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Everything posted by cryxus

  1. you need only look to berserker's way for a mechanical device, pipz.
  2. Pample, for clarification I never said I wanted a king either... I merely want what is best for the land. If people think MB is best suited to be ruler, so be it, if it's someone else, so be it, if it's nobody, then so be it... The people of Golemus, however, should be united to protect, and, dare i say, better our land.
  3. Pample, just for clarifications, not saying that what grido did didnt show gall, but I think that yrth had already done his worst, I doubt there were any punches pulled when it came to his being banned from GG, so really I feel MB is putting much more on the line. Does that make Grido any less qualified to lead? no. It seems to me, however, that he is already backing MB in his bid for canidacy, but lets not make actions seem more glorious than they are, Grido was pissed, justifiably so, and he felt there was need for retaliation, in my eyes it was no hero's call, though Grido has done plenty of worthy deeds in my eyes for a bid at canidacy as well, though I would hate to see him stretched too thin to perform any other duties he has.
  4. the duration will be around 3 hours. I understand this is quite a long quest, but if you could stay long enough to allow me to judge your efforts i may still be able to reward you, and if not i could always refund your silver. Also make sure im aware of payments, ill keep memory of how much silver i have, but it would be best to notify at the time of the transfer so i dont botch things up.
  5. Hello all, it has recently come to my attention that there has been a number of afflictions affecting those who reside on GG mountain. I have quarantined those affected individuals in their houses, and am not letting anyone see them for fear of contamination... I am currently trying to assemble 5-10 individuals to band together to help me get information on those affected by other inhabitants and visitors to GG that may know about these individuals. Any who are interested are asked to please donate 3 silver so i may help find a cure for those affected once their curses are identified. Of course, should i find your work satisfactory your reward for helping may make this price seem small. We will meet and set out for the island at 14:00 server time, on Sunday, day 276, once again a big thank you to all interested parties. All interested parties may apply here, so far I have: 1)DST 2)No One 3)Phantasm 4)Death Bell 5)Awiiya 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
  6. cryxus

    Name That Pub!

    Lamest Name - The Pub Funniest Name - Ye Olde Bored's Head Pub Scariest Name - Void of Dissonance (and Drinks)
  7. This is concerning the dissenting party, though I certainly still feel that both sides are going about this the wrong way. I must express my distaste at the anonimity the this "backer" is still clinging to. If (s)he wishes to see yrth overthrown, step forth, voice your complaints, or please sit back and let others handle it, as they seem to be without your aid for all I know. Those who cannot stand and fight for what they believe in shouldn't expect others to do it for them. Be prepared to lead by example, or be prepared not to have the backing of others who see weakness in your character for letting others fight your battles for you. I understand your reasons, but I do not respect them. A leader should be cautious, but when the time is right he must not show weakness. As for Yrth, asking someone to attack a friend, and then punishing them for not doing it is more than a bit harsh, as king you should be thinking of the backlash this may create. Keeping the loyalty and faith of your subjects should be among the top priorities of a king. Both sides... please, I implore you to think on your actions a bit more, as stop being so selfish. The last thing GG needs is a selfish king to tarnish it's good name, which hasn't happened yet, but if the course continues it may just be the case. I am posting this as advice, take it or leave it. ~Cryxus
  8. cryxus

    Name That Pub!

    ew, that name is horrible i think "Bored's Head" would be a better name. This is partly because it sounds like "Boar's Head" ... mmmm, food...
  9. Yrth, the same as I don't appreciate the anonimity of someone with such a lofty claim, I also do not appreciate trying to provoke, and use fear mongering to either harm such a person or try to give them a reason to cloak their identity. Again, this is not going against GG, in fact this is quite the opposite... What happened to respect and decency, even at a time of war? How is it that so many lose their composure? This whole thing is begining to piss me off, and I really am about to throw my hat into this political ring if you all don't take a moment at look at how foolish you all are acting... For goodness sake, you're tarnishing a great land's namesake. To Yrth, I know what I'm saying is heavy, but you could ban me from GG, and ban me from my ship, I could care less because where there's a will there's a way, and should anyone try and stifle mine, they will get burned. That is advance warning. This is not what I want to see in a king that I am to be affiliated with... please, for the sake of the image of ~OUR~ land, show some decency to the other inhabitants of the island... A king is a king because he has the respect of the people. ~Captain Cryxus X'hal
  10. 1) I am a pirate 2) I do pirate things 3) I still need to work on the WISH festival, and my stories 4) I havent been around much lately (mostly due to RL things, school and family for the most part) 5) I am a pirate 6) I do pirate things
  11. I'll say this openly as I've told a few of you in private, I swear no fidelity to any person, rather my loyalties lie with the land. Also this is not a bid for king position. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to preside over GG, but now is not my time for such a thing. I will do what I must to protect the land I love. Also on a side note I think any who should be attempting to take over the king's position shouldn't be content with just being a figure in the background, if you are so offended, step forth, otherwise sit back, but you won't get my vote when the time comes, if the time comes. ~Cryxus
  12. i think initially it was given to Wodin so Khal could be amongst the shades, but I think Yrth came into possession of it during the meeting on Marind's balcony, I'm not sure exactly why, however. That is the story I have come to understand, though I don't think Khal gave me the whole story when I had asked him about it, so I could be wrong. Also, as a disclaimer, I got my information from various sources quite some time ago, and my memory may not be what it used to.
  13. I, for one, wouldn't want anyone playing Cryxus and the reason for this is i don't feel that the pathos of my intended character can be expressed through someone else. Cryxus is a character who loves, lives, and has serious, serious, character flaws that I don't think anyone else could portray in the correct light. Even for a character who is mad, or only thinks of fighting I think that the true pathos of "revived" characters is masked by someone else's intent. There are a few scenarios that I will agree that a character is fine to be played by another character, but I don't feel it should be a permanent control, lest the original character is fine with his character being portrayed as puppet, as it were. Anyhow, I have no problem with the way things are, but I think for the most part creating a new NPC templated off the character could be done just as easily without any real backlash to their image.
  14. Bootes, Bootes, where for art thou Bootes?

  15. [center]Later mate, may your break be soothing and er... um... rewarding, yeah that's it. Hope to see you around Cheers, ~Cryxus~[/center]
  16. Alright, here are my personal feelings on how i think factions would be best suited through what i would like to see if the pirates get implemented. Mind you i realize factions are a community thing, and hopefully some of you will also put in how you envision factions... that being said... 1. _Exact_ location of a faction. Exact scene names of where factions members can go, OR if they can go the entire land ? To be honest i think it would be best to limit the players a bit, but not too much, that way it gives another aspect that can be given as the player matures. Perhaps with the pirates keep them from being able to go up the ascent or on fenths beach, and as the little bucaneers develope they are awarded the privledge to explore further, perhaps after they are informed about the land they inhabit, or something of the sort... that way when other GG factions get implemented they can use those areas for their factions 2. Point of entrance. I would have to say i like it more as an MP2 thing, as long as they have some fighting ability and it is somewhat limited 3. Scoring system, I think this will work well long as there are no ways the player can fudge the details himself... i.e. sacraficing creature to boost score, though with illusions that should eliminate that problem, for the most part, unless the person is rewarded with a creature 4. Appearance. you can't look cooler than a pirate... it's science [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] 5. Exit point. Once you fulfill all the training of a faction, you can and should exit it. Upon exit you should receive a reward. What is this reward and how should it be given. I think manual awards would be appropriate, that way a bit of thought would go into it... perhaps a single item that fits your character upon completion? or access to the land they are alligned with? ... just a couple thoughts *checks his bottle* anyhow im running low on fuel so i'll leave that at that, i look forward to all the interesting ideas. Cheers, ~Captain Cryxus X'hal
  17. Once again, thank you all, it's little things like these that cheer a bloke up, and it's nice to feel appreciated, even if you already know. I have a deep love and respect for you all. ~The Pirate Lord, Cryxus X'hal
  18. haha, cheers mates, thank you...
  19. the natural order of things is that things tend to want to fall in "chaos" or rather be in a state in which they arent confined, hence the loss of energy as heat when energy is exerted for something, and the halflife of many types of elements. chaos to me is really just nature, although without order there would be no chaos. Also it goes without saying that there can always be ways in which disorder is processed into order, in fact that is a key notion in life, processing something into a useable, more ordered form... and who's to say that those systems didn't just happen from happenstance in such a chaotic place as the universe? in conclusion "chaos" is like the bottom half of the pyramid that supports "order", which supports most functioning systems.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwlAhd0BJPs definitely a better chewbacca song
  21. a few of my helpers are slightly indisposed at the moment, but i assure you we can be up and running anytime you wish us to be. Also if there is other crew interested in aiding please contact me so i can set you up properly. As for the aid and agenda I know a lot of this is repeat, but it was written well the first time, so here you go. right now i have: Cryxus (Captain, faction organizer, jack of all trades) Ailith (diplomacy leader) Adiallinda (First mate, teacher in multiple fields) Unbelievable Power (fighting and training) Jester (Strategist) Czez (general aid to new players) Keith Moon (Roleplay assistance) Kala (aid in helping artists and teaching) Bill/Jinta Shook (general aid) Cutler (havent talked to him a bit but he seemed interested as a strategist and quests) teachers for subjects not mentioned, i.e. art and others to facillitate ease in the realm ~Agenda~ Furthering the crew in a light, casual, but informative style, and a lot of enjoyable lessons to help advance... <how the latter is formatted> Field of Study (the titles they earn, as they get proficient, so as to seperate them for ease of learning, as we will all work together)... Roleplay and diplomacy (number of titles based on what they do) fighting(swashbucklers, perhaps another title) Stories/Lore/Song/Poem and other writing, such as lore (Bards) Quests/intellectual endeavors (strategists) Information gatherers (they will be lumped into another categoy, on account of running around with an "informant" title would kind of, well ruin this) Acts of Piracy (again, not expected, and no title, but something that is looked favorably on, especially if they can form the act of their own volition) ..all mp2s will be taught in all fields, as well as how to work well through teamwork. Moving on will be based on the whole of the character, and his ability to work with others, not just in one specific field. Special focus characters will occasionally be moved on. ~Other Benefits~ I will hold random events, parties, ect. for moral I will invite characters of interest (especially ones who can teach something to the new players) in often to serve as models for the new characters. titles (even if just on a faction list as they advance in particular fields), and other rewards as they advance. I will write and tell stories I will hold lectures I can aid with papers There will be pirate specific quests made (i.e. treasure quests, things of the sort) I will advance those already skilled to work with their fellow pirates to advance them more quickly, so it won't fall ~entirely~ on the teachers, although teachers will ideally be most advanced in their field Players will be allowed more personal freedom, on account of pirates not being a very cut and dry thing, i.e. some could be healers, some could be teachers, some could be fighters Other rewards that will be discussed as the time for new rewards is needed, even if it costs me as captain, or some crew based system Officers and Captain will vote together... no single person determines the progress of a character Officers will get a solid vote, and will be given the chance to out-vote captain if needed with a majoirty vote ~Completion~ As they complete the faction I give them the freedom to do as they wish, but ideally they will choose to remain with the crew, but keeping the bonds and loyalty gained there no matter what choice it is, perhaps even come back as a teacher. Also they get recogised as being a capable, well informed person within the crew, and will often get leniency based on bonds they formed within the faction. oh, and one last thing... yay
  22. cryxus


    Don't worry mates, events are my forte', between school and my hiatus they have suffered, but i am planning on making more. I'm still working on my stories, but maybe ill hurry and finish a few smaller ones to incorporate into one.... i mean who doesnt love festivals? i'll make try and make it good
  23. im in kinda a rush, but the one thing i wanna see is factions!!! ok, that's it, had to get that out
  24. ...i wish i knew how to get this bloody webcam to take new pictures -_- im getting tired of this one :D

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