those problems in my post... and mine is definitely through tremendous arcane effort. As far as help i think people are overlooking someone... oh well, i s'pose technicly im not eligible, i just feel inclined to make sense of the use of principles in magic...
  8. cryxus


    I personally would like to see this go to a whole new height. The thing I am alluding is reviving the dying art of lecturing in realm. I remember when we had a healthy community and the interest to teach as well as learn. Personally I don't think this has gone away, but it needs a catalyst and i think this just might be the chance,and as such i will personally apply my person wealth toward trying to rebuild an institute of scholarly discussion. Kriskah has also added her backing in this pursuit. As such I will also be lecturing on several different topics, namely sailing, although i have plans on lecturing on crimals, and pirate customs at some later time. I encourage anyone interested in learning, and in lecturing quality material to please step forward and show support in reviving an engaging, interesting, and worthwhile pursuit. [center]~Cryxus~[/center]
  9. i believe it was steve mate.
  10. the mighty fenix

  11. he who watches the watches the watcher should prepare themselves to be watched

  12. Alright i am gonna make this post about the way i imagine the priciples being use Principle of Light and Transposition - used to reveal what bob was/his identity Element Principle - The material that comprised the wood of bob, the earth and water. The ashes should also help with this, as well as the Transposition principle, because bob's identity lies within the ashes and surroundings. Principle of Cyclicity - uses the Syntropy principle (syntropy is the phase of balance) and time to undo the oxidation (burning) Principle of Balance - to ensure that the other systems arent too greatly affected by the returning of bob in tree form (a.k.a. ensuring that just the parts needed to go into forming bob are used and that other cycles arent thrown out of sync) Transposition is also used here to ensure that bob comes back as we remember him; his identity. Time Principle - Used to make things appear out of sequence i.e. the return of bob, thus bypassing the actual amount of "time" needed for bob to grow to his original form; Transposition aids in this. Principle of Imagination - all of this is bound by the principle of imagination. The source of energy for syntropy, as well as for picturing bob's identity.
  13. happy birthday watcher, keep an eye out and im sure you'll do fine
  14. haha, my chapter 3 is under construction, although i would like for it to be there to progress the story it has not hindered me.
  15. hmm... ill add the to the poll, that's quite good Lightsage, thank you
  16. Sorry for posting another message but at the meeting it was decided that the pirates are gonna open out own forum section for the ease of communication. On the forum we will discuss things like jobs, quests, announcements, information, schemes, things of that sort. Any pirate that wishes to have access to this forum please leave a message or PM me and in around a week when the crew name is decided we will open the forum and add those who should be added.
  17. [center]I was thinking, although i like the name of the Crimson Alliance, could the crew perhaps have a better name? so with the aid of crew and other attendies of the pirate meeting we have come up with several names. I am curious as to what the public thinks about the names decided, so i have opened it to a vote, also if anyone has any additional names they would like to suggest, feel free. In the next week i will likely decide the permanent name for the crew based on the responses. I appreciate every vote, and thank you very much. ~Cryxus~[/center]
  18. [center]next pirate meeting will be on Friday, day ~155~, at 18:00 i also implore more people to show, thanks in advance to those who do show. ~Cryxus~[/center]
  19. cryxus


    Last run was cancelled due to lack of participants, apologies to those who showed up... next run for this quest will be on Saturday, day ~156~, at 19:00 please make reservations if you can, also if you requested entry before please come talk to me, and i'll try and work out something for you... i truly hope to see some of you there to experience my quest, and because of this im gonna keep the price at 3 silver... also i dont wanna hear people complain about silver because i am willing to help those interested... if they're willing to help me, of course .
  20. i propose the format be the format mur asked about during the festival, that way they're set up for next festival and is this for personal pages exclusively, or all of them collectively?
  21. hmm, the graph kinda reminds me of a positive and negative feedback loops, although im almost certain that that isnt being discussed here anyhow fractals dont technicly require imaginary number if you're using ratios... take for example a spiral, one which is spiraling in at a half it's length every half turn, so it would start at like 4, then the next segment would be 2, 1, .5, .25, etc, on and on... or some sort of branching could also be a fractal, say you have a line that branches once 1/2 it's length, and branches again where it ends, and each of those react likewise to the original line This also in a way can work with molecules. Although it very a primitive example of a fractal but the way molcules lump (especially carbon, etc.) can express fractals. Even with DNA, every 2.34 AT or CG connections (the ladder rungs) the double helix rotates a half turn i believe... so there are definitely ways to express fractals without having to consciously dip into imaginary numbers.
  22. cryxus

    Alliance Idea

    [center]no offense mate, but good luck with that who knows?... all im saying is that i have stuck by my alliance idea for quite some time... and intend to continue, but still have yet to recieve the stamp, which is fine. All i am saying is that if you intend on actually getting an alliance expect work and dedication to be put into it, and still dont get your expectations too high, because you may be waiting for quite a long time. this isnt meant to discourage you btw, in fact i personally like the idea of more alliances, im just trying to give you a little advice from someone who ought to know. ~Cryxus~[/center]
  23. well one obvious one is through contractions, etc. which is set up by electrical charges along the inside and outside of the cell. When a certain charge is achieved, or some other condition met (electrical, or chemical stimulus) it will cause the stored energy to discharge, which causes contractions in the cell. this is done by setting up chemical transfers along cell walls which create an electrical imbalance between the inside and outside of the cell. Another way that a cell maintains balance is through metabolism, and in a way this is illustrated in the scientific laws which state that neither matter, or energy, can be created or destroyed, only converted. They put off heat, and energy, as well as matter comparitive to what they used/ are comprised of... of course the metabalism works on both a small, and larger scale. Also know that often times the matter ~is~ in fact converted, whether it be for chemical pruposes, etc. in the end there is the same amount of matter.
  24. i hope you live up to your name
  25. hmm... legend seeking legend... sounds like good stuff for future speakers . I'll remember Saki it was definitely fun knowing you... ill miss your quotes and being part of them... my favorite was still was when i made the joke about sotesf (may he also rest in peace ) ahhh... good times
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