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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. No offense Leu, I have not seen Chewett as anything but a fair forum mod.. I'm not sure what this is in reference to, but.. I think he wasn't 'out to get you' with whatever he did. He was probably just doing his erm.. job as an admin?
  2. Happy Birthday Sandwich!!! *sticks a toothpick in grido with an olive on it.* (Kidding, happy birthday grido )
  3. xD Aye, and apparently he multiplies via marmosets. Those little guys are baby pygmy marmosets. Very cute.
  4. No really, aren't they cute? Chewett, you crap out some cute spawn. [img]http://spaceandtime.files.wordpress.com/2006/05/marmoset.jpg[/img]
  5. Personally because of the way in which you used them, I don't think they should have been banned in the first place. I think it should have been reviewed by Mur and the other RPCs. That would be very much like banning the MR Training ground alts.. It just doesn't make that much sense to me. However, I do understand when 'clutter' of alts happens and that some alts should be cleared out. I'm really not sure that was what happened here honestly. Anyway, thank you for helping those in need UP, I'm sorry you got punished for bein' a good guy.
  6. Problem is solved, it is simple I merely will not speak to him anymore. And aye, I believe that closing the thread is a good idea.
  7. In truth, I am curious as to why you felt like you needed to reply at all if that were the case. I am not angry, but know that I most certainly did not appreciate that.
  8. Aye, I was going to suggest the same thing. Thank you Storm for posting your opinion about this, I appreciate it.
  9. That spider totally wants you. Just look at it, all staring at your kibbles n' bits from on its comfy lil' web... yes, you may kill me now. :D

  10. You know.. I have been thinking about the reasons why I was punished. Nothing I say can change the fact that I actually was punished, but I feel very much that I was punished without proper proof and punished unfairly. It was claimed that I made the accusations, but it was not supported by fact. It was supported by a mass twisting of my own words to make it seem as though I said exactly what Logan said. When in fact, I did not. Perhaps I spoke to people whom I considered friends about the things I had heard, but ultimately it was up to them as a person to decide whether or not they believed it. I did not expect my opinions or the things I had spoken outside of YIM chats and in regular IM windows to be spread around like butter. I have an opinion, based off of some of what Logan said – yes, but the point is… it is an opinion. I spoke of my opinion outside of game and spoke to people that I thought very much that I could trust to know my views. I feel as though I have been betrayed, mistreated, and quite literally kicked for another person’s words. Mur, you claim to be fair. Every bit of what has happened thus far has proved otherwise. You allowed Akasha to rampage and go wild. You allowed her to treat other players like pardon my term but sh*t….and for what reason? So far many have only come up with the conclusion that she is your wife outside of game and that it is understandable that she should get a different kind of treatment. Which is…fine, but to say that you treat everyone with equal respect when you so obviously do not is basically lying to your players. I have to wonder if she says the things that you cannot, does the things in the game that you cannot – and whether or not you are giving her a sort of special treatment because of this. It is fine, I can’t change any of this and ultimately what you do in your game is up to you. I can respect that it is your game. But that does not mean I have to sit by and endure being mistreated as a person. I have done a lot for the community and for the game. I’ve tried my damndest to unite the people and the community, even though I did so outside of game. You cannot sit by and say that my opinion overshadows what I have done for you and your creation. I drew artwork for your birthday because I appreciated what you had done to support everyone’s opinions, in reference to the MD chats of course. I have drawn at least 20-30 avatars for the players to use, some of which will now not be used out of…fear? Fear of what exactly? That you could possibly be wrong? I do not believe you or Akasha truly value the artists like you claim you do. The game would merely be a concept if it were not for those who poured their time and effort into making it something more than just a bunch of words on a messy forum. If it is true that what you and Akasha do is separate in game then you should make it so and do what is right. She is not officially game manager, and yet she acts as if she is. Did you not specifically say that you wanted more than one single GM? Now, over the past 7-8 months I have grown to care about some of the members just as much as I care about my own family. It not only disgusts me that the game has taken such a massive unfortunate turn, but sickens me in that it is much more than a simple, harmless game now… It is very much a political game. From the way those in the game have acted recently, I do not see how anyone can say otherwise on this. For those who are new to MD, know to watch what you think and say. Because apparently if you think against what Muratus Del Mur may want, you will be crucified and shunned for speaking your mind. MD is not a democracy, it is a dictatorship in the disguise of a democracy. Democratic ideals are said to be true but another thing entirely is done. This is what part of MD is made up of.. people who say one thing and do another thing entirely. [i](This was written after I basically took a pretty long break away from the game.. about a week and a half I think.. It was refreshing actually.)[/i] Lastly, I want to say this.. that yes, I was wrong to say that you were a horrible person Mur because the point is...you aren't. You are a human being just like the rest of us, and just like the rest of the world, you have issues too.
  11. (Thank you for clearing that up Akasha, but unfortunately the Oak Fort and the Accursed Growth are mentioned in this passage, and thus are a major part of my role. And if you have not checked the adventure log before- Amoran's role is mentioned there, as is Kalamanira Kol's. Thank you again though for being careful.)
  12. (Thank you for clearing that up Akasha, but unfortunately the Oak Fort and the Accursed Growth are mentioned in this passage, and thus are a major part of my role. And if you have not checked the adventure log before- Amoran's role is mentioned there, as is Kalamanira Kol's. Thank you again though for being careful.)
  13. Holy crap dude.. your pretty.

  14. Your iPod touch punches me in the face. Those things are cool. kekeke
  15. The world doesn't stop moving 'cause MD is down. *pops open a gameboy and starts playing Zelda.*
  16. Amoran ID: 87285
  17. The thing is you cannot take everything in the bible in a literal sense because of how many times it has been re-written and also how much has actually been cut out of the original version. It is a good book if you look at it from a story aspect, and I do believe that a lot of it is simply metaphors for various events that happened in specific time periods, cultures, etc. The real lesson you should learn from the bible is where it talks about morals and wrong and right. I believe that is the part of the bible that holds most significance because it tells you how to be a decent person. I am not Christian, but I grew up in a Christian house hold. I have my own set of beliefs that are separate and are from not just one religion- but several. I am not atheist but I cannot specifically name myself to one general religion. My point is, religion is something to look into- I suggest exploring beyond the boundaries of your religion and common religious belief. To ask a question is to search for knowledge and truthfully, you should never stop asking questions and you should never stop searching for knowledge. Einstein even stated that you should never stop asking, "Why?" and I truly believe that.
  18. *nod, nod* So I see. I'll continue to stop by and provide cookies and water for Bob.
  19. I have removed my artwork from the Artisans Guild thread, if anyone would like to see my art, contact me via PM, Yahoo Instant Messenger, or by email. I am still willing to do artwork for Quests and Profile pictures. Let me know if anyone is interested. [color="#FF0000"][font="Arial Black"][i]From Glordamar: This is sanctioned. If you need quests and profile drawings or if you have interest in joining the Artisan's guild, you may contact me, .GlorDamar., or Amoran or Kalamanira Kol.[/i][/font][/color]
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