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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. Hm.. I love the pose, but something with the shoulders bugs me. They look almost too muscled, too even. Good body work though.
  2. [quote name='myrrh' post='22473' date='Dec 15 2008, 03:29 PM']I agree with you but I think I can see why Mur might not want that. The avatars represent the players' roles and characters; would you stamp those with another player's signature? It's true that it's a representation created by an artist who might deserve recognition, but it may taint the feeling of absolute possession of the player who buys the avatar. Another thing is the Artisans are considered the artists of the game, not individual persons selling works of art. Do you see signatures on the map drawings? The same reason for why the answer is no could apply to the Artisans' work. The argument of providing incentive is weak in this aspect as well. Players can contribute to the game, but I don't think Mur allows that so that players can gain trademarks that will help their reputation in real life. If the game isn't enough to make you want to try your best already, then it's not like more should be done except improve the game. I don't particularly take that stance, though. I can see your logic as well, but since there seemed to be a lack of opposition I wanted to portray some possible arguments.[/quote] That is true, and in that case, I like Lightsage's idea about having a separate page for the artists of MD. __ And Severin, its okay for you to believe that.. but i've had cases where people steal my art and claim it as their own, when it infact is not. I give them no permission to own it, nor do I sell it to them. They just take it, which is wrong. Once you create something that you find to be beautiful and then someone takes your creation from you and alters it... it kind of does start to piss you off. Lol thats kind of the same thing as breaking into another person's house and stealing their computer and altering everything they have on it. *shrug* __ *shrug* perhaps I'll suggest lightsage's idea to Mur... it might take the tension away from some of the artisans.
  3. Hm.. maybe. *shrug* Okay, so I can see the copy rights as being a problem because it is a public game.. But what about small signatures? *shrug* nothin' wrong with those right?
  4. You can gripe at me, lock the topic, do what you'd like with me for posting this. I know that artists will not have their artwork protected nor will they get recognition for their artwork, but my question is...why? What harm would it do if there was a small copyright or signature in each of the drawings? *shrug* Just a question. I've heard there have been problems with this.
  5. Aye.. I don't usually use outlines...period. I don't use structure or stick figures, I try to challenge myself by drawing it straight from my mind. It works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't because I don't have a completely clear picture of it. But I have to admit, when I have to deal with alot of perspective and such I use outlines a lot. *shrug* Then again, I've only started drawing again recently and i'm happy that i'm still good at shading.
  6. Aye, I noticed that I have a problem with stiffness in my artwork lately. Probably because I draw it when I'm not entirely awake or..well you get the point. The first one I actually used a reference picture for because I realized that I haven't done a pose like that before. I thought the second one was more stiff than the first, but then again I was experimenting with the pose so *shrug* Either way thank you for the input, the outlines could be my problem, but then again so could the fact that i pay too much attention to how a muscle SHOULD look as in (standard form) as opposed to how a muscle moves naturally and can move if put under the right amount of movement. (dunno if that makes sense but...murrr I tried) I'll bet on both Thank you again.
  7. I didn't know when it was!!! Happy belated birthday!! Sorry! >.<
  8. I love your style Agnus! Very flowing, nicely detailed. Do you have anymore? On another note.. two new ones.. haven't sent 'em to Glor yet, but I'll post them here! (I've got a bunch that I'm working on, but these are the ones I'm able to scan/have gotten done.) EDIT: *grumbles* the forums made them grainy.. so hopefully the link to them will work better. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v681/JadeShade/Rangeredit.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v681/JadeShade/Necromanceredit.jpg[/img]
  9. MP4~ Robinzhood
  10. Well I did vote for things to move just a wee bit faster, but I know you have been a bit stressed lately Ren so I'm not going to bother you too much about this. ^^ *leaves Ren a cookie and a hug then moves back to the game world of MD*
  11. While I currently belong to Loreroot and the Artisans guild, you've got my full support on this as your entertainer, archer, axe thrower, and crows nest hermit. Just depends on what your in the mood for.
  12. [quote name='Grido' post='20947' date='Nov 26 2008, 07:34 PM']*stutters slightly* wow congratulations, may we see many more of your artworks here in MD[/quote] Aye, you will.. infact I'm working on two more popular player's avatars right now. [quote name='stormrunner' post='20948' date='Nov 26 2008, 08:51 PM']nice Amoran (looks at the guy with pointed ears) remind me to make sure my next avatar has those[/quote] XD.. i love pointy ears!
  13. Hm.. the pictures aren't working for me, but here we go.
  14. I actually find this quite helpful.. I am an artist myself and I've been drawing since I was little.. The thing I sometimes have problems with is hands, and perspective. I've been practicing with perspective though, I'm still not that good at drawing figures in complicated poses. I'd love to get better though, theres always room for improvement. My specialty usually is fantasy-themed creatures/faces...also, I'm quite good at drawing odd looking trees. *shrug* I'll attach a couple of my drawings.
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