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Everything posted by cryxus

  1. Sometimes our feelings are the best indicators of a more correct choice... i hope good feelings flourish, and someday the gates open again but if they don't then i'll be happy with the way things turned out anyhow, love the game Mur, and you know it'll stick with me well beyond the immediate future. Thanks once again for a masterfully created world (i don't wanna call it a game because it's so much more) and i look forward to continuing to enjoy the game as much as i ever have. ~Cryxus
  2. i think that's dst's middle name... yes... "dst Killjoy McAdam's Apple"... just call her dst for short.
  3. oh... easy... wormhole in the space-time continuum... Wham! Bam! Cube in the face! and viola' you're inside it
  4. you could have you half off-screen (laying down so it looks like you're flying) with a a black sheet with holes poked with light shining though behind you and then have someone throw a cube at your head and make a quick cut once it hits.
  5. Ahoy lass, im sure Marv'll show you the ropes well enough, if you need anything at all from me don't be afraid to ask... I'm more than helpful if you aren't afraid to ask and I look forward to meeting you. ~Captain Cryxus X'hal
  6. ahh my bad im not sure which ones those are so ill just make a description for them all... even then pedophile priest dude... *shudders*
  7. So we're supposed to make comments on just the unreleased creatures? ...what about those who don't know how to look for them?
  8. yadhtriB yppaH
  9. I'll resend IAB and Nex to Mur, he likely got the additions after he already made the change... Also I still have to test the LR back entrance spell so I'll add you two along with what i find with that. ~Cryxus
  10. Aye, that is a magnificent book to commemorate a magnificent experience felt by many of us. Thank you Peace and Z for showing Mur such a wonderful compilation of thoughts, feelings, and events. It is a beautiful and well crafted tome that i have no doubt Mur will cherish for many years to come, as I am sure many of us will cherish this game for many years to come. Thank you Z and Peace, Mur and Akasha, and everyone who makes this game enjoyable, so... thank you everyone. ~Cryxus
  11. Added, thanks MRV
  12. Added you Lib, i already got SS on it. Any others who havent contacted me feel free to post here and i'll keep tabs
  13. ill put my account on the line for a chance to test the features as well as finish my treasure hunt quest with a few (hopefully glitch free) surprises also ill admit im not the best scripter, but im not the worst either
  14. how about a random generator so someone may go to a spot and see something and maybe sees "you find a box on the ground" and they type "open" it could be either an amulet or a ring or something or give a random quest path... i dunno if im explaining it very well because i just woke it
  15. Major bigs on Knator Commander for coming out, thanks again Lucius for doing the majority of the footwork by long and far, without you and our wonderful participants and spectators this would have never happened. Thanks again everyone... ..For honor and stregth KC, i hope that you got to see your fill of it, and that the blood only enriched the soil that grows your lucious grass. ~Cryxus
  16. cryxus

    Be A Creature

    http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c40/Cryxus/IMG_3525.jpg My nephew as a baby drachorn
  17. cryxus

    Spamming Pls

    too much effort for such a minor problem... in fact writing this is too much effort... argghhhh why can't i stop >.<
  18. ill bet against you mate
  19. Lass chapter 3 isnt the last piece it's gonna probably be about 5 chapters...
  20. Is it alright if I revive the old Marvin tales in hopes of finding the will to finish the rest of the chapters?
  21. I got you covered mate. I already talked to Awii so i think it's safe to assume this can be closed.
  22. cryxus

    Iq Of Md

    When I was a kid I got tested for the 'gifted program' and scored 147 on my IQ test, but I actually got put in the class with the slow kids because I had a speech impediment...
  23. I'll be doing bets based on participants and be rewarding the highest winner with a WP so make sure to show up and get your bets in... please try to show up a little early so i can start keeping track of everyone for the sake of ease and efficiency.
  24. Happy birthday mate it's been fun so far, and im certain it will continue to be. Cheers!
  25. hey Az "Wonder twin powers activate!" Actually instead of a ring item, which would probably require too much effort, Mur would probably just set it so when you join the land whatever 'keys', or special triggers, that let you be a citizen will also allow you to see the signboard. Much easier than making an item for all that, just make it built in... but who knows, he may or may not go for it, although it would be nice.
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