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Everything posted by cryxus

  1. hey its my editor, hows it going?
  2. cryxus


    [center]I was merely curious what the players would like to see in an alliance, whether it be more fighting, tensions between alliances, sneaky back alley types, more structure within existing alliances... Remember this could concern existing alliances, or you could talk about non-existant ones, i want to hear from you. I am deeply interested in what you have to say on the subject. ~Captain Cryxus X'hal~[/center]
  3. ^_^ heya lass, hows the 'muse of love'? beats the moose of love, eh?
  4. she doesnt add comments when she asks for them -_- but what can i say? she's pretty cool despite this :P

  5. [center]I would like to be the first man to die on his way to mars, preferable a malfunction while on some space walk or something, so its really kinda brutal...*shrugs* at least my death'll be interesting one way or another... ~Cryxus X'hal~[/center]
  6. cryxus


    Alright, i have a couple i wanna mention although they never made it into MD First is Ekips : he was my main character i used to play when i played D&D a while back, he was an archer/rogue/sailor and is who i based (MD)Cryxus off of...mostly Second is Cryxus : he was a another character i used to play in D&D a while back, when i played him in D&D he was a bloodthirsty mounted fighter witha penchant for drinking blood and never said anything, he even regarded his friends as potential foes, and only made tenative friendshsips...i chose this name for MD because i like the name more the Ekips, which is just "Spike" backwards Third is Twee : (i may make him soon) He is a halfling thief i always used back in the day, he always we be with his brother Dee and really more fun to play than most characters should be, and the reason i dont play him is because he doesnt have his brother here in this realm, and there is no real way to steal in MD... Finally is Peero : my ice mage from other games very fun to play, but i didnt wanna make a mage for MD... there is a little of each of these characters in cryxus
  7. [center]~Captain Cryxus X'hal of the Crimson Blade~ brave werewolf, charming diplomat, naturally strong, and partially inclined in arcane manners. cunning, quick, and armed [/center]
  8. [center]...I dunno what to think, one way or the other...I propose everyone's favorite MD captain make a little journey to see.... *wonders how long such journey would take* Im sure there plenty of treasure in the unexplored world at any rate. ~Cryxus~[/center]
  9. Ok, i have been severely, severely annoyed with the quester balloons, and sorry if i rant. Sure it isnt supposed to be a popularity contest, but unfortunately thats what it is...currently i have 2 people attempting my quest, and i have 70 votes, and i know i dont have a bad score, but i think this assement is way off, so thats why i am making a proposition to perhaps (maybe just for now) open a forum thread topic to everyone with subthreads with each questers names and have people write in there why they should, or shouldnt, be promoted, or demoted... i just think this would make a fairer assessment, and provide a good basis for judgement, but again it is only a suggestion. ~Cryxus~
  10. cryxus

    Forum Game

    Burns: he didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned by. Grido: a strange woman wearing a feather boa... Chewett: that have an idea that he ... dst: was cheating on her with... Grido: Hannah, which as it turns out he was... Metal Bunny: not as Grido fancies other types than Hannah, more petite... Glaistig: really. Grido began convulsing and... Grido: started reaching toward a conviniently placed antidote... Garg: Which, unbeknown to Grido was in actuality full of... Burns: nothing but pure fountain water. Yet, he swallowed it all in one gulp and... dst: spits it out quickly cause it tasted like... Grido: beer, and he doesnt like beer. Cryxus: He rolled and writhed as he looked at Jonn, smiling slightly. "Only you can save me now".... Metal Bunny: Jonn could only reply with: 'Mouth to mouth? Burns: It might feel a little weird, seeing you are no gopher, but i'd still do it for you if you promise...'' Grido: before finishing that sentence, Jonn remembered that Hannah was in the room still, apparently forgotten, she then performs the mouth to mouth.... dst: resuscitation but because she was a bit blind she did it to someone else who happened to be around. That person was... Cryxus: ...Perrobotillo. Grido frowns and turned back to Jonn...
  11. cryxus

    Forum Game

    Burns: he didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned by. Grido: a strange woman wearing a feather boa... Chewett: that have an idea that he ... dst: was cheating on her with... Grido: Hannah, which as it turns out he was... Metal Bunny: not as Grido fancies other types than Hannah, more petite... Glaistig: really. Grido began convulsing and... Grido: started reaching toward a conviniently placed antidote... Garg: Which, unbeknown to Grido was in actuality full of... Burns: nothing but pure fountain water. Yet, he swallowed it all in one gulp and... dst: spits it out quickly cause it tasted like... Grido: beer, and he doesnt like beer. Cryxus: He rolled and writhed as he looked at Jonn, smiling slightly. "Only you can save me now"....
  12. [center]23 currently baby, yeah! :spiteful: ~Cryxus~[/center]
  13. [center] hey Grido, what wrong with offering alcohol? cheers mem! :drinks: ~Cryxus~[/center]
  14. cryxus

    Goodbye MD

    I can't wait to see you around, in fact I really look forward to it... Cheers, ~Cryxus~
  15. happy, happy birthday Cheers! ~Cryxus~
  16. cryxus

    Forum Game

    Metal Bunny: Grido woke up next to Hannah who... MRWander: Turns and says "Honey Jonn was looking for you... Cryxus: as she traces her finger across his chest... Metal Bunny: while whispering that Jonn and his gophers are here to.. Grido: say hi, and ask how you're doing, have a cookie then leave without anything odd happening." Cryxus: but Grido knew better... Metal Bunny: Grido knew that both he and Jonn desired to ... Grido: help the new players in Magic Duel, as best as they could Blaze: but instead, they were going to give into temptation and. MRWander: and eat the WHOLE bag of oreos without sharing them. Cryxus: "this is going to go straight to my thighs" they joked and laughed...
  17. cryxus

    Forum Game

    MRWander: Send my minions after you to.... Death Ring: make you sell bunny outfits while wearing one yourself.'' Grido: But of course none of this was actually said, it's just a picture after all (at this point the writer starts looking nervous)... Metal Bunny: (with good reason), 'ah yes, just a picture, no need to be afraid of the.. 'INQUISITOR-UNDER-MY-BED'!!! Oh horror of horrors that...' MRWander: flash through my mind of the inquisitor, his eyeball and...... Garg: All that nasty nasty probing! DON'T LET HIM NEAR ME! But then, at that precise moment.... Cryxus: ...the bed collapsed, and... Metal Bunny: Grido woke up next to Hannah who... MRWander: Turns and says "Honey Jonn was looking for you... Cryxus: as she traces her finger across his chest... Metal Bunny: while whispering that Jonn and his gophers are here to.. Grido: say hi, and ask how you're doing, have a cookie then leave without anything odd happening." Cryxus: but Grido knew better...
  18. cryxus

    Forum Game

    as she traces her finger across his chest
  19. cryxus

    Forum Game

    MRWander: Send my minions after you to.... Death Ring: make you sell bunny outfits while wearing one yourself.'' Grido: But of course none of this was actually said, it's just a picture after all (at this point the writer starts looking nervous)... Metal Bunny: (with good reason), 'ah yes, just a picture, no need to be afraid of the.. 'INQUISITOR-UNDER-MY-BED'!!! Oh horror of horrors that...' MRWander:flash through my mind of the inquisitor, his eyeball and...... Garg: All that nasty nasty probing! DON'T LET HIM NEAR ME! But then, at that precise moment.... Cryxus: ...the bed collapsed, and...
  20. [center]No, unfortunately i havent spoken to anyone that could significantly impact the creation of this guild, at least on the topic of this guild. I hope the day comes soon, though, but we all know how notoriously spontanteously, and sparaticly things happen in MD. Anyhow i can only hope that they feel this alliance is a worthy one, but i feel i am ready for it whenever the time comes, and i hope it comes sooner than later. ~Cryxus~[/center]
  21. i'll be very forward, i don't like this idea, but if it were to be implemented i would like to see it geared in a different manner. I would like to see this type of system implemented in a very different manner, and make it only available at dojos and sanctuaries, so that those who roleplay in a sanctuary dont need to leave in order to get a fight that is mutually agreed upon, and to do away with dojo offenders entirely. Just a thought. ~Cryxus~
  22. cryxus

    Forum Game

    Participants so Far: chewett, smartalekrj, killer2, Nauraph, Akasha, Ashkon, Metal Bunny, Morrighan, Steno, Grido, Legna, Cryxus The Story So Far: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes. This light reflected off my sword and blinded something in front of me. The thing howled as i glared i noticed it was enormous and it had a huge huge huge greataxe resting on its shoulder. It swung its axe back and then the dark began to raise upon it's age and a howling effort cringed me with fear followed by stabbing pain trough my poor ferrum cuniculum, caused by the enchanted blade. i fainted and then later i awoke to find myself in a very dark place aghast i asserted that i couldn't move because there was a great weight pressing on my... Chewett: chest. suddenly the weight lifted and at that moment ... Ashkon: and i tried to rise, but .... Morrighan: something lifted me up and I found myself face to face with a... Steno: great, dark being with power so immense that it left dazzled killer2: marks in my eyes, but then... Ashkon: it begun to speak with a voice like... Chewett: thunder: The sheer volume of this voice ... Grido: overpowered all my senses, i lost all awareness of who i was... killer2: and my mind imploded with pain as... MRWander: his mind melted with mine.... Legna: sharing with me all his... Cryxus: thoughts, and fears. I could see that...
  23. With that kinda attitude it would have never been the right time. I personally feel it was long overdue. ~Cryxus~
  24. Thank you very much Glai i appreciate all you've said, whether or not you can believe it. and hopefully i can clear up a few minor details you brought up. We will differ from the Dimensional Shifters in the fact that we will push the borders for exploration, whereas, to the extent of my knowledge, the Dimensional Shifters just transport people where they are needed. We, as the Crimson Alliance would ideally not be able to transport people anywhere other than water-based landmasses we may discover, and also Golemus, if that is even possible anymore, and that is just so they could reach the actual ship. As far as the bartering information, i never said that we were unique in the fact that we seek it, but rather what we will do with. And the difference between us and a mercenary alliance is our scope of things, ideally we will have various areas of interest, and perhaps some day we will get narrowed down as time passes, and we find a more permanent niche'. In short, mercany work isn't going to be our only interest. Also we don't exactly want to be "elite" only recognised as a force that is influencial, we don't want to be in the spotlight per say, but we don't intend to cling to the shadows either, i would like a happy medium. And like I said, i truly appreciate the respose Glai, thank you. ~Cryxus~
  25. I was trying to end it, I realised it was a very poor choice to argue such a moot point, but at the end I did appreciate the questions (s)he presented during the last post (s)he put up. I was trying to wrap up the arguing myself I quote: "I still resent that you claim that I am playing my role in a less than befitting manner, but I hope to conclude this argument here." Anyhow I tried to bring the post around by answering some of the more serious questions, and part of the reason I spent so much time with it is because it kept getting brought up despite my repeated efforts to explain my stance on the issue, and I wanted to make an end all be all stance on the issue. Anyhow i will refrain from any further instances, and apologies, ~Cryxus~
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