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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='17 June 2010 - 05:05 PM' timestamp='1276812310' post='62113'] I'm not entirely sure either...I remember seeing that player around, but yeah..can you honestly tell me you knew Elthen before this started? Might be that Miq and Pazur got alliances, I didn't keep track. I'm not recommending Aysun before talking with her (or him)..but I'm just saying that out of the list handed in so far only those 3 come to mind to fit the 2 criterias of being not too famous and not very political. Does anyone know where Aysun usually walks? Now I'm curious just what kind of player joined a while ago. Edit: In case anybody thinks the other way: That's the list in my opinion. Different views, different lists, obviously. [/quote] She usually runs around in No Man's Land, either at the GoE or at the Howling Gates.
  2. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='17 June 2010 - 01:43 PM' timestamp='1276800215' post='62089'] By default termination of the better known people, out of the list so far I saw leaves Miq, Pazur or Aysun. Which are also those I haven't seen on a less political side. Unless you people wish to have a better known person taking care of it. Is there anyone else? I don't think we have to pick someone with these 2 conditions, but we could suggest someone like that. I can't say much about them though, since I never talked to them much. If I went by profile, I'd actually recommend Kafuuka- but I don't think he'd want it, nor be online enough. [/quote] Thinking on it, Miq and Pazur are both in alliances which does not completely make them neutral... however Aysun is not a part of an alliance. She is fairly active and seems to look at things with a reasonable perspective and she is not quite so well known either. I think she would be a good choice. I would have to agree with your mentioning of Kafuuka as well, though I do not see him much.
  3. Perhaps Veteran is the wrong word for it, but would it not make sense to have the key's holder be someone well known in the community who is easy to contact? Plus Phantasm leads a neutral alliance that is established in the Tribunal lands it would make the most sense for someone related to the land to hold the key would it not? [i]Edit: had more to add.[/i]
  4. An active player.. Well, there are three players that come to mind who would be decent holders of the key, who are both trust worthy and fair. Each are active and all of them are veterans. Why not have either Phantasm, Pample, or Keith take up the job of holding the keys? Personally, I believe that Phantasm should take the job of it as he leads an alliance based in the Tribunal lands. I have known him to be fair, and have never known him to abuse his power or abilities.
  5. Divine Misdemeanors by Laurell K. Hamilton. Her writing style is similar to that of Anne Rice and Kelley Armstrong but the subject matter she chooses may not be suited for everyone. Either way she produces some very interesting books.
  6. I will use my creatures and my spells for this, I think. This should be fun!
  7. I forgot to apply! But I have said in game that I would like to represent Darigan and Mya. Edit: Do not worry about the silver coin.
  8. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='07 June 2010 - 04:31 PM' timestamp='1275946316' post='61307'] you wouldn't know me if you think it would stay on this Sharazhad. I curse this day to make me sharp my sword against my own, but this won't end here Firsanthalas, you just started a long journey. There are the ones who know about your treason on Loreroot from long ago, those who remember. The spirits of the old will hunt you down, usurper, and I'll do my best to please them, this is my promise. [/quote] Rhaegar.. You are my friend, Firsanthalas is my friend, and so many stand with you on this. But what you do not see are the words that lay between the lines. The conflict you both share is borne of the fact that you both want to improve Loreroot, both of you do, but you each have different methods of doing this and because of those different methods it has caused countless arguments between the two of you. You both are prideful and you both carry egos. You will come to find (I hope), as I came to find, that there is room for both of your egos if you would both be willing to look past the anger that each of you hold toward each other and see that you share these common goals. You can choose to ignore this post, or choose to negative rep me for it... but I have stood where you stand Rhaegar. I know exactly how you are feeling at the moment and I understand why.. but plotting against people who would support you does nothing good. Your argument and your anger is with Firsanthalas, not the whole of Loreroot. What would have solved all of this is simple communication, if you were both willing to communicate properly with each other with an open mind but neither of you were willing to do so. Call me on this if I am wrong, but neither of you were willing to go and speak about problems and issues and opinions without imposing each other's ego on one another because of hard feelings. I have stood in the middle of you two for a long time, trying to keep the peace...trying to keep things from exploding. Now I am worried that there is nothing I can do and that this incident will divide Loreroot more than unite it, which is all I had hoped to accomplish when I was leader of the Guardians. Should it come to that, I will not stand on any sides even if I am removed from the Eclipse and cast out of my land. There will be no war for me, not between friends. As to Firsanthalas' treason.. I made my peace with that a long time ago. The simple fact is that he held the same goal as I did. He also wanted to improve Loreroot and personally I found nothing at all wrong with him wishing to do so. That is all I have to say, do your worst MD but know you will get nothing but a pleasant smile from me. [b]Edit: Edited for grammar and sentence structure.[/b]
  9. I actually quite like tattoos and I find that its surely an honor to have someone wear your artwork. Unfortunately, I do not have any myself but if I can come up with the money, I may get myself one someday. I do however have at least 6 piercings, and I'm not done yet. I intend to have at least 8 piercings in the near future.
  10. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='04 June 2010 - 11:02 PM' timestamp='1275710530' post='61063'] Sparr has a GG loaded with tokens, and a bunch of rusties to boost it. [/quote] I didn't say he doesn't use tokens, I said he can go up against tokens with his stats and win.
  11. I will speak honestly about my opinion about all of this muck. I will say ahead of time that I do not care if you all decide to spam me with negative rep points because of this post. The Golden Globe hurts the game and helps the game. It hurts the game in that people do not properly learn how to fight and it unbalances the game because with the training area as it is, a lower mp level can gain high stats and excel more than that particular mp level is supposed to. (Mp3, Mp4) It helps the game in that it seems to have been the only thing that has held many people to the game. The training is boring, and is not always the most effective method of training, but it is similar to how willows was. Now my whole reason for wanting to keep the Golden Globe as a working training area after the MRs abandoned it was because MRD put a lot of work into trying to make it something useful for not only the MRs but for other people as well. Back in the days when Willows Shop was all the rage, I could not sit in the location and enjoy conversation because no matter what I did any ritual I put together got immediately plowed by Drachorns. So, I stopped going to the area and searched for other methods of enjoyment. I would stop by and converse, but I truly did not know much about fighting, and by the time I was almost a year old.. I decided that I should try to get stronger. I fought the old fashioned way and bought/traded creatures. Many creatures were given to me by friends who had decided it was time for them to leave. So, in essence, I learned to fight by old fashioned fighting. This did nothing for my stats however. The Golden Globe helped me get strong enough to fight the drachorn fiends and those who possessed tokens. It has helped me since I became a new mp5 since I was eager and willing to participate in the Heads Contest. I learned methods of training and ways of fighting by [b]experimenting[/b] outside of the GGG and [b]asking questions[/b] once I began to train. This is why I do not always agree with what is considered a "spoiler". Some things you simply HAVE to ask to understand. I have suggested multiple times that the GGG be reformed, that we should teach ways to fight as well as train. In my opinion, with tokens dominating the game and with so very little to do, I do not think that getting rid of the Golden Globe will achieve what the people who are against it want it to achieve. Perhaps if these people would stop whining about everyone gathering at the GGG and start asking WHY people gather there, they would understand. Some say stats have become useless, but in truth they are only another method of fighting. If your stats are high enough, you can defeat tokens (Sparrhawk is a perfect example of someone who can beat tokens with his stats)- and at least the GGG gives newer mp5's a chance to do that without spending so much money on the game. What I will never understand is why there has to be categories of people, you fight or you don't, you role play or you don't, you use tokens or you use stats... What is wrong with role playing, fighting, using tokens, and using stats? There is nothing wrong with it, and the fact that people don't realize this will hurt the game even worse than it already is.
  12. I was emailed this by someone who was sitting in the GGG during the time that redneck decided he would repeatedly attack those training within and I have heard that during those attacks he also decided to repeatedly silence those who were angry with him for attacking, to prove BFH's point.. I do not feel that this is the proper way to protest the Golden Globe. There are ways the Golden Globe helps the game and ways that it hurts the game, perhaps it should simply be reformed rather than destroyed.
  13. [quote name='genocidal' date='03 June 2010 - 07:44 PM' timestamp='1275612263' post='60929'] Sen no D no Be is what was said by the ghostly aperation of mya. From this it has come to be known that Sen stood for sentinal. Any more then this has not currently been found out yet. [/quote] Sentinel no Darigan no Betrayl? Hm.. This is getting interesting.
  14. Fun was spoiled? Wow, I couldn't tell. As to the quest, I am glad that this story quest took place, despite the difficulty of getting it started, it seems to have spiced up the game and added some interest, and a reward or two to work toward isn't all that bad either.
  15. [quote name='Udgard' date='31 May 2010 - 10:34 PM' timestamp='1275363285' post='60737'] I see a lot of dst =b And no.3 is definitely Amoran and Akasha. [/quote] I disagree! All of da cookies are minez.
  16. A surprise is almost finished. *evil cackle* I have a feeling you all will love this next batch.
  17. It is a lovely bit of writing, I'm glad to have read it. I did not know you were talented with words as well.
  18. I think it is well done for a first try after not having drawn for such a long time. I've got to admit, I'm not a huge fan of the anime style of art because it removes a lot of detail from an artwork, but I think you did well. I have a suggestion with the shoulder, perhaps smooth the rounded area a bit? A shoulder should curve (to show the area where the bone meets the socket) and then go somewhat straight. If there is muscle tone in the arm it would show up a few inches, maybe more from where the shoulder socket is. Here, I drew up a small example for you. I hope this helps. ^^;
  19. I am sorry to hear this but.. after speaking with you in YIM about your situation, I do not blame you. I only hope that things will turn out well for you and your family in the end.
  20. Your.. selling Eden's old avatar. :|
  21. I am in agreement with closing this topic. The forum does not need anymore flaming.
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