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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. At least someone is watching out.

  2. It would have been quite interesting to conclude the role play. Unfortunately it was so rudely interrupted.
  3. Happy Birthday Ailith!!! *throws big ol' hugs at the ailith*
  4. Most likely. I love Dali's stuff.
  5. I don't do drugs, I am drugs. Take me, I am THE drug. Take me, I am hallucinogenic. - Salvador Dali
  6. Because I forgot how to embed video... Queensryche - Eyes of a Stranger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpBY9Odeiu8 Queensryche - I Don't Believe in Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c3g6tTYoxM A Perfect Circle(Acoustic) - 3 Libras: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMPrxg1bSPE A Perfect Circle - Gravity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cDdMZ2K9o0 Skid Row - 18 and Life: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzmfpfIq0-4 Skid Row - Quicksand Jesus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZUJ9Yr4SJo (thanks for that last one, Jester) Opeth - Burden: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3tDw7znNyQ Opeth - The Lotus Eater: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSSLXMzxxP8 Opeth - Patterns in the Ivy 1 & 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjLCBrSH4gE Alice in Chains - Would?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nco_kh8xJDs Alice in Chains - We Die Young: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JA25BIxgtk Dream Theater - Dark Eternal Night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkF4JD2rO3Q Dream Theater - Forsaken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7oH6Ku27Us Death - Crystal Mountain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zguCFjHyVeM Death - Spirit Crusher: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRyl_p1z9Nw Tool - H.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iXMhphebGI Tool - AEnema: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCEeAn6_QJo Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nba3Tr_GLZU Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA_boB88hVo Ambeon - Ashes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3YzyqmQiqw Ambeon - Lost Message: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooN2E-UeJdc I: Scintilla - Taken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFIkvGG-WXM I: Scintilla - Havestar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o04WnwE3-Mc Iced Earth - Frankenstein: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLHUyd2veps Iced Earth - Jack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwu4Eybj9Ko Iced Earth - Jekyll & Hyde: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1LfQN2ja_8
  7. In many ways I support the GGG and I always have, but the game seems to have changed and is not the same as when the GGG started. It was difficult for MRD to create the MR Training Ground for those who needed it and I am extremely disappointed to see that there are those who disrespect such hard work. The question now sits.. is it a community project that hurts the game, or is it a thing that helps it? At Fenrir: If you wished to make a suggestion, you went about it the wrong way. You first violated the rules of the Golden Globe and then tried to make a suggestion. This is why no one is listening.
  8. Speaker of the Forest is a good title.
  9. I'm not certain if you are still around, but happy birthday anyway! May you have a good one my friend.
  10. There are two orders that we seek to fill. [size=3][b]Clergy[/b][/size] Our religious order is made up of the Priestesses and Priests who serve and invoke the Moon in all her glory and wield mighty magics in her name. [size=3][b]Knights[/b][/size] Our knightly order made up of those whose gallantry and honour serve to protect the religious order against those who would pull down its might. We have need of warriors of true and stout heart, diplomats, researchers, seekers and all manner of intelligent beings to place the order onto a high pedestal in the community. Our heart lies in Loreroot and we stand as one of the defenders of the Lorerootian way of life. Contact an active member in game if you are looking to fulfill your calling here in this world. Acceptance will be by invitation after a private audience.[center][center]___________ These are the codes of knightly conduct among the warriors of the Children of the Eclipse. We seek men, mostly, to serve as knights, though we will turn no valiant woman away. [size=3][u][b]The Five Principles of Knighthood[/b][/u][/size] The classical principles of knighthood are, appropriately, mirrored by the principles Khalazdad encourages in Dark Lords. Though the Children of the Eclipse are not, strictly speaking, a "good" alliance in the simplistic sense, we do think their knights should observe and demonstrate the classic values of chivalry. * [u]Honour[/u] - a knight should keep his word. In the game-mechanical sense, he should strive for a high Honor score. * [u]Valor[/u] - a knight should never fear battle, especially when the odds are stacked against him. * [u]Mercy[/u] - a knight should never exploit a situation in which other characters are at an obvious disadvantage (e.g., hiding out to perform healing rits). A knight should always relent if the foe begs to be spared an attack. A knight should not attack an idle player unless s/he is 100% certain the target player allows attacks while idle and/or wishes to gain losses. * [u]Charity[/u] - this one is tricky in the MD world, but can take the form of advice to newbies and voluntary losses for the sake of others' advancement. * [u]Justice[/u] - a knight should never aid the unjust, but should help seeking, and if necessary, punishing the unjust for the sake of weaker players; a knight should take any opportunity to right a wrong. Obviously, the dojos are a prime example of a place where justice needs enforcing, but the MD world is full of wrongs looking to be righted. [size=3][u][b]Knights of the New Moon[/b][/u][/size] The Knights of the New Moon are an unofficial para-organization for the spies of the Children of the Eclipse. They cannot officially belong because to do so betrays their true allegiance. [b]Captain: one who shall remain nameless.[/b] [b]Code[/b] * Gather information for the Children of the Eclipse. Report any significant findings to your captain on a regular basis. * Act with independence. You will not know the names of any other Knights of the New Moon except for your captain, who alone will know your identity (the Moon Knight and Sibyl will not, except where your captain deems it appropriate). * Honour your assumed identity and act in accordance with the expectations attendant to the role's persuasiveness, even if doing so sometimes means violating the general codes of knightly behavior for the Children of the Eclipse. In some cases, Knights of the New Moon should actively disregard the general Code of knightly conduct in order to be more effective spies. * Assist the Children of the Eclipse by spreading rumours, true and false, of CoE activity. Attempt to increase the Order's prestige by encouraging attendance at sermons, public magic rituals, and enlistment (as appropriate). * If discovered, exhibit valor and loyalty to the Order to the bitter end - no matter the cost. This kind of valor is the stuff of which legends are told. * Never divulge secrets of the Order without consulting your captain. [size=3][u][b]Knights of the Half Moon[/b][/u][/size] The Knights of the Half Moon are the warriors and shock troops of the Chidren of the Eclipse. They will exemplify the values of the Order in battle and other noteworthy deeds. [b]Captain: (Sparrhawk is unavailable) [u]Tarquinus, Amoran, Phantom Orchid[/u][/b] [b]Code:[/b] * Swear fealty, in front of at least two witnesses, to Firsanthalas, to the Sibyl of the Children of the Eclipse, and to Mya Celestia, who is the Empath of Loreroot. Let all know the Knights of the Half Moon represent an elite among the warriors of Loreroot. * Protect Loreroot, Firsanthalas, the Sibyl, the Empath of Loreroot (Mya Celestia), and any priestess of the Children of the Eclipse at all costs. Be prepared to coordinate and launch pre-emptive strikes against known foes. When in doubt, assume that any un-allied onlooker might be a possible assassin. Do not fail to protect the ladies we serve! * Honour the spirit and the letter of all alliances between Loreroot and other lands and guilds. Never attack any ally except in the context of voluntary training. * Strive to increase the combat worthiness of all knights of lower rank, but also of all newcomers to the lands of MagicDuel. Set an example of Valor and Charity to all in the world. * Never decline a duel. Never run from any assailant if weaker bystanders (allied or not) would be imperiled by your retreat. * Participate in each heads contest. Knights of the Half Moon should never participate in this contest by conspiracy or the friendly passing of heads, as less valorous contestants are known to do, but should instead demonstrate the valor of a single combatant fighting by his own strength and wits. * Enforce justice in the dojo regions and other areas where the strong prey on the weak. A knight should never fight when moved by base passion, but only in the service of blind and equitable justice. * Never attack a person who asks for mercy. [size=3][u][b]Knights of the Full Moon[/b][/u][/size] The Knights of the Full Moon are the explorers, ministers, teachers, diplomats, and strategists of the Chidren of the Eclipse. They will serve as the most public and virtuous arm of the Order. [b]Captain: [u]Karak[/u][/b] [b]Code:[/b] * Swear fealty, in front of at least two witnesses, to Firsanthalas, to the Sibyl of the Children of the Eclipse, and to Mya Celestia, who is the Empath of Loreroot. Let all know the Knights of the Full Moon represent an elite among the warriors of Loreroot. * Protect Loreroot, Firsanthalas, the Sibyl, the Empath of Loreroot (Mya Celestia), and any priestess of the Children of the Eclipse to the best of your ability. Do not sacrifice yourself needlessly, but coordinate with the Knights of the Half Moon to manage defenses of the Order, of Wasp's Totem, and of Loreroot itself. * Honour the spirit and the letter of all alliances between Loreroot and other lands and guilds. Never attack any ally except in the context of voluntary training. * Learn all the secrets of the MagicDuel world to the best of your ability, by first-hand exploration where possible and by conversation and instruction otherwise. Maintain strong ties with the Archivists and Legend Speakers, and offer service to them whenever the opportunity arises. * Complete quests and help other knights of our Order to do the same. With an eye to increasing your own power and the prestige of the Order, earn wish points and other favors in the realm. * Seek artifacts. Establish strong ties with Shadowseeker, Yrthilian, and other knowledgeable entities. If possible, obtain lost books and rare items before the Archivists can, so that the prestige of Loreroot and our Order will be (at the very least) enhanced when we charitably pass the items along for "safekeeping" in the MDA. * Instruct all entities in the ways of battle and politics in the MD world, especially with regard to the codes of chivalry and the aims of the Children of the Eclipse. * Participate in each heads contest. Knights of the Full Moon may participate in this contest by conspiracy or the friendly passing of heads, but not in conjunction with Knights of the Half Moon; instead, they should seek help from other Knights of the Full Moon or ideally allies from other lands, that the Order's prestige will grow among other guilds. * Perform acts for the benefit of other guilds, with an eye to increasing the prestige of our Order and strengthening its ties to other lands. [/center][/center] [center][center]___________ [size=3][u][b]Priestly Code of Conduct for the Children of the Eclipse[/b][/u][/size] [b]Most Holy: [u]The Sybil - Amoran K Kol[/u][/b] * [u]Ordination:[/u] Each priestess and priest of the Children of the Eclipse must be ordained as a member of the Priesthood. In order to qualify for ordination, a candidate must be a member of the Children of the Eclipse in good standing, must know at least one of the Priesthood's Core Principles,* must submit at least one prayer to the Order's Book of Prayer,** must swear a second vow of absolute obedience to the Sibyl in all matters, priestly and secular, and must be initiated into the priesthood. The priesthood is closed to Knights of the New Moon and Knights of the Half Moon, though Knights of the Full Moon may be ordained as priests provided they observe both the priestly code and the knightly code of the Knights of the Full Moon. * [u]Counsel:[/u] Every priestess and priest must demonstrate willingness listen to counsel from and offer counsel to other members of the priesthood, especially when making important decisions or discussing matters that may affect the Order's priesthood or the Order as a whole. * [u]Leadership:[/u] The priesthood is the leadership arm of the Children of the Eclipse. Each priestess and priest must demonstrate the capacity and willingness for leadership on a regular basis. Each priestess and priest must lead at least two (2) worship services per season (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall) and attend at least two (2) worship services per week. Priestesses and Priests may elect to organise battle circles in substitution for leading worship services, and may attend battle circles in substitution for attending worship services. * [u]Secrecy:[/u] The priesthood guards the Order's secrets and must maintain its secrecy. Priestly meetings and private rituals will be closed to everyone not belonging to the Priesthood, even other members of the Order including Lucius Tarquinus and the captains of the knightly divisions of the Order. Persons not belonging to the priesthood may only attend private meetings or rituals by consent of the Sibyl and unanimous approval of the entire priesthood. Furthermore, the Priesthood shall present a united front to all outsiders, and shall never discuss in the presence of outsiders any internal problems or other private matters under any circumstances. * [u]Liturgy:[/u] The priesthood is responsible for the conduct of all worship liturgies and other rituals. Each priestess and priest shall have the procedures for all rituals*** of the Order close to hand at all times. The priesthood of the Children of the Eclipse represents an elite among the elite. Failure to observe the Priestly Code scrupulously shall be answered by summary dismissal from the Order. *The Core Principles of the priesthood of the Children of the Eclipse include Light, Darkness, Cylicity, Time, Transposition, and Balance. It is not absolutely mandatory for a candidate to know one of these principles, provided the candidate is MP4 or lower and is prepared to swear an oath to learn one of these principles at the first opportunity. **Submitted prayers need not be wholly original, but researched prayers from existing "real life" or other religions must be modified to fit the realm of MagicDuel. All submitted prayers must be approved by the Sibyl. ***Public Liturgies of the Children of the Eclipse include worship services, administration of oaths, blessings of persons or artifacts, consecration of ritual spaces, and memorial services. Private liturgies include initiation into the priesthood and emergency elections in case the need arises to replace the Sibyl or designate an acting substitute. [/center][/center] [center][center](Thank you to Karak who spent time fixing this up.)[/center][/center] [center][center](Update: Changes made at the request of Tarquinus.) [/center][/center]
  11. row 8, column 6
  12. Yep, thanks.. I didn't know about this kind of issue before so its a bit odd to me, not that I pay much attention to heads lately.
  13. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='28 February 2010 - 11:41 AM' timestamp='1267378883' post='55498'] I wasn't referring to that post, but to the attitude of what you have said prior. Again, you try to find faults with everything I say, just so that you may appear to be right. You are playing with semantics again, these little games are getting tiring. Why are people so easily offended? Are you all that big of [Fill in the Blank]? [/quote] The thread name is not "Lets argue with Chewett"... The topic is about Otho Smith who has won heads contest and is now carrying a 50k head score, thus preventing people from scoring correctly. Now I recall that there was a heads contest where the contestants were allowed to participate twice, could this be why Otho's score is so strange? Or is this an entirely different issue?
  14. Hah! And people were guessing that it was something....intimate and fleshy! Lovely contest, apophys.
  15. Your gorgeous chick, and your greatly missed.

  16. I spotted Simplyzero online yesterday at wasp's totem, Simply also appears to be the leader of the DS... is it possible that Shoeps escaped by having Simply send him an invite?
  17. [quote name='nadrolski' date='24 February 2010 - 07:11 PM' timestamp='1267060294' post='55150'] Gave Macnia a Silver Coin, saw him logged in at the GGG and i remembered his st***dity that caused me lots of experience losses i still hate you though LOL [/quote] I'll give you a dollar if you say something nice to someone.. Well, I don't have a dollar.. but you can have a cookie.
  18. I'm glad this issue seems to be solved now, thank you Mur. I should hope such an incident doesn't happen again.
  19. Yes and apparently what was done didn't work.
  20. I had thought this was taken care of, but apparently it was not. I got online this morning to realize that Shoeps has posted yet another inappropriate log in someone's PL. This is by all means harassment, a player should have the right to wander through game without this kind of thing happening again and again. Can someone ACTUALLY do something about this [i]please?[/i]
  21. I gave an onyx shard to Falen because she has been extremely thoughtful as of late. She deserved something nice.
  22. Belated but.. Happy Birthday Jovan!
  23. Even if he's not around to see it... Happy Birthday Eden!
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