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Everything posted by cryxus

  1. Rhaegar, don't play dumb mate, you should know better, and i think this is the best course, in the past few months i havent heard much about the concept behind it, even when there was someone heading it... in fact i heard more positive encouragement so far in this post to support the alliance remaining than i have in the past few months. Hell, believe it or not i wanted better for the savelites too, i tried to get Raven to reinvite certain loyal members ~THAT NEVER GOT REINVITED~ *cough cough* From what i saw the Savelites was being turned into a few players' alliance for them and their alts... and ~if~ you arent an alt yourself, although i personally think you are, then i think only 4 real players were in that alliance. I don't see how this situation will be any more stagnant than it was... sorry i went on a rant, but i do actually care about the savelites, and the outcome of this... (don't let people know i said that... ...although i still think they're a bit cultish ~Cryxus~
  2. i know there are gonna be people who dont believe me when i say this, haha, but i want to see the savelites do well, and you are one of the few i think that can do it... if you ever require my help, you need only ask
  3. I formally withdraw my previous offer at help, it seems some on the LR council like to lash out at people for offering help, well good for them. I'm not deceptive, I don't put up some false pretenses, I ask nothing in return, and my word has always been good. So fine, if you wanna be a prat about me offering help it just shows how insecure you are... As far as Loreroot goes, I truly hope they make something of themselves... we'll see, though. ~Cryxus X'hal~
  4. [center]Loreroot has scorned one of it's most valuable assets... i cannot express my regret in them doing such a thing... it truly is a shame. Knator, you are a true warrior, and i hope you find something you desire to protect, although i don't doubt that you will. With the utmost respect and honor, ~Cryxus~[/center]
  5. I know this isnt gonna be popular, but that's fine... I was always taught to fight for what you believe in... if enough people were upset that this happened, then i think they should stand up, collectively, and make their opinions known. If you truly believe in Raven as a leader, now would be your chance to show your faith. Like i said, however, i abstain from the whole Archon bussiness, i found my reasons to be in this fight, and it had nothing to do with Raven himself. However if Loreroot would like a hand from myself, i would happily lend it. Feel free to contact me if you need anything...
  6. I think the ones that Yrth doesnt want in are those with no diplomatic abilities in themselves, that perhaps, oh i dont know... threaten war themselves, like what happened when MRD posted the topic of Closing the Savelites... or that will continue in Raven's Vein, i could list names, but i think it would be wiser not to, although I would feel the same as Yrth on the subject. I feel no remorse for Loreroot save for a few souls that have shown true remorse over this war, or that have apologised for past transgressions. Lucius, you know you have my utmost respect in defending your land... That being said I have my own reasons for being a part in this war. People of Loreroot I am sorry that I am in the position I am in, but know that i will uphold my word that ~I~ have not, and will not commit piracy this war, although i danced with the idea. Ultimately I realised it would be best to keep my word, unlike a few i can mention...
  7. mmm, war one word comes to mind... glee... not that i'm a particularly evil man... but there shall be stories told, and i intend to help keep the interest of those who hear about it in the future... but for now... suspense, and intrigue, brotherhood... good times.
  8. Happy birthday cheers!
  9. cryxus

    Happy B-Day Cless!

    happy B-day mate best wishes
  10. [center] [b][size=7]42[/size][/b] [color="#0000FF"][b]Chewett: How the Hell does that contribute?[/b][/color][b][color="#0000FF"]Consider this a warning[/color][/b] [/center]
  11. I think my neural network is bad Mur you may not want to use mine...
  12. Team Pirate made a strong showing and placed well in all events 3rd or better in everything baby, awww yeah ...yarr! Although i have been adopted onto team brit as a pinch hitter... so go team brit. also i know i'm gonna catch some blowback for this, but i think mur made it a point to put emphasis on item creating characters... just an observation... Don't stone me.
  13. Uncertainty counts as a no vote, i think mur is looking for solid reasoning in this, just saying... commit yourself before your vote, please. Think about it this way, do you feel he is capable of leading Loreroot? Will he represent it well? I abstained from the vote, I have nothing at stake, but as I said before, I emplore you not to vote blindly, nor should you follow blindly.
  14. Lifeline, i would give up my medal and rewards to be able to play again too, mate, and i would have done my part to prevent a repeat winner, but our days are gone for doing these things... sometimes good things end... i miss heads.
  15. although my sentiment is not ~exactly~ the same i think dst is pretty close... well i s'pose there's nothing that can be done... i walked away from the game for a day so i didn't have to watch it, the whole thing frustrates the hell out of me, but as the Beatles so aptly put it "Let it be" ------------------ "...and you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder..." -Hey Jude
  16. *hugs* continue to be well good luck, good love, and all the best wishes
  17. the heads descision last time was bogus, what should have happened was that those under MRV and Lightsage got bumped up one, as well as awarding MRV and lightsage, this is complete crap that they get double rewards when cheating has happened in other heads constantly. Heads isn't fair, you guys keep saying that, and i agree, but still there were rewards for others because of it... what holds in one case should hold in another... that is my opinion, and i'm done with the rant because i think this is total bull...
  18. The Crimson Blade is fine mate i appreciate the concern
  19. aww mate, don't let the few run you off, i emplore you to stop on by in a few days, and maybe you should report those offending to dojo officials which ~should~ theoreticly be there... i'd help you, but i am somewhere else for the time being apologies... and mate i thought your work was good, be well... may the wind be at your back
  20. Ahoy...

    A skilled bard


    i hope to see more material of his

  21. yeah baby
  22. ain't bad mate, but i'm not an artist like these people are... maybe someday i'll get around to making something myself, but i think there is a post somewhere about tips for drawing... [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=2392"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=2392[/url] i hope that is helpful... i didn't look it over myself as it makes my brain wanna implode
  23. a full circle around the sun, representing a cycle of life, and a chance for other's to recognise the significance of that person to them... just my opinion though, it's nice to have a day to remind people that it's good to just show someone you care for them...
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