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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. Okay, I have no idea what happened- I'm not going to read the post above... but since when did the 'Historic Documents' section of the public Loreroot forum become a place to not only bash Loreroot but whine about stuff that isn't fair or may or may not be 'right' in your opinion?
  2. Okay.. first I'm going to suggest a better scanner. But for an attempt this is pretty damn good. Most people can't even draw hands when they just start y'know? I'm going to say this since you asked me to give advice a lil' bit... try to redraw this picture again- i'm not saying that it is not a good first try, but really.. try to perfect it by redrawing it I would suggest working on the shoulders and arms just a little bit and... try to draw fabric a bit more, and I see a bit of a tilt in the picture- but that could be the movement of the fabric causing that....who knows? lol Examine fabric and its various movements. How it ripples, how it hangs off the body, what it does in various light sources..etc. I think this will help you a lot and improve your drawing abilites. Yeah- I see potential, keep it up.
  3. [quote name='Firsanthalas' post='31051' date='May 14 2009, 03:19 AM']This is the first that I have heard of this When was this decided?[/quote] Firsan you were in the freaking meeting when it was decided, you even voted. I have records to prove it now stop it.
  4. I will say it like this, the system of non harmful attacks is useful in many ways. We tried it with the alliance and Calyx has told me that she wishes this system to be in the "Loreroot Dojo". I am having a meeting with her tonight to discuss a different way of doing So before you explode like you seem to enjoy doing, take a moment and use your brain. Do you truly believe that the members and High council of Loreroot are going to allow any amount of ideas to be stolen and used? Let us find our own way to train, and please do give suggestions. Also, remember.. suggestions are not LAW they are... suggestions, things to be considered. Edit: It is evident that you are only intent on creating unnecessary and unneeded problems. Therefore Akasha, I have nothing more to say to YOU.
  5. Um.. No we are not stealing his training grounds and I have made that very clear to MRWander as I currently cannot reach MRD. Currently we are testing different methods of training via suggestions by various people. So Akasha, why don't you say.. give suggestions rather than pick apart everything Loreroot and it's various guilds do to cause trouble and create unneeded drama? Or does the term 'cooperation' and 'working together' not exist to you?
  6. If you must know, the Loreian High Council, the old one was run by Nelya in the same fashion as we are running ours. It consisted of members from each alliance in the land and guess what? It worked just fine until she left MD. It is working fine now, so what reason do you or anyone else have to pick it apart and tear it in twine? What, because we did not make our election process open to everyone in MD? Well I don't see Yrthilian's leadership being put in the hands of all of MD, nor do I see Khalazdad's leadership and passing his leadership being put in the hands of all of MD. We are trying to do something GOOD for the site, something GOOD for the land of Loreroot. If that is a crime, then shoot me in the face while I smile at you and know you are wrong.
  7. The members of lorerootian guilds and the guardian of the root alliance before they were dissolved.
  8. All of loreroot was allowed to vote on council seat positions. It was Loreroot and Loreroot's guilds decision on who lead what.
  9. I will be posting a few documents pertaining to Loreroot soon. I have a lot to sift through concerning Loreroot but know that I am working on putting a few things up.
  10. We are trying to set up a training system for Loreroot, if anyone is interested in helping please post here. Information: We have tested one method of training that did not work very well for the alliance structure that we have. So we are going to test various other methods. Ideas, suggestions are welcome. The training area will be at the Defensive Quarters in Loreroot. PM myself, or anyone on the Loreroot High Council if you wish to help. -Thank you. Edit: Akasha, Please do not edit my posts especially when there is nothing wrong with them.
  11. [b]Appointed by elected council:[/b] Council President - Karak High Mystic - .Amoran. General of War - None appointed currently. [b]Elected by those in the Loreroot alliance:[/b] Speaker of Root - Firsanthalas Sheriff of Root - *IBRUZU* Warden of Root - .Tarquinus. Speaker of the Law - None currently, Lorerootian elections are open. [b]Explained positions:[/b] * Captain-General. The military leader. In charge of training and defense. * High Mystic. The spiritual leader. Coordinates worship services and speaks for Root. * President of the High Council. The leader of Loreroot. In charge of running the HC meetings. * Sheriff. Security. Organizes spies and keeps an eye on strangers in Loreroot. * Speaker for the Root. Head Diplomat. * Speaker of the Law. Head Judge. In charge of running trials, etc. * Warden of the Root. Internal affairs. Organizes worship services, battle circles, parties, etc.
  12. Loreroot Guardians of the Root Leader: .Amoran. Council Members: Firsanthalas, Karak, Tarquinus, and Ibruzu Artisans Guild Leader: Kalamanira Kol Members: Fenrir Greycloth, ShadowCast
  13. (Old stuff, haven't written poetry in some time.) [center][u][b]The Dark Mirror[/b][/u] A reflection stirred By a seventh moon risen The mirror shattered Scattering worlds amongst the well Knife like edges Scrapes and cuts of the old Threads of night clung Twisted, contorted Try to pull in What light did behold the disturbing sight Blinded and tempted by ink black thoughts The vortex shifted Reached out Trying to pull kin within The fae awoke with warning Alarming, alerting Being drawn into The oldest of waters [/center] [b][center][I was looking at an old well that was on a friends property, it was night time and the moon was reflecting off of the surface of the water. I thought it looked kind of like a mirror.. and when I disturbed the surface of the water, the light from the moon 'shattered' on it's surface and what was beneath looked like a never-ending hole...so for some reason I put this together to express that.] [/center][/b] [center] [u][b]Musings of a Broken Mind[/b][/u] A visible trembling, and the cliffs begin to crumble. The calm waters of thought start to crash. Sight, touch, the senses go awry- Swirling, clouds of dust This chaos of debris Intermixing Silk and leather Intermixing Until all is silenced. Still and grey. Fading, translucent, pit of black. [/center] [center][u][b]Scorn[/b][/u] Birthed from the shade that mixes with red A shadow’s passer by Wandering Limitless wastelands From which, no return harbors Like water, it ripples Yet no moisture collects Thought, cease Time, cease For now, only a memory remains Foreshadowed by time and place Delve deep in the jaded pit Crawl, struggle Release. [/center] [b][center][Dunno, you tell me.][/center][/b] [center][u][b]Carnelian Eye[/b][/u] The slightest movement under a blood red light. The carnelian eye that lights my path. It's calling me- Through a whispering tendril of air. Create the cobblestones of my road. It's calling me. Touch the earth to feel grounded. Violet eyes to the sky. Carnelian eye tell me your forbidden oath. Fire light the wind turning me to ash. Its calling me my flame lit path. It calls It calls From a rhraspy lung Breathe me in- my ashes. Sing to me my blood red light. Your secret, my secret. A whisper of flesh and spirit Draw me forward bound at the wrist. From the comforting shade of my willow- Violet eyes to the sky. Guide me. [/center] [b][center][Once again, you tell me. ][/center][/b]
  14. Kalamanira Kol Female I tend to claw and growl...and I like soft patches of grass. Also, clothes are not included. If you don't like that- bite me. *grins* On second thought, I might enjoy that.
  15. [size=5][center]Unfeeling Recollection[/center][/size] "Darkness, an endless river of shadow- there is no pain here, no confusion in my sleep.. and yet I am stirred awake by outside reason. I move from the darkness of my dreams, my eyes opening to the full moon shining brightly above me- a sky filled with a tapestry of stars and yet it's beauty is astounding......I am lacking. Something is missing. I seek sight of the area around me, and my eyes find a clone of my bodily form, sitting crosslegged with tears in her eyes.... Sadness radiates from her, an ache of pain that I can feel deep within my own chest. This is my own feeling, and yet hers as well... I feel nothing. I am lacking... my emotion is as numb as the rest of my body. Am I of anger? Pain? Confusion? I cannot tell... I seek the shadows again, I seek the comforting river of sleep and soon I am lost to the tapestry of stars against the sky.....and I dream." [size=5][center]Nightmare of Kalamanira Kol[/center][/size] The trunk of her willow tree was a deep polished brown, a chocolate color mixed with caramel from its many years of resting, swaying, remaining dormant in the wind’s force. She stared at it, sadness taking her heart as she realized there would be nothing she could do to separate herself from its binding. Her fingers glided over its many curves and grooves, the texture smoothed by weather and slightly rough around its curves from the dirt that had nestled in between its caramelized bark. The wind blew through her hair, and smelled of oncoming rain… her eyes found the sky- swirling clouds of black and grey moving as a beast through the tall grass of a rainforest, growling at the ground- releasing a roar to the sky as if to say “Mine.” Kalamanira’s heart stopped there. Something was wrong; this was not her mind... The clouds grew closer and her breath was lost….suddenly her eyes glazed over and she screamed the roar of a cat in the night, hunting it’s pray. Her hands clawed her throat as he muscles moved like snakes underneath her pale, pale skin. Suddenly in an explosion of skin and wetness she withdrew herself from the gore and emerged a panther, strong, proud and yet still bound to its willow. It was as if she were suddenly looking at a mirror, seeing herself in panther form, pawing the ground in confusion. She stared hard at the form of her panther, remembering how it had felt, how painful it had been the first time she shifted into its form. There was no one of her race to guide her animal through her skin, no one to show her a gentle change. Her mind lingered on the feeling of pain, that choking burning in her panther form’s muscles, the bleeding of her paws and the feel of the cold ground beating against those aching pads she suddenly wore. The clouds eased closer. They swarmed in a sudden burst like a tidal wave crashing over an island. Suddenly the trunk of her willow was crimson, blood cascaded down it’s caramelized trunk, staining it a deep red-orange. From the mirror, she watched herself in her panther form become swept away, watched herself writhe underneath her bleeding tree. Swirling around her, the clouds became claws and ripped at her black fur, scraping away the animal in her, clawing deep into that form to pull out her more elven one. Screaming against the mirror she pounded, crying out for someone- for anything to save her from this dream. Anything, and anyone. It was then that the demon emerged from the clouds, a laughter echoed through the blood- waves moving against her panther’s face. Her body reacted to the echoing laugh, her heart on the other side of the mirror pounding fast and hard against her chest. “No..” She whispered in her sleep, then suddenly, she took the sides of her head in her hands, digging nails into her aquamarine scalp as the demon began to move in against her elven form. She screamed in her sleep and woke with a start, gripping the base of The Accursed Growth as if it were her anchor to the world. Tears filled her eyes and she cried… cried her own blood from her eyes. This did not startle her….no. New power was bound to come eventually. [size=5][center]After the Storm[/center][/size] "The huntress.. I was called. My name was spoken on the lips of every being within my lands. Yet this name... an echo of my past, lost so long ago. I remember only this name, only this small title.. it's power has dimmed. In this realm of uncertainty, this time I have been thrown into... I search for warmth without limit in this place. I am freedom, I move without white waters to weaken my strength." [size=5][center]The Binding of Death[/center][/size] The Accursed Growth screamed out Kala's name in a high pitched roar. It demanded her to come, caused her body to move the long distance between Fenth's Press and the Gates of Necrovion with burning limbs. She was met with pain, with agony as Master Saeiane conducted his violent ritual. He slices her throat against the tree, blood spilling to it's roots. "You are mine." It's screeching whisper rang through her ears as her senses numbed and she collapsed at it's base- it's dark power closed the deeper parts of her wounds, knitting them lightly but leaving them open still. Deep in woods of Loreroot, in the Defensive Quarter's Amoran's chest begins to feel heavy, and she collapses for a short time until she is able to find the strength to stand and run to The Maple Road. She arrives just in time to see Master Saeiane with Kalamanira resting against his back. She is stunned, dazed and shocked. Despite Innocence's protest to such a binding, the being continued to follow close by- monitoring Master Saeiane and Kalamanira Kol's actions. Amoran and Innocence both flee to the Oak Fort, and there Amoran is able to heal Kalamanira Kol's remaining wounds. Her tree moves with her and aids in Kala's healing. Innocence continues to protest the use of binding, but to no avail. Kalamanira Kol is taken a short time after back to The Accursed Growth, to rest at its base. [size=5][center]Aftermath of the AL - "What is lost, What is found.."[/center][/size] Amoran wakes at the fort, her eyes filled with tears. An emptiness settles into the pit of her stomach and she begins to sob, searching for the comfort of her home lands- only to find that she cannot remember. Her hands shake and she wails, gripping The Oak Fort, crying against it's bark. The tree moves to comfort her, wrapping it's roots around her as if to give her a gentle hug. The Fort speaks to her and she nods, moving away from it's gentle embrace... She finds herself at the Tree, once named Bob- surrounded by comforting friends. Their help is meaningful, yet somehow seems to still leave her empty. 'I feel useless..' She thinks as she stares up at the sky. Kalamanira Kol comes to Amoran, and they both proceed to The Accursed Growth- each saddened by their loss of memory. Amoran: *moves to the growth and kneels at it's base, reaching to touch it's roots*.... Kalamanira Kol: *stares at her other as the roots shift under Amoran's hands* Amoran: *the roots wrap around her fingers, smaller shadowy vines sprouting to wrap themselves around her wrist* Amoran: It has the same reaction to me as the oak fort... Kalamanira Kol: *nods* as it should... Kalamanira Kol: Though our personalities differ... our connection is still strong.. Kalamanira Kol: *kneels down to touch the ground around The Growth, more dark vines sprout and slink over to Kala's touch* Kalamanira Kol: Perhaps..if we spend more time in the same location.. our memories will not fade.. Amoran: *glances up from Kala's hand and then up to the sky* Perhaps....and I hope that is the case. [center] [size=5]Creation of Dreams[/size][/center] "Angry, so very angry. I ran throughout the realm, a smile hidden from public view. I glared at those who passed by- growled at those I care for. I felt empty, a shell with no purpose other than to wander a desolate purgatory. Oh how I longed to be free, truly free and yet it seemed I could not remember how. I was..disgusted with myself, above all others- only myself." Dreams began to haunt Amoran once her memories faded. Her Other's anger flared, and Kalamanira Kol rampaged throughout the realm- causing her own bit of trouble wherever she went. It was chaos in the minds of the split being, only in dream did they feel themselves. Amoran began to dream of her past and each time she slept at the Oak Fort, she woke with an item near her resting in the grass. First appeared a dagger on a thick cord, then appeared another blade. Each blade seemed to have certain abilities- limitations to what each blade could cut. Amoran's appeared to only cut others, it did no harm to her skin as it dangled from her neck. Kalamanira Kol's appeared to only harm herself and thus she stored it in the trunk of the Growth- refusing to carry it around.
  16. [center][size=5]The Dimensional Split[/size][/center] [b] "I was of clay, and the earth had molded me, cracked me, and then destroyed me."[/b] . . . Amoran Kalamanira Kol is of an ancient, forgotten race of elven elementalists. Once royalty, her chance at ever becoming what she was born to be was stolen from her after she was captured by a spiteful creature of the earth. Her absence sent her once peaceful race into war against other civilizations. Her homelands fought, sending blame to innocents- slaughtering them for crimes they did not commit. Her mind was free from the race wars, the creature that had taken her - a large stone beast, magically bound her to a willow tree that stood in the center of a ancient abandoned battlefield. She was unable to move away from the tree, her spirit was attached to it's roots, to it's soil. Trained deeply in the art of battle, her skill did nothing for her- she was bound completely. The willow created the effect of immortality, Aged as the tree was as long as it stood and lived, Amoran would as well. Eons passed and still she was bound. Her patience and will had grown weak, Anger flared in her eyes. She would be free from the clutches of this being. Her will grew as the fire within her flickered, and she screamed the name of the beast- summoning it to the field. [b]"You will set me free."[/b] Her demands fell empty, the beast laughed aloud- refusing to do as she demanded. For the first time, her eye color shifted- burning red against the paleness of her tattooed cheeks. The being stared in amazement, and after a long pause, decided to give her one chance. "You must solve a riddle to be set free, your answer will depend on your freedom." The beast's riddle was simple, complex, and confusing all the same. The beast had meant to keep her, but after many days she formulated an answer. This amazed the creature yet again, the being did not know truly who he had in his possesion. "You are still mine." The being's great rumbling voice echoed across the battlefield. Amoran's anger flared, and she strained against her binding, using every bit of will and power left in her. Every bit of energy her life force could muster, until like a rubber band it snapped with the force of the strain. . . . [b]"I heard the vague sound of tearing, and the air was sucked out of my lungs. I felt the crack form, and I knew then that I was free- but at what cost? The after blow was like a thousand hammers of force hitting me at once, I felt my skin light with fire as cracks formed along my body. My senses shattered and split into a million different pieces. And as I knew the being fell as well as I, I separated and became two." [/b] The three forces that caused such a tremendous tear in time left her in a vacant battle field, no tree in sight- staring up at a tapestry of stars and a moon filled sky. Amoran's limbs were heavy, her senses were dull- but she could still see. Slowly she turned, the heaviness of her body causing unnatural movement as her mind fixated on the odd warmth beside her. There next to her, unmoving was a mirror image of herself. [center][size=5]The Binding of Life[/size][/center] Upon entering Loreroot Amoran's body began to weaken. She felt her strength disappear little by little with every step she took. There was but one explanation for this. The willow tree that sustained her life had finally died away and fallen apart. Her body began to cool- and almost violently, she shivered. There was hope, however... Master Saeiane and Silver Renard were nearby, they could help her. They could aid her in finding a new source of life. Her struggle was painful, and every step felt like agony against her freezing skin. Only one tree called to her and it called so strongly that despite being on the brink of death, she was compelled to answer it's call. This flame, this light that screamed her name was the Oak Fort. A very large, very old tree who's purpose is still unknown. It rests in Loreroot, only a little ways away from the stone cave. She was able to be bound to this tree with the magickal help of Master Saeiane, and the steady help of Silver Renard's warming energy. Once bound, she fell into a slumber almost instantly and awoke the next day with a heaviness against her chest. There was still more to be done. "The Oak Fort is my home. It is my place of peace. I rest there, swim there, eat there, live at the base of the tree. I protect the peace the tree offers and in return I live and continue on through the realm." [center][size=5]After Math of the AL-"What is lost, What is found"[/size][/center] Amoran wakes at the fort, her eyes filled with tears. An emptiness settles into the pit of her stomach and she begins to sob, searching for the comfort of her home lands- only to find that she cannot remember. Her hands shake and she wails, gripping The Oak Fort, crying against it's bark. The tree moves to comfort her, wrapping it's roots around her as if to give her a gentle hug. The Fort speaks to her and she nods, moving away from it's gentle embrace... She finds herself at the Tree, once named Bob- surrounded by comforting friends. Their help is meaningful, yet somehow seems to still leave her empty. 'I feel useless..' She thinks as she stares up at the sky. Kalamanira Kol comes to Amoran, and they both proceed to The Accursed Growth- each saddened by their loss of memory. Amoran: *moves to the growth and kneels at it's base, reaching to touch it's roots*.... Kalamanira Kol: *stares at her other as the roots shift under Amoran's hands* Amoran: *the roots wrap around her fingers, smaller shadowy vines sprouting to wrap themselves around her wrist* Amoran: It has the same reaction to me as the oak fort... Kalamanira Kol: *nods* as it should... Kalamanira Kol: Though our personalities differ... our connection is still strong.. Kalamanira Kol: *kneels down to touch the ground around The Growth, more dark vines sprout and slink over to Kala's touch* Kalamanira Kol: Perhaps..if we spend more time in the same location.. our memories will not fade.. Amoran: *glances up from Kala's hand and then up to the sky* Perhaps....and I hope that is the case. [center][size=5]Creation of Dreams[/size][/center] "I felt as though I was suffocating, drowning in a river of sadness. Emptiness was uncommon to me, and I shivered as my past disappeared. I needed comfort, I needed warmth. I was always cold, so cold- my skin felt like ice and my fingertips burned for heat. I could not tell if it was fear that gripped me, or a strange tingling sense of loss." Dreams began to haunt Amoran once her memories faded. Her Other's anger flared, and Kalamanira Kol rampaged throughout the realm- causing her own bit of trouble wherever she went. It was chaos in the minds of the split being, only in dream did they feel themselves. Amoran began to dream of her past and each time she slept at the Oak Fort, she woke with an item near her resting in the grass. First appeared a dagger on a thick cord, then appeared another blade. Each blade seemed to have certain abilities- limitations to what each blade could cut. Amoran's appeared to only cut others, it did no harm to her skin as it dangled from her neck. Kalamanira Kol's appeared to only harm herself and thus she stored it in the trunk of the Growth- refusing to carry it around. [center][size=5]Dreams and Failure[/size][/center] "Blurred images face me, I cannot see past them. They haunt me, shift me as the ebb and flow of the ocean against harsh rocks." "My power grows, still uncontrolled- shedding the control of others in such a way that forces change within them." .... "The man on the grid of red string dances through my mind, and items, now small stones- continue to appear after my slumber in this realm." "Kalamanira Kol, my other, I have not seen in days. I worry for this side of myself, and wonder what memories return to her in sleep." "The images that come to me, so very sad- such emotion I must have once felt, now lost in the chaos and endless weaving of threads throughout time." "Then there is Lucius, my dear friend, who reminds me of one I continue to see moving through my tales of sleep. I cannot approach him about it, I do not know how." .... "The burning in my chest.. it is painful, I deny my nature- forge a blade against it. So I suffer and am blind to understanding why. My dreams, the memories are getting worse. I choke on raw feeling, drown in it and awake to blood and gashes against my skin. So unbalanced.... and still I deny myself." ... "Mainn has aided me.. given me control, forced an anchor upon me. It helps.. I do not drown completely in my memories, yet I still tarnish my skin. So unbalanced.... I must breathe soon." ... "The scale has shifted, tilted in a direction I had never wished it to lean. I had meant to balance us, bind us closer... "My love for the man of shadows has caused one side to weigh heavier. Thus Kalamanira Kol suffers for me, Logan Marquis suffers for me... I know not what to do.. I tear myself apart for peace, I forge a blade against a dear friend for... For peace." [center][size=5]Shadows and Dust[/size][/center] (still writing...)
  17. Aye, I will see to it that the quest does go on.. I think it'll be something good for MD.
  18. I support this quest 10 fold.. and I expect it, if it happens, which is uncertain at this time... to process and do exactly what it was intended to do. I want it to run EXACTLY as BlackThorn intended it to.. *sighs* Otherwise its half a year of wasted work..
  19. Last avatar for this month I guess. I'll have another two done soon..
  20. Bright, may I suggest something? If you have a program like photoshop or something similar that has an eraser in it, you can get rid of the smudges in the artwork. (the chick with the snake head scares me!) Also, if you can.. read character profiles in the game! It helps you get all kinds of ideas!
  21. got another couple of avatars done.. I'm going to do about 3 or 4 more for this month..
  22. Good job Captain!
  23. You know you've been on MD too much when... Phoenyckz: I got my alarm clock in my cell to beep me 5 seconds every regeneration...
  24. Erm.. Chewett, do you think seeker-face is that much of an idiot? I'm sure many would whack him with sticks if he was using bugs.
  25. I can tell you one thing, the MR training ground works. It is set up in a particular way to ensure you gain stats and upgrade your creatures. Before I found the training ground, I was stuck using the dojo in Marindsbell, while yes- it is good for perhaps mp3's or mp4's, it was not suited to an mp5. I sat in the dojo for an entire week and only upgraded one creature. I sat in the MR training ground for 2 days and upgraded every one of my creatures to their max level. Now this is why I will punch anyone who speaks badly about MRD's set up in the nose. MRD himself, dedicated a massive amount of time to making sure his training ground worked properly, and it saddens me that i nearly fell to ruin. Hopefully things will change, and hopefully the MR training ground will start functioning again! 'cause I want to go sit in it more!
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